Lesson 6

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Template for written recording of plan of learning experiences from short (one session/lesson), to medium (series of lessons/unit of work). A range of examples are on your program Moodle site. As necessary, specific
information on how to complete this LEP is provided by your lecturer in a course.
Year level(s)



Implementation date(s)

Curriculum area(s)


60 mins

Students to plan and conduct an investigation of the length and direction of

shadows during the day.

26th August


NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards
(Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.)

Earths rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (ACSSU048)
Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE050)
Prior knowledge:

LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of
previous learning experiences)

Can recognise differences between night and day

That there are certain objects in night and day (Sun, Moon)
How to recognise a shadow
That the Earth and Moon move around the sun
That the Sun, Earth and Moon are different sizes
Planning out the investigation

Learning outcomes/standards:
LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be?
(Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience.
Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate for phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development
experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.)
Knowledge & understanding:

How shadows are made.

Changes in size and direction of shadows during the day.

Learning processes:

Describe how shadows are made.

Describe changes in size and direction of shadows during a
Observe light and shaded sides of objects in sunlight.

LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn?

DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual
learners? (Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.)

DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their

Manage Impulsivity
Help students be clear about the directions and demands of the
Due to a lot of the lesson being outside students will have to restrain
Explain to students the directions and demands of the way we as a the impulsivity to act out and disturb the class and other
Version 25 Nov 2011

class are to act while outside of the classroom. This will be done by neighbouring classes. If students do need to be removed form the
setting the expectations and having students removed from the class class activity they will also miss out on valuable learning time for this
when they are misbehaving.
lesson. Therefore it is important for students to remember to restrain


Learning procedures
LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey?
LMQ6 - Who will do what?
(Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.)

Dimensions of Learning
(DoL) focus.
including teaching strategies
to be used

LMQ4 - What
resources do I have at
my disposal?

Morning Session
Have students on the carpet and discuss the previous
Briefly explain todays experiment and Model how to make
the foam pencil and paper shadow tracker. (So the
students who finish their RAN folders have something to
Have all students fill out their RAN folders reminding them
of the different sections and to review all areas to make
sure their isnt anything else to move.
Students will come and get the materials needed to make
their shadow trackers. Assist any students having trouble.
(Leave the one I have already made at the front of the
class for students to look at).
Once students have all finished have them come to the
carpet and discuss the lesson that we drew our shadows
at 12pm and 2pm.
This experiment will be similar because we will be tracking
a shadows movement throughout the day. This time we
will be going out every hour with a black marker and
drawing the shadows line to mark it.
Re-introduce the concept of a fair test and explain that we
need to keep the direction of the shadow trackers always
need to be facing north to ensure that every time we go
outside they are in the same position and we are tracking
a fair experiment.

DoL 2- Help
understand the
importance of

RAN Folder

Assessment & feedback

LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner
has achieved the learning outcomes? (See
also the QSA Assessment Bank.)
LMQ8 - How will I inform others?
(Include moderation of teacher judgments of
standards if necessary.)

- Shadow trackers
completed sheets.
- Science Journals
- Class discussions.

DoL 2- Create
opportunities for
students to
discover or figure
out the new
information for

DoL 5: Provide
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Walk down to the path near the high school and have
students sitting on the grass.
Using my iphone or students in table groups could take out
Ipads and position their shadow trackers facing north.
Midday/ All day
Students will be going out
- 9am
- 10am
- 11am
- 12pm
- 1pm
- 2pm
Afternoon Session
Have students come and sit on the carpet and Model filling
out the table for the experiment results. Measuring the
shadow length using a ruler and matching the time on the
experiment to the time on the table and writing length of
the shadow in.
Explain to students that we are going to take our
experiments outside and track the last of our shadows
Students bring in their experiments in after drawing the last
line on the shadow tracker. And begin transferring the
data into the table.
Once students have transferred the data into the table
have them come to the carpet and Model how to make a
graph. Students have already done this during maths but
they may need refreshing of the concept. Discuss the
features of a graph and the purpose for using them to
represent data.
When students have finished making their graphs they are
to turn to a shoulder partner and analyse them using and
look for patterns and relationships, asking questions that
will be handed out to them.
- What is the story of your graph?

reinforcement to
students who
exhibit the habits
of mind

DoL 2- Create
opportunities for
students to
discover or figure
out the new
information for

HOM managing

Version 25 Nov 2011

When was the shadow the longest and shortest?

Can you see any patterns.
Hand out the questions worksheet for students to answer.
While students are working on their sheets go around with
Ipad and take photos of students graphs of different
Once all students have finished their questions come and
sit on the carpet and Airplay some of the students graphs
and discuss the result as well as the details of some of
the graphs.
LMQ9 - Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)?
(Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved? Learning diagnosis including individual
learning issues that need to be addressed.)

Version 25 Nov 2011

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