Horizontal Integration of Subject Area Competencies
Horizontal Integration of Subject Area Competencies
Horizontal Integration of Subject Area Competencies
of Subject Area
What is Integration?
- Problem, concerns, real to the students and in the community
-Students and teachers work together to select the specific topic of
interest to them and together they plan how, when, where, and why
they pursue it.
Program which is Genuinely Interactive
- based on topic substance and significance
-Develop desire for the learning process
- Develop skills and knowledge that are real to the student
- Build on and extend knowledge and experience
Horizontal Integration
• Interdisciplinary
-focus on study was survival in a changing world.
All subject areas were involved in the unit,
including a foreign language, agriculture, and life
•Multidisciplinary Integration
- Approach that has two or more subject areas
are organized around the same theme or topic
•Transdisciplinary Integration