Tutorial 1: SC-116 Algebraic Structures Autumn 2015 (Groups and Subgroups)

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Tutorial 1

SC-116 Algebraic Structures Autumn 2015

(Groups and Subgroups)

(1) Find all the rotational symmetries of the cube.

(2) Find the order of
i) 2,6,10 in the additive group Z36 .
ii)5,7,-7 in the multiplicative group Z12 .
iii)2 in the multiplicative group Z13 .

(3) Let G = {a + 2b R|a, b Q}

i) Prove that G is a group under addition.
ii)Prove that the non-zero elements of G are a group under multiplication.
(4) Let S be the set of all real numbers except 1. Define an operation on S by
a b = a + b + ab
i) Show that < S, > is a group.
ii)Find the solution to the following equation in S.

(5) Show that G = {z C|z = 1} is a group under multiplication.

(6) Show that the following subsets of D8 are actually subgroups.
i) {1, r2 , s, sr2 } ii) {1, r2 , sr, sr3 }
(7) Draw the lattice diagrams of the Z4 , Z2 Z2 , S3 .
(8) Determine if the following set of matrices are subgroups of GLn (R).
i)The diagonal n n matrices with no zeros on diagonal.
ii)The n n matrices with determinant 1.
iii) The set of n n matrices such that AT A = I.
(9) Show that if H and K are subgroups of a group G then their intersection H K is
a subgroup.
(10) Prove that if x2 = 1 for all x G then G is abelian.

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