Tws Instruction and Management Plan
Tws Instruction and Management Plan
Tws Instruction and Management Plan
progress critiques. These critiques were one-on-one discussions between the students
and the teacher. These discussions involved talking about the students decisions and
questioning what would happen next in their art. Here is where I enabled students to dig
deeper and make relevant connections. Numeracy is also something that was
incorporated in every lesson. Numeracy is seen in many parts of this unit but especially
when the students had to build 3-D furniture and objects for their space. Some students
used rulers while others measured with pieces of cardboard or tape. Technology was
incorporated when the teachers gave presentations through Smart Board technology.
We used research and images from online sources to show students current
contemporary art. We also included videos from the internet that would demonstrate
certain techniques or ideas to hook the students in.
would let the students explore all the projects. Here the students asked each other
endless questions and offered ideas and personal inputs. Once the students had a
chance to explore all the projects, we would gather as a group and ask the students to
raise their hand and tell us one that they wanted to look at more closely and why they
wanted to.
The Unit Lessons are attached below.