Jim Sherman - 29 Tricks Svengali PDF
Jim Sherman - 29 Tricks Svengali PDF
Jim Sherman - 29 Tricks Svengali PDF
C o m p i l e d By.
P R IC E 5 0
State L i b r a r y of V i c t o r i a
C opyrighted 1940.
To present
the various
tricks properly,
indifferent card on the top of the pack and give it a cut for
proper arrangement.
N O . 7 O D D O R EVEN .
The performer inquires whether he is to cut an even or odd
number of cards off the deck.
Upon receiving a reply thpack is cut and the cards arc counted for verification.
Not only will the cards cut correspond to the request but the
choicc card is shown to be either at the bottom of the scction
that has been cut off or again it may be the top card of the
bottom section, which ever the case may be.
Should the spectator request an even number to be cut, cut
the cards in the ordinary way; at any point, count the cards
removed and show the top card of the bottom section to be
the choice card.
If the request is for an odd number, the
cards arc held face downwards and are riffled in the opposite
direction w ith the left thum b; cutting them at any point,
count the cards cut off and in this case show the bottom card
of the counted off section to be the choice card. After the
count is made for verification, the cards are replaced to keep
them arranged properly.
N O . 8 C O IN C ID E N C E .
Five or six spectators each select ft card. The cards after each
selection are replaced in their own respective positions.
conclude the effect have the spectators name their cards at the
count of three.
In writing, this effect m ight seem simple,
however it really must be tried in order to see to what extent
it impresses the spectators when they discover they all se
lected the same card.
N O . 9 T R A N S P O S IT IO N .
A t this stage of your routine the spectators will be' dazzled
at your perfection and no doubt will wonder how you can
accomplish such effects. You m ight explain to them that by
merely snapping any card with the fingers a change is made
in the value of the card into the choicc card.
After this
statement has been made perform the following effect.
Have a spectator say stop at any time the pack is being r if
fled. A tte n tio n is called to the name o f the card stopped at.
The card is now riffled onto the others.
A t this p o in t the
pack is c u t and the apparent card noted is pushed o ff w ith
the le ft th u m b , face dow n upon the table.
(B u t in rea lity
when this card was riffled o n to the others a force card im
m ediately follow ed and it is this card th a t is a ctu a lly placed
on the table.)
A fte r the above procedure, the bo ttom section o f the pack is
placed on the top so th a t a fte r the card on the table is snapped
and then turned face upw ard, to show the change, i t is placed
on the top o f the pack to keep the cards properly arranged.
N O . 10 R E U N IO N .
T u rn the choice card face up on the top o f the pack and c u t
approxim ately one th ird o f the cards o ff and place them on
the table. C u t the rem aining p o rtio n in h a lf and tu rn these
portions face upw ard.
E ith e r one o f the heaps w ith an in
diffe re n t card is selected.
T he choice card is then turned face dow nw ard on its heap,
and the o th e r heap w ith the in d iffe re n t card is placed face
down on the top o f the choice card. N o w a tte ntio n is called
to the denom ination o f the card on the selected heap. The
heap is then turn e d face down and placed on the top o f
the other cards. W h ile doing this, a tte ntio n is called to the
fa c t th a t the choice card is separated fro m the noted card by
the o ther heap. N o w upon c u ttin g the pack once, the noted
card is then located and the force card below it is then shown.
T his impressses the spectators th a t the choice card has m ys
teriously traveled to join the noted card.
N O . 11 T H E M A S T E R T O U C H .
A fte r c u ttin g the pack a few times, atte ntio n is called to the
fa c t th a t the choice card is lost somewhere in the pack. U pon
m aking a statement in regard to yo u r sensitive finger tips place
the pack behind y o u r back or underneath the table and bring
fo rth the choice card, apparently rem oving i t fro m the center
o f the pack. T o accomplish the above effect i t is o n ly neces
sary to remove and b rin g fo r th the to p force card. Replace
this card on top and fo llo w w ith the n e xt effect.
N O . 13 R E V E R S E D C A R D .
The choice card is shown on the top, and the pack is then
given a cut. Upon spreading the cards, the choice card w ill
be found to have reversed itself. As in the preceeding trick
one prepares the pack for this problem during the Master Touch
Effect. W hile the cards are held behind the pack as outlined
in the above mentioned effect, the third card from the top
(a force card) is reversed.
Upon completing the Card to
Pockets effect, attention is called to the choice card being face
down and on the top of the pack. The pack is then cut and
the effect is brought to a climax by showing that the choice
card is now reversed.
N O . 14 T H E M A ST ER C U T .
The choice card is shown on top and a spectator is requested
to name any number of cards to be cut and placed on top of
it. The performer cuts approximately the number of cards
from the bottom and places them on top of the choice card.
To verify that the exact amount o f cards were cut, the re
quested amount is counted off the top of the pack and the
choice card is disclosed. Should the spectator request an even
number to be cut, the approximate number is then cut from
the bottom of the pack and are placed on the choice card. I f
the request is for an odd number, the cards are held face down
and riffled in the opposite direction w ith the left thum b, the
N O . 22 A P E C U L IA R C H A N G E .
As the pack is riffled the performer asks to be stopped at any
point. Place the bottom section on the top group. This brings
a force to the top of the pack. Remove this card w ithout re-
NO. 24 T H E M IR A C L E .
The pack is cut a few times and the cards are then dealt in
two heaps one at the time. This brings the 26 short force
cards in one pile and the 26 indifferent cards in another pile.
Have the spectator select a pile. Should he select the in d if
ferent pile, have him search for the choice card. U pon re
ceiving the acknowledgement that the choice card is not w ith
in the heap, spread the short or force cards face down on the
table and have him pick one. To his surprise the choice card
is picked. Should he point to the pile containing the force
cards spread them over the table and hand him the pile con
taining the indifferent cards and follow out the above procedure.
1. R u n the cards over and have someone pull a card out.
H e will always select the same card.
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