"Try To Bea Rainbow in Someone's Cloud." Dr. Maya Angelou

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Try to

be a

rainbow in
Dr. Maya


Monday 3/14: GL WK
- Attendance Committee Mtg 2:40-3:30(Feltons Room)
-All County Chorus 2:15-3:30
-BOE Mtg 6:00 CO

Tuesday 3/15: K-2 GL

-K-2 GL; K: (Penn), 1st (Hladilek), 2nd (Turner)
-GO FAR 2:15-3:30
-All County Chorus 2:15-3:30
-SSMT; 2:45 Guidance Office
Wed. 3/16: 3-5 GL; CLASS PICTURES (rescheduled from 3/8); schedule HERE
-3rd (Newnam), 4th (Pickell), 5th (McMillian)
-10:30; Gift Presentation from BELK (Reidsville Location)
-Chorus Rehearsal 2:15-3:30

Thursday 3/17: HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENT; 5:30-7pm

-K-12 Principals Mtg (Tina GONE ALL DAY)
-Arts Day Assemblies; schedule HERE
-GO FAR 2:15-3:30
-Chorus Rehearsal 2:15-3:30
-OCT DUE (Leslie & Tina)

Friday 3/18: HAPPY FRIDAY!! Week B Enhancement Schedule

-CO Learning Walk-Thru @ MSE; 8:30-12PM
-Chorus Field Trip; Spring Performances at Penn Center & Reidsville Senior
Citizens Association#GoodLuck
-NO Hallway Huddle; thanks for supporting H/W last evening & C.Reading
Bug tomorrrow!!! #brightREDlight@2:45
Saturday 3/19: Catch the Reading Bug Festival 9-2, RCMS; check signup sheet HERE for your scheduled time thanks!

-3rd 9-weeks ENDS 3/24
-Spring Break 3/25-3/30; TWD 3/31-4/1
-Spring Pictures 4/6
-Report Cards 4/7
-3-5 BENCHMARKS 4/11-4/14

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