Using Two Stay Two Stray To Increase Stu

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Using Two Stay Two Stray to Increase Students Speaking Ability

Atika Diah Putri Irmansari

This paper discusses about the use of Two Stay Two Stray technique to increase
students speaking ability. The students common problem is they are not
confident to speak English. TS-TS is one of cooperative learning technique that
students can discuss and share information with other groups. TS-TS technique
can make students more confident and brave to speaking more. In addition,
students should also more practice if they want speaking English well.
Keywords: Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS), speaking, cooperative learning.
In this modern era, English has become an international language in the world. People
use English as second language or foreign language. Lewaherilla (2011) cited Harmer (2001) as
finding Nowadays English has become one of languages people use into introductory language
in the earth. In English lessons itself, listening, speaking, writing, and reading are four basic
skills that students must learn. But now in here, the writer doesnt discuss all of them. The writer
will discuss about speaking skill. According to Sianipar and Sumarsih (2013), Among the four
skill in English, speaking is very important to learn since it can accommodate an interaction
process between a speaker and a listener (p.1).
Speaking is used whenever and wherever we are. We communicate with other people use
speaking. With speaking students can also interact with people around them. The students in
English department, speaking skill is really important. First, when we want to ask a question to
the teacher about the material, they must speak English. Second, they speak with friends also use
English. Next when they will present in front of their classmate, they also must speak English.
They speak English not only at college and home, but also wherever they are.
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Sianipar and Sumarsih (2013) found out:

To speak English is not easy because speaker should be able to master a lot of rules in
speaking English such as, pronunciation, intonation, fluency, tone of voice, stress,
vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherence, using of body language, and effectiveness
of communication. (p.1)
So, if students want to learn English speaking well, they must familiarize speak English
every day. But, there are some problems of students why they are difficult to speak English.
First, students have difficulties in using the correct grammar, intonation, and pronunciation.
Second, students feel afraid and shy when they speak English wrongly in front of their friends,
and then their friends laugh. Third, students just know some vocabularies, so they dont know
what they will speak in front of their friends.
In conclusion, the writer can solve this problem using one of the learning technique in
cooperative learning model using Two Stay Two Stray technique or TS-TS to increase students
speaking ability so that all students can be active in class. Students can also brave express their
opinion when learning in progress.
Two Stay Two Stray or TS-TS is one of the learning technique from cooperative learning.
TS-TS technique is modified from One Stay Two Stray by George M. Jacobs, Gan Siowck Lee &
Jessica Ball, 1997. The different from One Stay Two Stray and Two Stay Two Stray is just in
number of people, for the steps are same. Istiqomah (2013) cited Huda (2011) as finding One of
cooperative learning technique that each group can discuss and gives information not only with
own group but also other groups, this technique is called Two Stay Two Stray. Next TSTS
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adalah cara peserta didik berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan kelompok lain.
(Ngalimun, 2012, as cited in Fitriawan, Kusmayana & Iswahyudi). Then according to
Lewaherilla (2011) cited as finding Two stay two
stray technique is an interactive process which can be used to build knowledge or summarize
learning through sharing. It means TS-TS is the way students can share information, experience,
and the result of their assignment that have given by the teacher. They can share not only with
their own group but also with other groups.
TS-TS is a suitable teaching technique to be used in the classroom to improve students
speaking ability. Why the writer say that first, all students can be active when speaking lesson
started. Second, students can accustom talk in small groups first, then talk in front of the class so
that they can speak with confidence without scared the wrong grammar. Maulani (2012) said
that, by using cooperative strategy, Two Stay Two Stray, they were more encourage, could
understand the material easily, and concentrated more and spoke more confidently (p.xii).
Third, students can more brave express their opinion when learning in progress. Last, students
also learn a lot of new words from their friends, learn how to use the right grammar when they
speak and also learn how to correct pronunciation.
Let see the six steps below:
1. Teacher divides students become some small groups, each group consist of four people.
2. Each group discuss about the assignment that has been given by the teacher.
3. Two people from each group will leave the group and visit at other groups to share the
result and information from the assignment.
4. Two people that stay in a group, receive the two students from the other groups to share
the result and information from the assignment.
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5. Then two students who become visitors, they return to their own group and report the
6. Each group compares and discusses their result then one of the students from each group
present the results of their discussion in front of the classmate.
Previous Studies
The first previous study done by Dita Masyitah Sianipar entitled Improving Students
Achievement in Speaking Through Two Stay Two Stray Strategy. The subject of the research
was class X-AP SMK Swasta Harapan Danau Sijabut in Asahan Regency that consisted of 34
students in The Academic Year 2012/2013. The researcher wrote students often feel bored and
still keep silent in speaking class although the teacher had told them be actively in class. Next
they still confuse when they were speaking English, then they said it words by words because
they just know some vocabularies. They need a different way to learn more and the researcher
choose Two Stay Two Stray technique to improve students achievement in speaking. According
to Sianipar and Sumarsih (2013), The research conducted in two cycles consisted of three
meetings in each cycle. (p.1). Then the researcher collected the data by using quantitative and
qualitative data. The qualitative data for the instruments of collecting data used speaking test.
The quantitative data for the analysis used observation, interview and questionnaire sheet. On the
speaking test, students score were also improve in every test. The score of the first test was
61,47, in the second test was 67,41 and the third test was 78,52. On observation sheet and
questionnaire sheet, it can be concluded that teaching learning process run well and Two Stay
Two Stray technique helped students to speak more freely and bravely. So, students could be
active, confidence and enjoy the class.

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The second previous study is a final project written by Istiqomah entitled Teaching
Speaking Using Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) in The Eleventh Grade of SMA Miftahus
Saadah Wirosari Grobogan in The Academic Year 2012/2013.
Istiqomah (2013) found out:
First, to find out the ways the teacher use Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) as a technique
to teach speaking. Second, to find out the problems faced by the teacher and the students
in teaching and learning speaking using Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) as a technique.
Last, to find out the ways the teacher solves the problems. (p.x)
The researcher used qualitative research. The subject of this study is the teacher and the students
in teaching and learning process. The researcher collected data by using observation and
interview. The researcher interviewed the English teacher in SMA Miftahus Saadah Wirosari
Grobogan, Mrs. Erna Yhustin that she has done teaching using Two Stay Two Stray technique for
three meetings. Based on the observation, problems faced by the teacher teaching using TS-TS
are some students didnt pay attention to the teachers explanation and the teacher felt difficult to
make the students active in class etc. problems faced by the students are the students were lack of
vocabularies and they felt shy when they speak in front of class etc. Based on the interview, the
teacher considered that TS-TS technique was interesting technique and using TS-TS was useful
for teaching speaking. Then students motivated to speak English more with their friends and they
were enjoying having the class using TS-TS. Based on the problems above, teachers solution to
solve the problems are the teacher looked like more patient in giving the explanation, the teacher
tried to tell a funny story in the middle of the lesson that make them interest etc. The writer can
conclude that students and teacher agree that TS-TS technique was useful to teaching and
learning English speaking.
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From the two previous study above, the writer can conclude that by using cooperative
learning Two Stay Two Stray technique can make students more active in the learning progress.
Next there were no students who keep silent during the activity, they asked more questions and
speak English more during the activity using Two Stay Two Stray. Next the students also become
braver to speaking English since they have to deliver their information to other students in other
groups. Next the students are also learning about the correct grammar, pronunciation, and new
vocabulary from their friends. Best of all, the writer agree that using Two Stay Two Stray
technique of cooperative learning can help to increase students speaking ability.
Fitriawan, D., Kusmayana, T. A., & Iswahyudi, G. (2013). Ekperimentasi model pembelajaran
kooperatif tipe two stay two stray dengan metode problem solving pada pokok
bahasan persamaan garis lurus ditinjau dari kategori multiple intelligences peserta
didik kelas VIII SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Pembelajaran Matematika.
1(2). 113-122. Retrieved from
Istiqomah. (2013). Teaching speaking using two stay two stray (TS-TS) in the eleventh grade of
SMA Miftahus Saadah Wirosari Grobogan in the academic year 2012/2013.
(Unpublished Doctoral dissertation.) Ikip Pgri, Semarang.
Jacobs, G. M., Lee, G. S., & Ball, J. (1997). Cooperative Learning. Calle Cordillera: Kagan
Cooperative Learning.
Lewaherilla, A. (2011). Improving students reading competence through two stay two stray
technique. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Maulani, A. F. (2012). Improving studentss speaking motivation through the use of cooperative
learning strategy in grade 2 of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Yogyakarta II. (Unpublished
Doctoral dissertation.) Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta.
Sianipar, D. M., & Sumarsih. (2013). Improving students achievement in speaking through two
stay two stray strategy. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS Unimed. 2(2).
1-11. Retrieved from

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