Compassionate Pastor
Compassionate Pastor
Compassionate Pastor
Editorial Board
Managing Editor
Sr M Wilberta, BS
Contemplative and the Active
- Fr Pius James DSouza, OCD
Favours Received
Chief Editor
Sr M Lillis, BS
Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain
The cover page of the current issue of The
Compassionate Pastor has put on view the ordination
souvenir of Mgr Raymond Mascarenhas which is an
attractive picture of the merciful Jesus and His quote,
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."1 This 115 years
old souvenir was found in the prayer book of the Servant of God after his
death. The year 1900, the year of the ordination of Mgr Raymond was
also a Holy Year. The souvenir speaks volumes on the life and activities of
the Servant of God as a priest. Perhaps the picture alludes to the
multiplication of loaves wherein one witnesses the compassionate heart
of Jesus. On the top of the picture, we have the symbol of the heart of
Jesus burning with love. Mgr Raymond very often used to speak about the
loving heart of Jesus and strove to translate this love into action capturing
the daily situations.
"It is my burning desire that during this jubilee the Christian people
may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It will be a way
to reawaken our conscience too often dull in the face of poverty. And let
us enter more deeply into the Heart of the Gospel where the poor have a
special experience of God's mercy. "2
The long 86 years of priestly life of Mgr Raymond was one of countless
acts of mercy. He seemed to have such a passion to reach out to the
people in need of unmindful of distances, cultures or religions. Penetrating
into the heart of the Gospel, he brought to the poor, a tangible experience
of God's merciful love. Late Mr Simon Rasquinha, a renowned artist and
entrepreneur of Mangalore wrote: "In spite of his heavy burden of
constructing the new church and running two schools, he had great love
for the poor and helped them. It was he who started the St. Vincent de
Paul Society for the poor in Bendur and I think it was the first in the
diocese. Many of the young boys of my time were helped by him for their
Mt. Ch.5:7
Pope Francis, Bull of Induction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Misericordiae Vultus, 25
The Compassionate Pastor
only tell Him that we are sorry and we shall try to do better for the future.
He well knows the very difficult circumstances in which you were placed
and the many tricks of the devil in trying to deceive you, and therefore He
will be extremely compassionate with you. What did He tell our dear St.
Mary Magdalene? She is forgiven much because she has loved much.
You also love Him much now and the more you remember the past the
more you love Him and have the greatest confidence in His Sacred Heart.
Even sinners, although they may be the greatest ones, He does not like
them to be discouraged but He wants them to confide in Him. Has He not
promised Sinners will find an ocean of mercy in my Sacred Heart. *(3)
So as we enter this Holy Year of Mercy, each one of us could truly
learn from SD Mascarenhas that at the heart of Christian discipleship is
the grace and the gift of mercy. He lived it, he spoke about it and he
wrote about it. That is why he was able to found the Congregation of the
Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany because he truly believed that:
Jesus, seeing the crowds of people who followed him, realised that they
were tired and exhausted, lost and without a guide, and he felt deep
compassion for them (cf Mt 9:36). On the basis of this compassionate
love he healed the sick who were presented to him (cf Mt 14:14), and
with just a few loaves of bread and fish he satisfied the enormous crowd
(cf Mt 15:37). What moved Jesus in all of these situations was nothing
other than mercy, with which he read the hearts of those he encountered
and responded to their deepest need (MV#8). Servant of God Raymond
Francis Camillus Mascarenhas like his Master did likewise!
* 1, 2, & 3 (Quotations are from To You My Daughters: Letters of Mgr RFC Mascarenhas
by Sr. M. Lillis BS & Sr. Miriam BS; ATC Publications, Bangalore)
(* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad-based Jesuit Centre for
Human Rights, Justice and Peace.)
Address: PRASHANT, Hill Nagar, Near Saffron Hotel, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad - 380052
Phone: (079) 27455913, 66522333 Fax: (079) 27489018
The Compassionate Pastor
- Fr Norbert Fernandes
As I was reading The Compassionate Pastor (Vol 7, No 2), I prayed
the prayer to our Servant of God, as I was suffering a severe pain on
account of a partial stroke in my right side. The favour I asked from the
Servant of Gods intercession was the strength for my hand to write
something legible regarding his life from what I heard and felt of his
noble soul.
My main admiration of RFC is his Extraordinary Zeal manifested in
bringing out single-handedly the entire New Testament in Konkani language.
Though it was a translation of the Latin Vulgate it was clear enough to
understand the meaning in Konkani.
The first parish priest of my parish was a Living Saint. He was a
close friend of RFC promoting vocations for Bethany Congregation founded
by him.
The late Fr Maurice Paula told me that RFC was honoured in the
Seminary and when he was asked to mention his greatest achievement
as a pastor of souls, the Servant of God pausing awhile said: Perhaps
my teaching of the First Communion Catechism, to little children is my
greatest work. This is undoubtedly the sign of RFCs burning love for his
Lord Jesus.
The late Fr Gratian DSouza who was an altar boy of RFC was all
praise for RFCs holiness and preaching. As a result Fr Gratian became a
saintly priest admired by all. He lived with me in this house for the
edification of us all. The devil one day through a young lady manifested
this fact kneeling before Fr Gratian and proclaiming him truly holy. I was
a witness to this scene. If by imitation of RFC Fr Gratian became so holy,
RFC, the Compassionate Pastor must have been an exemplary priest.
The personal prayer which he offered to St Francis Xavier, his Patron is a
clear expression of the humility of a pure soul.
RFC is the author of the devotional book: Imitation of Mary. When I
attempted to bring out a Konkani translation of the short and sweet
reflections of a true son of our heavenly Mother, I had no money to print
it. But the intercession of the Servant of God provided for me enough and
more money from donors!
All these facts vouch for the holiness of his life.
The Compassionate Pastor
watchful dad; his youth with a deep spiritual insight to be a priest and
dedicate his life exclusively for the spiritual and social mission of Jesus,
priesthood as a fecund missionary reformer, and his advanced age as
founder of a religious congregation. He went straight without compromises
with the worldliness, and therefore he might sometimes appear to be not
accommodating or imposing his own way.
Indeed the project of God in him is easily completely realized. The
seed that was planted and nurtured grew strong and sturdy, self confident
and lofty like Oak of Lebanon on the luxuriant river bank of Lebanon to
bloom forth and produce the right fruits in plenty for the benefit of the
poorest in whom Jesus wishes to be found and be served. So through and
through, Fr Raymond was a missionary, a committed disciple of Jesus
bitten by the bug of radical fidelity to the mission of Christ; a clear and
loud prophetic voice like that of the powerful Elijah the prophet of Carmel
defending monotheism in Israel, to revitalize the church of his times with
a strong spirituality of Chrsitocentrism lived eminently by St Therese in
his days by affirming the dignity of every human being man or woman, of
the dalit or the tribal alike. Jesus at Bethany was the fixed point of his
spiritual life, where Martha and Mary do the one thing necessary: to love
him and serve him without compromises
He was through and through a simple disciple of Jesus. He just wanted
to love and live for Jesus alone and to spread the taste of spiritual wealth
to wider hungry humanity that thirsts and is hungry for Him. His
extraordinary holiness is simply the result of Gods achievement in him,
the fruit of his radical and unconditional openness to be faithful to Jesus.
He was an instrument and Jesus was his master architect. His being a
founder thus was not the fruit of his great planning or desire, but is the
best gift God gave him which he carefully and painstakingly nurtured, to
make his prophetic voice reecho from every hill and valley where the
economically poor and the tribals struggle to live. Today his dream is
greatly fulfilled with a few thousand Bethany Sisters giving shape to the
charism he received, affirming it as a truly the great work of God. Yes
indeed the mighty has done great things for him and holy is his name.
Lord and now you have to show your gratitude by living a very saintly
religious life. Like the Little Flower, try to do everything to please God
b) Zeal for the Souls: It is said that for the sake of souls he imitated
the virtues and dispositions of his model, the Little Flower.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, Foreword (ed.) Giuliano Vigini, Pope
Francis, The Church of Mercy: A Message of Hope for all People, (Bangalore, India: Asian Trading
Corporation), xii. In The Church of Mercy, readers get a first-hand look at Pope Franciss vision of
the good news of Christian hope and mercy.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, Foreword (ed.) Giuliano Vigini, Pope
Francis, The Church of Mercy: A Message of Hope for all People, (Bangalore, India: Asian Trading
Corporation), xii.
The Compassionate Pastor
Colin Brown, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, (Grand Rapids,
Mich: Zondervan Pub. House, 1975), 2:593-601.
W. L. Reed, Journal of Biblical Literature, (Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press, 1881), 23:35-41.
The Compassionate Pastor
be summarized under three basic truths: a) Mercy springs from the heart
of God6 b) that mercy manifests itself in Gods steadfast love and in the
incarnation of Jesus Christ and in his suffering together with us and for
our salvation, c) that mercy is to be the hallmark of Gods people.
Throughout Christian history the awareness of the continuing human need
for divine mercy has remained as a central part of Christian faith.
When God first describes himself to humans, he says, The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate
and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness (Ex 34:6 NIV). Without Gods
intervention, the world would not know compassion.
The Compassionate Pastor
2.1. Context
Taking a few cues from the responses to EG7 from persons in different
walks of life,I make an attempt to enumerate a few of the problems and
other related issues in this study. But, in view of mentioning the crises of
communal commitment I am trying to group various problem issues under
four significant headings: a) The dichotomy of our time b) Alienation from
others c) Spread of throwaway Culture d) An era Bereft of Godconsciousness. I hope this will help our endeavour to understand the
challenges of todays milieu and our responsibility to discern the movement
of Gods continuing mercy.
2.1.1. The Dichotomy of Our Time
The apostolic Exhortation starts with noting the great divide of our
time. At this point in history, it states, one section of humanity is benefitting
from a rapid advancement in technology and globalization. The lucky few
enjoy marked advances in healthcare, communications and technology,
while a large part of humanity struggles for basic dignity. Often, of these
two segments of humanity one is wallowing in abundance, the other is
fighting for sustenance. New power bases are emerging that bring greater
control to some, while exploiting and excluding others. As a result, an
economic system operating for its own benefit combined with an ethos of
indifferent relativism makes it impossible for society to truly work toward
the common good. This divide poses a great challenge to the Church as it
seeks to affirm the equal dignity of all persons. It further observes that
one portion of the human race is included in progress and prosperity,
while another is left behind in a crucible of growing violence where human
dignity is threatened every day.
2.1.2. Alienation from Others
The concept of alienation or estrangement is often used today to
articulate the nature of a religious problem. It is a sort of alienation from
ones fellows, since estrangement is a social or group relation that fails to
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel, published on 24 November 2013 to
mark the conclusion of the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope emeritus Benedict XVI. Mercy is the
key or the starting point guiding the Popes pastoral proposal. Behind that perspective is surely his
own personal experience. His Episcopal motto is based on the text of Matthews calling (Mt 9:9),
mentioned by the Venerable Bede, who in referring to this call says, He looked at him with mercy
and chose him. Henceforth the paragraphs of the exhortation Evangelii Gaudium will be cited in
The Compassionate Pastor
acknowledge the humanity of people.8 The isolation has not started with
the Internet. It is functional in the market society. With more isolation,
more products are purchased, and togetherness itself can become
commoditized. We inhabit today a world where we dont know our
neighbors, where faceto-face meetings are often appropriated by the
media, where the media frighten us by exaggerating criminality and chaos
so that people are suspicious outside of protected or formal venues. But
the need to stay connected is so strong that even a digital connection is
acceptable. The public profile which defines our digital world persona in
specified terms doesnt allow the subtle shades of our personality to be
recognized and appreciated. In a world so interconnected, we might expect
empathy and compassion to be increasing. But no! The me generation
of today is actually more self-centred and competitive than previous
generations, and less empathetic.9
2.1.3. Spread of Throwaway Culture
As a result of a globalization of indifference, human beings in general
have become incapable of feeling compassion: thrilled if the market
offers something new to purchase; and in the meantime all those lives
stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move
us. Almost without being aware of it, end up being incapable of feeling
compassion at the cry of the poor, of weeping for other peoples pain, and
feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone elses
responsibility and not our own (#54).On the one hand a fraction of the
population acquires for themselves comfort and material security, and
opportunities to make them efficient and self-confident, and to live in a
well-planned city and under organized social structures. But on the other
hand, the masses are not able to find even the minimum of clothing and
shelter; nor are they able to get even one square meal a day. These poor
are doomed to poverty and death. Hence the papal insistence on this
dimension, among others, of the need for the missionary to go forth
and of the understanding of the periphery as places of destiny. For God
continues to enter into the brokenness of our existence, to make the
divine home there so as help us to enter into anothers brokenness.
Robert Cummings Neville, God the Creator: On the Transcendence and Presence of God (Albany,
New York: SUNY Press, 1992), 282.
Ivo Quartiroli, The Digitally Divided Self: Relinquishing Our Awareness to the Internet (USA:
SIlens-Global Book Publishing, 2011)
The Compassionate Pastor
All religions speak of the greatness and absoluteness of God, also of His omniscience and limitless
love. But in Jesus and in His message, what is unique is His Self-emptying love or self-giving
love. (Phil 2:5-11). Cf. Joseph Prasad Pinto, OFM Cap, Journey To Wholeness: Reflections for
Life in Abundance (Bombay: St. Pauls, 2006), 186.
Stephen J. Binz, Being Disciples of Jesus, 38.
Henri Nouwen, Show Me the Way, Daily Lenten Readings, (New York: Crossroad Classic1992),104
Mohan Doss, ed., Led By the Spirit: Mission, Spirituality and Formation (DWS/ISPCK, 2008), 100.
Mohan Doss, Christ in the Spirit: Contemporary Spirit Christologies (Delhi: ISPCK, 2005), 167.
The Compassionate Pastor
To be compassionate means to come down to the painful situation of the other, to enter into the
skin of the other and feel with him/her. It is said that the compassionate Ramakrishna Paramahansa
used to feel excruciating pain within him while listening to someone in pain. That was his capacity
to enter into the pain of the other and remain with the sufferers pain. Cf. Pinto, Journey to
Wholeness, 180-181.
Pinto, Journey to Wholeness, 186.
The Compassionate Pastor
night-watch at the said sugar cane press, immediately he sent his car to
the spot with a message: Let the Sister rest in the car during the night.17
3.3. Eyes of Contemplation
Mgr Raymonds heart ached for this sector of his parish. As he turned
to God in prayer, soon it became clear to him that he must meet the
challenge in whatever way that might be open to him. Ultimately, he
conceived the idea of founding a Congregation with the double aim of
making religious life possible for many young girls and, to prepare apostles
to carry the Good News of Christs Kingdom to the poor and neglected in
various parts of the country.
3.4. Eyes of Mission
In his report to The Right Rev Dr Valerian J D Souza, the then Bishop
of Mangalore, Mgr Raymond himself writes, I have been greatly moved
by the great good which an Institute of this kind was calculated to do
among our people by giving an opportunity of religious life to many among
our girls who, on account of the circumstances of their education, means
and conditions in life, would have no facility for joining any of the Religious
Congregations existing in the Diocese, but nevertheless could be received
and prove suitable for an institute of this kind. As a matter of fact, the
circumstances of most of those that I have got together are such that
either they could not have the privilege of a religious life at all or would
have had to go outside the Diocese to find it.18
3.5. Eyes of Prayer
Noticing the Godly nature and spirit of prayer in Mgr Raymond, late
Mr V J P Saldanha commented, The very appearance of Monsignor was
God-inspiringHe was a man of prayer and a source of inspiration to
others.193 Having read and heard of his Godliness, the late Mrs Louella
Prabhu wrote, Not one, but many admirers mention how often he was to
be seen, reading his breviary on a pile of stones, near the Church, or
kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament with both arms raised aloft in
Bertha BS, From the Lips of the Founder, Mangalore, 1996, 305.
Rev Fr RFC Mascarenhas, A Report on Bethany to The Right Rev Dr Valerian J DSouza, Bishop
of Mangalore. (31 August 1928).
V J P Saldanha, An Interview with Mr. V J P Saldanha, on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee
of Bethany(1996). Mr. Saldanha was a literary stalwart; he had a distinguished career as a writer,
speaker, dramatist and poet. He was a parishioner of Bendur where Msgr Raymond was the parish
priest for long 17 years.
The Compassionate Pastor
prayer. 20
3.6. Eyes of Refuge
While recalling the compassionate heart of Mgr Raymond, a sister
wrote: Once I met a girl in our parlour who was found sad, disappointed
and helpless. She told me that she was denied the admission into one of
the Congregations in Mangalore and was told that only the Sisters of the
Little Flower of Bethany accept the candidates with minimum education. I
took her to our Founder, who not only treated her with kindness but also
accorded a warm welcome to Bethany21
4. Vision Perspectives
Exploring the pages of the Gospel, will help us understand, for
example, why Jesus would weep over Jerusalem, or why his cleaning of
the temple was such a striking event both for those who witnesses his
powerful religious convictions and for himself as well. The New testament
clearly portrays how Jesus by his words and deeds reveals the mercy of
God. Getting in touch with Jesus roots is a way of getting in touch with
him. 22Referring to the first Angelus message of Pope Francis, Andrea
Tornielli, the biographer of the Pope writes: To a world that finds it so
difficult to believe, the new Pope wanted to shout the same proclamation
as two thousand years ago, that this mercy is not a sentiment but a
person. His very striking way of recalling Incarnation-was a maternal
gesture: he held his arms in front of him and moved as though, rocking a
baby and said, Our Lady held in her arms the Mercy of God made
From what has been Explored we may summarize the eyes of mercy
of Msgr Mascarenhas thus: Captured by the compassionate love of God
manifested in Jesus, he was deeply disturbed and pained to see the choices
people made between the values of the kingdom and of the world and
allowed himself to be challenged and respond to the opportunities and
threats of his times. He was a man who treasured values, maintained
L. LOBO, Footprints on the Sands of Time - A Biography of Rev. Mgr. R.F.C. Mascarenhas,
Special Centenary Souvenir issue dedicated to the memory of Msgr. R. F. C. Mascarenhas
(Mangalore: Organ of the Catholic Association, 1975), 4.
M Paupera (Sr), Memories on Msgr Raymond, (28.06.2002).
Thomas Zanzig, Jesus of History, Christ of Faith, (Winona, Minnesota: Saint Marys Press, 1999),
Andrea Tornielli, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, FRANCIS Pope of a New World.
The Compassionate Pastor
Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus , Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy ,
(apostolic Letter).This document, issued by Pope Francis, given in Rome, at Saint Peters, on
11 April, the Vigil of the Second Sunday of Easter, or the Sunday of Divine Mercy, in the year
of our Lord 2015, the third of my Pontificate. It formally announces the Extraordinary Jubilee
of Mercy, which is to run from 8 December 2015 to 20 November 2016.
The Compassionate Pastor
his way of looking at the world and dealing with people. In other words,
we are invited to contemplate the altar everywhere, on the street and in
the open square. The compassion that is at the root of all the prophetic
action of Jesus is but an expression of his passion for a merciful God,
who demands justice for all his sons and daughters. When one is
compassionate, one does not decide, but rather surrenders control to
another, and is sucked into the situation. One becomes so present to the
moment that one is both chosen and choosing. This is Mercy. Human life
in modern times with all its brokenness calls for a response coupled with
a principle of compassionate mission for the Church today, a Church that
would reach out and open the hearts to those living on the outermost
fringes of society.
Francis, Pope. Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation, on the
Proclamation of the Gospel in Todays World (24 November 2013),
Trivendrum, Kerala: Carmel International Publishing House, 2013.
Francis, Pope. Misericordiae Vultus, Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary
Jubilee of Mercy , (apostolic Letter).This document, issued by Pope Francis,
given in Rome, at Saint Peters, on 11 April, the Vigil of the Second Sunday
of Easter, or the Sunday of Divine Mercy, in the year of our Lord 2015, the
third of my Pontificate. It formally announces the Extraordinary Jubilee of
Mercy, which is to run from 8 December 2015 to 20 November 2016.
John Paul II, Davis in Misericordia: Rich in Mercy, November 30,1980.
Available from; internet.
__________. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: Social Concerns. Sherbooke,
December 30, 1987. QC: Paulines, 1988.
__________. Redemptoris Missio: The Mission of Christ the Redeemer
December 7, 1990. Available from;
The Constitutions of the Congregation of the Sisters of Little Flower of
Bethany, Mangalore. 2005.
i. Books
Brand, Chad. England, Archie. Draper, Charles W. Holman Illustrated Bible
Dictionary, Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group, 2003.
Bertha BS, From the Lips of the Founder, Mangalore, 1996, 305.
Brand, Chad. England, Archie. Draper, Charles W. Holman Illustrated Bible
The Compassionate Pastor
Healed of Imbalance
I am Benjamin Betgeri, a retired police officer. I reside in Bombay .I
am 79 years old. I was under treatment in St Georges Hospital for one
month. I could not stand and had imbalance due to lack of blood circulation
to the brain. My speech used to be very unclear. I could not stand up by
myself and could not walk.
One day my nephew came from Sirsi, Karnataka to see me. He gave
me the prayer card of the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus
Mascarenhas and asked me to pray that prayer. Both of us prayed for
fifteen minutes together. I kept the prayer card containing the picture of
the Servant of God under my pillow before sleeping? In the early morning
of the next day I heard a voice saying, Get up, why are you sleeping. Go
and take bath. I felt someone was near me. Suddenly I opened my eyes.
With sleepy eyes, I got up without anybodys help and took bath. I was
alright all of a sudden. The doctors told me that I was cured and I was
discharged within a few days. Now I can walk without the help of any
body. My speech also has become very clear.
Mr Benjamin Betgeri, Mumbai 400001
Better Health
Since 2002 onwards I was suffering from dryness of the tongue,
mouth, lips and nose. I went to so many doctors. But I experienced no
improvement. Finally I prayed to God through the intercession of our
founder, the Servant of God R F C Mascarenhas. Now I am completely
healed of this sickness. Praise be the name of God.
Sr Benita Gratia, Mother of Mercy Convent, Gadenahally.
A Sudden Healing
I am writing this letter to testify a favour that I received after I
interceded through Mgr Raymond Mascarenhas. I had gone to Bangalore
on November 26, 2015 as I had to write an exam the next day. But soon
after I finished the exam, I got food poisoning. As I didnt know anyone in
Bangalore, I felt trapped and helpless. I was told by the pharmacist that
my food poisoning was severe and it would take 2-3 days to recover. But
I could not manage to stay there; I had to board the bus to Mangalore at
8:00 p.m. I started praying through the intercession of Mgr RFC
Mascarenhas at 6:00 p.m. and I was healed. I could board the bus. The
8 hour journey went smoothly without any trouble. I consider it a miracle.
Debora Lewis, Kadri Kambla Road, Mangalore
Fr Cedric Prakash belongs to the Gujarat Jesuit
Province. He is the great grand nephew of SD
Raymond Mascarenhas and currently he is the
Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmadabad based Jesuit
Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace. Being
the great grand nephew of Mgr Raymond, one can
find in him the traits of Mgr Raymond specially mercy, compassion,
justice and fortitude. He has to his credit numerous national and
international awards. In the middle of January 2016 he will be leaving
for Lebanon to render service at the Jesuit Refugee Service Centre as
per the request of his Superior General. This had been a long cherished
dream of his.
A professional writer is an amateur who doesn't
quit. Fr Norbert Fernandes is one such person who
never gave up his talent for writing even in his
disability to writing. He was ordained in December
1968. He has served as parish priest in several
parishes of Mangalore Diocese until 1989. He has
rendered his service as a chaplain at Rosa Mystica
for sometime.
Fr Norbert considered his talent for writing as a vocation to draw
people to God and wrote several articles in Konkani and English which
were published regularly in weeklies and monthly magazines. His depth
of spirituality and knowledge in the truths of life enabled him to share
a part of his soul to the world in writing. Having been inspired by the
Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas, and his zeal to serve the poorest of
the poor energised him to inspire others through this article. He is a
great devotee of Mother Mary. At present he resides at Vianney Home,
Kankanady and continues to share the word of God.
Rev Fr Joe Tauro, OCD was born in Bendore on
20th November, 1953, a Carmelite religious since
19th March, 1971, a priest since 23rd December,
From 1999 - 2005 he was the Provincial
The Compassionate Pastor