Short-Straw Bride
Short-Straw Bride
Short-Straw Bride
A n d e r s o n C o u n t y, t e x A s 1870
en-year-old Meredith Hayes balled her hands into fists as she faced her tormentor. Hiram Ellis! Give me back my lunch bucket this instant! Oh, Im sorry, Meri. Did you want this? His voice dripped sarcasm as he dangled the small pail in front of her. She lunged for it, but her hands met only air as the older boy snatched it away and tossed it over her head to his snickering brother. Meredith ricocheted between the two, never quite fast enough to get more than a finger on the tin. Why was she always the one to get picked on? Meredith stomped her foot in frustration. She thought shed gotten enough of a lead today after school, but Hiram must have been watching for her. Hed had it out for her ever since her family moved to the area last spring. Probably because the land they bought used to belong to his best friends family. Meri, Meri, quite contrary, Hiram sang in a ridiculously high-pitched voice, skipping in a circle around her and swinging the lunch bucket back and forth. A group of girls came around the bend and stopped to giggle behind their hands.
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Meredith asked for help, but they just stood there smirking and whispering behind their schoolbooks. Even Anna Leigh, her desk mate and the one girl Meredith thought a friend. Angry tears pooled in her eyes, but Meredith blinked them away. Shed not let Hiram win. Youre a bully, Hiram Ellis. Yeah? Hiram stopped skipping and glared at Meredith. Well, youre a carpetbaggers daughter. My papas not a carpetbagger. Hes a teacher, just like your sister. Hirams face scrunched up like a pumpkin that had started to rot. My sister teaches white kids. Not good-for-nothin darkies. Meredith raised her chin and repeated the words shed heard her father say countless times. Theyre freedmen. And they have just as much right to learn as you do. If those freedmen were still slaves, like they oughta be, Joey Gordons pa wouldnta been killed by Yankees, and Joey would still be here. Hiram glowered and strode toward her, his boots pounding into the earth. Meredith instinctively retreated a step before she remembered she wasnt afraid of him. You want this stupid tin back? Hiram growled out the question as he halted a couple of feet in front of her. Go fetch! He sprinted to the edge of the road and hurled the pail through a thick stand of pine trees. Meredith watched it fly, wondering why God thought it fair to give a mean-tempered boy such a strong throwing arm. The bucket clipped a tree limb and disappeared over a small rise. A hollow clang echoed through the pines followed by a series of quieter thunks as it tumbled down the back side of the hill.
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Meredith winced. Mama was going to skin her alive for bringing her pail home dented and busted. The only thing worse would be not bringing it home at all. Meredith glared at Hiram and trudged forward. Meri, no! Anna Leigh ran up and clutched Merediths arm. You cant. Thats Archer land. Archer land? Meredith looked around to get her bearings and swallowed hard as recognition dawned. Anna Leigh was right. No one steps on Archer land. Not if they value their life. Anna Leigh shook her head, eyeing the trees as if their branches might reach down and snatch her off the ground. Just let it go, Meri. She backed away, tugging on Merediths arm. But when Meredith made no move to follow, Anna Leigh released her with a heavy sigh. It couldnt be as bad as all that. Could it? Meredith gazed through the pines, to the small hill that hid her lunch bucket. Her heart thumped against her ribs. It wasnt very far. If she ran, she could get her tin and be back before the Archers even knew shed been there. Then again, everyone in Anderson County knew the Archer boys were trigger happy and plumb loco, to boot. What if one of them was hiding out there somewhere, just waiting for her? I hear they got bloodthirsty hounds that can sniff you out the minute your foot steps off the road. Hiram spoke in a low, husky voice. Dogs thatd sooner gnaw your leg off than look at you. Meredith told herself to pay him no mind. He was only trying to scare her. But she couldnt quite banish the image of a big black dog barreling down on her, teeth bared. You know Seth Winston . . . and his hand? Meredith didnt turn around, but she nodded. The man
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ran a store near her fathers school. He only had three fingers on his right hand. Travis Archer shot them two fingers clean off when Winston tried to pay a call after old man Archer died. Woulda done worse if Winston hadnt hightailed it outta there as fast as he did. And dont think youd be safe just cause youre a girl. They peppered Miss Elviras buggy with buckshot when she came to collect the young ones to take them to the homes shed found for them. Nearly put her eye out. At least . . . Merediths throat seemed to close. She forced a little cough and tried again. At least they werent hurt too bad. Only because they escaped. Hiram came up beside her and spoke directly into her ear. Five other men werent so lucky. They came out here at different times, each with hopes of buying the Archer spread. None of them were ever seen again. Hiram paused, and Meredith couldnt fight off the shivers his words provoked. Their bodies are probably buried somewhere out there. Something rustled just beyond the pines. Meredith jumped. Hiram laughed. She should go home. Just leave the pail and go home. Mama would understand . . . but shed be disappointed. I dare you, Hiram said, finally drawing Merediths attention. I dare you to go after that tin. Dont do it, Meri, Anna Leigh begged. Oh, she wont. Shes too scared. Hirams cocky grin resurrected Merediths pride. Crossing her thin arms over her chest, she glared up at him. Ill get it. Just see if I dont. The girls behind her gasped, and even Hiram looked a bit uneasy, which only served to bolster Merediths determination. She marched to the tree line, turned back for one last
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triumphant glance at the stunned Ellis boys, and dashed off in the direction the pail had disappeared. Her shoes crunched on fallen pine needles and twigs as she ran, her breath echoing loudly in her ears as she huffed up the hill. She stopped at the top and clutched her aching side as she scanned the ground for her lunch bucket. Something shiny glinted in the sunlight down and to the left. Meredith smiled and hurried forward. This isnt so tough. Her fingers closed around the handle of the battered tin, but when she turned to head back, the hill blocked her view of the road. Suddenly feeling very isolated, she bit her lip as forest noises echoed around her. A twig snap to her left. A rustle to her right. Then from somewhere in the distance behind her, a dog barked. The Archer hounds! Meredith fled, scrambling up the hill. But the sandy soil was too loose. Her feet kept slipping. She clawed at the ground with her fingers, to no avail. Another bark sounded. Closer this time. Meredith gave up on the hill and just started running away from the barking. The slope gradually lessened, and she spotted a flat section up ahead where the pines turned back toward the road. Aiming for the opening, she veered between the trees. As she looked up to gauge how close she was to the road, her right foot hit something metallic. A loud crack rent the air a second before a pair of steel jaws snapped closed on her leg.
Good girl, Sadie. Travis Archer folded his wiry adolescent frame as he hunkered down and stroked the half-grown pointer. We might turn you into a huntin dog yet.
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She still barked too much when she got excited, frightening off the game, but shed successfully pointed a rabbit and held when he called whoa, so even though the hare scurried away before he could get in position to shoot, Travis was proud of the pups progress. Lets try again, girl. Maybe well find some quail for you to flush. Jims getting tired of fixin squirrel mea An agonized scream cut Travis off and raised the hair on his arms. He hadnt heard a cry like that since his mother died birthin Neill. Sadie barked and took off like a shot. Travis called for her to stop, but the pup ignored his command and ran west toward the road. Snatching up his rifle, he gave chase. If a new threat had wandered onto Archer land, hed do everything in his power to protect his brothers. The barking intensified, and it sounded as if Sadie had stopped. Travis slowed his pace and brought his rifle into position against his shoulder. It wouldnt be the first time some greedy land grabber tried to draw him out, thinking four boys were easy pickings. He might not be full grown, but he was man enough to defend what was his. No one was going to drive him and his brothers out. No one. Travis wove through the narrow pines, catching a glimpse of Sadies black coat. He recognized the spot. It was one of several places hed hidden coyote traps. Hed posted warning signs, but some idiots were too cocky for their own good. Hardening himself against any pity he might feel for the interloper, Travis fingered the trigger on his rifle and stepped around the last tree that stood between him and his target. Hands where I can see em, mister, or Ill put a bullet in . . . The threat died on his lips. A girl?
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Horror swept over him, loosening his grip on the rifle. The barrel dipped toward the ground. D-dont shoot. P-p-please. The girl turned liquid blue eyes on him. I didnt m-m-mean any harm. Her tearstained face stabbed him with guilt as she bravely tried to swallow her sobs. I aint gonna shoot you. Travis relaxed his stance and set the weapon aside. See? He held his palms out and took a cautious step toward the girl sitting sideways beneath the tree. I thought you were someone else. I aint gonna hurt you. Although judging by the blood staining the edge of her ruffled pantalets, he already had. W-what about your d-dog? She eyed Sadie as if the pup were some kind of hellhound. Sadie, heel. The pointer quit barking and padded over to Traviss side. He motioned for her to stay, then gingerly approached the frightened girl. Im gonna get that trap off your leg. All right? She sucked in her bottom lip, her eyes widening as he approached, but she nodded, and something inside Travis uncoiled. Hed no idea what he wouldve done if shed gone all hysterical on him. Thankfully, this gal seemed to have a decent head on her shoulders. Travis smiled at her and turned his attention to the trap. His stomach roiled. The thing was clamped above the ankle of her right leg. She whimpered a bit when he reached for the spring mechanisms on either side of the trap, no doubt anticipating more pain. The metal chain clanked as she moved. Try to keep still, he instructed. Even when the trap opens, dont pull yourself free. Wait for me to help you. Your leg might be broken, and we dont want to do anything to make it worse. Understand?
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Another brave little nod. Travis grabbed the release springs and was about to compress them when the girl spoke. Can I . . . hold on to you? Closing his eyes for a second, Travis swallowed, then gave a nod of his own. Sure, kid. Her hands circled his neck as he bent over her, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. He cleared his throat. Ready? The side of her face rubbed against his upper arm. Mm-hmm. Travis pressed the spring levers with a firm, steady pressure until the traps jaw released. Once it clicked back into its open position, he gently removed her foot from the trap. I need to check your leg to see how bad it is. Her arms still around his neck, Travis rotated her until her back brushed the tree trunk. Rest here. He eased away from her hold and lifted the edge of her pantalets a few inches up her shin. The skin had been broken, and there was a deep indentation where the steel had clamped her leg, but shed had the good sense to keep still, so the bleeding was minimal. There seemed to be swelling and discoloration around the indentation, though, and that worried Travis. Can you move your foot? The girl flexed her foot and immediately hissed in pain. It hurts. Her voice broke on a muted sob. Just be still, then. Travis gritted his teeth. Probably a fracture. Im gonna look for some sticks to splint your leg with, and then Ill get you home. All right? Dont worry. On his deathbed, his father had made him swear never to leave Archer land, to protect it and his younger brothers at all
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cost. And Travis had done exactly that for the last two years. But today, he was going to have to break his promise. He had to make things right with this little girl. Had to get her home. Travis stood and scoured the ground for splint-worthy sticks while silently vowing that, before he went home, hed spring every stinking trap on his property. No way was he going to run the risk of something like this happening again. Hed thought that any troublemakers who found themselves snagged would be able to free themselves with a minimum of fuss and leave with a sore leg to remind them not to return. The traps were too small to do significant damage to a mans leg, especially through the thick boots most of them wore. But a child? A girl? Travis never even considered such a scenario. By the time he made his way back to the tree, the girl had composed herself. Whats your name? he asked, thinking to distract her as he fit the splint to her leg. Meredith. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and tied it firmly around the sticks just below her knee. Im Travis. Youre Travis? She said it with such disbelief that he stopped what he was doing to stare at her. She blushed and stammered. I just . . . uh . . . thought youd be meaner or bigger or . . . or something. Travis shook his head and chuckled softly. Thats exactly what I want people to think. Me and my brothers are safer that way. He looked around for something else to use to tie the bottom of the splint. Finding nothing, he took out his pocket knife and used the point to tear a hole in the seam at his left shoulder. Then he yanked until the sleeve pulled free and slid it down over his hand. He knelt back down and fastened it into place around her ankle.
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You know what you could do for me, Meredith? What? He made sure the knot was tight, then smiled up at his patient. When you get back and your friends start asking you questions, make me sound as big and mean as possible. The fact that I helped you get home can be our secret. Okay? Her eyes glowed with something besides pain, and she actually smiled. The weight dragging on his conscience lightened. Grab onto my neck againIm going to pick you up. Travis shifted to her side and maneuvered an arm under her knees. Wait! I need my tin. He pulled back. Your what? My lunch tin. Hiram threw it into the trees. Thats why I came onto your land in the first place. I cant go back without it. She twisted and tried to reach behind her. Hold still, Travis barked, not wanting her to hurt herself. Ill fetch it. He grabbed the beat-up pail and handed it to her. Meredith cradled it to her middle, and Travis decided that if he ever met this Hiram person, hed find another pail and give the numskull a wallop or two upside the head. Travis slid his arms around Meredith and lifted her from the ground. The little warrior never cried out, just tightened her grip on his neck as he pushed to his feet. He examined the ground for the smoothest path to the road, even when it meant going out of his way. It was crazy, reallythis urge to protect her. Hed spent the two years since his father died building barriers to keep the outside world out. But when this slip of a girl looked at him with trust blazing in her bright blue eyes, all he could think about was protecting the one piece of the outside world that had found a way in.
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When he made it to the border of his property, Travis halted and inhaled a deep breath as his gaze tilted up toward heaven. Sorry, Pa. I gotta do it. Then, with a prayer for his brothers safety resounding in his mind, he leaned forward and stepped off Archer land.
PA l e s t i n e , t e x A s 1882
dont think I can do it, Cass. Meredith peered up at her cousin through the reflection in the vanity mirror. Cassandra pulled the hairpin from her mouth and secured another section of Merediths braided chignon. Do what? Marry a man who wants me only for the land I can bring him. How do you know thats all he wants? Cassandra leaned down until her face was level with Merediths and winked at her in the mirror. If you ask me, the man seems rather smitten, paying calls on you every Saturday night for the last month. Calls where he spent more time discussing the lumber industry with her uncle than conversing with her. Wouldnt a man who was smitten spend his time talking to the woman he hoped to marry rather than her guardian? Meredith sighed and turned to face her younger cousin. I know I should be thrilled. Uncle Everett has told me again and again that Roy Mitchell is an excellent catch, and your mama nearly swooned when she found out hed proposed. But something doesnt feel right.
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Maybe thats because saying yes would mean letting go of a girlhood dream. Meredith squirmed under her cousins knowing look. Cassandra was the only person Meredith had ever told about her infatuation with Travis Archer. An infatuation based on a single encounter. It was silly, really. What girl would dream about a young man whose hunting trap had nearly taken off her leg? Yet something about Travis Archer had left a permanent impression upon her heart. Cassandra understood that. During holidays and family visits, the two cousins used to huddle together beneath the covers of Cassandras bed and spin romantic tales of the heroes who would valiantly rescue them from rockslides and stampeding cattle and even a polar bear or two when they were feeling particularly inventive. Merediths hero always wore Travis Archers face. Even now, she couldnt stop herself from imagining what he must look like twelve years later. Hed been handsome as a youth. What would he look like as a man? Standing abruptly and moving to the open wardrobe where she could riffle through her dresses instead of looking at her cousin, Meredith mentally crammed Travis back into the past, where he belonged. Goodness, Cass. Im far too sensible to hold on to a bunch of silly daydreams. I put those thoughts from my mind years ago. Cassandra reached around her and took down the rosecolored dress Meredith only wore for special occasions. You might have put Travis from your mind, but I think he still claims a piece of your heart. Meredith reluctantly accepted the polonaise and matching skirt and laid them on the bed. But instead of removing her
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wrapper to dress, she hugged her arms around her waist and flopped onto the mattress. Youre right. And where did that leave her? She hadnt seen the man once since that day. It was doubtful he even remembered her. If he did, the memory was probably a vague recollection of some scrawny kid whod gotten caught trespassing. Not exactly a vision to inspire romantic feelings. Besides, none of the Archers ever stepped foot off their land. Waiting for Travis would be about as fruitful as waiting for a snowstorm in July. Give Mr. Mitchell a chance, Meri. Maybe hes the kind of man who doesnt know how to express his feelings. Cassandra sat beside her on the bed and patted her knee. Itll be just the two of you today at lunch. Papa wont be around to distract him with business talk. Get to know him. You might be surprised by what he can offer you. Meredith glanced sideways at her cousin, a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth. You know . . . Im supposed to be the wise one here, not you. I may be three years younger, Cassandra said with a wink, but that doesnt mean I dont know a thing or two about men. I cant argue with that. Youve probably collected more courting experience in the past two years than Ive had in the last five. Meredith smiled and nudged her cousin with her shoulder. Look at the way Freddie Garrett follows you around. Freddie Garretts barely fifteen, you goose. He doesnt count. Cassandra grabbed a pillow and swatted Meredith on the chin. Meredith, of course, had to retaliate. The two dodged and giggled until their sides ached so much they had to stop. I think youre going to have to fix my hair, Meredith
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said as she blew a loose strand off her forehead. The ornery thing fell right back across the bridge of her nose, which set the two girls to laughing again. Cassandra gained her feet first. Come on, she said between chuckles. Lets get you dressed, and Ill see what I can do about your hair. Twenty minutes later, dressed in her best polonaise with her hair artfully rearranged, Meredith stood by the window looking out over the street. Her cousin had kissed her cheek and wished her well a few minutes ago and left her to gather her thoughts before her suitor arrived. The only problem was, her thoughts were so scattered, Meredith was sure shed never pull them together in time. Roy Mitchell had many admirable traits. He was ambitious and prosperous, and would certainly support a wife in fine style. His dark hair and eyes were handsome to look upon, and his manners were impeccable. Yet he stirred no strong feelings in her. And as far as she could tell, she stirred none in him. What am I to do, Lord? Do I marry Roy and hope that affection comes, or do you have someone else in mind for me? Please make your will clear to me. A brisk knock sounded on the door, but before Meredith could answer, her aunt swept into the room, her brows lifted in a scrutinizing arch. Im glad to see you had the good sense to dress for the occasion. Meredith bit her tongue. After living with the disapproving woman for several years, shed learned to speak as little as possible during their private . . . discussions. Come here, child, and turn around so I can see you. Trying to ignore the child remark, Meredith did as instructed while her aunt clicked her tongue and sighed like a martyr who had been given a heavy cross to bear.
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Can you do nothing more to disguise that awful limp? We cant have Mr. Mitchell second-guessing his offer before the engagement is official. Ive already done all I can to ensure you every advantage. Cassandra has strict instructions not to enter the parlor while hes here. Dont want the man drawing unfavorable comparisons, do we? Aunt Noreen narrowed her gaze, as if she could sense Merediths inner doubt. Youd best not do anything to sabotage this proposal, she said, shaking her finger under Merediths nose. Everett and I have too much riding on this for you to dillydally around. The man expects an answer today. And that answer had better be yes. When Meredith had asked God for guidance, shed never expected him to shove it down her throat with a dose of her aunts less-than-flattering opinions. Was this really the answer she sought? Was God speaking through Aunt Noreen, or was Aunt Noreen just spouting her own agenda? Meredith didnt mind rebelling against her aunt, but rebelling against God was another matter entirely. Needing to get away from the waving finger in order to think straight, Meredith stepped over to the wardrobe to collect her shawl, exaggerating her limp as she went. When Aunt Noreen moaned, Meredith smiled. She knew it was petty of her, but she refused to let the woman browbeat her without striking back at least a little. In reality, the hitch in her gait was barely noticeable except on those days when she overexerted herself. Years ago, the doctor had explained that the bone damage shed sustained from the steel trap had hindered the completion of normal growth in her right leg, eventually causing it to be slightly shorter than her left. With custom-made shoes that added half an inch of height to the right heel, she got along without much
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trouble. Unfortunately, Aunt Noreen tended to see mountains where the rest of the world saw only molehills, especially when it came to Merediths shortcomings. Wrapping her ivory shawl around her shoulders, Meredith stared at the silky fringe instead of her aunt as she cautiously ventured into the conversation. Papa always encouraged me to choose a husband with utmost care since the bond would last for life. I aim to follow his advice. Roy Mitchell has many fine qualities, but I need more time to get to know him before I can make this decision with confidence. She glanced up and found scowl lines furrowing Aunt Noreens brow. Todays luncheon will certainly help me achieve those ends, Meredith hurried to add. More time? The woman sounded as if the words were choking her. Aunt Noreen eyed the open doorway and prowled three steps closer to Meredith. Did I ask for more time when your father requested lodgings for you in my home so that you could attend the Palestine Female Institute five years ago? she hissed. No. And two years after that, when your fathers dealings with those . . . those Negros finally resulted in the end I predicted, did not Everett and I give you a permanent home? Meredith swallowed hard, trying to fight the memories of the fever that had taken first her papa and then her mother. They hadnt allowed her to come home, too afraid shed catch the sickness. Shed tried to go to them anyway, but when her father refused to unbar the door and gazed at her through the front window, palm pressed to the glass, sunken eyes silently pleading with her to leave, shed had no choice. She returned to her aunt and uncles house and wept in Cassies arms. My food has fed you, Aunt Noreen muttered, bring
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Meredith back to the present. Your uncles income has provided a roof over your head. Youve been given more than enough time. Noreen sniffed and crossed her arms, looking uncomfortable as her focus jumped to the doorway before returning to Meredith. You might not be aware, but your uncles business has experienced some setbacks in the last few years. We need the stability that a connection with Roy Mitchell would provide. Hes promised to partner with Everett once his land deal goes through. All his lumber will be cut exclusively by the Hayes mill. But the deal hinges on your marriage. No marriage, no partnership. Because Roy Mitchell needed her landthe land her father had left in her uncles care, intending that he restore it to Meredith when she married or turned twenty-five. Would you jeopardize Cassandras future simply because youre unsure of your feelings? Meredith blinked. If she refused Roy Mitchells proposal, would she be hurting Cassandra? Footsteps echoed in the hall outside the room for a moment before Cassandras smiling face appeared in the doorway. Papa sent me to fetch you, Meri. Your suitors here. Aunt Noreen gave her a pointed look and nudged her toward the door. Go on, now. Lets not keep Mr. Mitchell waiting. As Meredith stepped into the hall, Cassies eager smile, so full of innocence and romantic dreams, lit up her face. Guilt pricked at Meredith like a row of sewing pins protruding through her corset seam. Cassandra deserved the best, and if marrying Roy would provide her cousin that opportunity, perhaps Meredith should make the sacrifice.
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Yet when she entered the parlor and Roy walked toward her, she couldnt quite stem the quivers of panic that convulsed in her stomach. Lord, I asked for guidance, and so far everything seems to point me toward marrying Roy. But if you have another plan, any other plan, Id gladly consider it. Roy extended his arm to her, and Meredith fought for a polite smile as she slid her hand into its expected place.
y the time Meredith finished her slice of chocolate cake, shed given up on finding common ground with Roy Mitchell. After the soup, shed asked him what he enjoyed doing in his free time, and hed answered that he was fond of traveling. This perked her up initially, until his description of a recent trip to Houston turned into a quarter hour of rambling about the areas booming lumber industry. Then, when the waiter arrived with their entres, blessedly interrupting the Ode to the Big Thickets Virgin Pine, Meredith slipped in a question about what he liked to read. Roy smiled and confidently assured her that he much preferred to experience things firsthand rather than read someone elses view on the subject. For example, he said as he leaned across the table in obvious enthusiasm, Ive made careful study of the lands here on the edge of the Piney Woods. Acres of forest stand virtually untouched, just waiting for the right man with the right vision to capitalize on the opportunity. Reading books only teaches a person about the past. Im a man who looks to the future. He went on to describe how his forward thinking led him to line up a handful of investors to supply capital for the
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manpower and equipment hed need to expand his small logging operation. All he lacked were a few parcels of land that would allow him direct access to the railroad. And those he would soon have in his possession. Desperate by the dessert course, Meredith broke all the etiquette rules her mother had taught her and asked about religion, questioning Roy about the role he expected God to play in his expansion plans. The man chuckled and offered some sort of platitude about God helping those who helped themselves before he tucked into his apple pie. The meal could not have left her more disheartened. She supposed Roy was simply attempting to convince her of his ability to provide for a wife, but what hed succeeded in doing instead was paint a dreary picture of the two of them sitting on a porch, staring at a field of tree stumps with no fodder for conversation because all the virgin pines were gone. Are you ready to go, my dear? Meredith blinked. Oh . . . yes. She dabbed her lips with her napkin and smiled up at Roy as he hurried around the table to assist her with her chair. Thank you for a lovely meal. I dont often get to eat in such elegant surroundings. That will change once were married. As my wife, youll dine in the finest establishments in the state. Houston, San Antonio, even the capital. Mmmm. Meredith couldnt seem to vocalize anything more committal as Roy helped her on with her shawl and escorted her from the hotel dining room. The two strolled down the boardwalk in front of the International Hotel in silence, and for the first time since leaving her uncles house, Meredith relaxed. Maybe being with Roy wasnt so bad after all. His firm grip steadied her uneven gait, and the people they passed didnt look through her as they
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usually did. Men tipped their hats and women gazed at her with new respect. Being on Roy Mitchells arm apparently made her a person worth noticing. But did it make her the person she wanted to be? A hat in the milliners window caught Merediths eye, and she slowed. Ever the gentleman, Roy steered her closer to the shop, but she found it nearly impossible to concentrate on the bonnet, for she could feel him scrutinizing her face. Have you given much thought to my proposal, Miss Hayes? Merediths stomach lurched. Not yet. She wasnt ready. He released her arm and placed his palm in the small of her back. I confess, I have thought of little else, he murmured. The warmth of his hand penetrated her clothing, but the intimate touch left her chilled. Lord, I need a sign here. A hint. Anything. Mr. Mitchell? Roys hand fell away from her back as he turned to face the burly man approaching him from the street. Nows not a good time, Barkley. Im sorry to interrupt, sir, but its important. Roy held his hand out to Meredith, and she took it, letting him drag her to his side. Nothing could be more important than what Im doing right now. What he was doing right now was pressing her for an answer she was unprepared to give. Mr. Barkleys interruption could not have pleased her more. I dont mind, Roy, she said. Truly. Roy patted her hand. Nonsense. Im sure whatever Barkley has to say can wait until after I see you home. But he says its important, she insisted, praying hed do the unchivalrous thing for once. Id hate to be the cause of a delay that ended up hurting your business ventures.
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Roy hesitated. He glanced back to where Mr. Barkley stood shifting his weight from foot to foot. Can it wait an hour? You . . . ah . . . you said you wanted to be informed the minute Wheeler returned with an answer, boss. The man finally looked Roy directly in the eye, and a silent message seemed to pass between them. Hes back. Meredith held her breath as Roy battled with himself over which course to choose. Then he squeezed her hand, and she knew shed been granted a reprieve. Im sorry, my dear, but this really is an urgent matter. I promise not to be long. Take as much time as you need. Meredith slipped her hand from his loose hold and wandered back toward the shop window. I wanted to examine the new bonnets more closely anyway. Roy favored her with an appreciative grin and gestured for Mr. Barkley to meet him at the end of the boardwalk. The two met at the edge of the milliners shop and ducked into the alley that stretched alongside. Meredith had just set her mind to figuring out a way to postpone responding to Roys proposal when the mans voice echoed back to her from around the corner. Hes back from the Archer spread already? That doesnt bode well. The Archer spread? As in Travis Archer? Meredith strained to hear more, but Roys voice faded as he walked deeper into the alley. Meredith ambled down to the far end of the display window, careful to keep her eyes on the hats while diverting all her focus to her ears. A wagon rolled past, harness jangling and horse hooves clomping, making her want to scream in frustration as the mens words got lost in the din. Giving up
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on the hats, Meredith moved to the buildings corner and pressed her shoulder against the brick, getting as close as she dared without being seen. Thankfully, the noisy wagon turned down an adjacent street, and she could finally catch pieces of the conversation again. . . . cant be convinced to sell? Wheeler offered him twice what the propertys worth . . . man threatened to shoot . . . aint selling, boss. . . . connects the northern properties to the railroad. . . . my investors will pull out. I have to . . . one way or another. I thought . . . Hayes spread, too. Thats in the bag. You . . . that crippled gal was hanging on to me. Ill have my . . . deed before the month is out. No, Archer . . . only serious obstacle. Meredith sucked in an outraged breath. Crippled gal? Of all the nerve. If he thought he was going to get his greedy hands on her fathers legacy that easily, he couldnt be more wrong. Why, she had half a mind to . . . issue my threat? Threat? What threat? Meredith shoved aside her indignation and fixed her attention back on the men in the alley. Yep. Wheeler warned . . . didnt sell thered be consequences. Good. Burn . . . . tonight. Target the barn. Then . . . offer half the previous price to take . . . off their hands. Meredith gasped. Roy had just ordered an act of arson with the same nonchalance as hed ordered their beefsteak at the hotel. God had given her a sign, all right, and it clearly read Stay Out! But what about Travis? Fires could be deadly. She had to do something to help him.
Short-Straw Bride
One set of footsteps echoed in retreat while a second grew louder. Meredith lunged awkwardly back to the window, her pulse throbbing. Have you decided which you like best? Roy came up beside her, once again the solicitous gentleman. Revulsion crept over her, but Meredith forced herself not to shy away. She wanted to spit on him or slap him or shove him off the boardwalk and into the mud where he belonged, but she couldnt do any of those things without tipping him off that she had overheard his plans. So she smiled instead, vowing to beat him at his own game. Im leaning toward the blue one with the flowers. What do you think of it? I think it would look lovely on you. But then, you have a way of making everything lovely. He smiled and lifted a finger to stroke her cheek. Merediths stomach roiled. Oh dear. She quickly covered her mouth with one hand and her stomach with the other, thanking God for the excuse to cut their time together short. I think something from lunch may not be agreeing with me. That something being Roy Mitchell. An impatient frown darkened Roys face before he quickly replaced it with a look of concern. Would you like to sit and rest for a moment? Theres a bench outside the drugstore across the street. No. I think I should lie down. She hunched herself over and added a quiet moan for good measure. Can you take me home, please? Are you sure? Meredith nodded vigorously, keeping her hand over her mouth.
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Very well. Roy took her arm and helped her navigate the three blocks back to her uncles house. When they reached the front gate, however, he used his grip to slow her to a halt. Im so sorry to have ruined our afternoon, she blurted, not wanting to give him the chance to ask her anything. Besides, the longer she thought about what he planned for Travis, the more ill she truly became. She looked up at the brick house, longing for the escape it promised. Meredith, darling, Roy said, turning her to face him, please, just tell me that I can move ahead with our wedding plans. The idea was so nauseating, Meredith didnt have to prevaricate. Her stomach began to heave all on its own. Roy must have seen the truth in her face as she bent forward, for his eyes widened and he quickly stepped back. Meredith covered her mouth and ran for the house. Ill come by later this evening, Roy called after her, but Meredith didnt slow until she was safely inside. The kitchen stood empty, so Meredith made her way to the sink pump, hoping that a glass of cool water would help settle her stomach. She needed to calm her body so her mind could focus on how to help Travis. If Roys henchmen planned to strike tonight, that left her precious little time to strategize. The Archer ranch was a good two and a half hours ride to the north. A well-conditioned horse could possibly shave thirty minutes off that time, but that still left her less than an hour to implement a course of action. Mercy me, Miss Meri. You look like someone done wrung you out and hung you up to dry. You all right? Eliza, the cook Merediths aunt employed, strode into the room cradling a selection of carrots, onions, and potatoes in her upturned apron.
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Meredith managed a wan smile. Im not feeling well, Im afraid. Is Uncle Everett back from Neches yet? I need to speak with him. Not for the first time, Meredith longed for her own fathers counsel instead of her uncles. She missed the days of occasionally riding beside him in the buggy out to the freedmens school he continued to run even after the Freedmens Bureau shut downmissed the talks they had, the dreams they shared. Papa wouldve known what to do about Roy and Travis. But Papa was gone. Eliza dropped the vegetables into a wash pan with a cascade of thumps, then shook her apron out over the dry sink. Master Hayes told me not to expect him till suppertime. Merediths shoulders sagged. Suppertime would be too late. Miss Meri, you better go up to bed and rest some. Youre looking right peak-ed. I dont need Meredith stopped herself as she recalled Roys promise to return. Well, maybe I will. Shed not want to face her aunt, either. In fact, with my stomach as unsettled as it is, Ill probably forgo dinner tonight. Would you mind asking Aunt Noreen not to wake me? Of course, child. You go rest. Why was it when Aunt Noreen called her a child she felt degraded, but when Eliza did it, she felt nurtured? Meredith set her half-empty glass on the table, the churning in her abdomen finally beginning to subside. And in case ya get hungry later, Eliza said, pointing to the cookstove, Ill leave some of my stew broth on the warmer. You just sneak on down here and help yourself. Ya hear? Meredith smiled and, on impulse, hugged the older woman.
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Eliza flapped her hands and shooed her away, embarrassed by the display of affection. Go on with ya, now. Meredith climbed the stairs and closed herself in her room. At least Aunt Noreen would not be home to pester her. She and Cassandra always paid their social calls on Tuesday afternoons. Usually Meredith accompanied them, but Roys luncheon invitation had taken precedence over the weekly torture of censorious glances and nose sniffing that Aunt Noreen and her friends enjoyed while expounding their ponderous opinions. Unfortunately, that meant Meredith wouldnt be able to confide in Cassandra, either. That left only one person she could think of who might be willing and able to help her. Changing out of her fancy polonaise, Meredith pulled a more practical dress out of her wardrobe and buttoned herself up into her favorite dark green calico. Just in case anyone should look in on her, she lumped an extra quilt under her covers to make it appear she was sleeping, then tiptoed down the stairs and slipped quietly out the back door. Meredith chose an indirect route to Courthouse Square, studiously avoiding any avenues where her aunt might be visiting. She hurried down Market Street until she reached the jail, then circled around to the north and entered the sheriffs office. The man lounging behind the desk bolted upright, dropping his booted feet from the corner of the desktop to the floor. He braced his palms on the arms of his chair to boost himself up until his eyes met hers. Then he promptly slouched right back into his negligent pose. Well, if it aint Meri Hayes. Come to ask me to the church social? Hiram Ellis. Of all the rotten luck. The fellow was just as obnoxious grown as hed been as a kid.
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Im looking for Sheriff Randall. Meredith ignored Hirams cocky smirk and glanced around the office as if he were beneath her notice. Do you know where I might find him? Still as contrary as ever, I see. Hiram slowly rose to his feet, puffing out his chest as if to emphasize the deputys star pinned to his coat. The sheriffs transportin a prisoner over to Rusk County to stand trial, so it looks like youre stuck with me, darlin. Could this day get any worse? Hiram Ellis was the last person shed trust with her troubles. But then, they werent her troubles. Travis Archer and his brothers were the ones in danger. A spark and an unruly gust of wind could easily set their home ablaze, killing them in their beds. Meredith gritted her teeth. If Hiram was her only choice, so be it. I overheard a threatening conversation today. Reluctant to reveal Roys part in the scheme due to his connection with her uncles business, she kept the account as anonymous as possible. Two men were discussing Travis Archers land and how he refused to sell. One man ordered the other to set the Archers barn on fire in an effort to convince him to reconsider. Hiram leaned a hip against the edge of the desk. So what do you want me to do about it? It aint no crime to run off at the mouth. You probably didnt hear them right anyhow. How close were you to these two fellers? Around the corner, Meredith admitted, but I heard them clearly enough. And I can assure you, this was no idle talk. It was menacing and authoritative. You have to ride out to the Archers place and keep this terrible thing from happening. At the very least, warn Mr. Archer that trouble is headed his way.
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Hiram shook his head. I aint riding all the way out there on the say-so of some woman who cant be sure of what she heard. You always were the kind to get all worked up about one thing or another for no good reason. Besides, I gotta stay here and protect the good citizens of Palestine while the sheriffs gone. We can talk to Archer when Randall gets back. By then it will be too late! Hiram just shrugged. Ill make a note in the log book that you came by to make a report. Thats the best I can do. Of all the lazy, arrogant, self-aggrandizing men shed ever had the misfortune to meet, Hiram Ellis sat at the top of the list. As Meredith marched out of the sheriffs office, one thing became exceedingly clear. If there was to be any hope of getting a warning to Travis Archer in time, she was going to have to deliver it herself.