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Syllabus: Art II

Mr. Puffpaff

This course is an intermediate level

course that allows students to further
their knowledge and skills in the visual
arts. The students will gain knowledge
and understanding of the tools
associated with drawing, painting, and

Students in art II are expected to

challenge themselves more than in
the art I class. More artistic freedoms
are given in this class, and therefore
more responsibility is placed on the

Contact Information:

Classroom Expectations

1. Follow all rules in the school handbook.

2. Complete assignments on time, including homework
3. If you make a mess, clean it up. Material use and care is
your responsibility and is evaluated as part of your total
4. Take advantage of the opportunities available to improve
your understanding of the subject matter and your grade.
Checking out materials and working at home on assignments
can make a world of difference in the quality of your work and
5. Understand that there are no optional assignments.
Failure to complete all required assignments will greatly
affect your grade.
6. Communicate any difficulties you have understanding
classroom expectations. If you are not sure about an
assignment or a classroom expectation ask me.
7. Bring required materials to class. You will need to bring
a pencil and your chrome book everyday.
8. Understand and follow art materials and computer use
guidelines. Inappropriate use of materials or the computer will
result in the loss of privilege of the material and failure of that
9. All artwork in and for this class must be school
appropriate. Nothing will be accepted that is not. If you have
questions about what is school appropriate, just ask.

No cell phones in class!

(refer to the student handbook)

No Backpacks in the
No video streaming during class!

Bathroom/Hall Passes
You will only be allowed three
bathroom/hall passes per marking
period so please plan accordingly and
come prepared.
To give anything less than your best
is to sacrifice the gift.

Syllabus: Art II

How will I be graded?

The Rules
1. Students are to be on time
and prepared to work when the
bell rings.
2. When the teacher is talking,
everyone is quiet and listening.
3. Art supplies and classroom
furniture will be used respectfully
and not be damaged or wasted.
4. Students will honor EVERY
persons right to learn/work in a
safe and respectful environment.

Late Work
Late or missing assignments will only
be accepted under the following
-When the student has worked diligently and shown
responsibility by coming in before school to finish a
project, full credit will be given during the first 3
-The assignment will be marked down accordingly
due to reason and the amount of time that it is late.
-Please notify me if there are any extenuating
circumstances behind missing or late assignments. It
may be possible for accommodations to be made as
the situation warrants.
-If additional time or help is needed to complete an
assignment PLEASE see me. Like the rest of your
teachers, it is my goal to help you succeed.

I understand that my students represent many different skill

and talent levels, which is why I place a heavy emphasis on
effort in grading your work. Students who consistently work
hard and put forth their best efforts will have no problem
succeeding in this class. Likewise, a talented student who
misses class or is unproductive will not earn a high grade. Not
everybody gets an A in art class, but everyone can do well.
Your projects will be graded on craftsmanship, creativity, skill,
and effort.
Other components of your grade are participation, homework
assignments, tests and any other class activities.
Final exams will be comprised of two components:
1. A website portfolio with images of your work
and written reflections.
2. A test on the key concepts and vocabulary
from the semesters.
MP1(45%)+MP2(45%)+Exam(10%)= Semester Grade

Yes, there is homework in art class.
Homework assignments will be given
periodically throughout the year. I will be
asking you to be doing a lot of idea
generating outside of class. Late homework
assignments will only be accepted the 1st
week after the due date and will be marked

Consequences of misbehavior and off task behavior


1 Offense: Loss of points and you will be asked to sign the behavior clipboard.
2nd Offense: Student will be moved, asked to sign the behavior clipboard, and lose more points.
3rd Offense: The third time you are asked to sign the behavior clipboard you will be Written-up and
given a minimum 1 hour of detention.
* Depending on severity of misbehavior the 1st and 2nd offenses may be skipped and additional
punishment may be issued.

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