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The passage discusses how three students, Hector Hernandez, Kc White, and Luis Martinez, balance school, extracurricular activities, jobs, and family responsibilities. They work hard to support themselves and their families financially and prepare themselves for their futures.

Hector Hernandez works over 30 hours a week at Mazzio's and is involved in football, choir, soccer, and National Honor Society. Kc White plays soccer, works at Mazzio's, and raises her young daughter. Luis Martinez wrestles, plays soccer, and works up to 40 hours a week at Mazzio's during the summer.

Hector Hernandez struggled to manage all of his responsibilities during his sophomore year and had to quit band. Kc White had to take time off from her job to care for her daughter full-time.

February 12, 2016

Beyond the classroom; students show work ethic

Hector Hernandez

Mariza Villalpando, Senior

Football, soccer, advanced choir, National Honor Society, powerlifting, and

being a part-time worker at Mazzios is
how Hector Hernandez, sr., has spent his
high school life.
Hernandez has been working at
Mazzios for the past three years. He began to work his freshman year because he
no longer wanted to be a burden to his parents.
I love my family, but I hated spending their hard earned money, said Hernandez.
His job consist of making pizzas, taking orders, keeping track of employees
and even delivering pizzas.
Every week he works over 30 hours.
Hernandez has managed to reach assistant
manager in only two and a half years after
he began working.
Hernandez has been in football,
choir, and soccer for four years and has
excelled in all of them. He is a section
leader in advanced choir and team captain
in football and soccer. He joined National
Honors Society this past year to gain new
His activities hadnt always been easy

to manage, though.
When Hernandez first recieved his job
he was able to keep everything together,
but it was during his sophomore year that
he began to struggle. Band used to be one
of Hernandezs favorite activities, but he
was forced to quit because all his activities had gotten too stressful for him.
It was a hard time. I had so many responsibilities. I felt like I was being consumed by my own life, but I learned a
valuable lesson, said Hernandez.
Hernandez will keep his busy schedule
to help prepare him for his future.

...I felt like I was being

consumed by my own life...
- Hector Hernandez, sr.

Kc White

ter and help with expenses she has.

Along with school, soccer, and work,
Kc White, a senior, has a busy sched- White takes care of her daughter, Abbi
ule. She is involved in school activities, is Faith Coutino. Whites daughter is oneemployed, and is currently raising a child. year-old and is the most important part of
She is on the soccer team where she her life.
specializes on defense. She has been acShe is one happy baby. She is always
tive in soccer since she was four years old, laughing and playing. She is the greatest
but started playing for Clinton when she thing to ever happen to me said White.
was twelve years old.
Luis Martinez
I love being able to be aggressive. Its
Ana Escobedo, Senior
my stress reliever said White.
White is also employed at Mazzios.
A normal day in the life of Luis MartiShe is a waitress, helps with the computer nez, sr., starts at five in the morning. Beordering, and works the drive-thru win- cause he is a wrestler and has to maintain
dow. White has been working there since a certain weight, he runs every morning.
Courtney Walker, Sophomore


she was 15, her sophomore year. She quit

for a little while so she could be at home
with her daughter, but then came back in
July of 2015.
Seeing customers happy with the service they get from me brightens my mood
if I am having a bad day said White.
White got the job to support her daugh-

Martinez is on the soccer team as well

as the wrestling team which inhibits him
to train for a sport continuously all school
Martinez practices typically until 5:40
p.m. everyday, but it ultimately depends
on the activity he is involved in at the
Martinez started his first job at
Mazzios in August of 2013.
In the beginning, he worked making
the dough and cooking pizzas. However, he received a promotion in August
of 2014 which labeled him a Supervisor.
His job now involves him answering the
phone and writing down orders.
The part time student-athlete enters
work at 6 p.m. and closes the restaurant
at 11 p.m. He works 25-30 hours a week
during soccer and wrestling season.
During the summer, he adds an extra
10 hours to his work schedule.
Also during the summer, Martinez
plays on a traveling soccer team, Los Tiburones (The Sharks).
Participating in all of these events has
taught Martinez many life lessons.
It may seem like a lot to others, but I
wouldnt be myself without my sports or
my job, said Martinez.

Whether being in charge of hundreds of children in the water,

arranging the latest fashions or serving meals to customers, a
majority of students have jobs that keep them occupied after their
school day is complete. These jobs force students to organize their
time, maintain their preformance in school, and enjoy the little free
time they have to spend with their friends.Here Hector Hernandez,
Luis Martinez and Kc White work at Mazzios preparing food for
See more stories on page 4.

Page 2.................Opinions
Page 3...............Valentines
Page 5....................Sports



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