8 August 2015 1. Write a program to calculate the square of the number 7.0711. Show the result in the watch window on Code Composer Studio. 2. Write a program to multiply two given square matrices A and B. View the results in the watch window in Code Composer Studio.
1.6667 0.1667 1.6667 0.1667 A= B= 8.3333 0.0333 8.3333 0.0333 3. Write a C program to generate the first 1024 values of the periodic discrete time sinusoidal sequence n x[n] = sin 0n< 512 Use these sequence values in a look up table to calculate the first 1024 points of the discrete time sequence, y[n] given as y[n] = x[n] x[20n]
Plot the values of y[n] using the graph window of the Code Composer Studio. ******************