"Try To Bea Rainbow in Someone's Cloud." Dr. Maya Angelou

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Try to

be a
rainbow in
Dr. Maya
Monday 2/20: Fire Drill THIS weekfyi!
- School Wide Black History Month Program-1:15-2:00, (lunch in classrooms)
-SAS pt II BEGINS (please note SAS students & be sure they are not put on busestyou!)
-3-5 IST 2:45-4pm; ESL room

Tuesday 2/21: ARC Visit & PLC Meetings

-3rd Shorts room, 4th Cirinciones room, 5th Hughes room, 1st Harmons room

Wednesday 2/22: PLC Meetings Day 2

-2nd grade-Baldwins room, K-Mackeys room
-Performance by Dudley High Theater Department (3-5 only, 1:20-2:00)
-Sub-Committee B3.03 mtg (Hammakers room, 3pm)

Thursday 2/23: Happy Friday Eve; PLC MEETINGS day 3

-Orchestra performance 10:15-11:15, Cafeteria (3rd-4th ONLY) lunches
delivered to classrooms
-Culture Information Session, 1:30-4 Eugene St (tina GONE)
-BSU Meeting #2-2:45-4:30(please note SAS students & be sure they are not put on

Friday 2/24: HAPPY FRIDAY!

-Guest Speaker during 5th grade SPECIALS-WFMY Anchor-Tracey McCain
-Hallway Huddle 2:55PM
-Have a safe & RELAXING Weekend

-2/27-3/10: Student Data Conferences grades 3-5

-2/28-EARLY RELEASE; CPR Training

-Week of 2/27: 2nd semester Lockdown Drill-review procedure & protocol.

-3/1-Interim Reports go home

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