Notes MTE3111 PDF
Notes MTE3111 PDF
Notes MTE3111 PDF
Geometric System
(a) Euclidean Geometry the geometry of shape and
objects in plane (2D) or in space (3D). Describe the
properties of objects in plane (2D) or in space (3D).
Spatial Sense
Spatial is spatial perception or spatial visualization,
helps students understand the relationship between
objects and their location in three dimensional
worlds. (Kennedy and Tipps, 2006)
Geometric Thinking
(a) Visual spatial thinking
Happened on the right hemisphere of the brain
that associate with literature
Occur unconsciously without being aware of it
Simultaneously processing.
(b) Verbal logical thinking
Lies on the left hemisphere of the brain that is of
Continuous processing and always aware of it
Operate sequentially and logically and to
language or symbol and numbers.
Teaching 3D Shapes
Teaching in Year 3
Understanding and using vocabulary related to two
and three dimensional shapes
Describing and classifying two and three
dimensional shapes
Building two and three dimensional shapes
Understand and recognising lines of symmetry
Sketching lines of symmetry.
Teaching in Year 4
Identify two dimensional shapes
Drawing geometrical drawing of two dimensional
Identify perimeter
Calculation on perimeter of various two dimensional
shapes and combined two dimensional shapes.
Teaching 2D Shapes
Suggested teaching and learning activities:
o Contextual learning children looking around
and observing the environment and describe in
words what they have seen.
o Exploring and experimenting shapes (visual
images) in order to gain insight into properties
and its uses
o Analysing shape informally, observing size and
position in order to make inferences then to
refine and extended out knowledge that develop
from various learning activities
Introduction of three-dimensional shape must be
earlier or before the teaching of shapes.
Curved Shapes
Basic Principle of Measurement
Comparison principle
o Comparing and ordering of objects by a specific
attribute with suitable vocabulary (short, shorter,
tall, taller, etc.)
Transitivity principle
o Comparing and ordering of three or more objects
using appropriate language (tallest, shortest,
lightest etc.)
Conservation principle
o States that the length of an object does not
change even when the position or the orientation
of the object is changed.
Measuring principle
o Measurement involves stating how many of a
given unit match the attribute (e.g. length,
volume, mass) of an object.
Teaching of Length
The length of an object refers to the number of
standard unit which can be laid in a straight line
along or beside the object.
yards, miles, feet,
metres and
kilometres, etc.
body parts such
as span, foot,
pace and arm
objects such as
pen, paper clip,
Conversion of units
Involve metric unit of length:
Conversion of unit:
Teaching of Volume
Volume is a measure of the amount of space inside
a three-dimensional region, or the amount of space
occupied by a three-dimensional object.
Measured in:
o SI unit - cubic centimetres (cm) or cubic metres
o The Imperial system - cubic feet (ft).
One cubic centimetre (cm3) is the measure of a
cube having an edge with a length of 1 cm.
Half of jug
Volume Displacement
Displacement occurs when an object is immersed in
a fluid, pushing it out of the way and taking its place.
Teaching of Time
Major skills in measurement of time:
Measure using
specific apparatus
(with scale) such
weighing scale.
E.g.: using weighing
scale to measure the
mass of watermelon
The mass of
watermelon is 3 kg.
Hour system
o Carroll diagram
Displaying Data
Types of Graph:
o Bar Graph facilitate comparisons of quantities.
Bar graphs can be vertical as well as horizontal.
They can also be the forms of blocks, or bar
o Picture Graph
Can also facilitate comparisons of quantities
just like bar graphs.
Can easily be updated.
Also called pictographs and isotypes.
o Line Graph
Can be used for comparisons and for
expressing allocations of resources.
It seems particularly useful for communicating
o Circle Graph
Also known as pie charts.
Can be used to picture the totality of a
To indicate how portions of the totality are
Constructing Graph
1. Draw a horizontal or a vertical line as a baseline.
2. Write the names of the items that you have.
3. Put a symbol to represent the number of items
you have in each category.
4. Put in the key to represent the quantity of items.
(Means: 1 symbol = ? items).
5. Then finally, give a title to the graph.
Vertical Bar Graph:
1. Draw vertical and horizontal axes. Give them
2. Determine the correct interval to be marked on
the vertical axis.
3. Write the name of the items below the
horizontal axis.
4. Draw the bars vertically according to the
quantity given for each item. Then colour the
5. Lastly, give a proper title to for the graph.
Horizontal bar graph:
1. Draw vertical and horizontal axes. Give them
2. Determine the correct interval to be marked on
the horizontal axis.
3. Write the names of items on the left of the
vertical axis.
4. Draw the bars horizontally according to the
quantity given for each item. Then colour the
5. Lastly, give a proper title to for the graph.
Interpretation of Pictograph
Teaching Average
As the middle point of a set of numbers.
Finding the average helps do calculations and also
makes it possible to compare sets of numbers.
Averages supply a framework with which to describe
what happens.
Mean (Average)
o The average can be useful for comparing things.
o The most common item in a set of data.
o It's the number or thing that appears most often.
o The middle number in a set of numbers.
o It is the mid-point when the numbers are written
out in order.
Key issues in teaching graphs and average
Students can calculate the average of a data set
correctly, either by hand or with a calculator, and still
not understand when the average (or other statistical
tools) is a reasonable way to summarize the data.
Introducing students prematurely to the algorithm
for averaging data can have a negative impact on
their understanding of averaging as a concept. It is
very difficult to pull students back from the
simplistic add-then-divide algorithm to view an
average as a representative measure for describing
and comparing data sets. Key developmental steps
toward understanding an average conceptually are
seeing an average as reasonable, an average as a
midpoint, and an average as a balance point.
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