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Environmental Education

as infused in NCERT Syllabus

Classes I to XII
As Per NCF 2005

Department of Education in Science and Mathematics

National Council of Educational Research and Training
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016

The present status of Environmental Education (EE) in schools had its genesis in the
National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986 (modified in 1992), in which 'Protection
of the Environment' is stated as a common core around which a National Curriculum
Framework (NCF) would be woven. The National Policy on Education 1986
emphasized the need to create awareness of environmental concerns by integrating it
in the educational process at all stages of education and for all sections of society.
Accordingly, the National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education: A
Framework _ 1988 presented the NCERT's view: "The school curriculum should
highlight the measures for protection and care of the environment, prevention of
pollution and conservation of energy." In consonance with these documents,
Environmental Studies was introduced as a subject at the primary level. The topics
related to environment were suitably infused with different science and social
science subjects at all school stages. Understanding of the environment in its totality,
both natural and social, and their interactive processes, the environmental problems
and the ways and means to preserve the environment was one of the General
Objectives of Education as per National Curriculum. Framework 2000.

Environmental Education Scenario

Primary and upper primary stages:

At the primary stage, in most States/UTs integrated textbooks on environmental

studies have been prescribed. In some states environmental concepts have also been
integrated into language and mathematics, while in some others EVS has been
bifurcated as 'science' and 'society' for which separate textbooks-cum-workbooks
have been prescribed. In the NCERT curriculum, the teaching of language and
mathematics has been woven around the children's immediate environment in
Classes I—II and EE has been reinforced as a component of the Art of Healthy and
Productive Living (AHPL). In Classes III-V, separate textbooks for environmental
studies have been provided. By and large, the textbooks of science and the social
sciences in most States/UTs include environmental concepts. Environmental
concepts had been included in the NCERT curricula for the upper primary stage
mainly through science and technology.

Secondary stage:

The concepts of EE have been prescribed in the textbooks of most States/UTs

through science and the social sciences whether taught as integrated or separate
subjects. NCERT textbooks of science and technology and integrated social science
include various concepts of EE.

Higher secondary stage;

The majority of the concepts related to EE are found in the textbooks of biology,
chemistry, physics, geography, economics, sociology and political science. This is
true for NCERT and State/UT curricula. In conclusion, it can be said that EE is a
compulsory part of the syllabus in schools throughout the country. EE in schools
invariably aims at providing children with knowledge, attitudes and skills so that
they are equipped to contribute meaningfully towards the betterment of the
environment and accomplish the goal of sustainable development.


Despite these major initiatives, there appears to be still very inadequate exposure of
the students to their ‘habitat’; there is little active learning from the natural and
social worlds around them. The prescribed activities may simply be routinely taught
as a set material to be memorised through teaching in the classroom instead of being
pursued by students on their own with an open mind. Activity-based projects may
again be carried out in a routine fashion, sometimes with improper involvement of
parents or even commercial agencies. It is clear that we need to recognise and
address the challenges posed by these shortcomings as we attempt to forge ahead.
This would be difficult to accomplish within the constraints posed by the current
framework. Instead, we need to shin to a new paradigm.

Considering the relevance of Environmental Education, as per National Curriculum

Framework 2005 the new syllabii being proposed here aim at generating among
young learners an awareness of and sensitivity to the total environment in a holistic
manner and the problems associated with it. It would also equip the future
custodians of the earth with the requisite knowledge of the total environment, natural
and social, the problems associated with it and the necessary skills for solving these
in a positive and sustainable manner. The processes and strategies suggested would
help develop positive attitudes, social values and strong concern for sustainable
development and further improvement of the environment. While learners would
appreciate local wisdom through traditions and customs, they would also discover
their linkages with both national and global concerns. In effect, the courses would
prepare them to initiate and carry on practical initiative at the individual, the group
and the community level for solving environmental related problem and moving
toward a life of perfect harmony with their social and natural environment.

Main objectives of Environmental Education as infused in different subjects

The main focus of EE should be to expose students to the real-life world, natural and
social, in which they live; to enable them to analyse, evaluate, and draw inferences

about problems and concerns related to the environment; to add, where possible, to
our understanding of environmental issues; and to promote positive environmental
actions in order to facilitate the move towards sustainable development. To achieve
these goals, the curriculum may be based on:
Learning about the environment;
Learning through the environment;
Learning for the environment;


General points for Text Book Writers
We need to encourage the development of a culture of learning outside the
classroom. If a topic is linked well with experiences, interesting exercises given
then conceptual learning of math would continue beyond the 140 periods.

Syllabus for Primary Mathematics

Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V

Geometry (10 hrs.) 3-D and 2-D Geometry (16 hrs.) Observes
Shapes & Spatial Shapes Shapes & Spatial objects in the
Understanding Observes Understanding environment
Develops and uses objects in the Explores intuitively the area and and gets a
vocabulary of spatial environment perimeter of simple shapes. qualitative
relationship (Top, and gets a feel for their
Bottom, On, Under, qualitative Makes 4 shaped, 5 faced cubes from geometrical
Inside, Outside, Above, feel for their given nets especially designed for the attributes.
Below, Near, Far, Before, geometrical same. Identifies
After) attributes. right angles
Reads and draws 3-D objects, making in the
use of the conventions used in this. environment
Draws intuitively the plan, elevation
and side view of simple objects.
Patterns Creates Patterns Numbers (40 hrs)
(10 hrs.) block (6 hrs.) Numbers and operations
patterns by Identifies Writes multiplication facts
• Describes sequences of stamping patterns in his Writes tables upto 10x10
simple patterns found in thumbprints, surroundings Multiplies two and three digit numbers
shapes in the leaf prints, using lattice algorithem and the
surroundings and in vegetable standard (column) algorithm
numbers, e.g. prints, etc. Divides a given number in various
stamping activity using ways such as:
fingers and thumb. by drawing dots
• Completes a given by grouping
sequence of simple by using multiplication facts,
patterns found in By repeated subtraction.
shapes in the Applies the four operations to life
surroundings and in situations.

Measurement Measurement
(13 hrs.) (21 hrs)
Length Solves problems involving length
*Distinguishes between and distances.
near, far, thin, thick, Estimates length of an object and
longer/taller, shorter, distance between two given
high and low. locations.
Solids around us
*Collects objects from
the surroundings having
different sizes and shapes
like pebbles, boxes, balls,
cones, pipes, etc.

Environmental Studies: Preamble

Introduction: Teaching of Environmental Studies
Contemporary research on how children learn to make sense of the world around
them and how pedagogy in primary school can enable them to develop scientific
abilities and understanding in consonance with social and environmental concerns
has further supported this integrated structure.

NCF 2005 and Objectives of Environmental Studies

The present syllabus is designed to forge an integrated perspective for the primary
stage of schooling that draws upon insights from sciences, social studies and
Environmental Education. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 indicates
some of the objectives of teaching science and social studies at the primary stage as
- to train children to locate and comprehend relationships between the natural, social
and cultural environment; to create cognitive capacity and resourcefulness to make
the child curious about social phenomena, starting with the family and moving on to
wider spaces to nurture the curiosity and creativity of the child particularly in
relation to the natural environment (including artefacts and people) - to develop an
awareness about environmental issues - to engage the child in exploratory and
hands-on activities to acquire basic cognitive and psychomotor skills through
observation, classification, inference, etc.- to emphasise design and fabrication,
estimation and measurement as a prelude to the development of technological and
quantitative skills at later stages - to be able to critically address gender concerns
and issues of marginalization and oppression with values of equality and justice, and
respect for human dignity and rights.

Integrating ‘Subjects’ or Forging a New Understanding?

Thus biologists (if we can use that term to somehow bring together botanists and
zoologists!) would naturally propose a study of plants, animals or the human body,
whereas physicists would think of sound, light, force and work, while chemists
would propose studying forms of matter, properties of substances, etc. The syllabus
web moves outward over the three years; it gradually extends the child's
understanding of her world, beginning from the immediate ‘self’ to include
her family, the neighbourhood, the locality and also the country. Thus by the time

the child reaches Class V, she is able to see her ‘self’ in the larger context - as part
of a community, the country and also, more tacitly, as located in this world. Indeed,
in some flights of fancy the syllabus even goads the young child to ride on a
spacecraft and leap beyond the earth, into outer space, that may yet not be
comprehensible but is certainly fascinating for her. Thus, for instance, the theme on
‘Food’ begins in Class III with ‘cooking’, ‘eating in the family’, about what we eat
and what others eat, what animals eat, etc. It then moves on in Class IV to how food
is grown, what different plants they may have seen, how food reaches us, etc. In
Class V children discuss who grows it, the hardships farmers may face, while
staying grounded to the reality of our own pangs of hunger or the plight of people
who do not get food. In addition, ‘when food gets spoilt’ explores spoilage and
preservation of food, while changes in food habits and the crops grown are analysed
through the experiences of elders/grandparents. Finally ‘our mouth – tastes and
even digests food’ sees how the saliva makes food taste sweet on chewing, while
‘food for plants?’ also introduces the idea of some curious insect eating plants.
‘Plants’ and ‘Animals’ as Part of the Theme ‘Family and Friends’ ‘Plants’ and
‘Animals’ have consciously been included under the theme of ‘Family and Friends’
to highlight how humans share a close relationship with them and to also provide a
holistic and integrated scientific and social perspective of studying them.
Traditionally ‘plants’ or ‘animals’ are presented as autonomous categories, seen
purely from the perspective of science. Here an attempt is made to locate them in a
social and cultural context, and also to see how the lives and livelihoods of some
communities, such as the gujjars, musahars or ‘pattal’-makers, are closely connected
with specific animals or plants. Moreover, in the universe of young children
narratives of animals and plants play a significant role, and they can relate well even
to the animated characters perceived as ‘family and friends’.

Taking cognisance of the way children think ‘plants’ are first introduced through the
theme on ‘Food’ - through what plants children eat, and also through the idea that
we may eat the leaves, or the stem, or seeds of different plants. In fact, this comes
after a discussion on questions related to ‘Which’ of the following is food? - red
ants, birds’ nest, goats’ milk, etc?’. This is to sensitise them to the idea that what
some of us take to be ‘food’ may not be so for others; that food is a deeply cultural
notion. As discussed above, to allow for a more connected approach ‘plants’ is a
sub-theme under the umbrella of Family and Friends’. Thus in Class III children
look at the different ‘plants around us’, at possible changes over time from when
their parents were young, and also what things around them are made of plants. They
are expected to talk to their parents and other elders around them, so that these
discussions can act as scaffolding to their learning. This is also indicated in the
activity column of the syllabus. Children in Class III also observe the shapes,
colours, aroma, etc to see the diversity of ‘leaves in our lives’, to talk of how plant
leaves may be used to eat on, the times of the year when lots of leaves fall to the
ground, which may be used to make compost, and also paint different leaf motifs
they see on their pots, animals, clothes, walls, etc. In Class IV they look at ‘flowers’
and flower sellers, and discuss ‘whom trees belong to?’ while in Class V they move
on to ‘forests and forest people’, the notion of parks or sanctuaries, and also

‘plants that have come from far’. In this way they are enabled to construct a more
holistically connected understanding, from a scientific, social, cultural and
environmental perspective, that is enriched with an aesthetic and caring appreciation
of plants around them. Our Bodies, Our 'Selves': 'Family and Friends' offer
Sensitivity and Sensibility By 'Feeling around with eyes shut' they explore their
senses of touch, smell, etc. - not in isolation of the people or animals they care for -
but by trying to identify all those living with them only by touching, hearing or
smelling them.

Class III Environmental Studies

Questions Key Suggested Suggested Activities

Concepts/Issues Resources
Family influences - Family members, local Observation, exploring
physical knowledge, from elders about extended
characteristics, values story/poems on family, narrating stories/
and habits, different festivals. singing poems related to
appreciating qualities festivals, writing about any
and skills of family festival, drawing.
members; family as a
support system.

1.2 Plants Exploring children's Child's daily life Observation of

Plants around us ideas about a 'plant'. experience bservation, different plants
How many different kinds Plant diversity; size, information from around, compare and
of plants do you see around where they grow, grandparents/ elders, a classification based on
you? What are the differences shape, colour, aroma, sample/picture of a simple characters;
you notice? What things etc.; dependence on plant, which is unusual Discussion about
around you are made of plants for everyday in the local things made of plants,
plants? Is there a plant in life. Introduction of surroundings. pencil prints of barks, leaf
your area that was not there new plants / crops prints
when your grandparents were and changes
young? Do you know of some observed by elders
plants which do not grow over time. Plants and
around you, say things that the
we eat and not grown around climate/environment.
Leaves in our lives What Leaf diversity - Child's daily life Observation, collection of
different kinds of [eaves colour, shape, texture, experience, different leaves, smelling
do you see? aroma, etc. Seasonal observation, a story on different plant leaves,
shedding of leaves; a compost pit. discussion, visit to a
Do you use plant leaves to compost from leaves. nearby compost pit,
eat on? In what other ways decorating the classroom
are leaves used? with leaf motifs

Is there some time of the
year when lots of leaves fall
to the ground? Are they
burnt? Have you seen a
compost pit?

What leaf motifs do you find

on clothes, pots, walls,
animals, etc.?

Do you decorate your house

with leaves on some
21 Exploring children's Observation of
1.3. Animals ideas of an diversity of animals
Animals small and big around you, listing,
Discussion about what
Which are the smallest and they eat, were they live
the biggest animals you relative size of animals
have seen? they have seen, pictures
in books, animals heard
Which have you only heard about. Drawing
about? Which animals have pictures of favourite
tails? animals.

How many legs?

Some creepy crawlies -and Exploring children's Child's daily life Observation, of ants, flies,
flyers too ideas of crawling experience, observation, spiders, crickets,
animals, flyers and stories/ poems on cockroaches, earthworms,
What different kinds of small insects. insects, flyers and lizards and other
crawling animals do you crawling animals animals. Discussion
know of? (NBT) about them, where they
live, what they eat,
Where and from what does insect bites (wasp) etc,
each of them hide? Drawing some of them

Which insects can crawl and

also fly?

Which ones bite us? Can flies

make us ill?

Why does a spider make a web?

Birds Exploring children's Child's daily life Drawings of birds;
ideas of birds their experience, mimicking different neck
Which are the birds you see living places, eating observation, stories/ movements and sounds of
around your area? habits, common poems on birds (NBT) birds, collecting feathers.
features like feathers
Do they like some trees and sounds produced
more than others? What do by them. Feeding
they eat? Can you birds.
recognize birds by their

What are the different

sounds they make » are
they saying something to
each other? Are there some
birds that come from other

Do you feed any birds or

place water for them?

1.4 Work and Play Games Leisure; games in Traditional and local Listing, classifying indoor
we play school and outside, games; folk toys. and outdoor Games
past and present; for
What games do I play? Did some play is work
my grandparents play the
same games? Are these
indoor/ outdoor?

2. FOOD Appreciation of Listing and discussing

Foods from plants and cultural diversity in about food we do or do
animals food; basic ideas not eat; tabulating food
about various plant we take from different
Which of these is food - red used as food; food plants and animals.
ants, bird's nests, snakes, Tom animals. Observing and drawing
bananas, goat's milk etc.? different parts of plants
What plants do you eat -
what parts of the plant?

What food do we take from


Cooking Food may be eaten Songs/poems on food Listing raw and
What do you eat that is not raw or cooked - or lack of food; local cooked food;
cooked? What is eaten only steamed, boiled, knowledge about what discussion on cooking
when cooked? How do you baked, fried etc.; is edible: photographs. methods/materials, etc;
cook food? What do you Different fuels, types survey to find out the
cook it on? What are the of stoves; Types of types of
different kinds of vessels vessels used in fuels/vessels used;
used for cooking? What are cooking, different drawing various
they made of? Is water used shapes utensils; historical
in all forms of cooking? (regional/traditional), time line tracing what in
Which food is cooked different materials the kitchen has
without using water? How? etc. changed and roughly
when. ?
Eating in the family Cooking and Observation and
Do all members of the gender/caste roles in asking adults, discussion.
family eat the same food in the family; Food for Listing of food items
your family? Who the baby, bought from
eats more? Who eats last in significance of milk. the market/grown at
your family? Who buys the home
food and what is bought
from the market? Who
cooks the food in your
family? What do babies
have for food? When do
babies start eating and what
do they eat other than milk?

What animals eat Food of domestic Observing and listing

Do animals eat the same and wild animals; different animals and
things? What do different care of domestic their feeding habits, ;
animals eat? Do you feed animals Discussing food given to
the animals around you - animals,; observing
what? What do they take animals being fed,
from your house even when keeping food out and
not fed? observing animals
come and feed.;
3. SHELTER Some unusual Pictures of different types
Houses and houses houses, a narrative of houses; easily
Have you seen - a house on and a discussion available materials for
stilts, a tent, a flat on the about why such model making
tenth floor, a house on houses are built.
wheels or a house on a Different types of
boat? houses Need for
shelter, need for
living together

Decorating and cleaning My houses, Illustrations of Draw a picture of your
our shelter Houses/shelters are designs/motifs used for house. Draw the
How do you decorate your decorated in different decoration of the house various kinds of
shelter? Do you draw ways in different designs/motifs used to
designs on your wails/floor cultures; Need for decorate walls/floors of
or decorate with shelter to provide houses.
leaves/flowers/other protection from heat,
objects? How do you keep cold, rain and
your house clean? Do you problems faced.
also help in cleaning? Need to share
Who mops and sweeps it? housework. Garbage
Where do you throw the disposal
Garbage? Do you have any
problems living in your
house during rains, summer
or winter? Have you seen
houses with sloping roofs?
Why are they made

My family and other Family members; pets Discussion and

animals and other animals, sharing of
Who all live with you? insects, rodents, etc. experiences and
Which animals live with you Food for the pets and knowledge. Drawings of
- which are the biggest and other animals. Some insects, rodents; pets and
the smallest animals living in are seen only at night. other domestic animals.
your house? From where do
they get their food?

Where in your house do these

animals live? Which of them
are seen only at night?

Mapping my Neighbourhood, Estimating distances,

neighbourhood mapping and marking location of
How big is your school? representation in two places and
What kind of a building s it? dimensions. drawing/mapping from
Can you draw a picture of Directions. different perspectives, like
your school and your from the top, from the
classroom? Do you know front etc, Draw a map of
your way around your the route from our house
neighbourhood? Can we to the nearest shop.
explain to someone how to
reach the post office or the
bus stand from our house?

4. Water Local sources of Child's daily life Listing the sources of
Water for my family water; uses of water; experience, local water, Exploring by asking
What are the main sources of gender roles; distance knowledge questions from elders or
water in your locality? Who estimates; social people around, Discussion.
fetches the water? From how discrimination; clean
far? water for drinking

Do all the people in your

locality use the same source
of water? Are some people
not allowed to take water
from where you take it?
From where do you get
water? Does it look clean
enough for drinking?
Do animals and plants Water for plants and Library resource-brief Reading, Discussion;
need water? animals information about the Comparison of a well
What happens if plants and camel, cactus along watered and a wilting
animals do not get water - with their pictures. plant.
how do you see that a plant
or animal is thirsty? Do all
animals/plants need the
same amount of water?
Which plants/animals need
the least?
Water shortage Water scarcity, Newspaper clippings Poster making/ writing
When is it difficult to get wastage and recycling, about activity in groups with a
water? Are there some water harvesting water shortage/water message of saving water
people in your area who being wasted,
always face water shortage?
What would happen if we lad
no water? Have you seen
water being wasted -low?
How can we avoid it? Do
you reuse water?
Water is our lives Use of water in Library resources, Enacting different activities
Which of your daily different activities; observations related to that utilize water/a rainy
activities use water? cultural expressions daily life. Songs about day, listing the activities in
about water/ rain/ water/river/rain? which water is used,
Do you and other you know river; observations signing rain/river/water
wash your hands and feet related to rain and the songs/poems together in
before you enter the house? response of plants the class.
Why do you think this is animals

Can you describe the scene

of rainy day-with details
about birds, animals, plants
and yourself?

Storing water Measurement of
How do you store water In volume in terms of
your home? non-standard units
such as buckets, pots,
Do you collect rainwater - etc. Estimates of
how? How much water do quantities used for
you store every day? About different domestic
how much do you use for activities; safe
drinking or bathing? In what handling of water.
kinds of containers do you Containers made of
store water for drinking/ different shapes and
washing/or for animals? materials to store
What are the containers water for different
made of? If the water is at purposes;
the same level in a narrow
and a broad container does it
mean they contain the same
amount of water?

5. TRAVEL Different modes of Pictures of modes of Collect pictures of

Ways to travel transport; short transport; different modes of
distance, long transport; classify them
How do we go to school? distance, newer ways into different types of
How do we go to other of travelling. transport; enact a
places you visit? train journey/railway
station, Observations of
How many different activities at the station
ways of travel do we like loading, weighing,
know of? washing trains, signalling,
selling tea, level crossing
27 To meet basic needs Narratives and Making pots of clay; also
6. THINGS WE MAKE human beings make illustrations of pots with rings; with different
AND DO things; need natural and containers made in types of clay; drying in
Pottery resources, creativity; early times - with rings the sun; talking to potters
What kinds of pots do we have changed the of clay (as in the or brick makers to find
see around us? What way we live An idea Social Studies book by out how these are
containers are used to store of the earliest pots Eklavya) burnt/baked in
grain? made for storage of furnaces Making
What kinds of containers did grain -when there different ornaments etc.
people make long, long back was no potters wheel. with clay
with rings of clay- when they The experience of
did not have a potter's making such pots
wheel? Can you make such with clay; drying and
pots and dry them in the sun -
the need to bake them
how long do you think these
for greater strength.
will last? How does the
potter bake them?

Textiles Diversity In types of Some idea of mixing Activity to wear/drape a
In how many different ways clothing we were; colours to make new dupatta or longn cloth
can you wear a long cloth even with unstitched ones; fast colours and in different styles to
that is not stitched? How clothing. Colours and colours that run; tie emulate what different
many kinds of saris or lungis design are used in and dye; block people do and also to
have you seen worn by textiles; scope or printing and making create their own designs.
people from different parts creativity; vegetable our own blocks with Play with colours and
of the country? dyes vegetables. Samples of colour mixing; Using dyes
blocks, dyes. to dye cloth; making
How many different colours blocks with potato or
do we know of - how many ladies fingers for printing
new ones can we create? on paper.

What are fast colours and

what problems do we face
when colours run? How do
we make our own vegetable
bock prints and tie and dye?

Class IV Environmental sciences

1.3. Animals Herds; group Observation, child’s

Animals and their friends behaviour; animal- daily life experience,
Which animals like to move human interaction story on animals
around in groups? moving in groups,
Which animals are shy and do
not come near you? Have you
seen animals playing with or
riding on different animals?

Who is attracted to Honey from flowers; bee Film; description Observation of flowers
flowers? hive and basic idea of Illustrated and the insects that
Why do bees/butterflies come honey collection narratives/discussion visit them, drawing the
to flowers? How do people with beekeepers on flowers, insects,
collect the honey from bee the process of discussion on colour,
hives? honey collection. fragrance.

Long ears or short? Some animals have Child's observation, Listing and
Which animals have ears? externalears. They also information/ classification of
Which animals havehair on have hair. description on and animals with and
their body? illustrations about without ears; with and
animals. without hair; drawing
them; feeling them;

1.4. Plants Plants need water; roots Child's observation, Observation,

Roots of plants absorb water and hold if information about the collection, drawing of
Do all plants need water to to the ground. roots eaten by people; roots of different types,
grow? Which part of the plant Roots eaten normally pictures/specimens of Observing trees/plants
absorbs water from the soil? eaten by people like roots. whose roots are
When you tug at grass, why carrots, radish, sweet affected by activities
does it not come out easily? potato, and during like
Why do plants/trees not get famine. Aerial roots of construction/paving/pl
uprooted when there is a some plants astering. Observation
strong wind? Which roots are and discussion about
eaten by people during famine swinging on
when nothing else grows? pipal/hargad aerial

Flowers Which plants around Flowering plants; Child's observation, Drawing flower motifs
us have flowers? Do they seasons; observation of stories/ poems about for clothes, Observing
come only at some times of buds blossoming into flowers, a visit to a the flowers and buds,

the year? flowers; different garden. similarities and
How is the bud different from shapes, colours, petals, Talking to flower differences;
the flower? aroma, etc. sellers, gardeners, etc observing/smelling and
What are the different kinds Flowers used in feeling different
of flowers we have seen - everyday life, festivals, flowers.
shapes, colours, petals, etc.
aroma, etc? Floral motifs and
What do we use flowers for? designs on clothes,
Do you eat any flowers? animals, pots, walls, etc.
Have you seen flower motifs Knowing the local
painted on clothes, walls, flower seller; some idea
floors, pots, animals? of the local unit of
Who sells flowers in our measurement (by cubit,
area? fixed garland, each
Where do these come from? stem, etc) and cost
How are flowers sold - for
how much?

Whom do trees belong to? Neighbourhood and its Local knowledge, Listing of some
Which plants/trees around plants; wild and information about common trees in the
you are looked after by domestic plants; domestic and wild neighbourhood;
people — by whom? Fruits eaten by people plants discussion about
Which are not? living in forests. (NBT books). ownership of trees;
Whom do they belong to? fruits that are not eaten
Who eats the fruit of trees by us.
that grow wild?

2. FOOD From field to mandi - Discussion with a Listing plants children

How we get our food from market to house; vegetable seller/retailer know that provide them
How does food reach us? grown by farmers; fruit in the mandi, / truck food; bringing samples;
Who grows it? trees, vegetables, driver who transports common spices,
How you seen vegetables cereals, pulses, oil food items observing and drawing
and fruits growing? seeds; Spices samples, recognizing
How you seen plants of rice/ them by smell and
wheat/ dal etc? taste.
What are the spices you
know of?
Whichspices can we
recognize by smelling or

3. SHELTER House change over Discussion with Making models of
Houses then and now time; rural and urban elders in the family. houses; collection of
Do you live in houses differences, Visit to any old materials used to make
similar to ones your multistoreyed houses building in the area; houses.
grandparents lived in? Are along with slums in changes in the Drawing pictures of
houses now made of similar cities. construction of old and new buildings.
materials as was used then? houses with time;
What are the differences? houses in villages and
Garbage? Waste materials, waste Listing things thrown
What do you do with waste in our houses, away as garbage,
in your house? urban/rural waste. waste. Discussion on
Where do it throw it? Do Reduce garbage. reduction of waste
you reuse any waste
Who takes away the
Where animals live Diversity in animal Stories/pictures of Discussion, listing of
Do animals live in shelters? habitat and shelters. habitats and shelters animals with respect to
Which animals live in Some structures like animals use or make their habitat and
water? On land? webs have other shelter.; making birds
Underground? Are there any purposes. nests with scrap
that we see only at night? materials, making
Where are they during the caves, rat holes etc in
day? Do we know of mud/sand pits.
animals that make their own
When birds make nests Birds make nests for Observation of a bird's
When and why do birds make laying eggs. Nesting nest and drawing
their shelter? Do all birds habits of different birds pictures. Songs and
make nests? Where do vary. Different poems; dance and
different birds nest - when do materials are used for movement to simulate
they fly away? With what nests. bird flight
different materials do birds
make their nests
4. WATER Natural sources; inland Health personnel of Discussion with the
Water fit for drinking water and sea water; the local area, library elders/health personnel
What are the major natural potable water; diarrhoea resource. about pollution of
sources of water in your and other common natural sources of
area? Is the water fit for water borne diseases water and its effects;
drinking – do you clean it safe handling of water, demonstration/ group
at home? Do you know how purification of water. activity of simple
dirty water can make you methods of water
ill? Why do we not drink purification; separation
seawater? How is slat of salt from saline
separated from seawater? water.

Water sources Reservoirs, canals, Film, photographs of Visit to the natural
Where do you see large dams etc.; Different dams/ canals/ tanks/ sources of water in the
amounts of water in your public activities at water ponds etc., local local area and observing
neighbourhood? Is it a bodies; protection of knowledge. Narrative what uses the water is
tank/pond/ canal/ river /dam? water bodies. Water as a on the recent struggle put to. Discussion, and
What do men/ women/ scarce resource and the of the panchayat's writing letters/making
children/ animals do with the struggle for acquiring it against Coke in posters highlighting the
water there? Is it used for (those who can exploit Plachimada, Kerala misuse of the water
bathing/washing? Who resources by digging body.
bathes/washes there and who deeper and deeper
does not? How can we ensure wells).
that this water is not made
dirty? Do you find
factories/people dumping
garbage or harmful materials
in rivers or seas? Are some
animals also facing problems
due to what we do to the
rivers or seas?
Our river/sea Rivers and seas; Local knowledge, Drawing/Painting/Make
Which is the river closest to seasonal change in Story on the lines of e a model of a water
our locality? Do we find any water flow; animals in the SCERT, Delhi body in the
change in the water flow in the sea/river. Water Class VI Civics - neighbourhood (using
different seasons? Which are pollution and harmful lesson called scrap materials) as well
the big rivers we know of? effects on animals Yamuna as the animals found in
Have you seen the sea? Which the river/sea.
are the animals found in the
Water vanishes when Basic processes of Child’s daily Activity on water drying
heated? evaporation and observations and up from a wet cloth or
Why do puddles dry? In condensation class room dish or water in different
which season do wet clothes discussions conditions such as
dry easily? When do they sunlight and shade;
dry with difficulty? Have
you seen and wondered
where water droplets on the
outside of a cold glass of
water came from?
5. TRAVEL Use of animals for Enacting instances of
Animals for transport transport; sensitivity animals used for
Have you traveled on a tonga / towards animals transport and people
horse carriage? How is it riding them.
different from travelling on a
bus? Are the horses well
looked after? Have you seen a
horseshoe? Why is it used?
What materials have you seen
being transported using
animals? Are there any
special occasions when you
ride on animals?

Travel to another place Different land forms,
Do you know anyone who has languages, clothing,
traveled very far from your food habits, some idea
village/city? Why did they go of another country (only
so far? What are they doing through a
there? How do they travel story/imaginary
when they visit your family? narrative)

6. THINGS WE MAKE Process of making Narratives and Observing, drawing and

AND DO involves raw materials, pictures of different describing different
Building materials and tools tools, labour, energy; bridges children bridges and how people
How are bricks made? What changes over time in cross, on the lines of make their own local
tools have you seen being used these; has changed the book -Going to bridges from ropes,
for making a wall or a house? environment too. school in India( by bamboo and logs of
Is there a bridge to cross while Materials and tools Lisa Heydlauff wood.
coming to school? What kinds used for different skills Penguin); of the
of bridges have we seen and of people at engaged in process of
where? How many kinds of a construction activity. construction, use of
bridges can we make? tools and materials.

Making bricks; Making toy bridges in

drawing and talking school.
about different tools.
Observation of
different bridges;
making bridges.

Class V: Environmental Studies

Clean work - dirty work?
Can you list ten different types of
work that people do for you. In this
list what work is seen as dirty and
what is seen as clean? What would
happen if there were no one to -
clean our streets/our home/clear the

1.3 Animals Sense organs; Information Observation of

How animals find their food? Comparison with about animals' animals to study their
If you leave some food outside your humans - activities senses and other response sound, food,
house do some animals take it away? such as eating functions. light and other stimuli
How do they find it? Do these sleeping etc Narratives about
animals also hear/speak/ see/smell/ animals such as
eat/ sleep? ants, bees, dogs,
birds, snakes etc
giving ideas about
their senses.

What we take from animals? Animal products Child's daily life Listing and drawing
What animal products do we use for used by us. experience, of items made from
clothing, information about animal products
products we
Why is the tiger in danger? Protection of wild Discussion, reading,
Why do people kill wild animals? life; selling of poster making
Which are the animals that are animal parts activity with a
poached? message to save wild
People who depend on animals Communities lif
Library resources; Discussion on people
Do you know people who dependent upon illustrations of whose livelihood
catch/trap/hunt/entertain using animals; hunters pre-historic depend on animals;
animals? Have you seen how snake restricted to smaller hunting scenes drawing; Discussion
charmers/gujjars depend on spaces; changing (Bhimbetka); on people
animals? What do you understand patterns of wild and Narrative of teasing/troubling
by cruelty to animals? Do you think domestic animals. To gujjars' or snake animals at the zoo/
a snake charmer is cruel to the be sensitive about charmers' other places.
snake? Have you seen scenes of cruelty to animals: relationships with
hunting in rock paintings or on realize that people animals. Child's
ancient seals? who depend on observation: an
animals for their story/narrative
livelihood are not about an animal
necessarily cruel to and its caretaker,
them. Basic idea of e,g,
prehistoric hunters mahouth/tonga
and the wild animals wala
seen at that time. Films/pictures of
shooting, skins
(tiger) of animals.
1.4 Plants Tribal life; effects of Information about Exploring from
Forests and forest people Have you deforestation; tribal life, parents, reading, and
seen or heard about a forest? How do communities communities discussion.; tracing
people live in forests? How is their dependent on forest dependent on tree trunks;
life threatened by forests being cut? producee.g. 'pattals', forest produce,
What kinds of foods do they collect bamboo products, etc. effects of
from the plants there? What leaves deforestation.
are used for eating on? Do your
parents remember places with
trees/forests where there are none
today? Why were the trees cut and
what is there today?

Protected trees Have you heard of a Public/private Story of the Enactment of chipko
park/sanctuary? Who looks after it? ownership of Chipko movement andolan; poster- 'save
Does anybody own it? Have you seen trees/forests. Sacred and the women's trees'; survey and
a place where trees are worshipped or groves; people's role in protecting identify any 'green
protected by the villagers? movements to protect trees. belt’ in your
their forests. neighbourood.

Plants that have come from far Plants from different Song/poem from Local knowledge,
Does tea come from a plant? Where countries. Chakmak: "Alu, reading, and
did people first grow tea and what does mirchi. chaiji; discussion, reciting the
the plant look like? Does it grow only Kaun kahan poem together; making
in some places/climates? What did seayeji" Story tea
people drink when there was no tea in about the Chinar
India? tree

2. FOOD Spoilage and wastage Sharing family Keep some bread,

When food gets spoilt of food, Preservation experiences other food for
How does food spoil? How do we of food, drying and Interaction with a a few days - see how
know that food is spoilt? Which food pickling; person involved they spoil
spoil sooner than others? What can we with food
to prevent food from getting spoilt? production/
What do we do to keep it fresh during preservation;
travel? Why do we need to preserve
food? Do you leave food in your plate?

Who produces the food we eat? On different types of Farmers’narratives Study germination of
Do you know of different: kinds of fanners. Hardships -Could take one seeds, experiment to
farmers? Do all farmers own their faced by subsistence example from determine conditions
land? How do farmers get the seeds farming, including Punjab and the suitable for
they plant every year? What else seasonal migration. other from AP. germination;
besides seeds is required for a crop to Need for irrigation, Story of a child Observations in any
grow? fertilizers. missing school farm
because of his/her
family's seasonal
migration. Family
members. Visit to a

What did people grow earlier? Changing food habits, Information on Collection of samples
Did your grandparents or any elderly changing crops grown food from different or pictures of food
person eat the same food you eat in some areas. places. from different
today? Do all of us eat the same kind Different food habits places/cultures.
of food? Why do we eat different kind in different
of food? places/cultures

When people do not get food Hunger, famine (as Print material on Collection of pictures
Do you know of times when many both a natural and different related to natural
people do not get enough food to eat? man-made calamities; calmities; discussion
Have you seen where extra grain is phenomenon); grain Narrative of the on affects.
stored? How do you know when you being spoilt in storage; Bengal famine as a
are hungry? Do you know of people nutrition deficiency manmade
who get ill because they do not have diseases calamity; TV news
enough to eat? bulletins etc.

Food for plants? Water, manure, air Pictures/visuals of Observations and
What do plants need for food? Do you for plants; insectivorous discussion on food for
know of any plants that eat insects? Insectivorous plants plants plants; making a model
What do animals eat? Do all animals e.g. pitcher plant, of a food chain/web
eat the same food? Do animals eat Venus fly trap; basic
other animals? idea of food

3. SHELTER Variation in shelter: Different houses in Making models of

Why different houses regional difference, different climates houses; collection of
Why do you have different kind of difference due to and regions materials used to make
houses in different places? Different climate and materials houses in different
houses in the same place? available, economic places.
status etc.
A shelter for everyone? Need for living close Pictures of Write and draw the
Does everyone have a shelter to live to others, the idea of villages, colonies area you live in, find
in? Why do people live together in neighbourhoods. Need etc. out about people who
villages, hamlets, colonies, and for sharing resources work for everybody
neighbourhoods? and spaces, division
of spaces.
Ants live in colonies? Ant or bee colony, A case study of Observations and
Do you know how bees/ants live social behaviour in social organization drawings of ant
together in colonies? insects in bees/ants colonies, different
types of ants
Times of emergency Disaster and Discussion, finding out
Have you heard of houses being trauma of losing about the hospital,
damaged by floods/earthquakes/ one's home; police station, fire
cyclones/fires/stor ms/lightening ? community help; station, etc.
What would it have felt like? Who are Hospitals, police
the people who come to help? What stations,
can you do to help others before the ambulance,
doctor comes? Where can we look for shelters, fire
help at such times? Who runs such station, first aid

4. WATER Estimates of distance Illustrations, story Enquiry from grand

Water from where in earlier measurement; changes of a 'baoliV parents/ other elders;
times? in sources and water stepwell drawing, model
From where and how far did your availability over time; making of a step well.
grandparents get water? How far do community service
you have to go for water? What are especially for long-
underground wells/'baolis'? Do you distance travellers.
still see them being used? Have you
seen a 'piaao'?

Water flow Sources for irrigation; Farmer/ any local Interaction with a
From where do farmers get water to different quantities of person who works farmer, visit to a field,
grow crops? Do all crops need the water for different in fields, a plant/ making water
same amount of water? Have you seen crops; Different crop. wheel., activity with
water flowing upwards? What are the methods of lifting water wheel.
different ways in which you have seen water; the use of a
water being lifted? How is flowing waterwheel
water used to grind grain?
Plants and animals in water Animals and plant life Weeds of different Listing and
What kinds of animals and plants live in water; classification kinds; pictures of classification; drawing
in water? Are there weeds that are in terms of similarities plants and animals of water body.
covering your pond/ lake/river? Can and differences living in different
you classify all the animals you see habitats.
around you to show which ones live in
water and which live on land?
Mosquitoes and malaria Stagnant and flowing Health worker or a Interaction with a
Is their any stagnant water in your water; mosquitoes and doctor. Newspaper community doctor;
locality? Do you find more mosquitoes malaria articles on malaria observation of site of
in stagnant water? Is there any way to etc. stagnant/ flowing
reduce the mosquitoes in water? Have water.
you heard of malaria? In what season
do you find more people getting ill
with malaria?
5. TRAVEL Fuels used in vehicles; Discussion, finding
Petrol or diesel Fuel is costly. Non- out different fuels
Do all vehicles need petrol to ran on? renewable source. used, comparison of
What other fuels do you know that cost of petrol and
are used for vehicles? What do trains diesel.
run on? In the past what did they ran
on? What do tractors use as fuel?
For what other purposes are petrol
and diesel used? Find out the cost
of a litre of petrol/diesel in your
area? Do all vehicles ran an equal
distance on a litre of fuel?
Rough and tough
Have you seen or been to a mountain?
How and why do you think people
make such difficult trips?
How do you think they train for it?
Ride on a spacecraft
What all do you see in the sky - at day
time? And at night? How many of the
things you see in the sky are man-
made? Have you heard of people
traveling in a space craft?
Oldest Buildings Drawing pictures of
the building or the
monument in your
nagbhourhood or
memory or

Syllabus for Language Teaching

1. About Language, Language Learning and Multilinguality

1.0 Introduction

Language is not only a means of communication; it is also a medium through which

most of our knowledge is acquired; it is a system that to a great extent structures the
reality around us for representing it in our minds. Whether we see nature or society,
we see it, to a large extent, in terms of our language.
Most children learn not just one but several languages before they come to school.
The number of words a child knows before she comes to school is over 5000 or so.
Multilingualism is thus constitutive of our identity. Even the so-called 'monolingual'
in a remote village often controls a verbal repertoire that equips her to function
adequately over a large number of communicative encounters. We should also note
that several recent studies have effectively demonstrated the positive relationship of
multilingualism with cognitive growth, social tolerance, divergent thinking and
scholastic achievement.
From the point of view of the science of language, all languages including what we
call 'dialects', 'tribal', 'mixed' or 'impure' languages are equal; languages thrive in
each other's company even when each one has its own quality and genius. In a
multilingual class, it is absolutely imperative that every child's language is respected
and becomes a part of the teaching strategies.

1.4 Language, Literature and Aesthetics

Poetry, prose and drama are potent sources not only of refining our literary
sensibility but also of enriching our aesthetic life, enhancing our synaesthetic
abilities and enormously
Improving our linguistic abilities, particularly reading comprehension and written
articulation, Literature also includes jokes, irony, fantasy, story, parody and parable,
which pervade our every day discourse.

As Marx pointed out, a language education policy cannot afford to ignore the
fictional, narrative, metaphysical or rhetorical elements of language and treat it only
as a useful vehicle or tool for achieving some worldly gains. A considered
appreciation of the aesthetic aspects of language would inevitably lead to a
preference for linguistic vitality and creativity and help us to eliminate our obsession
with purity and correctness. Such processes would ensure space for dialogue and
negotiation rather than monologue and aggression.

1.5 Language and Society

Even though children appear to be bom with an innate language faculty, individual
languages are acquired in specific socio-cultural and political contexts. Every child
learns what to .say, to whom and where. As Labov has shown, languages are
inherently variable, and different styles tend to be used in different contexts by
different age groups. The variability in human linguistic behaviour is not thus
randomly distributed but links systems of language, communication, thought and
knowledge. As Aurorin points out, 'language cannot exist and develop outside

society. It is important to realize that languages are not 'discrete objects out there*,
almost frozen in time and space, both physical and mental. They are actually
constantly changing, fluid systems of behaviour which human beings acquire and
change to define themselves and the world around them.

1.9 Objectives of Language Teaching

Since most children arrive in school with full-blown linguistic systems, the teaching
of languages must have very specific objectives in the school curriculum. One of the
major objectives of language teaching is to equip learners with the ability to read and
write with understanding and to make them autonomous learners. Our effort is to
sustain and enhance the degree of bilingualism and multilinguistic awareness that
children have. We would also like to equip learners with such politeness strategies
and powers of persuasion that they are able to negotiate all communicative
encounters with tolerance and dignity.

We now plead for a more holistic perspective on language proficiency. After all,
when we are Speaking, we are also simultaneously listening and when we are
Writing, we are also Reading in a variety of ways. And then there are many
situations (e.g. friends reading a play together and taking notes for its production) in
which all the skills in conjunction with a variety of other cognitive abilities are used
together. We also need to appreciate the fact that the same text may have several
different readings and different children may articulate their responses to a text in
different voices.

g. Creativity: In a language classroom, a student should get ample space to develop

her imagination and creativity. Classroom ethos and teacher-student relationship
build confidence in the latter to use her creativity in text transaction and activities

h. Sensitivity: Language classrooms can be an excellent reference point for

familiarizing students with our rich culture, heritage and aspects of our
contemporary life. Language classroom and texts have a lot of scope to make
students sensitive towards surroundings, people and the nation.

1.10 Some Pedagogical Proposals

Contemporary research on language acquisition has put the learner at the centre of
language learning. One major implication of putting the learner at the centre of the
teaching-learning enterprise is to treat her mother tongues with respect and as
substantial cognitive resources. A constructive use of children's mother tongues in
the classroom does not simply mean using the interlingual translation extensively; it
means that the whole language teaching pedagogy is located in multilinguality.
Languages and cultures of children become powerful resources for the acquisition of
the target language. There is a translinguistic perspective to poetry, drama, short
story, novel and gram.


The ten core components identified in the National Policy of Education must be
suitably integrated in school curriculum. These components, which will cut across
all subject areas, should be reinforced in the whole range of inputs (print and non-
print, formal and informal) for teaching/learning at various stages of school
education. Since all contemporary concerns and issues cannot be included in the
curriculum as separate subjects of study, some emerging concerns like
environmental issues, conservation of resources, population concerns, disaster
management, forestry, animals and plants, human rights, safety norms and
sustainable development should be suitably incorporated in the course content.
Course materials should also draw upon the following concerns in an integrated
1. Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets
2. Neighbourhoods and Community at large
3. The Nation - diversity (socio-cultural, religious and ethnic, as well as
linguistic), heritage (myths/legends/folktales)
4. The World - India's neighbours and other countries (their cultures, literature
and customs)
5. Adventure and Imagination
6. Sports
7. Issues relating to Adolescence
8. Peace and Harmony
9. Travel and Tourism
10. Art and Culture
11. Health and Reproductive health

What is to be taught and how? Input-rich communicational environments are

essential, for language learning. Inputs include textbooks, learner-chosen texts, class
libraries, parallel books and materials in more than one language, media support
(learner magazines/newspaper columns, radio/audio cassettes), and authentic
materials, themes/sub-themes should be in conformity with the learners' immediate
environment physical, social and cultural. These should lead to an understanding and
practice of the values enshrined in the Constitution of India, including the
Fundamental Rights and Duties. The various sub-themes to be included are personal
relationships, the neighbourhood, the larger community, the nation, the world, etc. In
addition to textual materials, various other inputs can be brought into the language
classroom, which include cards, charts, advertisements, texts produced by children,
brochures, pamphlets, radio, T.V. news, etc.

Science syllabus for classes VI to X

Themes and Format
The world of the Living, How things work. Moving things, people and ideas, Natural
phenomena and Natural resources. While these run all through, in the higher classes
there is a consolidation of content which leads to some themes being absent, e.g.
Food from lass X. In the primary classes, the 'science' content appears as part of
EVS; and the themes are largely based on the children's immediate surroundings and

needs: Food, Water, Shelter etc. In order to maintain some continuity between
classes V and VI, these should naturally continue into the seven themes listed above.
For example, the Water theme evolves into Natural resources (in which water
continues to be a sub theme) as the child's horizon gradually expands. Similarly,
Shelter evolves into Habitat, which is subsumed in the world of the Living. Such
considerations also suggest how the content under specific themes could be
structured. Thus clothing, a basic human need, forms the starting point for the study
of Materials. It will be noted that this yields a structure which is different from that
based on disciplinary considerations, in which materials are viewed purely from the
perspective of chemistry, rather than from the viewpoint of the child. Our attempt to
put ourselves in the place of the child leads to 'motion', 'transport' and
'communication' being treated together as parts of a single theme: Moving things,
people and ideas. More generally, the choice of themes - and sub themes - reflects
the thrust towards weakening disciplinary boundaries that is one of the central
concerns of NCF 2005.

Perhaps the most unusual feature of the syllabus is that it starts with questions rather
than concepts. These are key questions, which are meant to provide points of entry
for the child to start the process of thinking. A few are actually children's queries
("How do clouds form?"),


Sub-theme Questions Key concepts Resources Activities/ Processes

1 FOOD Sources What are the Plant parts and Examples of preparing a chart on food
of various sources animal products food from habits of animals and
food of our food? as sources of different parts food culture of different
What do other food; of plants and regions of India.
animals eat? herbivores, of food from
carnivores, animals
omnivores sources.

Component s of What is our food Carbohydrates, Mid Day Meal; Studying the variety of
food made up of? fats, proteins, Charts, food in different regions
Why do we eat a vitamins, pictures/films of in India; preparing a
variety of food? minerals, fibres, children menu of balanced diet in
their sources and suffering from the context of the
significance for food diversity of foods eaten
human health; deficiencies and in different parts of the
balanced diet; disabilities. country. Classifying
diseases and foods according to food
disabilities due to components; test for
food deficiencies starch, sugars, proteins
and fats.

Cleaning food How do we Threshing, Talking to some Discussion on threshing,
separate the winnowing, hand elders about winnowing, handpicking;
grains after picking, practices after experiments on
harvesting the sedimentation, harvesting the sedimentation, filtration.
wheat /rice crop? and filtration. crop; kit Separating mixture of salt
materials. and sand.
2 MATERIALS What are our Different types of Sharing of prior Whole class discussion.
Materials of daily clothes made of? cloth materials - knowledge with Simple activities to
use How did people cotton, wool, silk parents and distinguish among
manage when and synthetics. community. different types of cloth
there were no Development of Archaeological
clothes? clothing materials and historical
Are some of our Plant fibre, Sharing of prior Whole class discussion.
clothes made of especially cotton knowledge with Field survey/ collecting
materials and jute; parents and information on locally
obtained from production of community. available plant fibres
plants? In what cotton, jute and (coconut, silk cotton, etc.)
kinds of places other locally
do these plants available plant
grow? Which fibres; types of soil
parts of the required / for
plants are used the growth of
for making different fibrous
clothes? plants
Different What kinds of Grouping things on Materials, kit Collecting and grouping
kinds of materials things do we see the basis of items. things on the basis of
around us? common properties gross properties e.g.
roughness, lustre,
transparency, solubility,
sinking/floating using
prior knowledge, through
3 THE WORLD Are all things Living/nonliving Recollection of Listing of things around
OF THE LIVING around us living? characteristics; diversity of us, listing of
Things around us What is the habitat; biotic, living organisms characteristics after
difference abiotic (light, and the habitat making observations say
between living temperature, where they live on size, colour, shape etc.,
and non-living? water, air, soil, categorisation;
Are all living fire) observations on habitat;
things similar? observing germination of
Do all living seeds, also observing
things move? ? under dark conditions;
Where do plants growth and development
and animals live? of domestic animals,
Can we grow hatching of birds' eggs
plants in he dark? etc., developing drawing

The habitat of How does habitat Habitat varies — Potted plants or Listing the diverse set of
the living affect plants and aquatic, deserts, seeds, pots, etc; living organisms around
animals? How do mountains etc - thermometer, any us; prepare herbarium
fish live in water? plants and animals water plants, any specimens of different
show adaptation; xerophytic leaves, plants; studying
other plant part plants, modifications in plants
modifications like Information on and animals; observing
tendrils, thorns desert and how different
etc. Animals in aquatic plants environmental factors
deserts and water and animals (water availability,
temperature) affect living
Plants -form and What is the Morphological Plants, flowers, Studying plant parts -
function structure and structure and blade, hand lens. types of stems, roots,
function of function leaves, seeds; experiment
various parts of of root, stem and to show conduction by
the plants -stem, leaves. Structure stem, activity to show
leaf and roots? of the flower, anchorage by roots,
How do different differences absorption by roots. Study
flowers differ of any flower, counting
from one another? number of parts, names of
How does one parts, cutting sections of
study flowers? ovary to observe ovules
Animals - form What is inside our Structure and Observation of Activities to study X-rays,
and function bodies? How do functions of the nature; model of find out the direction in
animals move? animal body; skeleton, X-rays which joints bend, feel the
Do all animals Human skeletal of arms or legs, ribs, backbone etc.
have bones in system, some chest, hips, jaws, Observation/ discussion
their bodies? other animals vertebral column on movement and skeletal
How do fishes e-g- (could be given system in other animals
move? And birds fish, bird, in the textbook)
fly? What about cockroach, snail
snakes, snails,

6 NATURAL Where does rain Evaporation and Everyday Condensation on outside

PHENOMENA come from? How condensation, experience; kit of a glass containing cold
Rain, thunder do clouds form? water in different items water; activity of boiling
and lightning states. Water cycle water and condensation of
steam on a spoon. Simple
model of water cycle.
Discussion on three states
of water.

Light Which are the Classification of Previous Discussion, observation;
things we can see various materials experience, looking across different
through? in terms of candle/torch/la materials at a source of
transparent, mp, white paper, light.
translucent and cardboard box5
opaque. black paper.

7 NATURAL What will happen Importance of Experience, Estimation of water used

RESOURCES to soil, people, water, dependence newspaper by a family in one day, one
Importance of domestic animals, of the living on reports month, one year.
water rivers, ponds and water. Droughts Difference between need
plants and and floods and availability.
animals if it does Discussion. Activity: plant
not rain this year? growth in normal,
What will happen deficient and excess water
to soil, people, conditions
domestic animals,
plants and
animals living in
rivers and ponds,
if it rains heavily?

Importance of air Why do Some animals and Experience Discussion

earthworms come plants live in
out of the soil water; some live
when it rains? on land and some
live in upper layers
of soil; but ail need
air to breath/to
Waste Do you throw Waste; recycling Observation Survey of solid waste
away fruit and of waste products; and generation by households;
vegetable peels things that rot and experience estimation of waste
and cuttings? Can things that don't. accumulated (by a house/
these be reused? Rotting is village/ colony etc.) in a
If we dump them supported by day, in a year; discussion
anywhere, will It animals/animal on 'what is waste5;
harm the and plant Activity to show that
surroundings? products. materials rot in soil, this is
What if we throw affected by wrapping in
them in plastic plastics.


Sub-theme Questions Key concepts Resources Activities/ Processes

1 FOOD How do plants get Autotrophic and Coleus or any Need for light, green leaf
Food from their food? heterotrophic other plant with for photosynthesis,
where nutrition; variegated leaves, looking at any
parasites, alcohol, iodine saprophyte/parasite and
saprophytes; solution, kit noting differences from a
photosynthesis materials. green plant.

Utilization of How do plants and Types of Model of human Effect of saliva on starch,
food animals utilize their nutrition, teeth, charts of permanent slide of
food? nutrition in alimentary canal, Amoeba. Role play with
amoeba and types of nutrition children
human beings, etc., chart and
Digestive model of amoeba.
system -human, The story of the
ruminants; types stomach with a
of teeth; link hole.
with transport
and respiration
3 THE Why are nights Climate, soil Data on earth, sun Graph for daily changes in
WORLD OF cooler? How does types, soil profile, - size, distance temperature, day length,
THE LIVING having winters and absorption of etc, daily changes humidity etc.; texture of
Surroundings summers affect soil? water in soil, in temperature, various soils by wetting
affect the Are all soils similar? suitability for humidity from the and rolling; absorption /
living Can we make a pot crops, adaptation newspaper, percolation of water in
with sand? Is soil of animals to sunrise, sunset etc. different soils, which soil
similar when you dig different climates can hold more water.
into the ground?
What happens to
water when it falls
on the
The breath of Why do we/animals Respiration in Lime water, Experiment to show
life breathe? Do plants plants and germinating plants and animals
also breathe? Do animals seeds, kit respire; rate of breathing;
they also respire? materials. what do we breathe out?
How do What do plants 'breathe'
plants/animals live out? Respiration in
in water? seeds; heat release due to
respiration. Anaerobic
respiration, root

Movement of How does water Herbs, shrubs, Twig, stain; Translocation of water in
Substances move in plants? How trees; Transport improvised stems, demonstration of
is food transported of food and water stethoscope; plastic transpiration,
in plants? Why do in plants; bags, plants, egg, measurement of pulse
animals drink water? circulatory and sugar, salt, starch, rate, heartbeat; after
Why do we sweat? excretion system Benedicts solution, exercise etc. Discussion
Why and low is in animals; Ag NO3 solution. on dialysis, importance;
there blood in all sweating. experiment on dialysis
parts of the body? using egg membrane.
Why is blood red?
Do all animals have
blood? What is there
in urine?
Multiplication Why are some plant Vegetative, Study of tuber, corm, bulb
in plants parts like potato, asexual and leaves, potato,
etc; budding in yeast;
onion swollen — are sexual onion etc.; yeast
T.S./L.S. ovaries,
they of any use to reproduction in powder, sugar
w.m.pollen grains;
the plants? What is plants, comparison of wind
the function of pollination -cross, pollinated and insect
flowers? How are self pollination; pollinated flowers;
fruits and seeds pollinators, observing fruit and seed
formed? How are fertilization, fruit, development in some
they dispersed? seed plants; collection and
discussion of fruits/seeds
dispersed by different
6 NATURAL What causes High-speed Experience; Making wind speed and
Rain, storms? What are winds and newspaper wind direction indicators.
thunder and the effects of heavy rainfall reports. Activity to show "lift" due
lightning storms? Why have disastrous Narratives/stories to moving air
are roofs blown off? consequences for Discussion on effects of
human and other storms and possible safety
life means

7 NATURAL Where and how do Water exists in Experience; media Discussions.

RESOURCES you get water for various forms in reports; case Case study of people
Scarcity of your domestic nature. Scarcity material living in conditions of
water needs? Is it enough? of water and its extreme scarcity of water,
Is there enough effect on life how they use water in a
water for agricultural judicious way. Projects
needs? What exploring various kinds of
happens to plants water resources that exist
when there is not in nature in different
enough water for regions in India;
plants? Where does a variations of water
plant go when it availability in different
dies? regions.

Forest What are the Interdependence Case material on Case study of forests
products products we get from of plants and forests.
forests? Do other animals in
animals also benefit forests. Forests
from forests? What contribute to
will happen if purification of air
forests disappear? and water

Waste Where does dirty Sewage; need for Observation and Survey of the
Management water from your drainage / sewer experience; neighbourhood,
house go? Have you systems that are photographs identifying locations with
seen a drain? Does closed open drains, stagnant
the water stand in it water, and possible
sometimes? Does contamination of ground
this have any water by sewage. Tracing
harmful effect? the route of sewage in
your building, and trying
to understand whether
there are any problems in


Sub-theme Questions Key concepts Resources Activities/


1 FOOD 22 Crop Crop production: Crop production: Interaction and Preparing herbarium
production How are different Soil preparation, discussion with specimens of some
food crops selection of local men and crop plants;
produced? What seeds, sowing, women farmers collection of some
are the various applying about farming seeds etc; preparing a
foods we get from fertilizers, and farm table/chart on
animal sources? irrigation, practices; visit different irrigation
weeding, to cold storage, practices and sources
harvesting and go-downs; visit of water in different
storage; nitrogen to any farm/ parts of India;
fixation, nitrogen nursery/ garden; looking at roots of
cycle; any legume crop for
nodules, hand
section of nodules

Microorganisms What living Micro organisms - Microscope, kit Making a lens with a
organisms do we useful and materials; bulb; Observation of
see under a harmful information about drop of water, curd,
microscope in a techniques of other sources, bread
drop of water? food preservation mould, orange mould
What helps make under the
curd? How does microscope:
food go bad? How experiment showing
do we preserve fermentation of
food? dough - increase in
volume (using yeast)
— collect gas in
balloon, test in lime
3 THE WORLD OF What are reserve Conservation of Films on wild Discussion on
THE LIVING Why forests/sanctuaries biodiversity/wild life, TV whether we find as
conserve etc? How do we life/plants; zoos, programmes, visit many diverse plants
keep track of our sanctuaries, to zoo/forest /animals in a 'well
plants and animals? forest reserves area/sanctuaries kept area' like a park
How do we know etc. flora, fauna etc.; case study or cultivated land, as
that some species endangered with information compared to any area
are in danger of species, red data on disappearing left alone. Discussion
disappearing? What book; endemic tigers; data on on depletion of wild
would happen if species, endemic and life, why it happens,
you continuously migration. endangered on poaching,
cut trees? species from economics.
MEF, Govt. of
India, NGOs
VI NATURAL What is lightning? Clouds carry Articles on Discussion on sparks.
PHENOMENA 26 What safety electric charge. clouds and Experiments with
Rain, thunder and measures should we Positive and lightning; kit comb and paper to
lightning j take against negative charges, items show positive and
lightning strikes? attraction and negative charge.
repulsion. Discussion on
Principle of lightning conductor
VII NATURAL What do we do with Consequences of Data and
RESOURCES 20 wood? deforestation: narratives on
Man's intervention Whatifwehadno scarcity of deforestation and
in phenomena of wood? What will products for on movements to
nature happen it we go on humans and other protect forests
cutting trees/grass living beings, Narration and
without limit? What change in physical discussions.
do we do with coal properties of soil, Project-
and petroleum? Can reduced rainfall. Recycling of
we create coal and Reforestation; paper.
petroleum recycling of Background
artificially? petroleum. materials, charts

paper. Formation etc. Discussion
of coal and
petroleum in
nature, (fossil
Consequences of
over extraction of
coal and
Pollution of air and What are the Water & air are Description of Case study and
water various activities by increasingly some specific discussion.
human beings that getting polluted examples of Purification of water
make air impure? and therefore extremely by physical and
Does clear, become scarce for polluted rivers. chemical methods
transparent water use. Biological including using
indicate purity? and chemical sunlight. Discussion
contamination of on other methods of
water; effect of water purification
impure water on
soil & living
beings; effect of
soil containing
excess of
fertilizers &
insecticides on
water resources.
Potable water


Sub-theme Questions Key concepts Resources Activiti

1FOOD Higher What do we do to get Plant and animal Visit to any Collection of
yields higher yields in our breeding and selection fish/bee/dai weeds found in
farms? for quality improvement, ry/pig etc fields of
use of fertilizers, farms; data different crops;
manures; protection from showing collection of
pests and diseases; harmful diseased crops;
organic farming. effects of Discussion and
insecticides; studying
process for eomposting/ver
the mi-composting
preparation 8
of compost,

3 THE WORLD How do the various Diversity of plants and Specimens of Discussion on
OF THE plants around us differanimals -basic issues in some animals, diversity and the
LIVING from each other? How scientific naming, Basis of and plants not characteristics
Biological are they similar? What classification, Hierarchy of easily associated with
Diversity about animals? How categories/ groups, Major observable any group 14
are they similar to andgroups of plants (salient around you
different from each features) (Bacteria,
other? Thallophyta Bryophyta,
Gymnosperms and
Angiosperms). Major
groups of animals (salient
features) (Non-chordates
up to phyla and Chordates
up to classes).
What is the What are we made up Cell as a basic unit of life; Permanent Observation of
living being of? What are the Prokaryotic and eukaryotic slides, model model of human
made up of? different parts of our cells, multi cellular of the human body to learn
body? the absence of organisms; cell body dishes about levels of
air? Why is flame with and organization -
seen when without covers, tissue, organ,
substances bum? Can container that oxidation and
substances burn can be filled reduction
without flame? Why with water,
does a matchstick kept cotton wool,
in the blue part of etc.
the flame not burn?
Why is a red coating
formed on the zinc
rod when it is k ep t
in copper sulphate
solution? What is
the material of the
3 THE. WORLD What will happen if Our Environment: Discussion on Activity of
OF THE we bury different Environmental problems, food habits of burying different
LIVING Our materials in the soil? what can we do? animals, materials in
Environment What will happen if Bio degradable, non- Finding out the soil and
we kill all insects? biodegradable. Ozone the various studying
Some of us eat meat; depletion. waste materials periodically what
some do not -what produced and happens;
about animals? their disposal construction of
in different food web
parts of the using models,
country classification of
some common
plants and
animals as
consumers etc. 8

7 NATURAL How can we Management of Articles/stories Case studies
RESOURCES 25 contribute to protect natural resources. on with focus on
Conservation of environment in our Conservation and conservation; commercial
Natural locality? What are the judicious use of and wild Posters on activities
major global life, coal and petroleum environmental exploiting natural
environmental issues conservation. People's awareness. resources. Effect
of direct relevance to participation. Chipko Case studies of these on
us? movement. Legal on Chipko varies cycles
What are the steps perspectives movement; in natures.
expected on the part of inconservation and CNG use.
local administration to international scenario.
maintain balances in
nature in your region?
How can we help?

The regional How does the Big dams: Case study Case studies
environment construction of big advantages and material on with focus on
dams affect the life of limitations; alternatives if dams Resource issues of
the people and the any. Water harvesting. material on construction of
regional environment? Sustainability of water dams and
Are rivers, lakes, natural resources. harvesting related
forests and wild life phenomena
safe in your area? (actual /
Debates on
issues involved

Sources of What are the various Different forms of Experience; Discussion.

energy sources of energy we energy, leading to print Making models
use? Are any of these different sources for material on and charts
sources limited? Are human use: fossil fuels, various in groups.
there reasons to prefer solar energy; biogas; sources Making a solar
some of them over wind, water and tidal of energy; heater/cooker
others? energy; nuclear materials
energy Renewable to make a
versus non renewable solar heater

Social Science Syllabus from class VI to X

The Social Sciences have been a part of the school curriculum before Class VI as
part of the teaching of Environmental Studies. The revised EVS syllabus has
attempted to draw the child's attention in Classes III-V to the broad span of time,
space and the life in society, integrating this with the way in which she or he has
come to see and understand the world around them.

Unit I: History: Our Pasts
Encourage the students to imagine what it would be like to live in the society that
was being discussed, or how a child of the time would have experienced the
events being talked of.



The Earliest Societies (a) Appreciate the skills and knowledge of

(a) Hunting and gathering as a way of life, hunter-gatherers.
its implications. (b) Identify stone artefacts as
(b) Introduction to stone tools and their use. archaeological evidence, making
(c) Case study: the Deccan. deductions from them.
The First Farmers and Herders (a) Appreciate the diversity of early
Implications of farming and herding. domestication.
Archaeological evidence for crops, animals (b) Identify the material culture
house, tools, pottery, burials, etc. generated by people in relatively stable
Case study: the northwest and northeast. settlements.
(c) Understand strategies for analysing these.



Where, When and How: (a) Familiarize the student with the changing
Terms used to describe the subcontinent and names of the land.
its regions with a map. (b) Discuss broad historical trends.
(b) An outlining of the time frame and major (c) Give examples of the kinds of sources that
developments. historians use for studying this period. e.g.
A brief discussion on sources. building, chronicles, paintings, coins,
inscriptions, documents, music, literature.



Crafts and Industries: (a) Familiarize students with the processes of

(a) Decline of handicrafts in the nineteenth de-industrialization and industrialization.
century. (b) Give an idea of the technologies of
(b) Brief reference to growth of industries in weaving and the lives of weavers.
the twentieth century.
Case-studies: textiles.

Unit II: Geography
The course at this stage comprises study of the earth as the habitat of humankind, study
of environment, resources and development at different scales local, regional/national
and the world.

The major objectives of the course are to: 1. develop an understanding about the earth
as the habitat of humankind and other forms of life.

Class VI: The Earth - Our Habitat


Planet: Earth in the solar system. To understand the unique place of the earth
in the solar system, which provides ideal
condition for all forms of life, including
human beings;

Globe: the model of the earth, latitudes and To understand two motions of the earth and
longitudes; motions of the earth rotation and their effects;

Four realms of the earth: lithosphere, To understand interrelationship of the realms

hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere: of the earth;
continents & oceans. Major relief features of To understand major landforms of the
the earth. earth;

India in the world: physiographic To comprehend broad physiographic divisions

divisions of India - mountains, plateaus and of India; To describe the influence of land,
plains; climate; natural vegetation and wild climate, vegetation and wildlife on human
life; need for their conservation. life; To appreciate the need for conserving
natural vegetation and wild life.

Make a chart showing distance of the planets from the sun. Draw a sketch of your school
and locate the following: (i) the principal's room (ii) your classroom (iii) playground (iv)
library. Show the major wildlife sanctuaries of your region on a political map of India.
Arrange for a trip to a wildlife sanctuary or zoo.

CLASS VI: Our Environment


Environment in its totality: natural and To understand the environment in its

human environment. totality including various components both
natural and human;

Natural Environment: land - interior of the To explain the components of natural
earth, rocks and minerals; earth environment; To appreciate the
movements and major land forms.(One case interdependence of these components and their
study related with earthquake to be introduced) importance in our life To appreciate and
develop sensitivity towards environments;

Air - composition, structure of the To understand about atmosphere and its

atmosphere, elements of weather and elements;
climate - temperature, pressure, moisture and
wind. (One case study related with cyclones to
be introduced)

Water - fresh and saline, distribution of To know about distribution of water on the
major water bodies, ocean waters and their earth;
circulation. (One case study related with
tsunami to be introduced)

Natural vegetation and wild life. To find out the nature of diverse flora and

Human Environment: settlement, transport and To explain the relationship between

communication. natural environment and human
habitation; To appreciate the need of
transport and communication for
development of the community; To be familiar
with the new developments making today's
world a global society;

Human - Environment Interaction: Case To understand the complex inter

Studies - life in desert regions - Sahara and relationship of human and natural
Ladakh; life in tropical and subtropical environment; To compare life in one's own
regions - Amazon and Ganga-Brahmaputra; surrounding with life of other environmental
life in temperate regions -Prairies and Veldt. settings; To appreciate the cultural
differences existing in the world which is an
outcome of interaction, between human
beings and their environment;

Collect stories / find out about changes that took place in their areas (identify how things/
surroundings change overnight and why). Discuss the topic "How weather forecast helps us"
in your class after assigning the role of a farmer, a hawker, a pilot of an aeroplane, a captain
of ship, a fisherman and an engineer of a river dam to different students.
Write observations about local area house types, settlements, transport, communication and

CLASS VIII: Resources and Development


Resources: resources and their types -natural To know the meaning of resources their
and human. variety, location and distribution;

Natural resources: their distribution, To understand the importance of resources in

utilization and conservation, land and soil, our life; To appreciate the judicious use of
water, natural vegetation, wildlife, mineral and resources for sustainable development; To
power resources (world patterns with special develop awareness towards resources
reference to India). conservation and take initiative towards
conservation process;

Agriculture: types of farming, major Learn about various types of farming and
crops, food crops, fibres, beverages, agricultural development in two different
agricultural development - two case regions.
studies - one from India and the other
from a developed country/a farm in the US/
Netherlands/ Australia.

Industries: classification of industries base on To understand important forms of

size, raw material, ownership; major industries manufacturing industries
and distribution; infrastructure and
development. Iron and Steel (a comparative
study of Jamshedpur and a centre in USA
e.g. Detroit). Textile Industry (Ahmedabad
and Osaka). Information Technology
(Bangalore and Silicon Valley).

Human Resources - composition, To understand the role of human resources in

population change, distribution and development of nation's economy.

Observe and report about local agricultural practices, crops grown/ manufacturing industries.
Collect information regarding some endangered plants and animal species of India.
Visit to an industry / local agricultural farm.
Prepare a chart showing difference between life style of farmers in the developed countries and
India on basis of pictures collected from magazines, newspapers and the internet.


The idea of government is introduced at this grade and then elaborated upon through a
discussion of the types of government at the local level, as well as different aspects of their
functioning. Through focusing chapters on concrete, though narrativised, examples of land
administration in the rural context and sanitation services in the urban one, the attempt is to
have the child gain an experiential understanding of the ways in which local government


SECTION 2 To enable students to: understand the

Urban Local Government - municipal intricacies involved in the local
corporation elections, decision making administration's provision of water.
structures - the provision of water and the
work of the municipal corporation -
citizens protests to get their grievances


UNIT 2: State Government

Its Functioning Through one example: land
reform/irrigation/education/ water/ health
• The nature of the role played by the
government - regarding resources and
• Factors involved in distribution of
resources /services.
• Access of localities and
communities to resources/services.

The Social Sciences’ Syllabus for Secondary Stage

At the secondary stage, Social Sciences helps the learners in understanding the environment
in it’s totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical, reasonable and
humane outlook.

Subject: History
Overall Theme for Class IX & X: India and the Contemporary World
Class IX

Unit II: Economies and Livelihoods

5. Forest society and colonialism: Look at the impact of colonialism on forest

(a) Relationship between forests and societies, and the implication of scientific
livelihoods. forestry.
(b) Changes in forest societies under
colonialism. Case studies: focus on two
forest movements one in colonial India
(Bastar) and one in Indonesia.

6. Farmers and peasants:

Discuss the social and cultural world of
(a) Histories of the emergence of different
forms of farming and peasant societies. forest communities through the study of
(b) Changes within rural economies in the specific revolts. Understand how oral
modem world. Case studies: focus on traditions can be used to explore tribal
contrasting forms of rural change and revolts. Show the different processes through
different forms of rural societies which agrarian transformation may occur in
(expansion of large-scale wheat and cotton the modern world. Understand how
farming in USA, rural economy and the agricultural systems in India are different
Agricultural Revolution in England, and from that in other countries. □ Familiarize
small peasant production in colonial students with the idea that large-scale
India: Opium production in Bangal) farming, small-scale production, shifting
developments within pastoral societies in agriculture operate on different principles
different places. and have different histories.

Unit III: Culture, identity and Society Show how clothing has a history, and how it
8. Clothes and cultures. is linked to questions of cultural identity,
(a) A short history of changes in clothing. Discuss how clothing has been the focus of
(b) Debates over clothing in colonial India. intense social battles.
(c) Swadeshi and the movement for Khadi


Unit II: Economics and livelihoods: Discuss two different pattern of

4. Industrialization 1850s-1980s: industrialization, one in the imperial country
(a) Contrast between the from of and another within a colony.
industrialization in Britain and India. Show the relationship between different
(b) Relationship between handicrafts and sectors of production.
industrial production, formal and informal
(c) Livelihood of workers. Case studies:
Britain and India

Subject: Geography
The major objectives of the course are to: 4. Judicious utilisation of resources as well as the
need for the conservation of the natural environment. 5. Inculcate a critical appreciation for
conservation and environmental concerns. 6. Appreciate the rights of local communities in
relation to their environment.

Theme: India – Land and the People

Climate: factors influencing the climate; To identify the various factors influencing
monsoon - its characteristics, rainfall and the climate and explain the climatic
temperature distribution; seasons; climate variation of our country and its impact on
and human life. (One case study to be the life of the people;
introduced related with natural disasters) To explain the importance and unifying role
of monsoons;

Drainage: major rivers and tributaries, To understand the river systems of the
lakes and seas, role of rivers in the country and explain the role of rivers in the
economy, pollution of rivers, measures to evolution of human society;
control river pollution.
Natural Vegetation: vegetation types, To find out the nature of diverse flora and
distribution as well as altitudinal variation, fauna as well as their distribution; To
need for conservation and various measures. develop concern about the need to protect
Wildlife: major species, their distribution, the bio-diversity of our country;
need for conservation and various measures.

Population; size, distribution, age-sex To analyse the uneven nature of

composition, population change-migration as a population distribution and show concern
determinant of population change, literacy, about the large size of our population; To
health, occupational structure and national understand the various occupations of
population policy: adolescents as under- people and explain various factors of
served population group with special population change; To explain various
needs. dimensions of national policy and
understand the needs of adolescents as
underserved group.
Learners may identify songs, dances, festivals and special food preparations
associated with certain seasons in their particular region, and whether they have some
commonality with other regions of India. D Collection of material by learners on the flora
and fauna of the region in which their school is situated. It should include a list of
endangered species of the region and also information regarding efforts being made to
save them.
River pollution
Depletion of forests and ecological imbalance.

Theme: India – Resources and their Development


Resources: Types- natural and human; Need To understand the value of resources and the
for resource planning. Natural Resources: need for their judicious utilization and
land as a resource, soil formation, types and conservation;
distribution; changing land-use pattern; land
degradation and conservation measures.
Forest and wildlife resources: types and To understand the importance of forests and
distribution, depletion of flora and fauna; wildlife in our environment as well as
conservation and protection of forests and develop concern towards depletion of
wildlife. resources;
Agriculture: types of farming, major To identify various types of farming and
crops, cropping pattern, technological and discuss the various farming methods; To
institutional reforms; their impact; describe the spatial distribution of major
contribution of Agriculture to national crops as well as understand the
economy - employment and output, food relationship between rainfall regimes and
security, impact of globalisation, cropping pattern; To explain various
agriculture in national economy; government policies for institutional as
well as technological reforms since
independence; To understand the importance

Water resources: sources, distribution, To understand the importance of water as a

utilisation, multi-purpose projects, water resource as well as develop awareness
scarcity, need for conservation and towards its jud iciou s use an d
management, rainwater harvesting. (One case conservation;
study to be introduced)
Mineral Resources: types of minerals, To discuss various types of minerals as well
distribution, use and economic importance of as their uneven nature of distribution and
minerals, conservation. explain the need for their judicious utilisation;

Power Resources: types of power To discuss various types of conventional and

resources — conventional and non- non-conventional resources and their
conventional, distribution and utilization, and utilization
Manufacturing Industries: Types, spatial To discuss the importance of industries in the
distribution, contribution to industries to the national economy as well as understand
national economy, industrial pollution and the regional disparities which resulted due to
degradation of environment, measures to concentration of industries in some areas; To
control degradation. (One case study to be discuss the need for a planned industrial
introduced) development and debate over the role of
government towards sustainable development

Transport, communication and trade To explain the importance of transport and
communication in the ever shrinking
world; To understand the role of trade in the
economic development of a country and
analyse the changing.

Project / Activity
• Learners may collect photographs of typical rural houses, and clothing of people
from different regions of India and examine whether they reflect any
relationship with the climatic conditions and relief of the area.
• Learners may write a brief report on various irrigation practices in the village and
the change in cropping pattern in the last decade.
• Pollution of water in the locality.
• Depletion of forests and the greenhouse effect.

Syllabus for Electives at XI & XII


Salient Features of the present syllabus are thus:

Attempt has been made to see discipline of Chemistry does not remain only the
science of facts but becomes related to modern applications in the world around us.
With this background, the Chemistry curriculum at the higher secondary stage
attempts to: Inculcate values of honesty, integrity, cooperation, concern for life and
preservation of the environment; Equip students to face challenges related to health,
nutrition, environment, population, whether, industries and agriculture.

Chemistry Syllabus Class XI

Unit XIV: Environmental Chemistry
(Periods 6)
Environmental pollution - air, water and soil pollution, chemical reactions in
atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants; acid rain, ozone and its reactions,
effects of depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect and global warming - pollution
due to industrial wastes; green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing
pollution, strategy for control of environmental pollution.

PRACTICALS C. Experiments related to pH change

(Periods 6)
a) Any one of the following experiments: Determination of pH of some solutions
obtained from fruit juices, solutions of known and varied concentrations of acids,
bases and salts using pH paper or universal indicator, o Comparing the pH of

solutions of strong and weak acid of same concentration, o Study the pH change in
the titration of a strong acid with a strong base using universal indicator.
b) Study of pH change by common-ion effect in case of weak acids and weak bases.
Scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from

A Few suggested Projects

• Checking the bacterial contamination in drinking water by testing sulphide ions.
• Study of the methods of purification of water. D Testing the hardness, presence
of iron, fluoride, chloride etc. depending upon the regional variation in drinking
water and the study of causes of presences of these ions above permissible limit
(if any) Investigation of the foaming capacity of different washing soaps and the
effect of addition of sodium on them. Study of the acidity of different samples of
the tea leaves.
• Determination of the rate of evaporation of different liquids. Study of the effect
of acids and bases on the tensile strength of fibers. Analysis of fruit and
vegetable juices for their acidity.

Chemistry Syllabus for Class XII

Unit X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Uses and environmental effects of -- dichloromethane, trichloromethane,
tetrochloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.

Unit XV: Polymers

(Periods 8)
Classification - natural and synthetic, methods of polymerization (addition and
condensation), copolymerization. Some important polymers: natural and synthetic
like polythene, nylon, polyesters, bakelite, rubber.

Unit XVI; Chemistry is everyday lite

(Periods 8)
1. Chemicals in medicines analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants,
antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, 2. Chemicals
in food - preservatives, artificial sweetening agents. 3.Cleansing agents - soaps and
detergents, cleansing action.

E, Chromatography
i) Separation of pigments from extracts of leaves and flowers by paper
chromatography and determination of Rf values.
I. Study of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in pure form and detection of their
presence in given food stuffs.

A Few suggested Projects
• Study of presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages of ripening.
G Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk. Q
Preparation of soybean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with
respect to curd formation, effect of temperature, etc.
• Study of the effect of potassium bisulphate as food preservative under various
conditions (temperature, concentration, time etc).
• Study of digestion of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH and
temperature on it.
• Comparative study of the rate of fermentation of following materials: wheat
flour, gram flour, potato juice, carrot juice etc.
• Extraction of essential oils present in Saunf (aniseed), Ajwain (carum),
Illaichi (cardamom).

Salient Features
Emphasis on Physics-related technological/industrial aspects to cope up with
changing demand of society committed to the use of Physics, technology and
informatics. Expose the learners to different processes used in Physics-related
industrial and technological applications; P

Physics Syllabus
Class XI
Unit VI: Gravitation
Gravitational potential energy; gravitational potential. Escape velocity, orbital
velocity of a satellite, Geo-stationary satellites.

Unit VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

Pressure due to a fluid column; Pascal's law and its applications (hydraulic lift and
hydraulic brakes). Effect of gravity on fluid pressure. Heat, temperature, thermal
expansion; specific heat - clorimetry; change of state - latent heat, Heat transfer -
conduction, convection and radiation, thermal conductivity, Newton's law of

Unit VIII: Thermodynamics (Periods 12)

Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature (zeroth law of thermodynamics).
Heat, work and internal energy. First law of thermodynamics. Second law of
thermodynamics: reversible and irreversible processes. Heat engines and

Unit IX; Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory (Periods 8)

Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas. Kinetic theory
of gases — assumptions, concept of pressure. Kinetic energy and temperature; mis
speed of gas molecules; degrees of freedom, law of equipartition of energy

(statement only) and application to specific heats of gases; concept of mean free
path, Avogadro's number.

8. To find the downward force, along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to
gravitational pull of the earth and study its relationship with the angle of inclination
by plotting graph between force and sinθ.
5. To study the variation in the range of a jet. of water with the angle of projection.
4. To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method. 6. To study
the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time by plotting a
cooling curve. 9.To determine specific heat of a given (i), solid (ii). liquid, by
method of mixtures.

4. To study the effect of detergent on surface tension by observing capillary rise.
5. To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid.

Physics syllabus
Class XII
Unit IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
AC generator and transformer.
Unit V: Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics (qualitative ideas only). Transverse
nature of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays) including elementary
facts about their uses.
Unit VI- Optics
Scattering of light - blue colour of the sky and reddish appearance of the sun at
sunrise and sunset.
1. To study effect of intensity of light (by varying distance of the source) on an
Suggested Investigatory Projects
4. To compare effectiveness of different materials as insulators of heat. 8. To study
infra-red radiations emitted by different sources using photo-transistor.
9. To compare effectiveness of different materials as absorbers of sound.


The revised syllabus stresses the connection of the study of Biology to real life
problems - use of biological discoveries/innovations in everyday life - in

environment, industry, medicine, health and agriculture. The syllabus also takes up
issues pertaining to environment, health and other ethical issues that arise with any
interference of human beings in the natural processes, which have great relevance
from the societal point of view. A discussion on these in the prescribed syllabus
would help tackle prevalent misconceptions and empower the student to play a
rational, responsible and informed role in society.
Diversity of living organisms.
Classification of the living organisms (five kingdom classification, major groups and
principles of classification within each kingdom). Systematics and binomial system
of nomenclature. Salient features of animal (non chordates up to phylum level, and
chordates up to class level) and plant (major groups; Angiosperms up to subclass)
classification. Botanical gardens, herbaria, zoological parks and museums.
Key points for developing subject matter
Zoological parks, Botanical gardens, Herbaria and Natural museums serve as
Taxonomical aids.
Iv plant physiology
Movement of water, food, nutrients, and gases. Plants and water. Mineral nutrition.
Respiration. Photosynthesis. Plant growth and development.
Key points for developing subject matter
• Cell to cell movement of water, food, gas and nutrients is dependent
principally on concentration gradients and diffusion. Substances are moved
against a concentration gradient through active transport. The plants lose
water through their stomata. Transport of water over larger distances in plants
depends on transpiration pull. Root pressure is responsible for movement of
water up short distances and for guttation. Plants require a variety of mineral
nutrients for their growth and development, ill Some plants are able to fix
atmospheric nitrogen, p Green plants use the C3 pathway to fix carbon
dioxide and synthesize simple sugars in the presence of sunlight. Some plants
have the C4 pathway, □ Sugars are oxidised by all living organisms to release
energy. Some organisms derive energy from food anaerobically. This energy
is trapped as ATP and utilised for all metabolic activities. Growth regulators
regulate growth and development in plants.
Demonstrate requirement of chlorophyll and light for photosynthesis. Separate plant
pigments using paper chromatography. Study rate of respiration in different plant
materials. Demonstrate anaerobic respiration. Study transpiration in plants using
Cobalt Chloride method. Study imbibitions of water by seeds or raisins. Study
plasmolysis and osmosis. Study the effect of apical bud removal on plants.


Animal husbandry. Basic concepts of immunology, vaccines. Pathogens, Parasites.
Plant breeding, tissue culture, food production. Microbes in household food
processing, industrial production, sewage treatment and energy generation.
Cancer and AIDS.

Key points for developing subject matter
• Traditionally farm animals have been bred for increased productivity, disease
and pest resistance. The human body has its own defence mechanism. The
defence system is constantly under attack from diverse source pollutants,
chemicals and infectious organisms.
• Our body is capable of producing millions of types of antibodies to
trap/remove and overcome the adverse effects of these foreign
bodies/chemicals. However, against some infectious organisms we need to
develop antibodies in advance, i.e. acquired immunity. Vaccination can help
in developing immunity to specific diseases. Genetically engineered
microorganisms are serving as bioreactors for production of vaccines and
drugs. Traditional plant breeding has been the method of creating varieties
that are high on yield, resistance to pests and diseases and adapted to a given
climatic condition. This has been the source of green revolution in India New
methods of propagation using tissue culture and genetic alteration using DNA
technology provide novel methods of crop improvement, horticulture, pest
resistance. Microbes thrive by degradation/conversion of organic and
inorganic compounds. These characteristics of microbes can be exploited to
produce household products (yoghurt/vinegar), for industrial production,
treatment of sewage and energy generation. Diseases like cancer and AIDS -
the major cause of death in the modern world - need adequate
preventive/control measures.
Recombinant DNA technology.
Applications in Health, Agriculture and Industry
Genetically modified (GM) organisms; biosafety issues.
Insulin and Bt cotton
Key points for developing subject matter
rDNA technology has also played a major role in production of GM foods which
have the advantage of high yields, pest and disease resistance. Use of GM food and
crops has raised several questions regarding its bio-safety from the point of human
consumption, environment and other social issues.
Ecosystems: components, types and energy flow.
Species, population and community.
Ecological adaptations.
Centres of diversity and conservation of biodiversity, National parks and sanctuaries.
Environmental issues.
Key points for developing subject matter
• The living organisms in their environment form a structural and functional
unit in terms of energy flow (ecological pyramids).
• The biotic and abiotic components within an ecosystem interact with each
• Several types of ecosystems can be classified and identified in nature
depending on the climate, habitat, energy flow pattern and the physiognomy.

• In nature, organisms do not occur singly but exist as populations and
• Plants and animals are adapted to their habitats such as in deserts and in
• Several factors affect biodiversity including natural and
anthropogenic activities.
• In India, women have played a major role in conservation of plants, animals
and natural resources.
• The need of the present day is to conserve biodiversity for a sustainable
living; several conservation methods have been adopted.
• Conservation of biodiversity may be in situ or ex situ.
• The 'Silent Valley' as a case study, to understand the value of environmental
impact assessment and the role of peoples' participation.
• Introduction to the idea that new products, processes and ideas related to
biodiversity can be patented (Intellectual Property Rights, IPR).
• Pollution, deforestation, global warming, ozone layer depletion, underground
water level and threat to biodiversity (with special reference to wild life) are
some among many environmental concerns,
Collect soils from different sites and study them for texture, moisture content and
pH. Correlate with the kinds of plants found in them. Study plants and animals found
in dry and aquatic conditions. Collect water from any water bodies around you and
study them for pH, clarity, and presence of any living organisms. Study the amount
of SPM (suspended particulate matter) in air at two widely separated sites.

Class XI
11. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer. 12. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal
peels (e.g. Rhoeo leaves).
13. Study of imbibitions in seeds/raisins.
14. Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower surface of leaves.
15. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and lower surface of
16. Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats. Detect them in
suitableplant and animal materials.
17. Separate plant pigments through paper chromatography.
18. Study rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.
19. Observation and comments on the experimental set up on:
a. Anaerobic respiration.
b. Phototropism.
c. Apical bud removal.

Class XII
15. Collect and study soil from different sites and study them for texture and
moisture content,
16. Study the pH and water holding capacity of soil. Correlate with the kinds of
plants found in them,
17. Study plants and animals found in dry conditions. Comment upon on their
18. Study plants and animals of aquatic conditions. Comment upon on their
19. Collect water from different water bodies around you and study them for pH,
clarity and presence of any living organisms.
20. Study the amount of suspended particulate matter in air at the two widely
different sites.
21. Study of plant population density by quadrat method.
22. Study of plant population frequency by quadrat method.

Subject: History
Class XI: Themes in World History
Themes Objectives

I: EARLY SOCIETIES Familiarize the learner with ways of
1 From the Beginning of Time reconstructing human evolution. Discuss
Focus: Africa, Europe till 15000 BC whether the experience of present-day
Views on the origin of human beings. hunting-gathering peoples can be used to
Early societies. understand early societies. Familiarize the
Debate on present-day hunter-gatherer learner with the nature of early urban centres.
2. Early Cities
Focus: Iraq, 3rd millennium BC
(a) Growth of towns. (b) Nature of early urban
IV: PATHS TO MODERNIZATION Understand the nature of growth the period and
10. The Industrial Revolution its limits. Initiate students to the debate the
Focus on England, 18th and 19th century, idea of industrial revolution.
(a) Innovations and technological change
(c)Patterns of growth. (c) Emergence of a
working class.
Debate: Was there an Industrial Revolution?

Class XII: Themes in Indian History
The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Familiarize the learner with early urban
Archaeology. centres as economic and social
Broad overview: Early urban centres. institutions. □ Introduce the ways in which
Story of discovery: Harappan civilization. new data can lead to a revision of existing
Excerpt: Archaeological report on a major notions of history. □ Illustrate how
site. archaeological reports are analysed and
Discussion: how it has been utilized by interpreted by scholars.

Subject: Geography
Its contributions lie in the content, cognitive processes, skills and values that
geography promotes and thus helps the students explore, understand and evaluate the
environmental and social dimensions of the world in a better manner. Since
geography explores the relationship between people and their environment, it
includes studies of physical and human environments and their interactions at
different scales-local, state/region, nation and the world. The fundamental principles
responsible for the varieties in the distributional pattern of physical and human
features and phenomena over the earth's surface need to be understood properly.
Application of these principles would be taken up through selected case studies from
the world and India. Thus, the physical and human environment of India and study
of some issues from a geographical point of view will be covered in greater detail.
Students will be exposed to different methods used in geographical investigations.
Common Core Components (NPE 1986) such as India's common cultural heritage,
equality of sexes, protection of environment, observance of the small family norm
and inculcation of scientific temper will be reflected in the geography syllabus. The
geography course will incorporate some issues of NCF 2005 such as making
children sensitive to environment and its protection to nurture and preserve the
environment, and using geographical knowledge in understanding various
environmental and socio-economic issues of the community, region and the country,
e.g. gender and marginalized groups.
The course in geography will help learners: Search for, recognize and understand the
processes and patterns of the spatial arrangement of the natural as well as human
features and phenomena on the earth's surface;
Understand and analyse the inter-relationship between physical and human
environments and their impact;
Apply geographical knowledge and methods of inquiry to new situations or
problems at different levels - local/regional, national and global;

Develop geographical skills, relating to collection, processing and analysis of Utilize
geographical knowledge in understanding issues concerning the community such as
environmental issues, socio-economic concerns, gender and become responsible and
effective member of the community.

Course Structure
Class XI
A. Fundamentals of Physical Geography
B. India - Physical Environment

A. Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Unit II: The Earth
Origin and evolution of the earth; Interior of the earth; Wegener's continental
drift theory and plate tectonics; earthquakes and volcanoes;
Unit III: Landforms
Rocks and minerals - major types of rocks and their characteristics;
Landforms and their evolution
Geomorphic processes - weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition; soils -
Unit IV: Climate
• Atmosphere — compositions and structure; elements of weather and climate;
• Isolation - angle of incidence and distribution; heat budget of the earth -
heating and cooling of atmosphere (conduction, convection, terrestrial
radiation, advection); temperature - factors controlling temperature;
distribution of temperature - horizontal and vertical; inversion of temperature;
• Pressure - pressure belts; winds-planetary seasonal and local, air masses and
fronts; tropical and extra tropical cyclones.
• Precipitation- evaporation; condensation- dew, frost, fog, mist and cloud;
rainfall types and world distribution;
• World climates - classification (Koeppen), greenhouse effect, global warming
and climatic changes

Unit V: Water (Oceans)

• Hydrological Cycle;
• Oceans - submarine relief; distribution of temperature and salinity;
movements of ocean water-waves, tides and currents
Unit VI: Life on the Earth)
• Biosphere - importance of plants and other organisms; biodiversity and
conservation; ecosystems, bio-geo chemical cycle, and ecological balance.

B. India - Physical Environment

Unit III: Climate, Vegetation and Soil

• Weather and climate - spatial and temporal distribution of temperature,
pressure winds and rainfall; Indian monsoons: mechanism, onset and
variability -spatial and temporal; climatic types;
• Natural vegetation-forest types and distribution; wild life; conservation;
biosphere reserves;
• Soils - major types (ICAR's classification) and their distribution, soil
degradation and conservation.

Unit IV: Natural Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Consequences and

Management (One case study to be introduced for each topic)
Floods and droughts
Earthquakes and Tsunami

Unit II: Topographic and Weather Maps

• Study of topographic maps (1:50,000 or 1:25,000, Survey of India maps):
contour cross section and identification of landforms-slopes hills, valleys,
waterfalls, cliffs; distribution of settlements; Use of weather charts:
describing pressure, wind and rainfall
• Distribution

Unit III: Human Activities

Primary activities - concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining,
subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agriculture and
allied activities -some examples from selected countries;

Unit IV: Transport, Communication and Trade

Land transport - roads, railways — rail network; trans-continental railways;
Water transport- inland waterways; major ocean routes;
Air transport - Intercontinental air routes;
Oil and gas pipelines;
Satellite communication and cyber space
International trade-Basis and changing patterns; ports as gateways of
international trade, role of WTO in International trade.

Unit V: Human Settlements

Settlement types - rural and urban; morphology of cities (case study);
distribution of mega cities; problems of human settlements in developing

B. India: People and Economy

Unit 1: People
Population - distribution, density and growth; composition of population:
linguistic and religious: rural-urban population change through time —
regional variations; occupation;

Population, environment and development.

Unit III: Resources and Development

• Land resources- general land use; agricultural land use - major crops;
agricultural development and problems, common property resources;
• Water resources-availability and utilization-irrigation, domestic, industrial
and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods-rain water
harvesting and watershed management (one case study related with
participatory watershed management to be introduced);
• Mineral and energy resources- metallic and non-metallic minerals and their
distribution; conventional and non-conventional energy sources;
• Industries - types and distribution; industrial location and clustering; changing
pattern of selected industries-iron and steel, cotton textiles, sugar,
petrochemicals, and knowledge based industries; impact of liberalisation,
privatisation and globalisation on industrial location;
• Planning in India- target area planning (case study); idea of sustainable
development (case study)
Unit V: Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems (One case
study to be introduced for each topic )
• Environmental pollution; urban-waste disposal
• Urbanisation-rural-urban migration; problem of slums;
• Land Degradation

Unit II: Field Study or Spatial Information Technology

Field visit and study: map orientation, observation and preparation of sketch;
survey on any one of the local concerns: pollution, ground water changes, land use
and land-use changes, poverty, energy issues, soil degradation, drought and flood
impacts (any one topic of local concern may be taken up for the study; observation
and questionnaire survey may be adopted for the data collection; collected data may
be tabulated and analysed with diagrams and maps):

Subject: Political Science

Equip student to be conscious of the way in which global events and processes shape
our everyday lives.
8. Environment and Natural Resources in Global Politics. Environment movement
and evolution of global environmental norms. Conflicts over traditional and
common property resources. Rights of indigenous people. India's stand in global
environmental debates.

Subject: Psychology
The course deals with psychological knowledge and practices which are
contextually rooted. It emphasizes the complexity of behavioural processes and
discourages simplistic cause-effect thinking. This is pursued by encouraging critical

reasoning, allowing students to appreciate the role of cultural factors in behaviour,
and illustrating how biology and experience shape behaviour. The course while
developing an appreciation of subjectivity., also focuses on multiplicity of

It is suggested that the teaching - learning processes should involve students

in evolving their own understanding. Therefore, teaching of psychology should be
based on the use of case studies, narratives, experiential exercises, analysis of
common everyday experiences, etc.

1. To develop appreciation about human behaviour and human mind in the
context of learners' immediate society and environment.
2. To develop in learners an appreciation of multidisciplinary nature of
psychological knowledge and its application in various aspects of life.
3. To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware and self-reflective.
4. To facilitate students' quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to
enable them to become responsive and responsible citizens.

The Bases of Human Behaviour

The unit will focus on the role of biological and socio-cultural factors in the shaping
of human behaviour.

Human Memory
This unit deals with how information is received, stored, retrieved and lost. It will
also discuss how memory can be improved.

This unit deals with thinking and related processes like reasoning, problem- solving,
decision making and creative thinking. The relationship between thought and
language will also be discussed.

Motivation and Emotion

This unit focuses on why human beings behave as they do. It also deals with how
people experience positive and negative events and responds to them.

Psychology and Life

The unit focuses on the application of psychological understanding to some
important social issues.
Human- environment relationship; Environmental effects on human behaviour:
Noise, pollutions crowding, natural disasters; Promoting pro-environmental
behaviour; Psychology and social concerns: Aggression, Violence and Peace,
Discrimination and Poverty, health, impact of television on behaviour.

Subject: Business Studies

Business is a dynamic process that brings together technology, natural
resources and human initiative in a constantly changing global environment, To

understand the ramework in which a business operates, a detailed study of the
organization and management of business processes and its interaction with the
environment is required. Globalisation has changed the way firms transact their
business. Information Technology is becoming a part of business operations in more
and more organisations. Computerised systems are fast replacing other systems. E-
business and other related concepts are picking up fast, which need to be emphasized
in the curriculum.

The course in Business Studies will prepare students to analyse, manage,

evaluate and respond to changes, which affect business. It provides a way of looking
at and interacting with the business environment. It recognizes the fact that business
influences and is influenced by social, political, legal and economic forces. It allows
students to appreciate that business is an integral component of society and develops
an understanding of many social and ethical issues.

• To develop in students an understanding of the processes of business and its
• To acquaint students with the dynamic nature and inter-dependent aspects of
• To prepare students to function more effectively and responsibly as
consumers, employers, employees and citizens;
• To help students in making the transition from school to the world of work
including self-employment;
• To develop in students a business attitude and skills to be precise and

Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics

• Concept of social responsibility;
• Case for social responsibility;
• Responsibility towards different interest groups: owners, investors,
employees, consumers, government, community and public in general;
• Business and environmental protection;
• Business ethics: concept and elements

Business Environment
• Business Environment - meaning and importance
• Dimensions of Business Environment - Economic, Social, Technological,
Political and Legal
• Economic Environment in India; Impact of Government policy changes on
business and industry, with special reference to adoption of the policies of
liberalization privatization and globalisation.

• Meaning, features, importance, limitations
• Planning process

• Types of Plans - Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule,
Budget, Programme

Consumer Protection
• Importance of consumer protection
• Consumer rights
• Consumer responsibilities
• Ways and means of consumer protection - Consumer awareness and legal
redressal with special reference to Consumer protection Act.
• Role of consumer organizations and NGOs

Entrepreneurship Development
• Concept, Functions and Need
• Entrepreneurship characteristics and Competencies
• Process of Entrepreneurship Development
• Entrepreneurial Values, Attitudes and Motivation - Meaning and Concept

Subject: Accountancy
Accounting as an information system aids in providing financial information.
The emphasis at Class XI is placed on basic concepts and the process of accounting
leading to the preparation of accounts for a sole proprietorship firm. With
computerised accounting is becoming more and more popular with increased
awareness about use of computers in business. Keeping this in view, the students are
exposed compulsorily to the basic knowledge about computers and its use in
accounting in the same year.
In class XII, Accounting for Not for Profit Organisations and Partnership
Firms are to be taught as a compulsory part. Students will also be given an
opportunity to understand further about Computerized Accounting System, as an
optional course to Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements.

• To enable the students with accounting for reconstitution of partnership firms;
• To enable the students to understand and analyse the financial statements; and
• To familiarize students with the fundamentals of computerized system of

The economics courses are introduced in such a way that in the initial stage,
the learners are introduced to the economic realities that the nation is facing today
along with some basic statistical tools to understand these broader economic
realities. In the later stage, the learners are introduced to economics as a theory of
The economics courses also contain many projects and activities. These will
provide opportunities for the learners to explore various economic issues both from
their day-today life and also from issues, which are broader and invisible in nature.
The academic skills that they learn in these courses would help to develop the

projects and activities. The syllabus is also expected to provide opportunities to use
information and communication technologies to facilitate their learning process.

• Understanding of some basic economic concepts and develop economic
reasoning which the learners can apply in their day-to-day life as citizens,
workers and consumers.
• Realisation of learners5 role in nation building and sensitise them to the
economic issues that the nation is facing today
• To develop an understanding that there can be more than one view on any
economic issue and to develop the skills to argue logically with reasoning

Developing Projects in Economics

The students may be encouraged to develop projects, which have primary
data, secondary data or both. Case studies of a few organisations / outlets may also
be encouraged. Some of the examples of the projects are as follows (they are not
mandatory but suggestive):
(i) A report on demographic structure of your neighbourhood;
(ii) Consumer awareness amongst households
(iii) Changing prices of a few vegetables in your market
(iv) Study of a cooperative institution: milk cooperatives

The idea behind introducing this unit is to enable the students the ways and
means by which a project can be developed using the skills learned in the course.
This include all the steps involved in designing a project starting from choosing a
title, exploring the information relating to the title, collection of primary and
secondary data, analysing the data, presentation of the project and using various
statistical tools and their interpretation and conclusion.

Instruction to the textbook writers: (a) examples will have to be provided from
simple economic data. The learners should not have any problem in understanding
the economic data provided in those examples. Besides arriving at results using
formulas of various statistical tools, the learners are also expected to interpret the
results. So care must be taken to provide very simple economic information, which
the learners can understand without knowing the conceptual meaning in depth and
(b) many multiple choice questions can be used in the textbook.

Current challenges facing Indian Economy:

Poverty- absolute and relative; Main programmes for poverty alleviation: A critical
assessment; Rural development: Key issues - credit and marketing - role of
cooperatives; agricultural diversification; alternative farming - organic farming
Human Capital Formation: How people become resource; Role of human capital in
economic development; Growth of Education Sector in India Employment: Growth,
in formalisation and other issues: Problems and policies Infrastructure: Meaning and
Types; Case Studies: Energy and Health: Problems and Policies- A critical
assessment; Environment: Sustainable Economic Development; Limited Availability
of Resources; Environmental degradation.

Development Experience of India: A Comparison with neighbours
Issues: growth, population, sectoral development and other developmental indicators
This course is expected to create opportunities for learners to know about various
aspects of Indian economy, there is a need to provide information in an interesting
manner. To the possible extent, data in long tabular form should be avoided. Instead,
different forms of diagrams and charts, pictures and maps could be used. Since the
learners study this course for the first time, those economics concepts, which are
used in this course, could be explained in simple manner. Sensitising the child
towards various issues such as poverty, environmental degradation and gender
concerns also form part of this course. Many real examples in simple ways could be


• Introducing Society: Individuals and collectivities, Plural Perspectives
• Introducing Sociology: Emergence, Nature & Scope, Relationship to other


• Family and Kinship
• Political and Economic Institutions
• Religion as a Social Institution
• Education as a Social Institution


• Culture, Values and Norms: Shared, Plural, Contested
• Socialization: Conformity, Conflict and the Shaping of Personality

• Social Change: Types and Dimensions; Causes and Consequences
• Social Order: Domination, Authority & Law; Contestation, Crime & Violence
• Village, Town & City: Changes in Rural & Urban Society


• Ecology and Society
• Environmental Crises and Social Responses


• Introducing Indian Society: Colonialism, Nationalism and Class and
• Demographic structure
• Rural-Urban Linkages and Divisions


• Family and Kinship
• The Caste System
• Tribal Society
• The Market as a Social Institution


• Caste Prejudice, Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes
• Marginalization of Tribal Communities
• The Struggle for Women's Equality
• The Protection of Religious Minorities
• Caring for the Differently Abled


• Problems of Communalism, Regionalism, Casteism & Patriarchy
• Role of the State in a Plural and Unequal Society
• What We Share


• The Constitution as an instrument of Social Change
• Parties, Pressure Groups and Democratic Politics
• Panchayati Raj and the Challenges of Social Transformation


• Land Reforms, the Green Revolution and Agrarian Society
• From Planned Industrialization to Liberalization
• Changes in the Class Structure


• Class-Based Movements: Workers, Peasants\
• Caste-Based Movements: Dalit Movement, Backward Castes, Trends in
Upper Caste Responses
• Women's Movements in Independent India
• Tribal Movements
• Environmental Movements


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