BJMP History

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On January 2, 1991, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology was created thru Republic

Act 6975 as a line Bureau under the Department of Interior and Local Government. The Jail
Bureau is the upgraded version of its forerunner, the Office of Jail Management and
Penology of the defunct PC/INP last headed by BRIG GEN Arsenio E. Concepcion.
As mandated by law, the BJMP shall operate under the reorganized Department of the
Interior and Local Government.
Starting from scratch with 500 personnel in 1991 the BJMP weaned from its mother PC/INP
as a mere component, to become a full-fledge bureau. Director Charles S. Mondejar took
his oath of office on July 1 of 1991 as the first Chief of the Bureau.
The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology supervises and controls all district, city and
municipal jails.
Prominent figures later succeeded Director Mondejar after retirement, J/SR SUPT BASILIO G
CAEL (Oct. 31, 1995 to Jan. 2, 1996); J/C SUPT SILAS V LAURIO (Jan. 2, 1996 to July 13,
1997); J/SR SUPT JOSUE G ENGANO (July 14, 1997 to June 30, 1998), P/M GEN AQUILINO G
JACOB JR (July 8, 1998 to March 30, 2001). On March 30, 2001, CSUPT ARTURO W ALIT, CESO
IV took his oath of office as Officer-in-Charge and was given his directorship rank on
December 14, 2003 to May 9, 2006 as Chief of the Bureau. After ALIT, CSUPT ANTONIO
CABIL CRUZ was appointed as Officer-in-Charge on May 9, 2006 to Dec 5, 2006. CSUPT
CLARITO GUIRHEM JOVER, Ph.D. (CESO V) was later appointed OIC on December 18, 2006 to
February 20, 2007. DIRECTOR ARMANDO M LLAMASARES, DPA, served the bureau as the
Chief on February 21, 2007 until his retirement on March 05, 2008.
At present, DIRECTOR ROSENDO MORO DIAL, CESO III serves as the Jail Bureau's Chief.

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