Eplan p8 Simatic S7 PLC
Eplan p8 Simatic S7 PLC
Eplan p8 Simatic S7 PLC
Copyright 2008 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG.
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Note: The hardware requirements specified by the operating system manufacturers are valid
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Siemens AG was kind enough to permit use of the illustrations from the "SIMATIC STEP 7"
EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG. does not provide support for the Software
"SIMATIC STEP 7" in any way.
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Table of Contents
The PLC / Bus Data Exchange with "SIMATIC STEP 7" by
Siemens ............................................................................................. 4
Preconditions ............................................................................................. 5
General Notes for the Data Exchange Process ......................................... 6
What You Need to Know in Advance......................................................... 7
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The example used in this document was created and tested with
"SIMATIC STEP 7" Version 5.4 + SP3, edition K5.4.3.0.
All illustrations and operating sequences of "SIMATIC STEP 7" described
in this document relate to this version.
You will need the following to recreate this example:
The appropriate "EPLAN PLC & Bus-Extension" license scope in
The "SIMATIC STEP 7" software, which is not part of the delivery
scope of EPLAN or of this application example You may obtain this
software from your Siemens representative.
We also assume basic knowledge of the operation of the "SIMATIC
STEP 7" software.
A prerequisite to reconstructing the following steps is that you have
opened the EPLAN-DEMO demo project.
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The Bus master / Bus coupler or Slave to bus master / bus coupler
ID function properties serve to link the individual communication units
with each other. The result of this link will be displayed directly in the
upper portion of the PLC / bus configuration navigator.
All settings for the communication units are performed in the properties
of the PLC boxes on the Bus data tab. The Bus data tab is only
available in the main function (PLC box).
Please select an entry from the Communication units list; this displays
the data of the corresponding communication unit in the other fields,
where they may be edited.
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When assigning addresses in the schematic, be sure to maintain the
format you have set here; otherwise the information will be exported to
the PLC connection point incorrectly or not at all.
Plug DT:
Enter the DT of the plug on which the connection point is located here.
As for terminals, the DT can be adopted from the left (or above).
The plug of a PLC card is not shown as an independent object in the
navigator. These are only information about PLC connection points or
channels which are taken into account when identifying an individual
PLC connection point and when building cross references.
Function text:
Here you enter the function text for the function / device.
Please note that only function texts that are allowable in "SIMATIC STEP
7" may be entered. For instance, character length must not exceed 80
characters, and quotation marks (") are not permitted.
Apart from the manual function text entered here, there is additional
(automatically determined) function text, which you can find in the
property table in the "Data" category:
Function text (automatic): Shows the content of the manually
entered function text or, when that is empty, the path function text. If
no path function text is found at a PLC connection point, then the
Function text (automatic) of the connected sensor or actuator is
displayed. When you edit this function text in the Properties (global)
editing mode, the contents are transferred back to the function where
the function text was originally entered.
Function text (common): Shows the (automatic) function text of
the function or, when that is empty, the (automatic) function text of
the associated main function.
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The function text is written to the Comment field with the data export
from "SIMATIC STEP 7" and read during data import from the Comment
The comment length in "SIMATIC STEP 7" is limited to 80 characters;
longer comments will be truncated by "SIMATIC STEP 7" during import.
Display of the function text in "SIMATIC STEP 7":
The address can be entered manually or assigned automatically. It is not
identifying for the PLC connection point. The address must be unique
within a CPU.
Display of the address in "SIMATIC STEP 7":
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Symbolic Address:
Enter the symbolic address for the PLC connection point here.
Please note that only names that are allowed in "SIMATIC STEP 7" may
be entered. This means that the character length may not exceed 24
characters, and quotation marks (") are not allowed.
Furthermore symbolic addresses must be unique within a CPU.
Apart from the symbolic address entered here, there are additional
(automatically determined) properties, which can be found in the property
table in the "PLC data" category:
Symbolic address (determined): Using target tracking, the
connected sensor (for inputs) or actuator (for outputs) is found, and
its DT is automatically entered as the symbolic address. If no
sensor / actuator is found, then the DT of the last connected
function found before the search was abandoned is entered. For
the determined symbolic address, information from the connection
logic is used to decide which connection is to be followed in the
search for a sensor / actuator.
Symbolic address (automatic): Shows the content of the
manually entered symbolic address or, when that is empty, the
automatically determined symbolic address.
Display of the symbolic address in "SIMATIC STEP 7":
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The channel designation can be manually or automatically assigned. A
channel must be unique within a PLC card. For power supply connection
points, the assignment is usually graphical. You must only manually
enter the channel designation for supply connection points when no
graphical assignment is possible. The table of properties contains the
Channel (automatic) property, which contains the automatically
determined designation.
Enter the channel designations for "SIMATIC STEP 7" as follows:
For digital or analog inputs "Inx"
For digital or analog outputs "Outx"
The "x" stands for the consecutive number of the PLC connection point.
Start with "0" and number the connection points consecutively. Start over
with the value "0" for each PLC card.
Function definition:
The currently selected function definition is displayed in this field; click
[...] to open the Function definitions dialog to select a different function
definition if required.
The function definitions for PLC connection points are split into different
PLC connection point, power supply: for the power supply of
sensors and actuators, sorted by potential type.
PLC connection point, bus cable: for the connection point of bus
PLC connection point, I / O: for analog or digital inputs and outputs.
PLC connection point, card power supply: for the power supply of
the PLC card, sorted by potential type.
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Only PLC connection points with the PLC connection point, I / O
function definition will be considered for a data exchange, since all no
other PLC connection points used in the "SIMATIC STEP 7" software.
Data type:
Enter the data type manually or select a value from the drop-down list.
Depending on the chosen PLC type, this list offers different data types.
By changing the PLC type set on the project, the data type set for an
address is not changed.
Display of the data type in "SIMATIC STEP 7":
The settings on the PLC connection points of a card can also easily be
applied from the Parts management. To do so, you must enter the
corresponding data in the parts management of the individual parts
beforehand (additional information about parts management can also be
found in the EPLAN Help section, keyword "Tab Function template"):
1. Select the menu items Utilities > Parts > Management.
2. Open the parts tree under Electrical engineering > Component >
PLC in the Parts management <...> dialog.
3. Select the desired element.
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5. Enter data into the input fields (for input field definitions, refer to
"Meaning of the Function Properties" above).
Observe the sequence of the templates in accordance with the
During an import from "SIMATIC STEP 7", the connection point
designation is determined based on the sequence, since this
designation is not included in the import file.
6. Click [OK].
The settings are now saved.
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If function properties are not visible, you can add them to the view:
1. Open the =EBS+EB3/1 page of the EPLAN-DEMO demo project.
2. Mark the +ET1-A1 PLC box and select the menu items Edit >
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the PLC box tab.
4. In the Properties group box, select the PLC-Data Category.
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Workstation type:
This is where you enter the SIMATIC system platform used. Currently
"SIMATIC STEP 7" uses the following values:
SIMATIC system platform
Station type
SIMATIC H station
SIMATIC PC station
Designating the station type is only necessary for a PLC box that
represents a CPU.
Device ID / GSD file name:
If a GSD or GSDML file is needed for a PLC box, enter the appropriate
file name here without a path, but with a file extension. The PLC type
designation property has to stay blank in this case.
A GSD file contains device information that is not listed in the standard
hardware catalog of "SIMATIC STEP 7".
You obtain these GSD files from the manufacturers of the individual
This field will be populated from the Device ID / GSD file name field in
parts management if you have assigned a part to the PLC box.
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In order to have "SIMATIC STEP 7" find and assign device information
during the import, this device information must first be installed in the
hardware catalog of "SIMATIC STEP 7":
1. Select the Hardware PLC box in your project in the "SIMATIC STEP
7" program.
2. Select the menu items Edit > Open object.
The "HW Config" program will start.
3. Select the menu items Options > Install GSD files in the "HW
Config" program.
4. In the Install GSD files dialog, select the GSD files that are to be
Once GSD files have been installed, they will be available for all
SIMATIC projects.
PLC type designation:
Enter the original order number of the SIMATIC component, making sure
to pay attention to the position of any blank spaces.
A synchronization with parts management will be run during the import
from "SIMATIC STEP 7" using the PLC type designation as a search
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This field will be populated from the PLC type designation field in parts
management if you have assigned a part to the PLC box.
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If you carried over the PLC box via the parts selection from the Part
management, you will usually find the original PLC type designation in
this field, which is not available in the GSD file this way. Please correct
this entry in order to make the PLC box locatable during the import into
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Object description:
Here, enter the object designation under which the object is created in
Display of the object description in "SIMATIC STEP 7":
This field will be populated from the Object description field in parts
management if you have assigned a part to the PLC box.
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Address range:
Enter the number of input / output bytes that the PLC card assigns by
default here.
Group / start address:
Enter the start byte that begins the card addressing here. This value will
also be used as the configuration value for newly addressing any PLC
connection points.
This value will be used for the data export.
Therefore, please make sure to renumber with "Group" as the
configuration value. Otherwise you may create a discrepancy between
the value entered here and the card addresses. This will generate a
faulty data export.
Enter a possible (firmware) version of the PLC device here.
Display of the (firmware) version in "SIMATIC STEP 7":
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CPU: Name
The program "SIMATIC STEP 7" allows you to set up several CPU
assemblies in one station. These CPU assemblies are numbered
consecutively beginning with "1".
Make the following entries here if there are several CPUs in your station.
Enter the CPU number in the PLC box representing the CPU.
Enter the number of the CPU that controls this card in all other PLC
Display of the CPU number in "SIMATIC STEP 7" using a CPU 414-2DP
as an example (this is not used in the EPLAN-DEMO project):
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Bus coupler:
This check box needs to be selected if the PLC box represents a bus
coupler assembly; otherwise keep it deactivated.
This check box needs to be selected if the PLC box represents a CPU
assembly; otherwise keep it deactivated.
Power supply:
If the PLC box represents a power supply assembly, this check box
needs to be selected; otherwise keep it deactivated.
Bus distribution device:
If the PLC box represents a bus distribution assembly, this check box
needs to be selected; otherwise keep it deactivated.
These fields will be populated from the corresponding fields in parts
management if you have assigned a part to the PLC box.
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Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
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Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
Station 300
IB IL 24 DO 2
IB IL 24 DO 2
Universal module
IB IL 24 DI 2
IB IL 24 DI 2
6ES7 132-4BB01-0AA0
6ES7 132-4BB01-0AA0
6ES7 138-4CA01-0AA0
6ES7 131-4BB01-0AA0
6ES7 131-4BB01-0AA0
6ES7 138-4CA01-0AA0
6ES7 151-1CA00-0AB0
Universal module
6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0
6ES7 321-1BH02-0AA0
2DO DC24V/0.5A ST
2DO DC24V/0.5A ST
IM151-1 Basic
Object description
1 33
1 32
1 31
1 30
1 23
1 22
1 21
1 20
1 14
1 13
1 12
1 11
1 10
2 2
2 0
Address range
Station 300
Station 300
6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0
Group / start
Station ID
Device ID
(GSD file
Bus coupler
CPU: Name
Configuration project:
See also "What is a Configuration Project" in Chapter one.
Rack ID:
If the PLC box is a rack or a head station, then enter the classification
number of the rack here. The identifier of a rack must be unique within a
configuration project and can therefore appear repeatedly within a
schematic project.
Module is placed on rack ID:
If the PLC box is not a rack, but is mounted on a rack or connected to a
head station, enter the classification number of the rack or head station
that the PLC card is mounted on.
The numbering of the racks is up to you. Please make sure that the
cards of a rack all have the same identifier.
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The "SIMATIC STEP 7" software starts all rack numbers with "0" and
then uses consecutive numbering. Use this type of numbering also in
EPLAN in order to identify the components of both programs more
If the rack is connected via a bus system, the "SIMATIC STEP 7"
software will show the slave address as a number for the rack.
Position (slot / module):
If the PLC box is not a rack, but is mounted on a rack or added to a head
station, enter the classification number of the slot on the rack on which
the PLC card is mounted.
Depending on the type of rack used, gaps in the position allocation
are allowed. EPLAN is not capable of checking whether
gaps are allowed in the positioning of the racks. This cannot be
checked until a data import in "SIMATIC STEP 7" is done.
If there is no rack present (e.g., in case of a head station), the
elements will be lined up consecutively without spaces.
There are PLC cards that do not need a rack and can be mounted
directly onto a DIN rail, for instance. In this case, populate the two
fields Rack ID and Position on the first rack (head station, usually this
is the CPU or a bus coupler) with the corresponding values.
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Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
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If the rack is connected via a bus system, the "SIMATIC STEP 7"
software will not show a number for the rack; the slave address on the
bus system will be shown instead.
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CPU315-2DP (=EB3+ET1-A1)
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IM151-1 Profibus
Profibus DP
Position / Node ID
Profibus DP
Slave to bus
master / bus
coupler ID
Bundle / Network
Bus system
Position / Node ID
Slave to bus
master / bus
coupler ID
Bundle / Network
Bus system
Position / Node ID
Slave to bus
master / bus
coupler ID
Bus system
Bundle / Network
b.) Station 1
c.) Station 2
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Profibus DP
Position / Node ID
Slave to bus
master / bus
coupler ID
Bundle / Network
Bus system
d.) Station 3
Some of the settings of the PLC cards can also be easily applied from
the parts management. To do so, you must enter the corresponding data
in the parts management of the individual parts beforehand (additional
information about parts management can also be found in the EPLAN
Help section, keyword "Tab Function template"):
1. Select the menu items Utilities > Parts > Management.
2. In the Parts management <...> dialog, open the levels Electrical
engineering > Component > PLC in the parts tree.
3. Select the desired element.
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5. Enter data into the input fields (check in "Meaning of the Function
Properties" for more information on the meaning of the input fields).
6. Save the input by clicking the [Apply] or [Close] button.
If the parts selection is done subsequently, after a function has already
been set up and values have already been entered in the corresponding
function properties, the function properties will be overwritten by the
parts properties. If the parts data is incomplete, you may actually lose
already existing entries.
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1. Open the Export PLC data dialog and choose the configuration
project you want to export from the Configuration projects dropdown list.
2. From the Language drop-down list, select the language in which the
function texts should be exported.
3. From the Format of export file drop-down list, select
Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7 Version 5.3 / 5.4.
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In the Import CAx data dialog, you can use the check box in the
Selection column to establish which data is to be imported or
"SIMATIC STEP 7" displays in the Status column if the data to be
Is only present in the import file (CAx)
Is only present in the STEP 7 project
Is identical in the import file and the STEP 7 project
or if it is different.
8. In the Selection column, click the check box in the first row to import
all data.
9. Click [Import].
The data is imported.
Any data that could not be imported will be marked red in the
selection list; the [Display Log] button will make an error log
10. Click [Close] to end the import process.
If during the export from EPLAN several stations were exported, you will
need to insert a new station and repeat steps 4 through 10 for each
station, meaning, for each export file.
5. In the Import CAx file dialog, select the file you previously exported
from EPLAN.
6. Click on [Open].
In the Import CAx data dialog, you can use the check box in the
Selection column to establish which data is to be imported or
"SIMATIC STEP 7" displays in the Status column if the data to be
Is only present in the import file (CAx)
Is only present in the STEP 7 project
Is identical in the import file and the STEP 7 project
or if it is different.
7. Select the check boxes in the Selection column for the data you
would like to import again.
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8. Click [Import].
The data is imported.
Any data that could not be imported will be marked red in the
selection list; the [Display Log] button will make an error log
9. Click [Close] to end the import process.
If during the export from EPLAN several stations were exported, repeat
steps 3 to 9 for each station, meaning for each export file.
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5. In the Export CAx Data dialog, click the [Browse] button in order to
establish the path where the export data is to be saved.
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