Holacracy and Obliquity Contingency Management App
Holacracy and Obliquity Contingency Management App
Holacracy and Obliquity Contingency Management App
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3 authors:
Igor Denisov
Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics
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Emil Velinov, Vasko Vassilev and Igor Denisov (2018). Holacracy and
Obliquity: contingency management approaches in organizing
companies. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(1), 330-335.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.32
27 0 3
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018
Emil Velinov (Latvia), Vasko Vassilev (Bulgaria), Igor Denisov (Russian Federation)
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018
information about the industry, number of em- Therefore, the purpose of our research is to con-
ployees, years since foundation and Holacracy sider sources of financial success and competitive
adoption. advantages that, although not completely absent
in strategic management, are based on the process
The paper aims at investigating information on of organization and management.
modern approaches of organizing across global
companies, whereas the data have been collected “It is not necessarily those firms that are largest or
based on previous research, books, articles, com- have the most resources that do best, but rather
pany reports, blogs, websites, or the case studies those that are smartest, those that see the new op-
provided by companies themselves, advisory firms portunities, and those that develop new ways of
or consultants in management science and practic- doing business” (Foss et al., 2012).
es. Recent studies have found that it is difficult to
find information about what time of organizational The process referred by Darwin to as “adaption
structure companies use unless they disclose this to change” is analogical to what nowadays, in the
information on their websites or reports (Velinov context of competition between various compa-
& Denisov, 2017). Moreover, the interest in a new nies, can be seen as “management innovation”.
organizational structure has rapidly expanded in Management innovation is about finding new,
last few years as the common problem the compa- smarter, and more efficient ways of organizing ac-
nies nowadays face is that if they decide to imple- tivities in firms.
ment Holacracy (Georges, 2017). There is no struc-
tured analysis of practices and cases, so new adopt- Management innovation practices can be por-
ers have to spend many hours looking for answers tioned into three spheres of management in-
and examples (Knopka Company, 2014). novations as defined by Nicolai J. Foss, Torben
Pedersen, Jacob Pyndt, and Majken Schultz in their
The findings of all relevant, high-quality indi- book “Innovating Organization and Management
vidual studies addressing one or more research New Sources of Competitive Advantage” (2013):
questions in form of scientific papers, books and Changes in strategy (such as goal-setting), HRM
articles as well as blogs and different conferences’ (people management, incentive structures, and
notes, presentations and interviews with found- communications), and Changes in organization
ers and CEOs of companies have been analyzed. (organizational structures and delegation).
The fundamental question in the field of strate-
gic management is “Why are some firms success-
ful – perhaps continually – while others are not?” 3. RESULTS
(Foss, 2012). In this regard, the paper argues that
more attention should be given to the role of or- Based on the statistical operationalization of 97
ganizational design and management processes companies which practice Holacracy, we can ob-
to understand corporate success (Van De Kamp, serve the following results.
2014). The search for corporate success serves as
the basis for organizational strategy. It is equiva- 3.1. Holacracy by industry
lent to the search for competitive advantage – the
potential to earn above-average returns. In the Table 1 shows that the majority of these compa-
management literature there is emerging discus- nies belong to Consulting and Education indus-
sion on the phenomena called “management in- tries (42.1%): these are Management Consulting
novations” (Birkinshaw, Hamel, & Mol, 2015). In firms (17.89%), Training/Coaching and Education
various management studies, there is a big discus- (12.63%), Startup Incubator, Co-working spac-
sion that academics and practitioners alike have es and IT education (11.58%). The second group
emphasized innovations in products, services and of companies is connected to Information
processes but they have paid much less attention Technologies and Digital Marketing (27.37%),
to management innovations as for example ap- among them are Digital, Hardware and Software
proaches in reorganizing and redesigning compa- systems (13.68%), IT and Agile Web Development
nies (Laloux, 2015). (6.32%), Digital Marketing and Online/Offline
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018
In conclusion, we can state that no matter if Holacracy is chosen as an “operational system” or not, any
of Management Innovation modern practices mentioned in this paper is worth noticing, since as once,
supporting field of strategic management and organizational studies, which is called complexity theory,
Apello in his book “Management 3.0” noticed: “Complexity thinking adds a new dimension to our
existing vocabulary. It makes us realize that we should see our organizations as living systems, not as
machines” (Apello, 2011). In other words, we would like our companies not just to work as mechanism
which is ready to break due to a smallest mistake, but we want it to live, to be able to respond to chang-
ing environment and unpredictable problems. This can be compared to Machine Learning: we want our
mechanism/company to work well, and if there is an unexpected problem it should not stop as any me-
chanical soulless creation would do, but solve the problem by itself by learning, changing, and adjusting.
At the same time, the old-school of management, the one we got used to and the one which in many
cases we do not want to change, is the biggest obstacle to the adoption of flexible and learning structures
around the world. In the future, it would be interesting to investigate what is the impact of Holacracy
and Obliquity on organizational culture and organizational behavior across different companies and
how these two management phenomena will evolve in the future across variety of industries.
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