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Maintenance Management

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B.F.Tech 6nd Semester

In general, Maintenance means to hold, keep, sustain or

preserve the building ,machine, equipment or structure to

an acceptable standard of performance, safety and/or
All of us perform or practice Some form of maintenance in
our daily life.
Whether you own a house, car, electrical equipment or
any machine they all require maintenance to sustain their
serviceability through out their lifecycle.

The same holds true for industrial equipment/system.
Maintenance is one of the most indispensable job in any

industrial organization.

The exploitation of knowledge and technology has

resulted in the development of complex and sophisticated

equipment and automated machinery in every field of
These high investment systems, in turn, call for their
effective utilization.
Proper maintenance helps to keep such machine and
systems in working order to meet production targets or
service requirements and to ensure a longer and trouble
free life.

British Standard Glossary of terms (3811:1993) defined
maintenance as:
"The combination of all technical and associated
administrative actions, including supervision actions,
intended to retain an item in or restore it to a state in
which it can perform its required function. This required
function might be defined as stated condition."

Maintenance is the routine and recurring process of

keeping a particular machine or asset in its normal

operating condition so that it can deliver its expected
performance or service without causing any loss of time
on account of accidental damage or breakdown.
In other words, maintenance means the work that is to be
done, to keep the equipment/system in running condition
such that it can be utilized to its full designed capacity and
efficiency for maximum amount of time.

Maintenance Management
All the activities of management that determines the
maintenance objectives or priorities (defined as the targets
assigned and accepted by the management and
maintenance department), strategies (defined as
management methods in order to achieve maintenance
objectives) and responsibilities and implement them by
means such as maintenance planning, maintenance control
and supervision and several improving methods including
economical aspects in the organization.
Source: Marquez Adolfo Crespo, The Maintenance Management Framework , Springer Series in Reliability
Engineering, 2007, pp 3-10

Maintenance Concept & Plan

Maintenance concept: A statement of the overall concept

of the item/product specification or policy that controls the

type of maintenance action to be employed for the item
under consideration.
With information available from users of equipment, the

detailed procedures are drawn to concretize the

maintenance concept.
Maintenance plan: A document that outlines the

management and technical executable procedure to be

employed to maintain an item; usually describes facilities,
tools, schedules, and resources required.

Maintenance Concept & Plan

The maintenance concept of equipment is related to the

operational needs of equipment, which may change from

machine to machine or system to system.
First of all the operational concept is determined and then
the maintenance concept is developed to support the
operational concept.
Finally, a maintenance plan is prepared on accordance
with the maintenance concept thus developed, which can
be more realistic.

Evolution of Maintenance Concept

The idea of maintenance is very old and was introduced

along with the inception of machine.

In early days, a machine was used as long as it worked.
When it stopped working, it was either repaired or
The traditional breakdown maintenance system can no
longer maintain the economic lifeline of the modern

Evolution of Maintenance Concept

In today's age, the high cost sophisticated machines need to be

properly maintained during their entire lifecycle for maximizing their

availability so as to obtain a healthy return on investment.
This requirement has changed the philosophy of maintenance
management over a period of time.







Systems approach
A systems approach to maintenance involves setting up of

objectives, planning, executing and controlling the

maintenance functions, not as an isolated function but as
a part of corporate policies and strategies aimed at
achieving the well-defined overall goals of the
Internally, the maintenance function coordinates its
activities with other functions like production and sales,
and externally it ensures availability of quality spares,
trained manpower, replacement of worn-out equipment
and so forth.
This approach takes into account all the relevant
interacting functions both internal and external to system.

System Approach
The system approach to maintenance involves the
Identification of the needs of maintenance
Analyzing the requirements for the above needs
Determining the functional procedures for maintenance
task selection, work planning and scheduling, work order
processing, etc.
Outlining a reporting and controlling procedure
Development of supporting facilities and infrastructure
Determining the cost accounting procedures
Adopting a policy for training and quality assurance

Maintenance Objectives
The most important objective of the maintenance function

is the maximization of availability of equipment or facilities

so as to extend help in achieving the ultimate goals of the
Maintenance work raises the equipment performance
level and its availability but adds to its running cost.
The objective of maintenance should also be to strike a
balance between the availability and overall running cost.
Another important objective of maintenance is the
establishment of safe working conditions both for
operating and maintenance personnel.

Maintenance Objectives
Prevent breakdown during

through maximum
availability at
optimum cost

Ensure safety during operations
Maximize operational efficiency
Reduce idle hours due to
component malfunctioning
Reduce maintenance cost
Enhance Performance level
Forestall Rapid wear of
components of machine
Elimination of future defects

Responsibilities of Maintenance
To achieve the objectives of maintenance it is necessary

to lay down the responsibilities of maintenance

Following are some of the responsibilities of maintenance
Personnel Management
Maintenance Scheduling & Job distribution
Feedback & control
Budgeting and financial management
Inventory management

Personnel Management
Maintaining availability of the sufficient trained work force

and avoiding delays in maintenance work due to

Arranging alternative facilities when sufficient trained
manpower is not available for the job.
Minimizing conflicts among the production and
maintenance staff.
Training and upgrading skill of maintenance personnel.

Maintenance Scheduling & Job

Developing maintenance schedules and repair and

overhaul programmes for all equipments and machinery

Preparation of job list and proper job allotment to the
workers and supervisors.
No job should be left unattended and requirement of
specialization and time should be kept in mind while
assigning a job.
Adequate supervision should be done from time to time to
ensure quality of maintenance work.

Feedback and control

Setting up of an effective maintenance information system

for maintenance planning and execution.

Feedback helps to take corrective decisions, if required, in
time to control the function effectively and timely keeping
in mind the operational requirements.
Feedback helps in deciding
Reinforcements of manpower in certain areas where required the

On timely Procurement of spare parts
The need of external technical support
To take and alternative decision when situation demands

Budgeting and financial management

It is essential to budget sufficient funds for the

maintenance function well in time.

Budgetary provisions for planned maintenance and
certain unplanned emergency work need to be made in
This help in proper utilization of funds and monitoring of

Inventory Management
During maintenance work, some spare parts/components

are always required and therefore, the required quantity of

those parts must be stored.
Often, the non-availability of spare parts causes delays in
maintenance work. Therefore, inventory management is
an important aspect of maintenance.
inventory management becomes more difficult and costly
in cases where variety of machines is more.

Maintenance organization

Types of Maintenance Organization

In large sized plants located at different places, inter-unit
communication is difficult.
Therefore, in such cases the decentralized type of
organization is best suited.
The maintenance department works under the direct
control of chief engineer/manager who is in-charge of
A better coordination between production and
maintenance workforce can be achieved in this type of

Types of Maintenance Organization

In relatively small factories where communication
between the departments is more easy, the centralized
type of maintenance organization is preferred.
The maintenance function works under the direct control
of chief maintenance engineer who is responsible for all
the maintenance work in the factory.
The responsibilities and accountabilities must be clearly
defined for maintenance as well as production personnel
to avoid confrontation.

Benefits of centralized maintenance

More efficient compared to decentralized maintenance
Fewer maintenance personnel required
More effective line supervision
Greater use of special equipment and specialized

maintenance persons
Generally allows more effective on-the-job training

Drawbacks of centralized maintenance

Requires more time getting to and from the work area or

No one individual becomes totally familiar with complex
hardware or equipment
More difficult supervision because of remoteness of
maintenance site from the centralized headquarters
Higher transportation cost due to remote maintenance

Organizational Structure (Maintenance)

Chief Engineer


Planning &
Record Keeping

Store Supervisor


Foreman (Area 1)

Foreman (Area 2)

Crew Members

Crew Members

Crew Members

Types of Maintenance Systems

Maintenance can be divided into two groups:
Unplanned Maintenance or Breakdown Maintenance
Planned Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Corrective maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance
Condition-Based Maintenance
Reliability-centered Maintenance

Maintenance can be performed in two modes:

Running Maintenance (Asset is in operation)
Shut Down Maintenance (Asset is out of service)

Source: Mishra RC, Pathak k, Maintenance Engineering and Management, PHIL Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2012, p12

Breakdown Maintenance
Breakdown maintenance is basically the run it till it

breaks maintenance mode.

No actions or efforts are taken to maintain the equipment
until a component or equipment fails or becomes
The work which is required to be done in the case of an
emergency failure, has to be carried out to bring back the
equipment to its original working condition.
In case of risky equipment /systems such as aircraft,
elevators and other such items, chances with only
breakdown maintenance cannot be taken.

Breakdown Maintenance
Even though it appears to be an economical proposition,

work would greatly suffer if the machine is not restored to

operational condition immediately.
In this type of maintenance, during the repair, no proper
care is taken to know the real cause of the breakdown,
which in turn may lead to frequent failures of same kind.

Breakdown Maintenance
Less Investment.
Less staff.
Increased cost due to unplanned downtime of equipment.
Increased labor cost, especially if overtime is needed.
Cost involved with repair or replacement of equipment.
Possible secondary equipment or process damage from equipment
Inefficient use of staff resources.

Planned Maintenance
Under this type of maintenance, the work is planned

beforehand to avoid random failures.

It decides not only the when and what of maintenance ,
but also by whom it would be undertaken.
To be able to take informed decision and planning of
maintenance activities data collection and record keeping
is important.
Historical data may be used to decide the
periodicity/frequency of the maintenance work.
Work study/Time study can be done for devising optimal
maintenance schedule for the given system.

Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance is the Actions performed on a

time- or machine-run-based schedule that detect,

preclude, or mitigate degradation of a component or
system with the aim of sustaining or extending its useful
life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level.
Preventive Maintenance is the utilization of planned and
coordinated inspections, adjustments, repairs and
replacements needed in maintaining an equipment or

Preventive Maintenance
One of the main objective of the preventive maintenance

is to detect and prevent any condition that may cause

machine failure before such failure occurs.
This makes it possible to plan and schedule the
maintenance work without interruption in production
schedule and thus improve the availability of equipment.

Preventive Maintenance
Following activities are taken-up as part of preventive

Routine attention
Routine Examination
Preventive Replacement

Planning and implementation of preventive maintenance

system is a costly affair because during inspection all

deteriorated parts/components are replaced.
However the higher cost of maintenance is usually gets
compensated by the prolonged operational life of the

Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance can be defined as the

maintenance carried out to restore the equipment that has

stopped working to acceptable standards.

Scheduled Maintenance
In this type of maintenance work, the frequency of

maintenance predetermined from experience or from the

guidelines given by the equipment manufacturer.
The actual maintenance programme is scheduled in
consultation with the production department so that the
equipment is made available for maintenance work.
In this way , the most efficient use of idle time can be
Though scheduled maintenance is costly as compared to
breakdown maintenance, the availability of equipment is

Scheduled Maintenance
Cost effective in many capital-intensive processes.
Flexibility allows for the adjustment of maintenance periodicity.
Increased component life cycle.
Reduced equipment or process failure
Prolonged life of equipment
Catastrophic failures still likely to occur.
Labor intensive.
Includes performance of unneeded maintenance.
Potential for incidental damage to components in conducting
unneeded maintenance.

Condition-based Maintenance
This kind of maintenance is carried out in response to a

significant deterioration in the unit or system as indicated

by a change in a monitored parameter of equipment or
system on its condition or performance.
It includes measurements that detect the onset of system
degradation (lower functional state), thereby allowing
stressors to be eliminated or controlled prior to any
significant deterioration in the component physical state.
It is also called Predictive Maintenance.
A condition-based maintenance policy is most suited to
high capital cost equipment and complex replaceable

Condition-based Maintenance
A good knowledge of failure data is necessary for effective

implementation of condition-based maintenance.

It is also possible to minimize inventory and order parts,
as required, well ahead of time to support the downstream
maintenance needs.

Condition-based Maintenance
Increased component operational life/availability.
Allows for preemptive corrective actions.
Decrease in equipment or process downtime.
Decrease in costs for parts and labor.
Better product quality.
Improved worker and environmental safety.
Improved worker morale.
Increased investment in diagnostic equipment.
Increased investment in staff training.

Reliability-centered Maintenance
RCM is a process used to determine the maintenance

requirements of any physical asset in its operating

Basically, RCM methodology deals with some key issues
not dealt with by other maintenance programs.
It recognizes that all equipment in a facility is not of equal
importance to either the process or facility safety.
It recognizes that equipment design and operation differs
and that different equipment will have a higher probability
to undergo failures than others.

Reliability-centered Maintenance

Reliability-centered Maintenance
RCM is highly reliant on predictive maintenance but also

recognizes that maintenance activities on equipment that

is inexpensive and unimportant to facility reliability may
best be left to a reactive maintenance approach.

Reliability-centered Maintenance
Can be the most efficient maintenance program.
Lower costs by eliminating unnecessary maintenance or overhauls.
Minimize frequency of overhauls.
Reduced probability of sudden equipment failures.
Able to focus maintenance activities on critical components.
Increased component reliability.
Incorporates root cause analysis.

Can have significant startup cost, training, equipment, etc.

Design-out Maintenance
If the maintenance cost or downtime cost of equipment is

high, then the Design Out Maintenance strategy can often

be effective.
This strategy differs from all the others in that it is a oneoff activity, as opposed to a repetitive activity designed to
prevent failure.
Design Out Maintenance aims to redesign those parts of
the equipment which consume high levels of maintenance
effort or spares cost or which have unacceptably high
failure rates.

Design Out Maintenance

The high maintenance costs may have been caused by a

number of factors, including:

Poor maintenance.
operation of equipment outside of its original design specification
A poor initial design.

The Design Out Maintenance strategy can only be

implemented effectively if high maintenance cost items

can be identified and the reasons for the high cost

Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring
It is a technique used to determine the condition of

equipment and predicting the failure with maximum

Condition monitoring is a maintenance technique based
on advance technology that assesses the health of an
equipment by monitoring certain parameters of the
machine/equipment performance.
It increases the reliability and availability of equipment by
helping in undertaking corrective measures when they are
needed rather than at the scheduled or routine interval.

CM enables maintenance team to take timely and

informed decisions

Condition Monitoring helps to prepare maintenance

database which can be utilized for condition-based

maintenance planning.
It contributes to maintenance planning, maintenance cost
reduction and saving in energy by providing early
warnings of waste and inefficiency arising from faulty

Condition Monitoring
Condition Monitoring

Continuous Monitoring

Periodic Monitoring

Example: Vibration Monitoring

Example :Oil Contamination Monitoring

Levels of Condition Monitoring

Level 4 Integral monitoring applications

Level 3 Indicator analysis

Level 2 Sensor-Assisted Inspection

Level 1 Visual Inspection

Remote sensor and alarm

system and use of
microprocessors and
computerized data loggers

Lubricant analysis, Wear

debris analysis

Instruments like tachometers,

thermography, pyrometers,
vibration analyzer

Seeing, Hearing, Touching,


Failure Effect
Dynamic Effect
Particle Contamination
Chemical Effect
Physical Effects
Temperature effect
Corrosion effect
Condition monitoring aims at recognizing these effects

and assessing their degree with the help of some

specially designed devices.

CM Techniques
Shock pulse monitoring
Contamination monitoring through X-ray spectrograph
Physical Measurement (Lubricating oil levels, Pressure

Ultrasonic Testing etc.

Frequency of Condition Monitoring

The frequency of condition monitoring of a machine is

dependent on a number of factors such as:

Availability of any stand-by units
Operation Conditions
Failure Statistics (MTBF)
Cost of Monitoring
Cost of Failure
Cost of Maintenance

Frequency of Condition Monitoring

The following formula can be used for calculating the


- t = 1 + (C1/C2)

= Failure Rate
t = Examination Interval
C1 = Examination Cost
C2 = Failure Cost (Maintenance cost + Production Loss Cost)

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling

Planned Preventive Maintenance

The objective of planned preventive maintenance (PPM)

is to carry out the necessary and timely servicing in order

to prevent unscheduled breakdowns or undue
deterioration of equipment.
As the work of preventive maintenance is well
coordinated, the downtime of equipment due to failure can
be minimized.
The downtime of high-cost capital equipment is very
costly, it is therefore, preferable to carry out maintenance
on a scheduled basis.

Elements of Effective PPM

Maintenance Policy
Inventory Control
Equipment Record
Work Order System
Job Planning & Scheduling
Backlog Control and Priority System
Performance Measurement

Sample Equipment Record Sheet

Equipment Type:
Identification No.:
Location: Date of Commissioning:

Details of
Maintenance Job

Man-hours Spent



Work Order
A work order authorizes and directs an individual or a

group to perform a given task.

The work order system is useful for management in
controlling costs and evaluating job performance.
A work order should at least contain information such as
requested and planned completion dates, work
description, planned start date, labor and material costs,
work category (preventive maintenance, repair,
installation, etc.), and appropriate approval signatures

Sample Work order

Checklists are useful tool for preventing mistakes.
Generally, the manufaturer, along with the machine,

supplies the checklist as well.

However, the user may modify the checklist to suit their
The checklist has a clear purpose and one must know
what problems a checklist will prevent.
A checklist must have a way to record the users
Good checklists are concise, and focused on critical few

Development of checklist
While developing the checklist, the following points need

to be considered
The total number of subsystems that a particular machine is
comprised of.
Analysis of the functioning of these subsystems and identification of
their critical components.
Identification of indicators of functional behavior of the critical
components. These may include:
Abnormal sound
Play and Cracks
Power/fuel consumption

Development of checklist
While developing the checklist
Determination of normal, alarming and dangerous levels of
behaviors of equipment.
Determination of periodicity of inspection of various indicators
Development of proper format for conducting the checks and
formulating the reports.

Maintenance Planning & Scheduling

Classification of maintenance work

Routine maintenance: are maintenance operations of

periodic nature. They are planned and scheduled in

Emergency or breakdown maintenance: This kind of
work is not planned in advance and worked upon as and
when a breakdown occurs. This kind of maintenance
work interferes with routine maintenance.
Scheduled overhauls and shutdown maintenance:
planned and scheduled well in advance.
Design modification: need to be planned in advance
based on the requirement of such design modification.
Preventive maintenance: planned and scheduled in

Maintenance Planning
Planning is the process by which the elements required to

perform a task are determined in advance, prior to the

starting of that task.
The basic objective of planning is to convert the concept
into workable actions.
In maintenance context, planning is therefore the task of
organizing resources to carry out a job satisfactorily within
a specified period of time.
Good planning is a prerequisite for sound scheduling.

Planning Procedure
Prepare an asset inventory
identify the maintenance jobs and tasks
Identify the frequency of task
Determine the maintenance job work content (time

Develop a work plan
Establish manpower requirement
Plan and order spare parts and material
Prepare and issue work order
Determine budget

Estimation of maintenance work

During planning it is important to estimate the quantity of

maintenance work to be carried out. This will help in

allocation of the adequate manpower and material in time.
The following three methods can be used for the
estimation of maintenance work:
Measurement by estimates
Measurement by historical data
Measurement by standard time data

Various levels of planning

Long range planning
The long-range plan is more strategic in nature and identifies
important goals to be reached within three to five years.
It sets plans for the future activities and long term
improvements. It considers the improvements in maintenance
facilities, modernization requirement of production equipment
and facility expansion.
Medium range planning
It covers a period of upto 1 year.
It includes major overhauls, planned plant shutdown, balancing
the staffing requirements, training requirement, estimation of
spare part requirement and material procurement.

Various Levels of Planning

Short Range Plan
The short-range plan focuses on high-priority goals,
usually within the coming months.
It includes the planning which is done on daily or weekly
basis. It includes planning for routine daily or weekly jobs
like preventive maintenance, inspections and repairs.

It is the process by which jobs are matched with

resources and sequenced to be executed at certain point

in time.
Scheduling deals with phasing of planned jobs along with
monitoring, controlling and reporting of job progress.

Requirement of Effective Scheduling

Written work orders which provide the requirements

related to workforce, material and time.

Information related to availability of required manpower.
Stock of spare part and information on restocking.
Information on availability of special tools and equipment
required for maintenance work.
Access to production schedules
Well defined priorities of maintenance work.
Information related to backlogs / carry over jobs.

Maintenance job priority system

Priorities must be set to handle the mixture of backlog and

new piece of scheduled job.

The frequency and criticality of operation are the key
factors for establishing priorities.
Priorities are established in order to ensure that critical
jobs are scheduled first.
Guidelines for establishing priority are developed in
coordination with production department.

Scheduling Techniques
The objective of a scheduling technique is to construct a

time chart showing:

The start and finish of each job.
The interdependency among jobs.
The critical job which require special attention and effective


Different Scheduling Techniques

Gantt chart
CPM (Critical Path Method)
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

Gantt Chart


PERT and CPM are similar. The major difference between

the two is that when the completion times of activities of

the project are uncertain, PERT is used and with the
certainty of completion times, CPM is employed.
The following steps are involved with PERT and CPM:
Break a project into individual jobs or tasks.
Arrange these jobs/tasks into a logical network.
III. Determine duration time of each job/task.
IV. Develop a schedule.
V. Identify jobs/tasks that control the completion of project.
VI. Redistribute resources or funds to improve schedule.

PERT is a statistical tool, used in project management, which

was designed to analyse and represent the tasks involved in

completing a given project.
The PERT scheme calls for three estimates of activity duration
time using the following formula to calculate the final time:

Ta = activity expected duration
OT = Optimistic Time
PT = Pessimistic Time
MT = Most likely Time of completion of an activity

The critical path method (CPM) is a tool for scheduling a

set of project activities.

Four symbols used to construct a CPM network
Circle represents an event,
Circle with divisions
Continuous Arrow indicates and activity,
Dotted arrow denotes dummy activity or restraints

Float or slack is a measure of the excess time and resources

available to complete a task. It is the amount of time that a

project task can be delayed without causing a delay in any
subsequent tasks (free float) or the whole project (total float).
Positive slack would indicate ahead of schedule; negative slack
would indicate behind schedule; and zero slack would indicate
on schedule.
Critical path: the longest possible continuous pathway taken
from the initial event to the terminal event. It determines the
total calendar time required for the project; and, therefore, any
time delays along the critical path will delay the reaching of the
terminal event by at least the same amount.
Critical activity: An activity that has total float equal to zero.
An activity with zero float is not necessarily on the critical path
since its path may not be the longest.
Crashing Critical Path: Shortening duration of critical activities


Prepare a CPM network and determine the critical path and its duration.

Reliability and Maintainability

Reliability is defined as the probability that an asset or a

system will operate satisfactorily for a pre-determined

period of time, under the working condition for which is
was designed.
A reliable piece of mechanical equipment is understood to
be basically sound, to be able to meet its design
specifications, and to give trouble-free performance in a
given environment.

Inherent Reliability
It is associated with the quality of material and the design
of the machine and its parts.
It is the measure of overall robustness of the system or a
It is the maximum limit of reliability that can be achieved.
Achievable Reliability
it depends upon the external factors such as maintenance
and operation of the equipment.

Failure Rate
The number of failures occurring in a unit time is known

as the failure rate.

Failure Rate (FR) or Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
is a measure of Reliability.
Failure Rate is denoted by .
= 1/MTBF

Equipment Life Cycle

Equipment Life Cycle

Phase 1: Burn-in period / Infant mortality period
Poor quality control
Inadequate materials
Incorrect use procedures
Incorrect installation or setup
Poor manufacturing processes or tooling
Phase 2: Useful life period
incorrect use environments
undetectable defects
human error and abuse,
Phase 3: Wear out period
wear due to aging
inadequate or improper preventive maintenance
limited-life components
wear due to friction, misalignments, corrosion

Repairable & Non Repairable Systems

In reliability engineering repairable and non repairable

systems are treated differently.

A non repairable item is replaced with a new item which
will be as good as the item replaced. Over time as items
are replaced with identical new items the failure rate will
remain constant.
In a repairable system the repaired item following a
breakdown will not be as good as when it was first
installed (as good as new again)
General wear and errors in the repair carried out will
result in the failure rate increasing over time.

Probability and Reliability

Probability of occurrence of an event A is always

0P(A)1, Where P(A) is probability of occurrence of A.

Probability of occurrence and non-occurrence is given by
P(A) + P() = 1

Where, P() is probability of non-occurrence of A.

The probability of an intersection of independent events, Y1, Y2, Y3

Yn is given by:

The probability of the union of n independent events is given by:

Reliability Function
For exponentially distributed times to failure of system,

Reliability of a system can be calculated by the following

R(t) = e-t
R(t) = Reliability at time t
= 1/MTBF

and so

R(t) = e -t/MTBF
t = time since the last failure
MTBF = Mean time between failures

Reliability System / Model

Series Reliability Model:
In a series system, failure of any unit constitutes system
The reliability of the system is the product of the
reliabilities of the units making up the system.
Placing units in series increases the failure rate and
reduces the overall availability of the system.
system = A + B + C
RSystem= e-At * e-Bt * e-Ct

= e -( At + Bt+ Ct)

Reliability System / Model

Parallel Reliability Model:
In this case n number of simultaneously operating units form a
parallel system.
At least one of the units must work normally for system
For independent units, the parallel system reliability is given by

Rps(t) =1-


(1 ei t)


Rps = parallel system reliability
i= total number of units
Ri= reliability of unit i, for i = 1, 2, 3,,n.


Reliability System / Model

Series Parallel Reliability Model:
In practice, more complex configurations exist where
components are arranged in series and parallel.
Such a system can be broken down into smaller and
simpler models to find out their reliability and then overall
reliability can be calculated.


Redundancy is the duplication of critical components or

functions of a system with the intention of increasing

reliability of the system, usually in the form of a backup.
In a system consisting of identical components connected
in parallel, the overall reliability of system is always higher
than the reliability of individual component.
R(t) =1- (1 et)n
Where R(t) is reliability of whole system
and n is number of identical components in parallel.

Type of Redundancy:
Active Redundancy
Passive Redundancy


Quality & Reliability

Quality of product can be defined as the ability to ensure

complete satisfaction to customer.

This is also associated with reliability, which means that a
quality product will have higher reliability.
The achievement of high quality not only improves the
reliability of the equipment but also adds to its value.

Reliability Testing
It is performed to ensure that product renders services for

the specified period of time without undesirable problems.

Under specified conditions of temperature, stress and
environmental condition the failure rate and mode of
failure of equipment is found out.
This is a method of reliability testing where the condition
of testing are made more severe than the conditions for
which the equipment has been actually designed.
This is done to accelerate the failure of weak or defective
components so that they fail and can be identified during

Maintainability is defined as the probability of restoration

of failed device or equipment or asset to operational

effectiveness (Acceptable working condition) within a
specified period of time through the prescribed
maintenance operations.
Maintainability is a design parameter intended to reduce
repair time.
It is the measure of ease of maintenance.
The parameter to express the maintainability is Mean
Time To Repair (MTTR).

Mean Time to Repair

Maintainability is also expressed in terms of minimum cost

of maintenance as well as the accuracy of maintenance.

The objective of maintainability is to design the equipment
that can be maintained easily in minimum time and at
minimum cost.
Maintainability is an important goal of design.
Good maintainability can save on operational cost and
can also improve the safety of personnel.

Maintainability factors
Factors influencing the degree of maintainability in a
machine are:
The need for completion of work in minimum time with
minimum number of maintenance personnel.
The skill needed for maintenance should not be too high
The consumption of spare parts should be minimum.
The requirement of special tools and equipment should be
as less as possible.
Ease of working

Maintainability Design Characteristics

Covers and doors
Modular design
Labeling and coding
Failure indication

Availability is defined as a percentage measure of the

degree to which machinery and equipment is in an

operable state at the point in time when it is needed.
Availability is a performance criterion for repairable
systems that accounts for both the reliability and
maintainability properties of a component or system.

Availability =

Operational Availability
Operational availability is a measure of the average

availability over a period of time and it includes all

experienced sources of downtime, such as administrative
downtime, logistic downtime, etc.
It is the probability that an item will operate satisfactorily
at a given point in time when used in an actual or realistic
operating and support environment.
It includes logistics time, ready time, and waiting or
administrative downtime, and both preventive and
corrective maintenance downtime.
The operational availability is the availability that the
customer actually experiences.

Operational Availability =
OT is the operating time
IT is the idle time
AD is administrative delays
RT is repair time




Inherent Availability
Inherent availability is the steady state availability when

considering only the corrective downtime of the system.

It is defined as the expected level of availability for the
performance of corrective maintenance only.
Inherent availability is determined purely by the design of
the equipment.
It assumes that spare parts and manpower are 100
percent available with no delays.
It excludes logistics time, waiting or administrative
downtime, and preventive maintenance downtime
It is given by the expression:


& '(
& '( &

Achievable Availability
The probability that an item will operate satisfactorily at a given

point in time when used under stated conditions in an ideal

support environment (i.e., that personnel, tools, spares, etc. are
instantaneously available).
It excludes logistics time and waiting or administrative
It includes active preventive and corrective maintenance
Achieved availability is defined as the achieved level of
availability for the performance of corrective and preventive
Availability =

& '&
& '& &

) is Mean Maintenance Down Time
MTBM is mean time between maintenance


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