The Telescope: 7.1 Purpose

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Chapter 7

The Telescope


In this lab, you will measure the focal lengths of two lenses and use them to construct a
simple telescope which inverts the image like the one developed by Johannes Kepler. Because
one lens has a large focal length and the other lens has a small focal length, you will use
different methods of determining the focal lengths than was used in Optics of Thin Lenses




A Brief History of the Early Telescope

Although eyeglass-makers had been experimenting with lenses well before 1600, the first
mention of a telescope appears in a letter written in 1608 by Hans Lippershey, a Dutch
spectacle maker, seeking a patent for a telescope. The patent was denied because of easy
telescope duplication and difficulty in patent enforcement.
The instrument spread rapidly. Galileo heard of it in the early 1600s and quickly made
improvements in lens grinding that increased the magnification from a relatively low value
of 2 to as much as 30. With these more powerful telescopes, he observed the Milky Way, the
mountains on the Moon, the phases of Venus, and the moons of Jupiter.
These early telescopes were a type of opera glass, producing erect or right side up images
but having limited magnification. When Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician and
astronomer working in Prague under Tycho Brahe, heard of Galileos discoveries, he perfected
a different form of telescope. Although Keplers design inverts the image, it is much more
powerful than the Galilean type.
This lab we will use the lenses supplied with the telescope kit. The kit consists of two lenses

and other components to hold the lenses in the proper alignment. The short focal length
lens is called the eyepiece and the large focal length lens is called the objective lens.
First, you will measure the focal length of the eyepiece (magnification) lenses using a simple
imaging method. Next, you will measure the focal length of the larger objective lens using
an auto-collimation technique.
After this is completed, you will construct a simple telescope. The length of the telescope,
when in focus, will be compared with the value expected from your measurements of the
focal lengths. As a final exercise, the magnification of the telescope will be determined
experimentally and compared against the expected, calculated, values.


Simple Measurement of Eyepieces Lenss Focal Length

As discussed in the Optics of Thin Lenses lab, the focal length is the distance from the lens
in which parallel light rays are bent and focused to a point (the focal point) after passing
through the lens. The focal length is a characteristic of each lens and does not change. Refer
to the following diagram.

Figure 7.1: Focusing parallel light rays from a distant object

The eyepiece lens is the smaller diameter lens found inside of the foam holder with a small
cardboard tube to align the lens in the foam.
1. Tape a sheet of white paper to the table directly under one of the fluorescent ceiling
lights. The ceiling light serves as the light source and the paper serves as the imaging
screen for focal length measurements.
2. Using a ruler, measure the focal length of the eyepiece lens by holding the lens between
your fingers and varying the lens height until the image of the light source on the paper
is smallest and in focus. (You should be able to see the lines of the light panel; thats
how you know the image is in focus.). Record the value below
Eyepiece lens focal length

3. Be sure that the plane of the lens is horizontal and that the lens and white paper are
immediately under the ceiling light. Try not to touch the surface of the lenses with
your fingers. The focal length of the eyepiece lens is fairly small.
4. A single lens can act like a magnifying glass. Magnification occurs when an object
is placed less than one focal length (f ) away from the lens. Maximum magnification
occurs when an object is placed exactly one focal length from the lens. If an object
is placed farther from the lens than one focal length, the lens will minify instead of
magnify. After you have measured the focal lengths of the eyepiece lens, put a piece of
paper with some writing on it on your bench. Place the eyepiece lens on the paper and
look through it. Slowly bring it back away from the paper. You may have to adjust
the distance of your eye from the lens in order to keep the image in focus. Watch what
happens to the magnification as you move the lens. As you approach the focal point,
the image suddenly becomes very large. As you move through this point, the image
inverts and starts getting smaller!


Using an Auto-Collimation Technique to Measure the Focal

Length of the Objective Lens

The Simple Method is really just an approximation. In the previous lab, we used a more
exact method based on the Thin Lens Equation:
dobject dimage


where f is the focal length, and dimage and dobject are the distances from the lens to the image
and object, respectively.
In the simple method, we were able to make the approximation that the distance to the lights
was a lot greater than the distance from the lens to the paper i.e. dobject >> dimage . How
would this approximation change the thin lens equation? Notice that the approximation is
appropriate only for a lens like the eyepiece lens which has a small focal length. In fact, for
our purposes, well assume that the Simple Method yields sufficiently accurate results for
the measurement of the eyepieces focal length.
But, since the distance to the lights is only a few times the distance to the paper when we
used the objective lens, weve got a problemif were going to use the Simple Method and
get good results for the objective lens, where do we have to place the object?
A clever method to get around this obstacle is called Auto-Collimation. Auto-collimation
exploits the forward-backward symmetry of light rays passing through the optical system,
as shown in Figure 7.2.
In the Auto-Collimation procedure, a source of light is placed at a distance, d, to the left
of a lens of focal length f . Rays emerge from the right hand side of the lens, bounce off a
plane mirror, and travel back through the lens.

Figure 7.2: Auto-Collimation

If d = f , then the emerging rays are parallel to each other. These rays reflect from the
mirror, pass back through the lens, and form an image at d. Since the rays incident upon
the mirror are parallel, the reflected image is independent of the lens mirror distance, dmirror !
If, however, d 6= f , then the rays emerging from the lens are not parallel and the quality of
the reflected image will depend on dmirror .
The method isnt practical for the small eyepiece lens, so well only do it with the objective

Figure 7.3: Setup for the auto collimation procedure. The light source has an aperture to
produce a narrow slit of light. The mirror is at the far end of the optic rail. The objective
lens is attached to the holder 35-45 cm from the light source.
1. Attach the cardboard aperture slit to the light source face with a small magnet to
define a narrow vertical beam of light.
2. Attache the object lens to a holder with rubber bands at the edge of the lens. Attach
the mirror to another holder. Place the mirror at the far end of the optics rail from
the light source. Place the lens 35 - 45 cm from the light source. See figure 7.3
3. Vary d until a sharp reflected image is produced at the source position. Refer to Figure
4. Confirm that the reflected image in independent of dmirror Change the position of the
mirror and make sure that the quality of the image is not affected. Use your hand to

Figure 7.4: Auto-Collimation Set-up

block the light between the lens and the mirror. The image should disappear. If it
does not then its just a reflection from the front surface of the lens, and not what we
5. Then f = d. Record the focal length of the objective lens below.
Object lens focal length
6. Block part of the light from the slit with your finger or an object like a pencil. Does
the top or bottom of the image disappear? Is it right-side-up or inverted?
Image right-side-up or inverted?


A Two-Lens System: The Telescope

A telescope is designed to perform two functions simultaneously. The first is light collection,
and the second is magnification.
Light Collection by the Objective Lens
The size of the objective lens is the most important feature of modern astronomical telescopes. The light-gathering property of a telescope is proportional to the surface area of the
objective lens (r2 ). A large objective lens allows the observation of extremely faint astronomical objects and is the telescopes most costly component. Objective lenses are more
expensive because they are large and still must accurately focus the incidence light.

Image Magnification
In addition to light collection, the telescope magnifies the image formed by the objective lens.
A second lens, called the eyepiece lens, performs this magnification. This lens is usually the
telescopes most inexpensive component.
A telescope works by first collecting and focusing the light from an object with an objective
lens. If the object is very far away, the image of the object is focused at a distance
(dimage ) approximately equal to the objective lenss focal length away from the
lens (see the lens equation and convince yourself of this)1 . To properly magnify, the eyepiece
must be placed at a specific distance away from the focal point of the objective lens. This
distance must be equal to its own focal length (see Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5: Determining the Length of a Telescope

In our telescope, the image will be inverted. This is usually not a problem for astronomical
viewing. Terrestrial telescopes include another lens to right the image.
In this section of the lab, you will use the two lenses and a telescope kit to assemble a small
telescope. You will then measure its properties and confirm your observations with predicted


Investigating Properties of a Telescope

Constructing the Telescope from the Kit

Figure 7.6: Assembling the Telescope


The image is always formed at a distance, di , from the objective lens, in accordance with the thin lens
equation. But, when do , then di f . Its important to realize that f is a characteristic or attribute of
the lens. It does not change. di does change as do changes


1. Pick up the large lens, being careful not to smudge it with your fingers. Fit the curved
side of the lens snugly against the front of the outer tube, making sure it is positioned
perpendicular to the tube. Also make sure that it is centered on the tube. Slip the
plastic cap over this end of the tube so that the lens is firmly held in place.
2. Being careful not to smudge it, push the small lens into the foam lens holder.
3. Slide the spacer into the foam holder so that it pushes against the flat part of the lens.
Push the spacer into the holder just far enough so that the end of the spacer is flat
with the end of the foam holder.
4. With the curved side of the lens facing toward the large lens, slide the foam holder
into the end of the smaller of the sliding tubes. The foam holder should be flat with
the end of the tube.

Determining the Properties that Affect the Telescopes Length

As previously mentioned, the telescope will be in focus when the eyepiece lens is placed
approximately one (eyepiece) focal length away from the objectives inverted image. If the
object that youre looking at is very far away, the objective lenss image is one (objective)
focal length from the objective lens. The eyepiece-to-objective lens separation (L) is thus
the sum of these two focal lengths2 :

L = feyepiece + fobjective

5. Go out into the hall and focus your telescope on an object thats far away. After doing
this, measure the length of the telescope.
Measured length of telescope
Do your results agree with the theory? If not, why? (Identify specific sources of error
that would result in this inconsistency.) Explain below:

This is true only when viewing an object thats far away. For nearby objects, you must determine di
from the thin lens equation, and then add feyepiece to find the telescopes length.


Investigating the Magnification of a Telescope

In this two-lens system, the magnification of the telescope is equal to the ratio of the objective
lenss focal length to that of the eyepiece lens. You have already measured both of these.



Directly measuring a telescopes magnification can be a tricky task. Fortunately, we have a

clever way to do it.

Figure 7.7: Count the number of divisions that lie within one of the magnified spaces.
6. Aim the telescope towards the ruled scale mounted on the lab wall. Use one eye to
look through the telescope, and the other eye to simultaneously look at the wall scale.
This method will take some time to perfect. Youll have to steady the telescope by
leaning against a lab table or something.
The magnified image of the scale as seen through the telescope will be visually superimposed on the unmagnified scale, as depicted in Figure 7.7. ( An alternate method
to measure the magnification is to use a camera phone. Make sure the zoom stays
fixed. Than aiming the camera through the eye piece. You should be able to form an
image of the divisions that are magnify by the telescope. Then at the same distance
take a picture of the divisions on the wall without the telescope. Using a ruler you
can measure the the length of the division magnified and unmagnified. Taking the
ratio of the magnified division length over the unmagnified division length gives the
magnification. This method can be more accurate but may be as tricky as using your
7. Count the number of divisions on the unmagnified scale that overlap one division
on the magnified scale. This number is the telescopes magnification. Record the
magnification below.
Measured telescope magnification

8. Calculate the theoretical magnification predicted by Equation 7.2.

9. Calculate the percentage difference between the theoretical magnification and the measured value.
Percentage difference



1. Discuss why error is expected to be introduced in the measurement of the focal length
of the eyepiece lens using the Simple Method. Why is this less of a problem for the
objective lens when measured using the auto-collimaton method? Refer to any relevant
equations as necessary.

2. The Keck telescopes in Hawaii have objective lenses 10 meters in diameter. If the
diameter of your eye is 4 mm, how many times more light is received by one of these
telescopes than by your eye?

3. Explain briefly why a two-lens system is needed to make a telescope. Make sure to
refer to the object distance and the focal length of the objective lens. Explain the
function of the eyepiece with regard to the image formed by the objective lens. Where
is the image of the objective lens formed?

4. Using the thin lens equation, explain why the length of the telescope must be adjusted
when you move from viewing an object close by to one far away.


5. Explain why we can get a better magnification by switching eyepiece lenses. For higher
magnification should the eyepiece have a larger or smaller focal length?



Write a conclusion about what you have learned. Include all relevant numbers you have
measure with errors. Sources of error should also be included.


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