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Essay 1 Final Draft

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Meza 1

Marisol Meza
Professor Adler
STACC- English 1A-32475
January 27, 2016
Write Responsibly
Free-writing and audience intended writing are two very different forms of articulation.
While it is true there is indeed a process of logical and illogical thinking and it should begin
freely and without any restrictions nor limitations. However, a writer must be mindful of its
impact and social responsibility. As Mary Pipher's Writing to Change the World states, "Good
writing facilitates the making of connections in a way that inspires open heartedness, thinking,
talking and action. Good writing enlarges readers' knowledge of the world and empowers readers
to act from the common good, or even inspires other good writing"(7). With that said, it is
important that the finalization of your writing always be filtered, edited and have a sense
accountability and responsibility. Writing is not just putting random thoughts on paper. Writers
must be mindful of a greater sense of power it holds, after all they writing has the ability to
change the mind and sometimes even the lives of others. For this reason should be ventured with
the utmost discretion.

The main purpose of writing is the freedom to express and be remembered. What I would
love all writers to acquire is the ability to write with some sense of intelligence. Writing is not
like speaking freely. You cant just think and write what ever comes to mind. Writing must have
a sense of beginning and an end as well as a purpose. Although the idea of free writing does
sound amazing, one is not writing to our interior mind. A writer is writing to an audience and
writing should never be a form mindless venting which is merely spilled onto a paper. Writing
should have a method and articulation and a purpose, it should also have a beginning and an end.

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Nothing is more inspirational that reading a piece of literate with a profound statement and clear
direction and articulation. Usually a person who enjoys reading is probably looking for
inspiration, education or self-gain. When thoughts on paper, are easy to follow and do not ramble
and stray from the purpose it serves the public its purpose. However, not all writer are as
mindful, perhaps a way to avoid such travesty, as Anne Lamott, wrote in Shitty First Drafts is to
remember first draftsis where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place
knowing that no one is going to see it..(229). The key element to remember in writing they are
not merely spoken words which maybe quickly forgotten. Writing creates a permanent residence
in the world of Literature, no matter what your title is in life. The minute you decide to provide
someone a copy of your writing it becomes public knowledge.

In order to understand the implications one must first understand the Mindset of a writer.
In an article by Carol S. Dweck, The Perils and Promises of Praise. "Students with a fixed
mindset become excessively concerned with how smart they are, seeking tasks that will prove
their intelligence and avoiding ones that might not. (1). Often writers become so absorbed in
proving their theory, they forget about who the audience may be and what the audience or the
reader may do with the information. Writers just like Dwecks fixed mindset theory can become
self-absorbed in what their opinion and forget about the reader and get lost in their own thoughts.
It is so easy to become lost and confused in the literature. As Peter Elbow proclaims in
Desperation Writing, writing can put out a babbling kinds of speech utterance, it can put simple
feelings, perception or sort-of-though into understandable (though terrible) words (130). If
indeed our first thoughts are so random and so filled with terrible initial ideas why would be ever
just write without being mindful of who it may impact or the reader.

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There is a difference between respecting a writer and agreeing with the point of view of a
writer. Pipher believed that we dont have to be likable to write or to effect social changes for the
good. Many writers love humanity but cant stand people (51). A writer does not need to be
liked and agreed with by everyone. A writer merely needs to understand the implications of their
writing. An audience also needs to understand the purpose of why a writer writes. In an article
by George Orwell, Why I write, he believes there are five reasons why people write. The first is
for sheer egoism, for self-glorification, let us be honest not all writers write to help humanity and
man-kind. There is a sense of selfishness with writing. The second is aesthetic enthusiasms, in
other words for the art and beauty to articulate words, writing something which sounds beautiful.
These words which are not necessarily hold truth, but a mere opinion. The third reason is
Historical impulse, the gathering and collecting of facts, which is probably the most responsible
form of writing we live in a society where we are constantly being told to prove our ideas, with
evidence and supporting detail. The final reason is political purpose. Here is where the words
(spoken or written) can be used to deceit and misinform the audience for political gain. The
purpose of politics is to convince the audience they are right and the other is wrong. Words just
like writing which need to have structure and a filter.
Although writing sounds to be a complex manner, it is really quite simple. Writing should
never be "word-vomit" which is spewed onto the paper. It should have a method a beginning and
end. The most profound writers will have the ability to provide their outlook and opinion in a
manner which encourages, inspires and even educates individuals. Literature just like words
should never just be spoken. As Pipher states, People can lead heroic lives due to their
characterwhich can be judgmental both positive and negative. There is a moral obligation

Meza 4
which comes with writing (49). Although writing is a form of expression, written words can be
dangerous and should have accountability and direction.

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