San Fresco D'Asisi: Cindy Fakhrani Poetry (1206268573)

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Cindy Fakhrani Poetry (1206268573)

San Francesco
October 3,

Promoter of religious
revival in Italy

Founder of the
Franciscan Order

Initiator of a religious
form of poetry

Inventor of Lauda

Composed the earliest

Italian poem, if not the
first, written in Italian
language called the
Canticle of the Sun

Friar and Patron Saint of


Catholic deacon

Early Life
San Francesco dAsisi was born in Assisi in 1181/82.
His father was a wealthy silk merchant
During his life, he lived the high-spirited life typical of a wealthy young man
In 1201, he joined the military
In 1204, he began to see visions from God
He left his home and gave all his money to the Church

Adult Years

He took vow of poverty after he joined the poor in begging at St. Peters Basilica
during his pilgrimage to Rome
After years of preaching he gain followers and created the Franciscan Order, and was
authorized by Pope Innocent III in 1210
In 1219 he went on a mission to Egypt to convert the Sultan
He also helped to start the order of the Poor Clares (Poor Ladies)

The Nativity

Francis set up the first

known Nativity scene to
celebrate Christmas in


During his forty days

fast in Mt. La Verna,
he received a

Brother Leo, who had

been with Francesco
at the time gave the
definite account of
the phenomenon of

Later Years
He suffered from his stigmata and trachoma, and received care in several
cities but no cure.
He then spent his last days dictating his spiritual testament and died on
the evening of October 3, 1226.
On July 16, 1228 he was proclaimed a saint by Pope Gregory IX.
He is known as the patron saint of animals and environment, and is one of
the two patron saints of Italy.

The Canticle of Creatures (Cantico

delle Creature)
The Canticle of creatures/ of the sun, also known as the laudes creaturarum (praise
of the creatures), is a religious song compose by San Francesco dAssisi.
It is considered as the first great poetical work of northern Italy, written in
rhythmical prose.
The canticle of the sun in its praise of god, thanks him for such creation such as
brother fire, sister water, brother sun, etc.
It is an affirmation of Francis personal theology
Saint Francis is said to have composed most of the canticle in late 1224
Legend says he did not write the canticle by himself because of his blindness of an
eye disease, but he dictated it

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