Man Made Global Warming Is A Scam by Davison Michael

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The key takeaways are that the author argues that global warming is a scam and not occurring, increased CO2 from human activity is not causing climate change, and that climate change science and data have been manipulated.

The main arguments made are that the globe has not warmed in the last 18 years, CO2 levels have been higher in the past and CO2 is naturally occurring, and the agenda behind promoting climate change is to redistribute wealth.

Evidence provided to support the claim that warming is not occurring includes a graph from Remote Sensing Systems showing no warming in 18 years and facts about historical CO2 levels being higher in the past.


Man-Made Global Warming is a Scam

Michael Davison
2 June 2015



1. Purpose

2. Facts how much the globe has really warmed in the last 25 years



3. Carbon dioxide a naturally occurring gas

4. Climate change science the inconvenient truth for IPCC

5. Whats really going on with climate events

6. The real agenda redistributing the worlds wealth

7. Some historical observations in relation to popular opinions

8. Consequences for New Zealand

9. Concluding points to remember

10. References







11. Appendices


1. The purpose of this paper

The globe is not warming, contrary to widespread belief. Furthermore, increased carbon dioxide (CO2)
emitted from mankinds activities is not contributing to or causing calamitous climatic events. Man-
made, or Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is simply not occurring.
Global warming is a scam and a hoax. It is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind the
movement use it to control people's beliefs and for financial gain.
An uninformed and unquestioning mass of the worlds population has fallen victim to significant
propaganda, causing widespread misconception. Global warming and climatic change campaigners,
largely the United Nations Independent Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), have mounted one of the
most well funded, massive propaganda campaigns in history and with a compliant media on their side.
However, in informed countries, there is a ground swell of global warming refute and surging numbers
of climate realists. In the USA, the lies of Al Gore, who netted hundreds of millions of dollars advocating
global warming, have been revealed, and the Gallup Poll, a widely recognised barometer of American
opinion, shows environmental concerns about global warming are now as low as they were 25 years
This paper collates information to show how the current levels of local widespread belief have come
about, and provides clear evidence that the existing political agendas in New Zealand and elsewhere
should cease.

2. Facts how much the globe has really warmed in the last 25 years

Global warming is not happening to any greater extent than it has for hundreds of years and has not
occurred at all in the last 18 years.
Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) is a world leader in processing and analysing microwave data collected by
satellite microwave sensors. The RSS mission is to provide research-quality geophysical data to the
global scientific community.
The RSS graph below dated November 2014 charts global mean temperature change. It clearly shows
the consistency of the last 18+ years. It is now 18 years and 7 months of no global warming.

3. Carbon dioxide

CO2 is a colorless, odorless, naturally occurring gas. It is the basis of most forms of life on the planet as it
is necessary for photosynthesis, which creates plants, which in turn nourish animals. It is currently
naturally in the earths atmosphere as 0.04 % of air 400 parts per million (ppm). CO2 has increased
from 350ppm to 400ppm over the last ~50 years, but this is inconsequential given it has been as high as
7000ppm of the earths air in the past.

Importantly, CO2 is produced by the decomposition of plant matter, and released from the oceans and
other natural processes including volcanoes. A minor amount is produced by man man-made CO2
emissions are about ~4% of all sources of CO2 going into the atmosphere (please see Appendix B). So
96% of all CO2 is naturally produced.
Historically and for millions of years CO2 levels have been over 3000ppm on this planet and sometimes
around 7000ppm. Ice ages occurred during these times, as did normal temperatures. The much higher
levels of CO2 had no correlation to the planets temperature life kept evolving normally. According to
IPCC, the more recent increase in CO2 in the atmosphere (of just ~50ppm) will dramatically warm the
planet with catastrophic climatic implications. The IPCC claims that most of the warming is caused by
increases in C02 from burning of fossil fuels. Therefore, CO2 emissions must be reduced and at huge
cost. This is flawed thinking.
Increasing CO2 by just 50ppm, or even doubling it, would not make any significant difference to
anything on this planet, other than making plants grow faster. Dr Patrick Moore, Cofounder of
Greenpeace, who is now a global warming realist says (2013) the optimal level of CO2 for plant growth
is 1600 ppm, four times higher than the level today. 400ppm is a starvation diet for plants and they die
under 150ppm. Moore (2014) also says This is why greenhouse growers purposely inject the CO2-rich
exhaust from their gas and wood-fired heaters into the greenhouse, resulting in a 40-80 per cent
increase in growth. The idea that it would be catastrophic if CO2 were to increase is preposterous.
Historical graphs of CO2 : Temperature (Berner & Kothavala, 2001) show:

480m years ago
450m years ago


7000 ppm
4000 ppm


-3000 ppm to 4000 ppm
+500 ppm to 4500 ppm

No change at 22 deg C
22 deg C to 12 deg C

Furthermore, it is not conclusive that increased CO2 in the atmosphere is caused by man it is more
likely caused by other natural factors.
Atmospheric scientist Murray Salby (2011) says of increasing atmospheric CO2 that It is ten times as
likely that atmospheric CO2 is coming from natural sources, namely the warming ocean surface, as it is
likely that it is coming from anthropogenic (man-made) sources. The changes in CO2 track ocean surface
temperature, not global carbon emissions. Burning fossil fuels is not increasing atmospheric CO2.
Recovery from the Little Ice Age, driven by the sun, is causing the oceans to release CO2. It is


temperature driving CO2 release, not the other way around. Just as it has always been. Salby has since
been dismissed from Sydney University, for making these statements.
There is no direct link between man-made fossil fuel emissions and global temperature on two counts.
Firstly it is not agreed that increased CO2 is a consequence of man-made fossil fuel emissions and
secondly, there is not agreement that CO2 warms the globe to any significant amount anyway.
Australia introduced a carbon tax to reduce CO2 emissions, which was repealed by the current Abbott
government. This effort to reduce carbon emissions saw Australians pay a whopping $24.47 billion to
reduce global warming (theoretically) by just 0.004% (Robson, 2013). The justification for the Carbon
Tax was to reduce carbon emissions to stop global warming. Even if the world was warming up, the
effects of the Carbon Tax were virtually nil. The New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme should be
disbanded or the country will waste money similarly.
Reducing CO2 emissions requires huge cost. Currently the amount of money being spent globally,
supposedly to reduce mans carbon footprint, is in the trillions of dollars per year (Bell, 2015). Yet
ridiculously, it has not been scientifically proven that increased CO2 in the atmosphere will cause
either significant global warming or climatic disasters.
US Climatologist Dr Judith Curry, Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences at the Georgia Institute of technology, (2015) says even if the USA is successful in meeting
80% reductions of CO2 emissions by 2050 this is going to reduce warming by one tenth of a degree
centigrade. It is not going to do anything. Curry (2015) in her address to congress, states I am
concerned that the proposed USA Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change, to address the perceived problems of climate change will do essentially
nothing to change the climate, and the USA and other nations will remain vulnerable to climate surprises
and extreme weather events.

In summary, enormous sums of money have been used to reduce a gas which is 96% produced naturally
by the planet itself, to supposedly reduce global warming and related climatic disasters. Mankinds
effort to control a non-problem with a non-solution is ridiculously nonsensical. A lack of questioning and
understanding of the real science is widespread.

4. Climate change science the inconvenient truth for IPCC

The IPCC is the primary proponent of dramatic global warming yet its argument is fundamentally flawed
because of the way it selectively uses science and manipulates data to support its views. The particularly
concerning areas include:

the lack of consideration of views opposing its own (true science considers opposing views)
the nature of IPCCs existence is a conflict of interest
manipulation of data
political funding biases

There is no question about climate change. It changes all the time and has done so naturally for
centuries. This is not however, reflected in the IPCCs selective use of science. Its manipulation of
research, data and opinion has fuelled an extremely biased view that does not reflect the planets actual
True science is empirical and replicated it constantly probes, doubts, investigates, examines, and
welcomes dissent. Yet the IPCC did not invite one single person who did not agree with its pre-decided
outcome for major reports to review or comment on them. IPCC has published five reports since 1990,
the latest being No 5 in 2013. For this No 5 report, it was claimed that a 95% consensus that global
warming is both occurring and man-made exists, in spite of overwhelming evidence of nil, or nominal
natural, warming. Of 11,944 papers considered, only 41 of them actually claim global warming is caused
by man-made CO2 (thats an alarming or 0.3 of 1%). Those that disproved global warming were
dismissed. Lord Christopher Monckton (2013) of the UKs Science and Public Policy Institute has released
an exhaustive statistical research paper that concludes that scientific consensus affirming man-made
global warming is just 0.3%, not the 97% claimed by the global warming whiners.

The IPCC is a conflicted institution pushing a mandate that lacks true scientific rigour. Moore (2013)
says; by its constitution, the IPCC has a hopeless conflict of interest. Its mandate is to consider only the
human causes of global warming, not the many natural causes changing the climate for billions of years.
If the IPCC did not find humans were the cause of warming, there would be no need for the IPCC under its
present mandate. To survive, it must find on the side of the apocalypse. The IPCC should either have its
mandate expanded to include all causes of climate change, or it should be dismantled.
For about 25 years, the IPCCs climate predictions have been far from accurate. In addition to not
welcoming nor considering dissenting opinions, there has been an increasing and continuous legacy of
evidence that data has been manipulated.
There are countless examples of data manipulation (please see Appendix C). The levels of deception
stretch across all the data involved. In any developed country, to seek public funding by tampering with
data would see the culprits jailed. As a comparison, consider an IPO prospectus seeking billions of dollars
from the public without verifiable scientific information in it let alone manipulated data.


As just one example, suspicious data records from Paraguay were found to have been changed from a
downward temperature trend to an upward one (from a decline of 1 deg C to an increase of 1.5 deg C).
Graphs shown ). Not only for three initial weather stations investigated but subsequently for a number
of other weather stations in the area. Worse still they then used these upward temperature records to
apply to tracks of the globe where no records have been kept.

In relation to this, Christopher Booker Snr., (English journalist and author. In 1961, he was one of the
founders of the magazine Private Eye, and has contributed to it since then. He has been a columnist
for The Sunday Telegraph since 1990.) (2015) states:

When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock
them more than the extent to which the official temperature records on which the entire panic
ultimately rested were systematically adjusted to show the earth as having warmed much more than
the actual data justified. Two weeks ago, under the headline How we are being tricked by flawed data
on global warming, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had
checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the
temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data
had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked

A search of Climate Depot Weather Stations brings up 11 similar examples.
The incidence of data manipulation is so rife that USA Republicans are now claiming they will investigate
(climate related) data tampering by NASA.
Needless to say, numerous reputable commentators thwart the accuracy and relevance of the science
claimed by IPCC:

IPCC reviewer, Dr Don Easterbrook, (Easterbrook D) on IPCC report No 5 says (2013) it isnt
science at all its dogmatic, political propaganda the IPCC report must be considered the
grossest misrepresentation of data ever published

Exposing IPCC computer models, forecasting experts Green and Armstrong (2014) state our
audit of the procedure used to create IPCC scenarios found that they violated 72 of 89 relevant
forecasting principles

Premeditated murder of science is how Climatologist Dr Tim Ball (Ball T, 2013) describes the
IPCCs 95% certainty that CO2 is causing serious global warming and climatic disasters

Climate Depots Mark Morano (2010) states 1000 of the so-called convinced man-made global
warming scientists were in fact then skeptics and that was five years ago!

Curry (2014) says; as temperatures have declined, the climate models have failed to predict this
decline, and so the IPCC has gained confidence in (its predictions of) catastrophic warming. In
other words the more they are wrong about nearly everything, the more confident IPCC officials
have become that they are right about nearly everything


Meteorologist John Colman (2015), who cofounded the USA weather channel, says that human
activity leading to global warming is no longer scientifically valid; there has been no warming
for 18 years

However those that dissent or disprove global warming find it difficult to have their view aired.
Subsequently, even despite the significant lack of IPCC integrity, a large proportion of people and media
continue to believe dramatic global warming is occurring. Many media editors are reluctant to publish
skeptical views. The IPCC like to make it heresy to question their message they shoot the messengers
and are embarking on a programme to personally discredit, and if possible have funding cut off for, any
scientist disagreeing with their fabricated consensus. These are desperate measures.

It is important to note the IPCC gets hundreds of times more funding, from weak misguided government
sources, than any climate realists. The direct costs excluding subsidies for alternative energy projects to
the US government is calculated to be $22 billion USD per annum ($42,800 a minute), for scientists to do
endless research on man-made global warming. Natural causes of global warming, far more significant
than man-made effects on global temperature changes as previously noted, are not included. According
to Forbes columnist Larry Bell (2015) the ripple effect of global warming initiatives actually costs
Americans $1.75 trillion every year three times larger than the entire USA federal budget deficit.

There is a tangled web of political activity and bias at play distorting the real truth. Paul Driessen (2010),
a senior policy advisor with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow says: The climate change
scientist government environmental industrial climate complex is well funded and powerful. But it is
also arrogant and dishonest and its assertions are so far removed from reality that they can no longer
survive scrutiny and challenge. The time has come to end its attempt to control our lives, livelihoods,
liberties, living standards and life spans.

Local politicians are unable to provide true scientific verification that CO2 can cause drastic global
warming or severe climatic problems because it is impossible for them to do so. They will refer to
consensus science, which as discussed above, is not at all credible. The political agenda is based on
fabricated information that does not stand scrutiny. It is unbelievable that politicians do not demand
unquestionable scientific evidence before imposing huge crippling taxes that do nothing but provide
jobs for bureaucrats. Real consideration of the above points effectively shoots the IPCC to pieces.

5. Whats really going on with climatic events

There is currently no global warming, and calamitous climatic events are not increasing and are often
doing the opposite of predictions. While certain local and recent events are more top of mind, such as
Australian bush fires and hurricanes in Vanuatu and Northern Queensland, these events are not
occurring any more often than they have over recent centuries. It should also be considered that
improvements in communication and news media delivery over the last 50 years has brought far away
events seemingly closer.
A summary of whats really going on with climatic events around the world:
Ice The IPCC claim Antarcticas ice is melting, when in fact there is record ice in Antarctica. Antarctica
sea ice recently hit a 35-year record high (National Snow and Ice Data Centre) and in January 2015 is
44.6% more than the 1981-2010 average. Ice in the Arctic has also been increasing in recent years
(Swart et al 2015).
Snow Recently a world record 24hr snowfall of 100.8 inches in 18 hours occurred in Italy
(; Italy winter storm dumps impressive 24 hr snowfall). The previous record was
75.8 inches in 24 hours. The USA has had hundreds of record low temperatures in the last few years
(USA Today - Coldest Air In Decades, 2015).
Climate Depots Mark Morano states (2013); Extreme weather is failing to follow global warming
predictions: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Droughts, Floods, Wildfires, all see no trend or declining trends in the
USA. Extreme weather is at or near historic lows.
Hurricanes In the USA, at there were 3,264 Days without a Major (Cat 3 +) Hurricane Strike Nearly 9
years The last being Wilma in October, 2005
Tornadoes The USA tornado count has plummeted to record low levels for three consecutive years.
Droughts New research confirms human CO2 is not causing a global drought increase - Droughts in
the USA are more frequent and more intense during COLDER periods (Legates, 2014).
Floods Professor Roger Pielkes paper titled Are US Floods Increasing? The Answer is Still No (2011)
shows flooding has not increased in the USA over records of 85 to 127 years (Hirsch & Ryberg, 2012).
The worlds ten deadliest floods all occurred before 1976. i.e before the so called high man-made CO2 in
the atmosphere (Hirsch & Ryberg, 2012).
USA Heatwaves The frequency of 90 deg (Fahrenheit) days in the USA has plummeted with three of
the five mildest summers occurring since 2004 USA temperatures (before tampering) have been
declining for 90 years


Wildfires 2014 was the quietest fire season of the decade according to data from the National
Interagency Fire Centre and USA forest fires are nearing historic lows.
Sea levels Sea levels have not risen any faster than normal since levels have been recorded and actual
sea levels are doing the opposite of IPCC model predictions. Globally, scientists with solid empirical-
based backgrounds claim there are severe problems with many of the 2007 IPCC predictions. Namely,
that many of the predictions are flat-out false, based on the IPCC's political agenda, or wildly inflated by
failed climate models. Houston and Dean (2011) state that the IPCC prediction of dangerously high
acceleration of sea level increases is likely both a combination of invalid climate models and desired
political outcomes. They discovered that the actual tidal gauge measurements over the last 80 years
show sea level increases are decelerating, not accelerating, and currently we can expect 100 - 200mm
sea level rise over the next century. IPCC predictions have at times been in the meters.

Temperature As demonstrated earlier, satellite data confirms that, as at the present, we have had 18
years 7 months of no warming. It is harder to tamper with satellite data ad it should be used to measure
global warming.
With these examples in mind, it cannot be claimed that disastrous climatic events are caused by
increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere and global warming. There has been no warming recently and
there are no facts to support the concept of dramatic global warming.


6. The Real Agenda Redistributing the worlds wealth

The real agenda has been admitted by senior IPCC officials and it has nothing to do with climate. The UN
wants to increase its power and wealth to have increasing control over peoples lives. It is preplanned
UN run socialism that is the end game. The climate issues are to frighten the populations of the world
into committing huge funding to the UN. However, as this paper shows, CO2 causing run away global
warming and climatic disasters is discredited.
It has, for decades, been the preplanned dramatic expansion of bureaucracy and totalitarianism
enabling unelected officials in the UN, the EU, and in any independent state that can be conned into the
scam, to control almost every aspect of peoples lives. They dont like capitalism, they want a new world
order and they say so.
IPCC Working Group III Co Chair Ottmar Eden has admitted that international climate policy is not even
about environmental protection, it is about how we redistribute the worlds wealth (2010). Decades in
the making, the IPCC is very close to succeeding in an irrevocable way. The plan is to bolt it all together
at Paris in December 2015 and have the world committed to a crazy debilitating tax scheme that is
irrevocably agreed to. World wars have been caused by much lesser issues.
The man-made global warming project has been instigated into schools and universities and there are
even entire courses available on the subject (that dont consider that the world is not actually warming).
Children and students are being taught that man-made global warming is settled and not to be
questioned or even discussed (Tice, 2015). The AGENDA 21, which stands for UN Agenda for the 21st
Century, is being forced onto schools. It has been banned by some states in the USA but is being pushed
very aggressively by the IPCC. It follows that those who question the matters get marked down in
examinations and fail their exams. University students then vote for more of the same and it is self-
perpetuating and the taxpayer keeps paying trillions of dollars per year to have more and more well-
paid unelected bureaucrats running peoples lives.
President Obama is planning to bypass the USA Congress and the Senate by calling commitments to the
Paris IPCC conference in December 2015 not treaty obligations but regulations. This is effectively
ignoring their constitution and is because Congress and the Senate are not in agreement. For the first
time the extreme green left has a president backing them and they are determined to make the most of
it by foul means or anyhow. The longer it takes the world to work it out, the more devastating will be
the carnage that results in the interim.
What is going on is not anything much to do with climate. Simply put it is the manipulation of scare
tactics to enable the old world idea of socialism to be imposed through the UN.


7. Some historical observations of popular opinions

Just because a view may be widely held is no reason it is correct. Mainstream consensus is in fact, most
often incorrect. British philosopher Bertrand Russell OM said the fact that an opinion is widely held is
no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of mankind a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. It is akin to sheep following each other.

The manipulation of public opinion has been occurring, at the will of dictators and politicians, for
centuries. In the history of mankind, mainstream consensus has been sought and established with
drastic results. In World War Two, German politician and Reich Minister of Propoganda in Nazi Germany
Paul Goebbels successfully convinced a significant proportion of the worlds population Hitler was a
great man. (It was World War II and Germany had many allies who looked to Hitler as a great leader.
Not to mention the German population)

As discussed in section 4 of this paper, this type of consensual thinking has formed the bulk of the case
for man-made global warming by IPCC. A so-called consensus of scientists supposedly agree with the
IPCC. However, science is not a matter of votes it is a matter of fact. If nine people have a view, it does
not mean that view is correct the correct view may be held by one person.
John Michael Crichton, an author admired for his meticulous scientific research, said (2003) I regard
consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped dead in its tracks.
Historically the claim has been the first refuge of scoundrels. It is a way to avoid debate by claiming that
the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agree on something or
other, reach for your wallet because you are about to be had. There is no such thing as consensus
science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.

Fuelling consensus thinking, are plenty of enthusiastic activists in the world, who demonstrate and/or
sign petitions about environmental concerns without any profound knowledge of what they are
demonstrating about. USA TV programme, Penn & Teller (2006), at a climate change meeting, sought to
ban di-hydrogen monoxide because it is in our lakes and reservoirs, used by pesticide companies, we
wash fruit with it and it gets into our food supplies. It causes excessive sweating and excessive
urination. Hundreds of people signed the petition to help save the planet from this nasty chemical
without recognizing di-hydrogen monoxide (H2O) is water!
These examples substantiate and explain how multitudes have flocked after IPCC dogma without
genuine consideration of the underlying truth.


8. Consequences for NZ

Think how much better NZ standards of living would be compared to all those nations that pay trillions
of dollars to the man-made global warming cause for nothing if NZ politicians would just spend enough
time to sensibly consider the true climate science. Instead man-made global warming legislation is going
into our laws, local governments are buying carbon credits, all Kiwis pay extra taxes on fuel, the
Emission Trading Scheme will further hamper the country, planning decisions are being based on IPCC
projections, and so on.
The NZ advisor to Government on these matters is NIWA. Their basic views on man-made global
warming stem from a thesis being written by a now sacked senior NIWA official. The thesis has not been
available for public scrutiny and has been supposedly lost this is a very concerning starting place to
set up taxing the population under an Emission Trading Scheme. Alarmingly, NIWA has followed the
flawed IPCC dogma.
New Zealanders cannot afford to pour money into this scam just because other nations are. The real
science and the real agenda must be considered. There is no doubt as to the real agenda it is even
admitted by some of the leaders of the man-made global warming movement. If IPCC get their way in
Paris, the world will be irrevocably launched into their scam as treaty agreements cannot be reversed.
Defense budgets will need to be paid so the UN can run a world-armed force. Socialism will be pushed
to new levels. Our schools and universities will be indoctrinated. That is the new world order so
desperately sought. It all will have nothing to do with climate change as it never did.
NZ will be ruled by unelected bureaucrats who will do nothing to create wealth. All aspects of Kiwis lives
will be meddled with with permits required for everything, confiscating taxes, discretionary spending
money not allowed for, limited private asset ownership and maximum state ownership of assets, and
in effect one might as well live in Cuba if you had the money to get there.
Over the last 50-60 years, NZ has fallen from the top 2-3 countries in the world in GDP per capita to
number 28. Furthermore our growth rate per capita in 2014 was down to number 78. This is very
unimpressive. It is totally ridiculous for this country, or any country, to be pouring huge sums of
money into the non-solution to a non-problem that reducing carbon emissions is to global warming.
The return on the massive funds expended will be zero or negative.


9. Concluding points to remember

The world is not warming

CO2 is not causing significant global warming
CO2 exists naturally in air 96% of it is produced by the planet naturally
It is not agreed that mans activities are causing the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere
There are not increased climatic disasters occurring
Fraudulent data manipulation is rife
The biggest scam the world has ever seen is happening -
The UN IPCC has a very serious political agenda masquerading as preventing global warming
The Paris IPCC conference in December 2015 should be boycotted
Existing carbon reduction programmes should be abandoned


1. Boycott the Paris IPCC conference in December 2015
2. Abandon existing carbon reduction programmes


10. References
Ball T, Dr Tim. Former Professor of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg

Bell, L. Forbes Magazine March 2015 - see
New Reports: There Is No Global Warming Political Forum

Berner, Robert A, and Kothavala, Zavareth Carbon Data taken from Yale Study GEOCARB III A REVISED MODEL OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 OVER
PHANERZOIC TIME. Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, published by American Journal of Science Vol 301 February 2001 P
182-204 Graph shows temperature; CO2 over long period and confirms CO2 fell 7000ppm to 3000ppm and increased from 4000ppm to
4500ppm with quoted temperature.

Booker C. Christopher (2015). English journalist and author. In 1961, he was one of the founders of the magazine Private Eye, and has
contributed to it since then. He has been a columnist for The Sunday Telegraph since 1990.

Coleman J (born October 15, 1934) is an American TV weatherman and co-founder of The Weather Channel. He has retired from broadcasting
after nearly 61 years, working the last twenty at KUSI-TV in San Diego.

Crichton J , John Michael MD, (1942 2008) was an American best-selling author, physician, producer, director, and screenwriter, best known
for his work in the science fiction, medical fiction, and thriller genres. His books have sold over 200 million copies worldwide, and many have
been adapted into films.

Curry J, Dr Judith, US Climatologist, Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of
Hearing on The Presidents UN Climate Pledge 15 April 2015

Driessen P. (2008) Senior policy advisor with the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise a
non-profit public policy institutes that focus on energy, the environment, economic development and international affairs. Author of Green
Power, Black Death (Merril Press, 2010) and co-author of Energy Keepers, Energy Killers (Merril Press, 2008).

Easterbrook J, Dr. Don J. Geologist Emeritus Professor at Western Washington University, a UN IPCC expert reviewer, has authored ten books
and 150 journal publications. Presented 31 research papers at international meetings in 13 countries outside the USA

Gallup Poll. See

Global Warming Policy Foundation (2014) A unique all-party and non-party think tank and a registered educational charity which, while open-
minded on the contested science of global warming, is deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies
currently being advocated.

Goebbels P; Paul Joseph (1897 1945). German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany (1933 1945) known for his
zealous orations and virulent anti-Semitism. One of Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devoted followers. Strongly supported the
extermination of the Jews when the Nazi leadership developed their Final Solution.

Green, Kesten C. and Armstrong, J. Scott (2014) University of South Australia and University of Pennsylvania, Director and Editor of

Hirsch, R.M. and Ryberg, K.R., 2012. Has the magnitude of floods across the USA changed with global CO2 levels? Hydrolological Sciences
Journal, 57 (1), 19.

Houston, J.R. and Dean, R.G., 2011. Sea-level acceleration based on U.S. tide gauges and extensions of previous global-gauge analyses. Journal
of Coastal Research, 27(3), 409417. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. New paper finds sea level rise has decelerated 44% since 2004
to only 7 inches per century Published in Global and Planetary Change

Legates, Dr. David. 2014. Professor of Climatology, University of Delaware. STATEMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS

Monckton C. Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, SMOM (born 14 February 1952) is a British public speaker
and hereditary peer. He is known for his work as a journalist, Conservative political advisor, UKIP political candidate, and for his invention of the
mathematical puzzle Eternity. In recent years his public speaking has garnered attention due to his advocacy of climate change denial, views on
the European Union, and social policy.

Moore P, Dr Patrick. Cofounder of Greenpeace and now global warming realist

Morano, M. Marc (born 1968) is a conservative American publisher. He has worked on different assignments in the Washington political
scene, but is best known as founder of the website Climate Depot, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Morano was born


in Washington, D.C. and raised in McLean, Virginia. He has a bachelor's degree from George Mason University in political science. Currently
serves as Communications Director for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and executive editor and chief correspondent for the
award-winning, a global warming and eco-news center founded in 2009. Morano spearheaded the 2007 groundbreaking
report of 400-plus dissenting scientists and the follow-up 2008 report of 650-plus scientists dissenting man-made global warming fears; by
2010, a new 321-page Climate Depot Special Report listed over 1,000 international scientists who had turned against the UN IPCC. Morano's
EPW website won a Golden Mouse Award in 2007 for improving communications between Members of Congress and their constituents. In
February 2010, Accuracy in Media awarded Morano their annual Reed Irvine Award alongside Andrew Breitbart, and in July 2010, Doctors for
Disaster Preparedness announced it would award Morano that year's Petr Beckmann Award.

Penn & Teller Environmental Hysteria 2003. Dec 6, 2006 Penn & Teller get hippies to sign a
petition that bans water 2.9m views as at May 2015

Pielke, Roger A, Sr (born 1946). An American meteorologist with interests in climate variability and climate change, environmental
vulnerability, numerical modeling, atmospheric dynamics, land/ocean atmosphere interactions, and Large Eddy/turbulent boundary
layer modeling. He particularly focuses on mesoscale weather and climate processes but also investigates on the global, regional,
and microscale. Pielke is an ISI Highly Cited Researcher.

Pielke, Roger A, Jr. (born 1968). An American political scientist and professor in the Environmental Studies Program and a Fellow of
the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) where he served as Director of the Center for Science and Technology
Policy Research at the University of Colorado Boulder from 2001 to 2007. Pielke was a visiting scholar at Oxford University's Sad Business
School in the 2007-2008 academic year.

Robson A, Dr Alex Austalias Carbon Tax, an economic evaluation 2013 N.B. unemployment also went from 604,000 to 720,000, emissions
increased, and electricity prices rose approximately 20%.

Russell B, Bertrand Arthur William - 3 Earl Russell, OM, FRS was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic
and political activist.

Salby, M. Atmospheric scientist - see

Swart et al. 2015. Influence of internal variability on Arctic sea ice trends. Nature Climate Change

Tice, P. (2015) Schoolroom Climate Change Indoctrination. Wall St Journal.

USA Today 2015. COLDEST AIR IN DECADES, Arctic cold front is responsible for the coldest temperatures in almost two decades in many USA
cities. Temperatures in some areas have not been this low since the arctic outbreaks of January 1997, February 1996 and January of 1994.


11. Appendices
Appendix A
Temperature change fabricated by NOAA purposefully cools the historical monthly figures
prior to 1951 then purposefully warms the historical monthly records. The combination of
cooling and warming is done to promote ideas that modern warming is accelerating.


Appendix B CO2 to and from the atmosphere


Appendix C Data Manipulation

There are numerous concerns regarding manipulation of data in relation to reports and general
information regarding global warming.
Three themes are apparent (Morano, 2015):
(1) Prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather
than disseminate underlying data and discussions;
(2) These scientists view global warming as a political cause rather than a balanced scientific inquiry
(3) Many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent
on deliberate manipulation of facts and data'

The following (click through to actual reports) are some of the concerns posted by Morano (2015):
Weather station temperature claims overheated, report claims: U.S. temp record U.S. has been systematically
overinflated due to faulty data manipulation and encroaching urbanity 'They started making what they called
corrections after the year 2000, which turned the USA temperature trend from completely flat to fairly steep
warming. The corrections were changing the temperature record. Several large adjustments hadn't been
documented at all, boosting readings by as much as 1.5 degrees over older measurements'

All Claimed July Warming In The US Is Due To Data Manipulation
SHCN has adjusted recent US July temperatures upwards by 1.5 degrees F, relative to the 1890s. The adjusted July
graph shows about 1.5 degrees of warming since 1895'.

Meteorologist DAleo: NOAA and NASA Complicit in Data Manipulation

Flashback: Meteorologist Anthony Watts: In the business world, people go to jail for such manipulations of

Watts: 'Is history malleable? Can temperature data of the past be molded to fit a purpose? It certainly seems to
be the case here, where the temperature for July 1936 reported ... changes with the moment'

Adjustments breathtaking to Arctic temperature record is there any global warming we can trust?

Satellites: Warming pause continues & 2014 not the hottest

UK Telegraph on new climategate: Fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

Climategate 2.0: Scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on
deliberate manipulation of facts and data

Climatologist: Global Temperature and Data Distortions Continue manipulation of temperature data

CBCs Rex Murphy Unloads About ClimateGate: It pulls back the curtain on pettiness, turf protection,
manipulation, defiance of FOIA, loss or destroyed data and attempts to blacklist

'Science has gone to bed with advocacy and both have had a very good time'

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