1. Suspended solids in waste water from blast furnace gas cooling are removed using a radial settling tank with coagulants like lime and ferrous sulfate.
2. Persons working in cement plants and limestone quarries are more prone to diseases like silicosis from exposure to silica dust.
3. Particulates less than 1 micrometer in size that remain suspended indefinitely in air and are transported by wind currents are called aerosols.
1. Suspended solids in waste water from blast furnace gas cooling are removed using a radial settling tank with coagulants like lime and ferrous sulfate.
2. Persons working in cement plants and limestone quarries are more prone to diseases like silicosis from exposure to silica dust.
3. Particulates less than 1 micrometer in size that remain suspended indefinitely in air and are transported by wind currents are called aerosols.
1. Suspended solids in waste water from blast furnace gas cooling are removed using a radial settling tank with coagulants like lime and ferrous sulfate.
2. Persons working in cement plants and limestone quarries are more prone to diseases like silicosis from exposure to silica dust.
3. Particulates less than 1 micrometer in size that remain suspended indefinitely in air and are transported by wind currents are called aerosols.
1. Suspended solids in waste water from blast furnace gas cooling are removed using a radial settling tank with coagulants like lime and ferrous sulfate.
2. Persons working in cement plants and limestone quarries are more prone to diseases like silicosis from exposure to silica dust.
3. Particulates less than 1 micrometer in size that remain suspended indefinitely in air and are transported by wind currents are called aerosols.
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Environmental Engineering
1. Suspended solid present in the waste water
generated in blast furnace gas cooling and cleaning plant is removed by A. biological oxygen pond. B. radial settling tank (thickener) using coagulant (lime & ferrous sulphate). C. lagoons. D. filtration.
2. Persons working in cement plants and limestone quarries are more prone to disease like A. cancer B. asthma C. silicosis D. flourosis (bone disease)
3. Particulates (<1m size) remaining suspended in air indefinitely and transported by wind currents are called A. fumes B. mists C. s oke D. aerosols
4. Operating principle of cyclone separator is based on the action of __________ dust particles. A. diffusion of B. centrifugal force on C. gravitational force on D. electrostatic force on
5. Exposure to small amount of __________ results in high blood pressure & heart disease in human beings. A. hydrogen sulphide B. mercury C. cadmium D. asbestos
6. Maximum allowable concentration of CO2 in air for safe working is __________ ppm (parts per million). A. 50 B. 1000 C. 2000 D. 5000
7. Tolerable limit of nitrogen oxides in air is __________ ppm. A. 0.1 B. 1 C. 5 D. 25
8. Iron & manganese present as pollutant in water can not be removed by A. ion exchange process. B. oxidation followed by settling & filtration. C. lime soda process or manganese zeolite process. D. chlorination.
9. In water chemical treatment plant, use of chloramines ensures A. disinfection. B. taste & odour control. C. weed control in reservoirs. D. removal of permanent hardness.
10. Which of the following is the common pollutant emitted from metallurgical smelters, thermal power plant and cement plants ? A. NOx B. Hg C. SO2 D. F
11. During which of the following operating conditions of an automobile, carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gas is maximum ? A. Idle running B. Acceleration C. Cruising D. Deaccelaration
12. H2S present in gaseous stream can be removed by adsorption on A. silica gel B. active carbon C. bog iron D. limestone powder
13. Inhalation of lead compounds present in automobile exhaust (using leaded petrol) causes A. blood poisoning. B. anaemia. C. nervous system disorder. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
14. Replenishment of dissolved oxygen in water stream polluted with industrial waste occurs by A. natural aeration of water stream. B. photosynthetic action of algae. C. both (a) & (b). D. neither (a) nor (b).
15. Aerodynamic noise resulting from turbulent gas flow is the most prevalent source of valve noise in fluid ilow control. It is caused due to A. Reynold stresses B. shear forces C. both (a) & (b) D. neither (a) nor (b)
16. Smoke is produced due to A. insufficient supply of combustion air and insufficient time for combustion. B. poor quality of fuel and improper mixing of fuel & combustion air. C. poor design & overloading of furnace. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
17. Fluorosis (a bone disease) is caused by the presence of high concentration of __________ in atmospheric air. A. hydrocarbons B. hydrogen flouride C. hydrogen sulphides D. nitrogen dioxide
18. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is the maximum allowable concentration (i.e. safe limit) of pollutants in air. Safe limit for SO2 in air is __________ ppm. A. 5 B. 500 C. 1000 D. 2000
19. Main pollutants released from iron & steel industry is A. CO, CO2 & SO2. B. H2S, NO & SO3. C. CO2, H2S & NO2. D. SO3, NO2 & CO2.
20. Exposure to chemicals having carcinogenic properties cause A. dermatitis (skin disorder) B. cancer C. asphyxiation (suffocation) D. asthma
21. Scale formation in boiler is controlled by A. preheating of feed water. B. reduction in hardness, silica & alumina in feed water. C. keeping the pH value of feed water just below 7. D. eliminating H2S in feed water.
22. Noise level heard at a distance of about 100 metres from a jet engine with after burner is about __________ decibels. A. 120 B. 140 C. 170 D. 200
23. TLV of mercury in potable (drinking) water is about __________ ppm. A. 0.001 B. 0.1 C. 1 D. 5
24. Which is the best and the most effective method for the removal of organic contaminant present in the polluted water in very small quantity (say < 200 mg/litre)? A. Lagooning B. Activated carbon adsorption C. Biological oxidation pond D. Chemical coagulation
25. Which is a secondary air pollutant ? A. Photochemical smog B. Sulphur dioxide C. Nitrogen dioxide D. Dust particles
26. Which of the following is the most detrimental for water used in high pressure boiler ? A. Silica B. Turbidity C. Phenol D. Dissolved oxygen
27. Turbidity of water is an indication of the presence of A. suspended inorganic matter B. dissolved solids C. floating solids D. dissolved gases
28. Presence of excess flourine in water causes A. dental cavity B. tooth decay C. fluorosis D. respiratory disease
29. Siderosis is a disease caused by the inhalation of __________ dust. A. coal B. silica C. iron D. none of these
30. Which of the following pollutants is not emitted during volcanic eruptions ? A. SO2 B. H2S C. CO D. hydrocarbons
31. The main pollutant in waste water discharged from a petroleum refinery is oil (both in free and emulsified form). Free oil is removed by A. biological oxygen pond. B. aerated lagoons. C. trickling filters. D. gravity separator having oil skimming devices.
32. Phenolic water generated in coke ovens & by- product plant attached to an integrated steel plant containing phenol in concentration of less than 100 mg/litre can be removed by A. chlorination B. treating in biological oxygen pond C. chemical coagulation D. none of these
33. Which of the following dust collection equipments is the least efficient (for sub-micronic particles) ? A. Dust catcher (gravity type) B. Cyclone separator C. Bag filter D. Hollow wet scrubber
34. Bag filter design is predominantly dependent on gas temperature, as it affects the gas density & viscosity and the selection of filtering material. The pressure drop in a bag filter is A. inversely proportional to viscosity of gas. B. proportional to the viscosity & density of the gas. C. proportional to the pressure of the gas. D. both (b) and (c).
35. Dust collection efficiency of a cyclone separator depends upon its A. diameter. B. inlet gas velocity. C. overall height. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
36. Ionisation potential employed in the industrial electrostatic precipitator is of the order of A. 30 to 70 kV DC B. 30 to 70 kV AC C. 230 V AC D. 230 V DC
37. The widest explosive limit is of __________ , thereby making it the most explosive gas. A. acetylene B. petrol vapor C. hydrogen D. carbon monoxide
38. Aerobic biological oxidation ponds used for the purification of polluted water A. destroys/removes pathogen from the sewage. B. is not very effective for nonbiodegradable substances (e.g. ABS) containing effluents. C. destroys/removes pathogen much more effectively if the sewage is chlorinated. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
39. Polluted water having low BOD are most economically treated in A. sedimentation tanks B. oxidation ponds C. sludge digester D. clarifier
40. Tri-sodium phosphate is used in boiler water treatment to reduce A. turbidity B. caustic embrittlement C. suspended silica D. dissolved oxygen
41. The commonest form of iron & manganese found in ground water as pollutant is in the form of their A. carbonates B. bi-carbonates C. chlorides D. sulphides
42. 80% less than 200 mesh size particles are called A. smoke B. powder C. grit D. aggregates
43. Coal washing waste water containing about 3% suspended solids (comprising of clay, slate, stone etc.) is treated for solid particles removal A. by chemical coagulation. B. in sedimentation tanks equipped with mechanical scrapper. C. in vacuum filter. D. in clarifiers.
44. Inhalation of lead compounds present in the automobile exhausts (using leaded petrol) causes A. blood poisoning. B. anaemia. C. nervous system disorder. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
45. TLV of ozone (O3) and phosgene (COCl2) in air is __________ ppm. A. 0.1 B. 25 C. 100 D. 1000
46. Most of the atmospheric air pollutants are present in large quantity in A. stratosphere B. thermosphere C. trophosphere D. mesosphere
47. Pick out the wrong statement. A. Caustic embrittlement of boiler's metallic parts is caused by high concentration of caustic soda in boiler feed water. B. Cooling and freezing of water kills the bacteria present in it. C. With increasing boiler operating pressure of steam, the maximum allowable concentration of silica in feed water goes on decreasing. D. Dissolved oxygen content in high pressure boiler feed water should be nil.
48. 'Pneumoconiosis' is a disease caused by the inhalation of __________ dust. A. coal B. uranium ore C. iron ore D. lime
49. The ratio of oxygen available to the oxygen required for stabilisation of sewage is called the A. bacterial stability factor. B. relative stability. C. biological oxygen demand (BOD). D. oxygen ion concentration.
50. Pick out the wrong statement. A. The concentric atmosphere layer just above troposphere is called stratosphere, which is rich in ozone. B. Mesosphere is characterised by very low atmospheric pressure and low temperature. C. Troposhere is a dusty zone containing water vapor and clouds. D. The radio waves used in the long distance radio communication are reflected back to earth by stratosphere.
1. Most efficient and suitable dust removal equipment for removal of flyash from flue gas in a thermal power plant is the A. gravity settling chamber B. cyclone separator C. electrostatic precipitator D. bag filter
2. Which of the following is not a secondary air pollutant ? A. Ozone B. Photochemical smog C. Sulphur dioxide D. All (a), (b) & (c)
3. The concentration of water vapour in troposphere, which depends upon the altitude & temperature varies in the range of zero to __________ percent. A. 1 B. 4 C. 8 D. 12
4. The main industrial source of emission of hydrogen sulphide air pollutant is A. petroleum refineries. B. coal based thermal power plants. C. pulp and paper plant. D. metallurgical roasting & smelting plant.
5. Waste/polluted water discharged from electroplating, blast furnace and coal mining industries contain mainly __________ substances. A. radioactive B. organic C. inorganic D. none of these
6. Sound produced by an automobile horn heard at a distance of 1.5 metres corresponds to about __________ decibels. A. 90 B. 120 C. 150 D. 180
7. Moist atmospheric air at high temperature (e.g., in summer) having high concentration of sulphur dioxide causes A. fading of dyes on textiles. B. corrosion, tarnishing & soiling of metals. C. reduced strength of textiles. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
8. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) is not produced in the __________ industry. A. nitric acid making B. nitrogenous fertiliser C. detergent D. any of these
9. World's worst radioactive pollution was caused by nuclear reactor disaster which occured in A. Arizona (U.S.A.) B. Chernobyl (undivided U.S.S.R.) C. Pensylvania (U.S.A.) D. Moscow (U.S.S.R.)
10. Dissolved oxygen content in river water is around __________ ppm. A. 5 B. 100 C. 250 D. 500
11. Oil and grease present in an emulsified state in waste water discharged from industries can be removed by A. biological oxidation. B. skimming off. C. settling out using chemical reagents. D. chlorination.
12. The amount of chemical coagulant added for treatment of polluted water __________ with increase in temperature of the polluted water to be treated. A. decreases. B. increases. C. remains constant. D. may increase or decrease ; depends on the chemical characteristics of polluted water.
13. Particles having diameter greater than 75 m (micrometer = 10 -6 mm) are called A. grit B. dust C. powder D. smoke
14. Which of the following is the most severe air pollutant ? A. hydrocarbons B. NOx C. SO2 D. CO
15. Presence of bacteria in potable (drinking) water causes A. turbidity B. disease C. bad odour D. bad taste & colour
16. What are the methods of treatment & disposal of radioactive wastes ? A. Evaporation & chemical precipitation. B. Biological methods & adsorption in ion exchange materials. C. Fixing into a solid mass with cement and sinking deep in the sea. D. All (a), (b) & (c).
17. Bacterial aerobic oxidation of polluted water in biological oxidation ponds is done to purify it. Presence of bacteria helps in A. coagulation and flocculation of colloids. B. oxidation of carbonaceous matter to CO2. C. nitrification or oxidation of ammonia derived from breakdown of nitrogeneous organic matter to the nitrite and eventually to the nitrate. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
18. Main pollutant present in automobile exhaust is A. CO B. CO2 C. NO D. hydrocarbons
19. Maximum allowable noise exposure limits for a man working for 8 hours a day in a noisy chemical plant is about __________ decibels. A. 20 B. 60 C. 90 D. 120
20. Industrial workers working in leather tanning & manufacturing units are prone to suffer from A. respirtory ailments (e.g. bronchitis). B. skin diseases (e.g. dermatities). C. silicosis. D. blurred vision.
21. Pick out the wrong statement. A. Biological oxygen demand (B.O.D.) value of a sewerage sample is always lower than its chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D.) value. B. Environmental pollution by NOx emission is much higher by four stroke petrol engines as compared to the two stroke engines. C. Temperature in stratosphere rises with increasing altitude. D. The characteristic of a green house body is that it allows the long wavelength incoming solar radiation to come in but does not allow the short wavelength infra red radiation to escape out of the earth's atmosphere.
22. Peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN), a pollutant is found in the A. automobile exhaust. B. flue gas of coal based power plant. C. exhaust of nitric acid plant. D. exhaust of sulphuric acid plant.
23. Foaming and priming in boiler operation can be reduced by reduction in __________ in feed water. A. turbidity B. color (Hazen) C. total solids D. all (a), (b) & (c)
24. Ambient noise level can be reduced by __________ decibels by planting trees (like coconut, neem etc.) near public utility buildings (like hospitals & schools). A. 1-2 B. 5-10 C. 15-20 D. 25-30
25. Pick out the wrong statement. A. Catalytic converter is fitted in automobiles to reduce carbon monoxide concentration in exhaust emissions. B. Inhalation of pollutant carbon monoxide results in death by asphyxiation. C. Sulphur dioxide is the main pollutant emitted from the exhaust of petrol driven automobiles. D. Decomposition of plants containing chlorophyll is a natural source of carbon monoxide in atmosphere.
26. Which of the following radioactive wastes emits all , & rays and hence is the most hazardous of all radioactive emitters? A. I-131 B. Sr-90 C. Au-198 D. Ra-226
27. COD of raw municipal sewage may be in the range of about __________ mg/litre. A. 1-2 B. 5-10 C. 90-120 D. 1500-2500
28. Maximum permissible turbidity in potable water is __________ ppm. A. 1 B. 10 C. 250 D. 1000
29. Presence of __________ hardness is responsible for the temporary hardness in water. A. carbonate B. calcium C. choride D. sulphate
30. Dose of chlorine for disinfection of water is about __________ mg/litre of water. A. 0.01 B. 0.1 C. 0.3 D. 1
31. A shallow pond in which the sewage is retained and biologically treated is called A. oxidation B. Imhoff tank C. lagoon D. skimming tank
32. Which is the most practical and economical method for removal of suspended solid matter from polluted water ? A. Sedimentation B. Skimming off C. Chlorination D. Biological oxidation
33. Atmospheric pollution caused by the exhaust gas of supresonic transport air-crafts is mostly in the atmospheric region called A. thermosphere B. stratosphere C. troposphere D. mesosphere
34. Iron & manganese present in the polluted water is removed by A. simple filtration. B. oxidation followed by settling & filtration. C. chemical coagulation. D. chlorination only.
35. Water effluent generated in printing industry is decolourised by A. ion exchange technique. B. reverse osmosis. C. electrolytic decomposition. D. adsorption.
36. Thermal pollution of water increases its toxicity and oxidation of oxygen demanding waste besides favouring bacterial growth. A rise in water temperature by 10C, doubles the toxic effects of __________ present in it. A. coal ash B. potassium cyanide C. ortho-xylene D. none of these
37. __________ can not control the noise pollution. A. Use of silencers B. Green house gases C. Vibration damping D. Tree plantation
38. Ozone level is generally found to be depleted in India in the month of A. February B. July C. April D. December
39. Noise level during normal conversation among men is about __________ decibles. A. 10 B. 45 C. 90 D. 115
40. 'Particulate' air pollutants are finely divided solids and liquids. Which of the following is not a 'particulate' ? A. Dust & mists B. Smoke & fumes C. Photochemical smog & soot D. None of these
41. Foul odour and bad taste of water is removed by treating with A. alum B. bleaching powder C. activated carbon D. copper sulphate.
42. Presence of __________ in water stream are deleterious to aquatic life. A. soluble and toxic organics. B. suspended solids. C. heavy metals and cynides. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
43. Acute danger to human life (i.e. death) exists, if the concentration of CO2 in atmospheric air exceeds __________ percent (by volume). A. 1 B. 3 C. 7 D. 20
44. Methyl iso-cynate (MIC) gas (TLV <1 ppm), which caused Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 falls under the category of __________ toxic gas. A. moderately B. highly C. extremely D. very extremely
45. Noise level heard inside a bus in busy city traffic or inside a sub-way train corresponds to about __________ decibels. A. 75 B. 95 C. 120 D. 140
46. Presence of volatile compounds like gasoline, oil, alcohol, ether etc. in municipal sewers may cause A. explosion B. non biodegradable foam C. undesirable plant growth D. corrosion
47. Noise produced by cooling fans (employed in air cooled heat exchangers or cooling tower) is mainly caused due to the turbulence created by blade passage through air. It can be reduced by use of a slower fan A. with greater number of blades. B. of increased diameter. C. both (a) & (b). D. neither (a) nor (b).
48. Presence of soluble organics in polluted water causes A. undesirable plants growth. B. depletion of oxygen. C. fire hazards. D. explosion hazards.
49. Which of the following pollutants, if present in atmosphere is detectable by its odour ? A. CO B. SO2 C. NO2 D. CO2
50. Exposure to chemicals having carcinogenic properties cause A. dermatitis (skin disorder) B. Cancer C. Asphyxiation D. Asthma
1. In water treatment plant, zeolite process is used to remove the __________ of water. A. acidity B. alkalinity C. hardness D. iron & zinc
2. For existence of aquatic life in water, the dissolved oxygen content in it, should not be less than __________ ppm. A. 10000 B. 5 C. 500 D. 1000
3. Fresh sewage is __________ in nature. A. acidic B. Neutral C. alkaline D. highly acidic
4. In a sedimentation tank, the detention period for water ranges from __________ hours. A. 2 to 4 B. 8 to 12 C. 16 to 20 D. 24 to 32
5. On prolonged exposure to high concentration of carbon monoxide (> 5000 ppm), man dies because A. of clotting of blood. B. of jamming of respiratory tract. C. it forms carboxyhaemoglobin by combining with haemoglobin of blood, thereby making it incapable of absorbing oxygen. D. it forms CO2 by combining with oxygen present in the blood.
6. Workers working in __________ industry are most prone to white lung cancer. A. coal mining B. limestone mining C. textile D. asbestos
7. A standard test for determination of hardness in water is termed as __________ test. A. EDTA B. electometric C. total count D. presumptive
8. TLV of lead for public sewer/waste water is about __________ ppm. A. 1 B. 25 C. 150 D. 650
9. Presence of nitrates in water in excess of 50 ppm causes A. mathenoglobenemia B. gastroentetitis C. asphyxiation D. tooth decay
10. In sewage treatment, the detention period allowed for oxidation ponds ranges from __________ weeks. A. 1 to 2 B. 4 to 5 C. 9 to 10 D. 15 to 20
11. Coal mines drainage waste water (acidic in nature) results from the earth's water percolating through the voids created in coal bed during mining. This polluted water which either drains out naturally to water courses or are removed before starting the mining is A. neutralised by alkali treatment. B. left as such without any treatment. C. diluted with fresh water to reduce its acidity. D. none of these.
12. Fine grit present in sewage is removed in the __________ during sewage treatment. A. grit chamber B. detritus tank C. trickling filter D. skimming tank.
13. The lowest layer of atmosphere is known as the A. stratosphere B. troposphere C. ionosphere D. none of these
14. As per the world health organisation (WHO) specification, the maximum permissible concentration (i.e., TLV) of particulate matter in air is __________ g/m 3 .(g-microgram) A. 10 B. 90 C. 800 D. 750
15. Which of the following is not a weightless pollutant ? A. SPM B. Thermal pollution C. Radioactive rays D. Noise pollution
16. Global warming may result in A. flood B. cyclone C. decrease in food productivity D. all (a), (b) and (c)
17. Which of the following is the most lethal water pollutant ? A. Phenol and cynide B. Chlorine C. Alkalis D. Suspended solids
18. Presence of carbon monoxide in atmosphere produced by decomposition of chlorophyl and haemoglobin breakdown of some animals, beyond TLV (>50 ppm) A. acts as a green house gas thereby raising earth's temperature. B. causes asphyxia. C. causes increase in sea level. D. inhances the green house effect.
19. The earth's atmosphere is an envelope of gases present upto a height of about __________ kms. A. 10 B. 200 C. 1000 D. 2000
20. Which of the following is an adsorbant used for the removal of SO2 from gas/air? A. Bog iron B. Limestone powder or alkalised alumina C. Silica gel D. Active carbon
21. Higher concentration of nitrogen dioxide in atmospheric air causes A. cancer B. bronchitis C. asphyxiation D. corrosion
22. Ozone is A. a primary pollutant. B. a secondary pollutant. C. impervious to ultra-violet rays. D. both (b) and (c)
23. The permissible color for domestic water supply is __________ ppm. A. 1 B. 20 C. 100 D. 1000
24. High noise levels produced during operation of fans and compressors can be reduced by using A. mufflers (silencers). B. accoustical absorbent. C. lagging of noisy duct. D. none of these.
25. The Killer gas which caused Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 was A. phosgene B. methyl iso-cynate (MIC) C. carbon monoxide D. sulphur dioxide
26. Aerosols present in atmospheric air may be A. positively charged. B. negatively charged. C. neutral. D. combination of all (a), (b) & (c).
27. Ethanolamine is an absorbant used for the removal of __________ from air/gas. A. HF B. SO2 C. H2S D. both (b) & (c)
28. Which of the following causes death by asphyxiation, if its presence in atmospheric air exceeds maximum allowable concentration (i.e. > 50 ppm) ? A. Benzopyrene B. Peroxyacyl nitrate C. Carbon monoxide D. Sulphur dioxide
29. __________ plant emits large amount of SO2 as an air pollutant. A. Nitric acid B. Sulphuric acid C. Chloralkali D. Iron & steel
30. Noise pollution level in a chemical plant is expressed in A. roentgen B. decibel C. hertz D. none of these
31. The maximum permissible noise level to which a man working in a chemical plant can be exposed for eight hours per day is about __________ decibels. A. 60 B. 90 C. 105 D. 120
32. The most commonly used chemical coagulant in water treatment is A. ferrous sulphate B. alum C. lime D. hydrazine
33. The biological decomposition of organic substances in wastes controlled conditions is called A. incineration B. biological oxidation C. composting D. none of these
34. Lung cancer & DNA breakage are the major ill effects of excessive ozone exposure to human beings. Ozone layer depletion in the atmosphere is mainly caused by the presence of A. CO2 B. SO2 C. hydrocarbons D. CFC (chloro fluoro carbon)
35. Smog is not formed due to the presence of __________ in the atmosphere. A. SO2 B. NOx C. CO2 D. any of these
36. Pick out the correct statement. A. Deforestation helps in controlling the green house effect. B. Global warming is detrimental for increase in food productivity and may cause flood and cyclone. C. Lightening discharges are natural source of production of SO2 & H2S pollutant. D. Sulhur dioxide causes death by asphyxiation.
37. Which of the following is not a source of ozone emission in the atmosphere ? A. Refrigerators. B. Xerox machines. C. Dermatological photo-therapy equipments. D. High voltage electrical equipments.
38. Oceans act as sinks for atmospheric gases including carbon dioxide whose concentration in the atmosphere is increased by the A. forestation B. rain C. green house effect D. vegetation
39. Pick out the correct statement. A. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a measure of chemically oxidisable organic matter present in water. B. COD is determined by oxidising the organic matter present in water with potassium dichromate in cone, sulphuric acid solution at boiling temperature for specified time. C. COD is related to BOD of a given waste in water but the relationship varies for different wastes. Typically COD of potable water may be 1-2 mg/litre. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
40. The upper layer of atmosphere is called the A. stratosphere B. troposphere C. ionosphere D. none of these
41. Which of the following is the most widely used disinfectant in water treatment ? A. Chlorine B. Irradiation of water by ultraviolet light C. Cation exchanger D. Coagulation
42. Pick out the wrong statement A. Low ozone layer thickness in polar regions is due to cold climatic conditions B. Amount of unburnt hydrocarbons emitted by two stroke petrol engine is more as compared to that emitted by a four stroke engine. C. Carbon monoxide present in the two stroke petrol engine exhaust is much less as compared to that emitted from a four stroke engine. D. Mercury as a pollutant can enter the blood stream & the digestive system/ lungs and is responsible for causing minamate disease.
43. Phenolic water generated in coke ovens & by- product plant of a steel plant are disposed off by A. quenching of hot coke. B. discharging in the river stream. C. filtration and recycling for cooling coke oven gas. D. none of these.
44. 5-200 m size particles are called A. colloids or aerosols B. powder C. dust D. smoke
45. The progressive warming up of the earth's surface is mainly due to the A. automobile exhaust. B. blanketing effect of CO2 in the atmosphere. C. de-forestation. D. thickening of ozone layer.
46. The effect of increase in carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere and its profound effect on our climate is called the A. catalytic conversion B. green house effect C. global warming D. both (b) and (c)
47. Arsenic pollutant is not generated in____industries. A. tanneries B. glass & ceramic C. beverages D. any of these.
48. The resistance of water to the passage of light through it is a measure of the A. turbidity B. color C. hardness D. dissolved gases
49. Color test of water is done with an instrument called A. tintometer B. colorimeter C. electro-chemical cell D. turbidimeter
50. Which of the following gases is having the widest explosion limit (about 2 to 81% gas in gas-air mixture), rendering it the property of the most explosive gas ? A. Hydrogen B. Acetylene C. Carbon monoxide D. Ammonia
1. Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to 'green house' for the plants. A. 'Green house' (made of glass) allows visible sunlight (i.e., short wavelength solar radiation like ultra-violet rays) to pass through the glass and heat up the soil thereby warming up plants inside it. B. The emitted longer wavelength radiation (e.g., infrared) is partly reflected and partly absorbed by the glass of the green house. C. 'Green house effect' in earth's atmosphere is due to increasing CO2 level in atmosphere. where CO2 acts like the glass of 'green house' thereby warming up the earth's surface. D. 'Green house' is colder than the outside atmosphere.
2. In water treatment, alum[Al2(SO4)3] is used for the process of A. filtration B. coagulation C. sedimentation D. disinfection
3. Pick out the one which is not a chemical coagulant. A. Aluminium sulphate B. Ferrous sulphate C. Hydrated lime D. Chloramine
4. Presence of iron and manganese in water causes A. reduction in its dissolved oxygen content. B. discoloration of bathroom fixtures. C. temporary hardness. D. none of these.
5. Septic tanks are used for the __________ of the deposited solids. A. separation B. anaerobic decomposition C. aerobic decomposition D. none of these
6. Death may occur, when SO2 concentration in atmospheric air exceeds __________ ppm. A. 20 B. 100 C. 400 D. 200
7. Which of the following acts as a natural source of air pollution ? A. Forest fire B. Deforestation C. Volcanic eruption D. None of these
8. Higher concentration of CO2 in atmosphere A. allows visible solar radiation (ultraviolet) of short wave-length to pass through. B. reflects and absorbs the longer wavelength (infra-red) radiations. C. prevents solar heat being radiated out completely, resulting in 'heat trap' i.e., global warming. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
9. Permissible safe limit (TLV) of __________ toxic gas is 100-1000 parts per million (ppm). A. highly B. moderately C. extremely D. very extremely
10. Radioactive substances present in the polluted water stream can be removed by A. biological oxygen treatment. B. coagulation and filtration. C. adsorption in ion exchange materials. D. none of these.
11. In the context of the chemical process industries, the term BOD is normally associated with the A. characterisation of solid wastes. B. organic concentration in gaseous effluents. C. characterisation of liquid effluents. D. characterisation of boiler feed water.
12. Noise emitted by a ventilation fan at a distance of 3 metres is about __________ decibels. A. 85 B. 105 C. 125 D. 145
13. Inhalation of silica dust causes a disease called A. bronchitis B. silicosis C. pneumoconiosis D. none of these
14. Solid content in most of the domestic sewage is about __________ percent. A. 0.001 B. 0.1 C. 5 D. 10
15. In troposphere (the weather domain), the temperature 't' at height 'h' above the spa level in metres is given by (where, temperature at sea level is 15C and t is in C.) A. t = 15 - 0.0065h B. t = 15 + 0.0065h C. t = 0.0035h -15 D. t = 15 - 0.0035h
16. High noise level in a chemical plant can be controlled by the A. suppression of noise at the source itself. B. path control of noise. C. protection of operating personnel. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
17. Limestone powder is injected during pulverised coal burning in boilers to __________ the flue gases. A. reduce SO2 content in B. catalytically convert SO2 to SO3 in C. increase the dew point of D. none of these.
18. Main pollutants released from petroleum refineries is A. CO, SO2 & H2S. B. CO2, NO & SO3. C. CO2, H2S & NO2. D. SO3, NO2 & CO2.
19. Maximum permissible limit of industrial noise as recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO) is __________ decibels. A. 35 B. 75 C. 95 D. 105
20. Which of the following is a green house gas other than CO2 ? A. Methane B. Nitrous oxide C. Chlorofluro carbons (CFC) D. All (a), (b) and (c)
21. Automobile exhaust is passed through two compartments catalytic converter employing platinum as catalyst for A. conversion of CO into CO2 in the second compartment. B. conversion of NOx into N2 and NH3 in the first compartment. C. oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbon fuel in the second compartment. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
22. Lagooning process is mainly a means of the A. sludge disposal. B. reduction of excessive flow in sewers. C. biological treatment of wastes. D. none of these.
23. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant, which causes A. respiratory disease (e.g. asthma). B. asphyxiation (suffocation) leading to death. C. retardation in crop growth. D. damage to building materials like marble.
24. Pollution by particulate matter emission in the atmosphere does not take place during metal A. grinding B. machining C. cutting D. polishing
25. Direct reaction of unsaturated hydrocarbons with either NO or NO2 produces an eye irritating pollutant compound known as A. photochemical smog. B. peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) or methyl nitrile. C. benzopyrene. D. poly acrylonitrile
26. Pick out the correct statement. A. Noise from ball mills can be dealt with by fibre glass lined enclosures. B. Noise from vibrating chutes can be reduced by lining the metallic chute with rubber. C. Noise of conveyor belt system is reduced by using urethane coated cloth conveyor belts and rubber/plastic covered metallic rollers. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
27. BOD of raw municipal sewage may be in the range of about __________ mg/litre. A. 1-2 B. 5-10 C. 150-300 D. 2000-3000
28. Irradiation of water by ultraviolet light of suitable wavelength is commonly used for disinfection of water in A. food industry. B. municipal sewage treatment. C. petroleum refinery. D. iron & steel plant.
29. When the concentration of SO2 in air is greater than __________ ppm, it gives a pungent smell. A. 0.01 B. 0.1 C. 1 D. 4
30. Presence of a certain minimum quantity of flourine is desirable in potable water to prevent A. dental cavities B. scale formation C. water-borne disease D. corrosion
31. Pick out the wrong statement. A. Benzopyrene which causes cancer is present in traces in tobacco, charcoal & petrol driven automobile exhaust. B. NO2 is capable of penetrating the troposphere and can absorb both ultraviolet & visible light. C. Hydrocarbon pollutants are produced by sweet gum, oak & natural rubber trees. D. H2S is not at all produced during combustion of sulphur bearing fuels as all the sulphur is oxidised to SO2.
32. Which of the following is not an air pollutant ? A. Ozone B. Carcinogens C. Pesticides D. Metallic powders
33. Presence of high concentration of ozone and smog in atmospheric air causes the A. embrittlement & decrease of folding resistance of paper. B. cracking of rubber products. C. fading of dye on textiles. D. damage of electrical insulator on high tension power line.
34. Algae growth in water is controlled by A. deoxidation B. chlorination C. bleaching D. aeration
35. __________ is removed from water by lime-soda process. A. Foul smell and taste B. Iron and manganese C. Temporary hardness D. Permanent hardness
36. Most of the bacteria in sewage are A. parasitic B. saprophytic C. anerobic D. none of these
37. Which of the following is the most major constituents of air pollutants ? A. Oxides of sulphur B. Oxides of nitrogen C. Carbon monoxide D. Hydrogen sulphide
38. Shouting by a man at his full voice corresponds to a voice level of about __________ decibels. A. 25 B. 50 C. 80 D. 120
39. Carbonaceous particles having size less than 1 m are called A. grit B. aggregates C. aerosols D. smoke
40. __________ substances present in sewage are removed in grit chamber during sewage treatment. A. Organic B. Fatty C. Inorganic D. Dissolved
41. The type of bacteria which is active in trickling filter during biological treatment of sewage is the __________ bacteria. A. anaerobic B. saphrophytic C. aerobic D. parasitic
42. Presence of dissolved impurities of __________ is responsible for the red brownish color of water. A. carbonates B. bi-carbonates C. iron & manganese D. arsenic
43. TLV of aldrin in public water supply system is about __________ g/litre. A. 0.5 B. 17 C. 357 D. 1097
44. A gas is termed as non-toxic, if its maximum permissible concentration (TLV) ranges from __________ ppm. A. 1000 to 2000 B. 3000 to 6000 C. 6000 to 9000 D. 10000 to 100000
45. Removal of __________ is accomplished by aeration of water. A. dissolved gases B. suspended solids C. dissolved solids D. none of these
46. Green house effect is accentuated by A. deforestation. B. rapid industrialisation. C. increased transportation activity. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
47. Thermal pollution due to excessive heat & temperature in the working place causes A. reduction in working efficiency of manpower. B. fatigue. C. high breathing rate. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
48. High concentration of carcinogenic hydrocarbon pollutants in atmospheric air causes A. cancer B. silicosis C. respiratory disease (e.g., asthma) D. reduced crop yield
49. World environment day is observed every year on the 5th of A. June B. December C. July D. September
50. The major reason of hydrodynamic noise (i.e., noise resulting from liquid flow) is A. pipe vibrations. B. cavitation. C. boundary layer separation. D. fluctuation in liquid flow.
1. The term Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is used in relation to A. potable water B. cooling water C. distilled water D. industrial effluents
2. The destruction of water-borne pathogens is termed as disinfection of water. Which of the following is a water disinfectant ? A. Chlorine B. Alkalis C. Benzene hexachloride D. Alkyl benzene sulphonate (ABS)
3. Disinfection of water is done to destroy pathogenic bacteria and thus prevent water-borne diseases. Disinfection of water may be done by the use of A. ozone and iodine. B. chlorine or its compounds. C. ultraviolet light for irradiation of water. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
4. Which of the following processes is involved in the biochemical treatment of sewage effluents ? A. Oxidation B. Reduction C. Dehydration D. Fermentation
5. Infective bacteria in water is killed by the __________ process. A. sterilisation B. aeration C. disinfection D. none of these
6. Fluorosis is caused due to the presence of excessive amount of __________ in drinking water. A. mercury B. lead C. fluoride D. arsenic
7. Presence of nitrogen and phosphorous in waste water discharged into lakes and ponds causes A. foaming B. odour nuisances C. undesirable plant growth D. turbidity
8. Pick out the wrong statement. A. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) is a characteristic and not a constituent of water. B. BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen which will be demanded & used in 5 days by the biological decomposition of the organic matter present in water stream present as food for the living organism. C. BOD is expressed in mg/litre (typically, BOD=2.5 mg/litre for potable water). D. none of these
9. The pH value of potable water should be between A. 1 to 1.5 B. 6.5 to 8 C. 13 to 14 D. 4 to 5
10. Maximum permissible limit of mercury in human blood is __________ micrograms/100 c.c. A. 1 B. 7 C. 19 D. 82
11. Which of the following pollutants is absent in the emissions from a fertiliser plant ? A. SO2 & SO3 B. NO2 C. NH3 D. CO
12. Salt content in sea water is about __________ percent. A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 3.5 D. 10
13. Noise level inside a jet air liner in normal flight is about __________ decibels. A. 80 B. 100 C. 125 D. 145
14. What is the major constituents of waste/polluted water discharged from textile, pulp & paper, tanning, distillary, dairy and meat packing industries ? A. Radioactive substances B. Natural organic products C. Inorganic pollutants D. None of these
15. Water filtration rate in a rapid sand filter ranges from __________ kilolitres/m 2 /hr. A. 0.1 to 1 B. 3 to 6 C. 10 to 15 D. 15 to 20
16. Hazardous/polluting chemical industries should have an 'exclusion zone' with a green belt and general public access prohibited around it, covering a radius of ____ metres. A. 100 B. 1000 C. 400 D. 4000
17. Maximum permissible residual chlorine in treated water should be __________ mg/litre. A. 0.001 to 0.01 B. 02 to 0.3 C. 2 to 3 D. 5 to 10
18. Which of the following is the most active zone of atmosphere in which weathering events like rain, storm & lightning occur ? A. Thermosphere B. Troposphere C. Stratosphere D. none of these
19. Which is the most widely used coagulant for the treatment of turbid water ? A. Alum (aluminium sulphate) B. Lime C. Ferric chloride D. Sodium aluminate
20. Which of the following is not a natural source of air pollution ? A. Volcanic eruptions and lightening discharges. B. Biological decay of vegetable matter. C. Photochemical oxidation of organic matter. D. None of these.
21. Threshold limit value (TLV) i.e., the maximum permissible safe limit of phosgene gas which Hitler used to use to kill his enemies in 'gas chamber' is about __________ ppm. A. <1 B. 10-100 C. 100-200 D. 100-1000
22. Photochemical smog is formed from automobile exhaust A. by reaction of hydrocarbon & nitric oxide in presence of sunlight. B. appears only on sunny days. C. is harmful for crops and trees also besides causing eye irritation & asthma. D. all (a), (b) & (c)
23. Reinglemann chart is used for the measurement of the A. combustibles present in automobile exhaust. B. smoke density from a chimey. C. exhaust gas density. D. flue gas temperature.
24. Disinfection of water is done to remove A. color B. bad taste C. foul odour D. bacteria
25. Which of the following fine dust removal equipments is the most efficient ? A. Bag filter B. Scrubber C. Electrostatic precipitator D. Cyclone separator
26. Which of the following industries discharge mercury as a pollutant ? A. Chloro-alkali industry B. Tanneries C. Beverage plant D. Phosphoric acid plant
27. Threshold limit value (TLV) of CO in air is __________ ppm. A. 5 B. 50 C. 2000 D. 5000
28. Lead exhausted in the atmosphere by automobiles using leaded petrol (i.e. tetraethyl lead for improving octane number) is a lethal air pollutant which causes A. paralysis of muscles & loss of appetite. B. nervous depression. C. gastritis & diarrhea. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
29. Oilish impurities present the effluent discharged from the electroplating industry is normally not removed by A. chemical coagulation B. floatation & skimming C. centrifugation D. ultrafiltration
30. In large thermal power stations very fine particulates present in flue gas are removed by A. wet scrubber B. bag filter C. electrostatic precipitators D. dust catcher
31. Threshold limit value (TLV) means maximum permissible/acceptable concentration. TLV of phosgene in air is about __________ ppm (parts per million). A. 0.002 B. 0.2 C. 1.2 D. 4.8
32. The density of the gases (present in air) decreases with increasing altitude to such an extent, that about 70% of the mass of atmospheric air is found in the lower 5 km. of the atmosphere. This lower region of atmosphere is called the A. ionosphere B. troposphere C. stratosphere D. none of these
33. Biological oxidation ponds remove organic matters present in the polluted water by A. using the activities of bacteria and other micro organisms. B. aerobic oxidation. C. both (a) & (b). D. neither (a) nor (b).
34. Which of the following is an adsorbant for removal of nitrogen oxides from gas/air ? A. Active carbon B. Silica gel C. Bog iron (iron oxide) D. Pulverised limestone
35. Out of the following, TLV of __________ is the minimum (about 0.02 ppm). A. phosgene B. bromine C. MIC (methyl iso-cynate) D. ozone
36. The average thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere is about __________ dobson unit (DU). A. 20 B. 230 C. 750 D. 1500
37. Polyvinyl chloride containers are not suitable for storing A. foodstuffs B. woolen clothes C. metallic powder D. none of these
38. Presence of nitrogen in high concentration in contaminated air reduces partial pressure of oxygen in lungs, thereby causing asphyxia (suffocation) leading to death from oxygen deficiency. Concentration of N2 in contaminated air at which it acts as a natural asphyxant is __________ percent. A. 84 B. 88 C. 80 D. 92
39. TLV of ammonia, nitrogen dioxide and phenol vapor in air is __________ ppm. A. 5 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 2000
40. Corrosion in boilers can be prevented by A. deaeration of feed water. B. enhancing pH of feed water by adding alkali. C. feeding sodium sulphite or hydrazine phosphate to the boilers, which combines with oxygen and prevents corrosion. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
41. Water filtration rate in a slow sand filter ranges from __________ litres/m 2 /hr. A. 10 to 20 B. 100 to 200 C. 1500 to 2500 D. 4000 to 5000
42. Lagoons used for purification of polluted water A. are large shallow artificial lakes also known as clarification lakes, maturation ponds or oxidation ponds. B. use micro-organisms/bacteria in presence of dissolved oxygen. C. gives an excellent final effluent (with 3 to 4 lagoons arranged in series) having suspended solid < 1 mg/litre and BOD = 3.8 mg/litre. D. all (a), (b) & (c).
43. The principal gas evolved from sludge digestion tank is A. CO B. CO2 C. CH4 D. N2
44. There are thirteen metals which are treated as pollutants. Which of the following metals is not a pollutant ? A. Mercury B. Arsenic C. Aluminium D. Lead
45. The function of skimming tank in sewage treatment is to remove __________ substances. A. dissolved solid B. suspended solid C. oil & fatty D. gritty & inorganic
46. The weakest sound that can be heard by a person in a quiet environment is equivalent to __________ decibel. A. 1 B. 5 C. 10 D. 20
47. Inorganic impurities causing water pollution is A. fats B. carbohydrates C. salts of metals D. protein
48. The main type of sludge gas evolved during sewage treatment in Imhoff tank is A. CO2 B. CH4 C. CO D. H2
49. From pollution control point of view, the maximum permissible concentration of sulphur dioxide in atmospheric air is about __________ ppm. A. 1 B. 5 C. 50 D. 500
50. The pH value of oxidised sewage is about A. 1.8 B. 6.2 C. 7.3 D. 13.4
1. Smog is A. nothing but black smoke. B. a combination of smoke and fog. C. a liquid particle resulting from vapor condensation. D. a solid particle e.g. flyash.
2. __________ is the process of killing organism in water. A. Coagulation B. Sterilisation C. Disinfection D. Sedimentation
3. Reingleman chart No. 2 corresponds to __________ percent black smoke. A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. 80
4. Which of the following is a manmade source of air pollution ? A. Automobile exhaust. B. Forest fire. C. Bacterial action in soil and swamp areas D. All (a), (b) and (c).
5. Which is the most efficient dust removal equipment for removal of sub-micronic dust particles from blast furnace gas ? A. Packed scrubber B. Gravity settling chamber C. Electrostatic precipitator D. Hydrocyclone
6. Insufficient washing of sand grains in a rapid sand filter causes A. air binding B. shrinkage of filtering media C. mud balls D. expansion of filtering media
7. Which of the following sources is responsible for maximum air pollution ? A. Industrial chimney exhaust. B. Forest fire. C. Automobiles exhaust. D. Photochemical oxidation of organic matter.
8. Which of the following is the most efficient for removal of very finely divided suspended solids and colloidal matter from the polluted water stream ? A. Sedimentation tank B. Circular clarifier C. Mechanical flocculation D. Chemical coagulation
9. In sewage treatment, its sedimentation is speeded up by commonly adding A. hydrochloric acid. B. lime. C. copper sulphate. D. sodium sulphate.
10. Noise level in a quiet private business office is about __________ decibels. A. 25 B. 50 C. 70 D. 85
11. 'Safe limit' called Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of carbon monoxide in atmospheric air is < 50 ppm. The main source of carbon monoxide pollutant in air is the A. industrial chimney exhaust. B. automobiles exhaust. C. photochemical reaction in polluted atmosphere. D. burning of domestic fuel.
12. Inhalation of silica dust by human being causes A. asphyxiation B. shortness of breath C. tuberculosis D. both(b) & (c)
13. Which of the following air pollutants is not toxic to vegetation i.e., doesn't cause vegetation damage ? A. Smog & ozone B. Hydrogen fluoride & nitrogen oxides C. Sulphur dioxide & spray of weed killers D. Carbon monoxide
14. A masonry structure built below ground level, where biochemical reaction takes place due to anaerobic bacteria is called A. cesspool B. lagoon C. skimming mill D. septic tank
15. A considerable part of the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sum does not reach the earth surface, because of the fact that, there is a layer of __________ high above earth's atmosphere, which absorbs it. A. hydrogen B. carbon dioxide C. ozone D. none of these
16. White smoke coming out of the chimney of a furnace indicates the use of A. low excess air. B. very high excess air. C. gaseous fuel in the furnace. D. liquid fuel in the furnace.
17. TLV of NO2 & NO exposure for the human being is 5 & 25 ppm respectively. Prolonged exposure of human being to NO2 causes A. skin disorder B. bronchitis C. bone disease D. cancer
18. Sulphur dioxide present in the industrial chimney exhaust gases causes A. respiratory & lung disease. B. reduction in plant's productivity owing to acid rain. C. corrosion of building materials. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
19. A man exposed to excessive noise level in the working environment may suffer from A. hearing loss B. rupture of ear drum C. nervousness & fatigue D. all (a), (b) & (c)
20. Which of the following is a secondary air pollutant ? A. Photochemical smog B. Sulphur dioxide C. Nitrogen dioxide D. Dust particles
21. Presence of __________ bacteria in water causes disease like typhoid. A. aerobic B. pathogenic C. anaerobic D. non- pathogenic
22. CFC (chloro fluoro carbon) is very highly reactive in causing depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere. Each atom of chlorine liberated from CFC is capable of decomposing __________ molecules of ozones. A. 10 2 B. 10 5
C. 10 9 D. 10 15
23. Green house gases blanket/block the infrared radiation from earth's surface to the atmosphere leading to its progressive warming up. Which of the following gases does not exhibit green house effect ? A. CO2 B. H2 C. SO3 D. N2
24. A 'body' which allows the short wavelength incoming solar radiation to enter in, but does not allow long wave length outgoing infra red radiation to escape out is called the A. global warming B. green house C. atmospheric effect D. ionosphere
25. Fresh domestic sewage is __________ in color. A. grey B. dark brown C. red D. black
26. The common pollutant generated in chlor-alkali industry and battery manufacture is A. mercury B. brine C. phosphate D. none of these
27. During sewage treatment, the sewage is subjected to __________ treatment in Imhoff tank. A. filtration B. digestion C. sedimentation D. both (b) and (c)
28. Black smoke coming out of the chimney of a furnace is an indication of the use of __________ in the furnace. A. low amount of excess combustion air B. large quantity of excess combustion air C. hydrocarbon fuel D. pulverised coal as fuel
29. Pick out the wrong statement. A. A slight haze at the top of chimney indicates good combustion in the furnace. B. A bag filter incurs very small pressure drop and is very efficient for removal of sub-micronic dust particles from flue gases at very high temperature. C. Electrostatic precipitator is the most efficient dust collection equipment for removal of sub-micronic dust particles present in flue gas. D. none of these.
30. __________ content of the phosphate rock is the pollutant of primary interest in a phos-phatic fertiliser plant. A. Calcium B. Fluorine C. Phosphorous D. Sulphur
31. Beyond what concentration of H2S in air, acute danger to human life exists ? A. 50 ppm B. 100 ppm C. 300 ppm D. 700 ppm
32. Reingleman chart is used for the evaluation of __________ pollution. A. air B. water C. noise D. radioactive
33. There are five concentric layers within the atmosphere which is differentiated on the basis of temperature. The atmospheric layer which lies close to the earth's surface in which human being along with other organisms live is called troposphere. The rate at which air temperature in the troposphere gradually decreases with height is about __________ C/km. A. 0.05 B. 1 C. 6.5 D. 15
34. Brown spots in fabrics will be caused by washing with water containing large amount of . A. iron B. zinc C. iodine D. bromine
35. Maximum permissible concentration (i.e. TLV) of DDT in public water supply system is __________ micro gram ( g)/litre. A. 2 B. 42 C. 332 D. 1050
36. Sooty and sulphurous smog formed due to combustion of fossil fuels particularly in winter, continues throughout the day and night. When the moist atmospheric air's water vapor condenses on the solid particles of smoke thereby forming smog (smoke + fog), it causes A. poor visibility due to sky darkening. B. irritation in eyes. C. respiratory trouble. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
37. Deaeration of high pressure boiler feed water is done to reduce A. foaming from boilers. B. its dissolved oxygen content. C. its silica content. D. caustic embrittlement.
38. Exposure to SO2 containing chimney gases results in the A. reduction in strength of leather & cloth. B. acceleration of corrosion rates of metals. C. increased drying & hardening time of paints. D. all (a), (b)and(c).
39. The detrimental effect on organism and water quality with temperature rise of aquatic system is the reduction of __________ of water. A. dissolved oxygen content B. biological oxygen demand C. vapor pressure D. all (a), (b) and (c)
40. Hydrogen ion concentration in distilled water is A. 10 -7
B. 7 x 10 -7
C. 10 7
D. 7 x 10 7
41. Out of the following, TLV of __________ is maximum (about 500 ppm). A. carbon dioxide B. toluene C. carbon disulphide D. acetaldehyde
42. Which of the following plants does not emit appreciable amount of SO2 in atmosphere ? A. Thermal power plant B. Petroleum refinery C. Nitric acid plant D. Sulphuric acid plant
43. The maximum CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere by A. combustion B. urea C. biomass burning D. trees
44. Which of the following is not a practical method of low level radioactive waste disposal ? A. Dilution with inert material. B. Discharging to atmosphere through tall stacks after dilution. C. Disposing off in rivers & oceans. D. Filling in steel crates and shooting it off out of earth's gravity.
45. Major sources of noise in furnace operation arises from air inspirators, combustion, side wall vibrations and fluctuation in the process heat load. A 50% increase in fuel firing rate may increase the furnace noise level by about __________ decibels. A. 3 B. 30 C. 70 D. 100
46. Removal of __________ results from the disinfection of water. A. turbidity B. odour C. hardness D. bacteria
47. Very small amount of air pollutants are present in stratosphere also; though most of the atmospheric pollutants are present in the troposphere. Which of the following atmospheric pollutants does not cause the ozone layer depletion in atmosphere at tremendous rate ? A. CO B. SO2 C. NOx D. CFC (chloro fluoro carbons)
48. Carcinogenic air pollutants cause A. bone decay B. cancer C. asphyxiation (suffocation) D. anemia
49. Inhalation of silica dust by human being during hand drilling in mica mining, lead & zinc mining, silica refractory manufacture and in foundaries causes A. asphyxiation (suffocation). B. shortness of breath. C. tuberculosis. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
50. Soluble silica present in boiler feed water can be removed by A. coagulation B. filtration C. anion exchanger D. preheating it
1. Presence of non-biodegradable substances, like alkyl benzene sulphonate (ABS) from the detergents in polluted water stream causes A. fire hazards. B. explosion hazards. C. persistent foam. D. depletion of dissolved oxygen.
2. Pick out the wrong statement. A. The concentric layer in atmosphere which contains about 70% of the total mass of atmosphere and characterised by a steady decrease in temperature is called stratosphere. B. Stratosphere is rich in ozone and is located just above the troposphere. C. Troposphere is a turbulent dusty zone containing much of water vapor and clouds. D. The earth's atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending upto a height of about 200 kms.
3. Radioactive solid nuclear wastes are disposed off by A. high temperature incineration. B. pathological incineration. C. pyrolysis. D. underground burial in concrete containers.
4. Growth of __________ is promoted by the presence of manganese in water. A. files B. algae C. micro- organisms D. mosquitoes
5. Average human body contains about __________ percent water by weight. A. 20 B. 40 C. 70 D. 85
6. Noise level audible to audience sitting in the 5th row from the stage during a large orchestra show corresponds to about __________ decibels. A. 105 B. 135 C. 160 D. 185
7. If carbon monoxide content in atmospheric air exceeds __________ ppm, death is bound to occur. A. 50 B. 500 C. 1000 D. 3000 (i.e. 0.3%)