Lopez R Sped775 M2lessonplan

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University of Kansas Department of Special Education 1

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title
Subject Area
Lesson Title
Length of Lesson
Audience Description

IEP Goals (where available)



Character Trait Grace for President
ELA Writing
Character Trait
1 hour
Number of students: 24
Race: 17 hispanic, 1 Native American, 4 black, 2 white
English Language Proficiency: all 24 students are English speakers
Gender: 14 female 10 male
Exceptionalities: 2 boys and 1 girl have IEPs where the resource teacher pulls them for reteach. This
happens 4 times a week, for 30 minute sessions. Assistance and reteach is done for reading, writing and
Cultural Considerations: students are 98% low SES. Students do not have a lot of access to technology
in home environment. Most students in my class have never traveled outside of Tucson, besides
traveling to Nogales, AZ or Nogales, Mexico.
Other information: One boy is identified as AD/HD and takes medication when parents bring the pills to
01.W.5 Given a topic with adult support, students will write at least 3 sentences about the topic as
measured by Arizona Holistic Writing Rubric Data.
Students will be able to describe Grace in Grace for President by filling in a character chart using phonetic
spelling and details from the text without support.
Students will be able to explain one of Graces character traits in Grace for President by drawing and
writing using phonetic spelling and details from the text.
With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (K.RI.1)
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which
they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. (K.W.2)

Assessment (formative
and/or summative)

During the lesson, I will listen to students while they ask and answer questions about the text. I
will also walk around while students are writing to check for understanding of character traits.
Students should understand that character traits include any type of details about a character.

Resources (texts,
technology, materials, etc.)

Grace for President book by Kelly DiPuccio

Powerpoint presentation with vocabulary words
Hovercam to display task book
Task book (with t-chart inside) to guide students while filling in information about Grace

Incorporation of other
subject areas

This lesson incorporates Social Studies because it mentions Presidential elections and candidates.

Introduction (anticipatory
set, thinking device,
advance organizer, lesson

# of minutes: 2
I will explain to students that we will be continuing our focus on presidents. Students will pair share
something they know about presidents already (ex: George Washington is our first president).
I will then explain the objectives to students to ensure they are prepared.
UDL Engagement:
Activate or supply background knowledge

Lesson activities (content,

methods, strategies,
procedures, formative

It is important for students to build their
comprehension skills. Activating background
knowledge before starting a lesson is a great way
to do that.
# of minutes: 50
1. We will begin by going over new vocabulary words for the story (snickering, truth, promises).
Students will repeat the word after I say it, and then pair share what they think each word
means. Next, students will share with the group what they think the words may mean. Finally,
the teacher will give students the proper definition, along with a kinesthetic movement.
Snickering: to laugh (rub belly)
Truth: what really happened (put a thumbs up)
Promises: to agree to do something (touch your heart)
2. Teacher will explain how a character is someone whose activities, thoughts and feelings are
revealed in a story. I will explain how characters have traits, the way they think, act and feel

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 3

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template
inside. I will introduce the text Grace for President, discussing the front and title page of the
book, then I will read the story to the class.
3. I will ask students to help me generate a list of character traits for Grace. I will explain that
character traits can be determined through actions and dialogue. I will have students pair-share
what they think one of Graces character traits is.
4. Using phonetic spelling and help from students, I will fill in a t-chart on the board that has We
think Grace is on one side and because on the other.
5. I will explain to students that they will go to their seats at their tables and write 3 different
character traits for Grace and write why they feel that way.
Accommodations: Students will use preferential seating. Students who struggle with focusing and
understanding the concept of character traits will sit near the front of the board. Teacher will make
sure students understand the directions by checking in with them after they have returned to their
table seats. Teacher will frequently model independent work. Teacher will provide visual cues.
Students can also draw and dictate about Graces character traits instead of writing, if needed.
UDL representation
Provide options for perception

UDL engagement:
Provide options for sustained efforts and

I will have visual and verbal representations for
each of the 3 vocabulary words. Use of visual
cues is a powerful tool for helping students
become resourceful and knowledgeable learners.
I will foster collaboration and community by
giving students the opportunity to pair share their
ideas about Graces character traits. This will
give students who love to share an opportunity to
share, as well as give those quieter students who
may be unsure about their answer an opportunity
to safely share with one person in the class.

UDL action & expression:

Provide options for physical action


I will guide students through vocabulary words

by giving them a verbal definition with a
kinesthetic movement that matches the
definition. This will help students remember
their vocabulary words with more ease.

# of minutes: 8
At the end of the lesson, I will have students pair up with a peer of their choice and share what they wrote
about Graces character traits. I will be moving around the room listening while students share. Next I
will call 3 students up to share their writing with the class.
After students have shared, I will inform them that tomorrows lesson will focus on comparing two
different characters from Duck for President and Grace for President.

UDL principle & description (at least 1):

Provide option for recruiting interest. I will utilize this UDL principle by giving students a choice of who
they want to share their work product with.

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