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University of Kansas Department of Special Education 1

SPED 875 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan 2
Unit Title
Subject Area
Lesson Title
Length of Lesson
Audience Description
IEP Goals (where

Assessment (formative
and/or summative)
Resources (texts,
technology, materials,
Incorporation of other
subject areas
(Anticipatory set,
thinking device, advance
organizer, lesson

Following Directions..But Why?
Controlling Ones Behavior- Social Skills
Follow The Rules
30-40 minutes
Class of Third grade students. There is a mixture of girls and boys with various races yet the
majority of the class is Hispanic.
By November 4th, 2016, during an academic task, Daniel will respond to staff visual directives
in an expected manner within 1 minute and with one reminder on 4 out of 5 trials.
By the end of Module 7, after pre-teaching of a following-the-direction strategy directly before
given a verbal direction by an adult, 80% of the students will follow a verbal direction by using a
following-directions strategy and complying within 20 seconds of receiving the direction.
Social Development Strand: Interpersonal Skills A. Demonstrate communication and social
skills to interact effectively.
Formative: Look around the class for engagement, class discussion, Simon Says
Summative: In groups, make a poster showing understanding with rubric.
Smart board or white board, poster materials, art supplies for decorating
History/Civic Duties

# of minutes: ~5
-What types of directions do you have to follow throughout the day?
-Raise your hand and tell me a few examples.
-Have you ever played Simon Says?
-Were going to make a plan for Following Directions so that no matter how difficult it is, you will


know what to do.

-After that, we will make a poster in small groups to show how well we know how to follow
UDL principle & description (at least 1):
1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information

Lesson activities
(Content, methods,
strategies, procedures,
formative assessment)


~25 minutes or more


This helps each learner learn about
Following Directions in a different way. If the
child responds to a written list of different
ways in front of them or a list described
orally, I will have both. Also, they will be
practicing different representations of
following directions.
Review different ways people following directions.
Write their ideas on the board
Explain the steps of the skill of Following Directions
Look at the person.
Say, Okay.
Do what youve been asked right away.
Check back.
Give a reason for following directions: a. So you get a good grade, So you finish your
work the right way, So you dont get in trouble.
Practice: Play a quick game of Simon Says with the class sitting in their chairs that
would be fitting for the classroom: a. Stand up, b. Sit down, c. take out a pencil, d.
come sit on the carpet, etc.
Describe the poster project
Everyone should be in a group and each group should get enough time to finish their
poster (15 minutes)
Each poster should have a title, 3 reasons for following directions, and 3 pictures
describing the reasons.

UDL Description


University of Kansas Department of Special Education 3

SPED 875 Lesson Plan Template


1.3 Offer
Alternatives for
visual infomation

This helps each learner learn about Following Directions in a different

way. If the child responds to a written list of different ways in front of
them or a list described orally, I will have both. Also, they will be
practicing different representations of following directions.

Expression &
6. Options that
support planning
and strategy

Walking around and making sure the students are engaged with the
lesson will show me when I need to review a concept or review the
steps of Following Directions.

7. Options that
reduce threats and

During the poster making process, there is a box for staying on task
and making sure there are few distractive behaviors from each group.
If I see a group is being distracting or being distracted, I will make the
necessary grade changes or seat changes for each group to make it

1. Review each step of the Following Directions plan.

2. Share the posters after they have completed them.

~5 minutes
UDL principle & description (at least 1):
III. 8. Options that increase mastery-oriented feedback:
This would show if the student could name all the steps of the Following Directions plan. This
would be appropriate because the groups would have their posters in front of them and they
could describe what they designed, if they wanted.

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