Painted Silk Shapes Silk Shapes

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Copyright 2010

Dick Blick Art Materials

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Painted "Silk" Shapes

(art + social studies)
The production and commerce of decorated silk fabrics
began thousands of years ago in China. Over the
centuries, its popularity spread around the globe and a
variety of cultures created their own distinct processes
of weaving and dying this luxurious fabric. Synthetic
fibers as substitutions for silk began to be developed
out of necessity during World War II.
This project introduces fine-mesh
polyester as a silk-like fabric
painting ground. Although silk could
certainly be used, this material is
less expensive, more transparent
and it stretches more firmly. Form a
wire shape as a support and paint
with transparent liquid acrylic color.
Finished pieces are flexible and may
be heat-set for outdoor display.
Grade Levels 3-12
Note: instructions and materials are
based upon a class size of 25
students. Adjust as needed.


Multifilament Polyester Screen
Printing Fabric, fine mesh 12XX,
42" wide (43404-1012); need
one 9" x 12" piece per student


Cut the polyester fabric to 9" x 12" pieces. One yard of the 42"
wide fabric will make 12 pieces. Cut the wire into pieces
measuring 5-ft to 6-ft.

Blick Sculpture Wire, 14-gauge,

350-ft coil (33400-1435); need
one 4-ft piece per student

Cut the freezer paper into pieces measuring approximately

9" x 12". Secure the pieces to scrap cardboard with tape or

Pebeo Setacolor Transparent

Fabric Colors, assorted 45-ml
(01237-); share 5-6 across class


Sketch a simple contour line drawing on a 9" x 12" paper. Keep

the perimeter of the design at least 1/4" from the papers edge
to make sure the fabric will fit.

2. Bend the wire to follow the contours of the sketch and twist the
ends together to close. The wire cuts easily with scissors and it
can be bent into tight curves with pliers. Press the shape down
on a tabletop to flatten it, then place it on a piece of cardboard.
Note: if creating a piece that will hang, build a loop in the top of
the shape.
3. Use the remaining wire to form details and inner contour lines
inside the shape. Arrange these on the freezer paper. For best
results, lightly sand the top of wire with a fine-grit sandpaper to
allow better adhesion. Brush an even coat of permanent fabric
glue over the wire, making sure the top is covered.

Pebeo Setacolor Fabric Glue,

(01237-1004); share two 110-ml
bottles across class
Blick Scholastic Red Sable
Round Brushes, set of 72
assorted sizes (06054-7209):
need at least one brush per
Fine grit sandpaper
Scrap cardboard, 12" x 16" or
Optional Materials: Push pins


Process, continued


5. Place polyester over the wire.

Lightly tap the fabric into the
glue all along the wire lines to
assure good contact. Start in
the center and work outward
to allow the fabric to

1. Note: Pebeo Fabric Glue

provides the safest, fastest and
best adhesion. If it is unavailable,
Weldbond Adhesive may be
substituted. Make sure the wire is
sanded before applying or
Weldbond will not fully adhere.
Do not heat-set Weldbond.


1. Shapes can be larger

or smaller adjust to fit your
budget and the skill level of
your students.

If the wire won't lie flat or

the twisted areas won't allow
contact with the fabric, press
push pins into the cardboard on
the outside of the shape to hold the fabric

2. To make a painted banner using this process:

Assemble Blick Stretcher Bars (07211-) and
cut the polyester fabric 1/2" larger than the
size of the stretcher bars on all sides.

If the glue rubs off while the fabric is being

placed, brush more glue on the wire from the
top side. The glue will penetrate the fabric to
the wire beneath.
6. Allow the glue to dry for a couple of hours
before attempting to pick up the piece. The
glue will appear white when wet, but it will dry
glossy and transparent.
7. When the glue has dried, paint the fabric with
transparent acrylic color. Setacolor may be
thinned with water to make it flow like a
watercolor wash. Opaque Setacolor can be
used for resist techniques. The paint may be
applied from either side. Allow it to dry and
apply a second coat if desired.
8. Trim the edges with sharp scissors either flush
with the wire or with some fabric extending
beyond. If unable to reach into curved areas
with scissors, bend the wire to access or make
small snips up to the wire, apply more glue and
wrap the fabric.
9. Heat-setting is not necessary for indoor use,
but if displaying outdoors, set color
permanently by placing in an oven preheated
to 300F for three minutes. Do not touch the
wire until it has cooled fully.
Note: for best results,
display the artwork
in a location
protected from wind.
Do not allow to freeze.

Stretch the fabric over the frame and secure

it with tacks or staples. Begin in the center of
one side and tack it down, then move to the
opposite side and tack down. Continue
stretching until reaching the corners.
Paint with transparent Setacolor. When dry,
remove the fabric from the stretcher bars, trim
the unpainted fabric that went over the
stretcher bars, and heat-set it with an iron set
on the "nylon" or "polyester" setting.
Hang the banner on a dowel or a decorative

National Standards for Visual Arts Education

Content Standard #1 Understanding and applying media,
techniques and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and
responsible manner.
Students intentionally take advantage of the qualities
and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to
enhance communication of their experiences and ideas.
Students apply media, techniques and processes with
sufficient skill, confidence and sensitivity that their intentions
are carried out in their artworks.
Content Standard #4 Understanding the visual arts in
relation to history and cultures
Students know that the visual arts have both a history
and specific relationships to various cultures.
Students know and compare the characteristics of
artworks in various eras and cultures.
Students describe the function and explore the
meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times
and places



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