Final Coaching 2nd
Final Coaching 2nd
Final Coaching 2nd
Answer Key
1. On which constitutional provision is the full or partial integration of capable deaf and blind in the
classroom based? The provision on _____________
2. Teacher A put together the output colleagues in one workshop and published it with her name as
author. Which is unprofessional about Teacher A’s behavior?
3. I want every pupil to cope with my lesson. Which technique can help me achieve it?
A. Occupy student with easy tasks so they have time for play.
B. Overload students with difficult tasks so they will not have time for things that are not worthwhile.
C. Occupy students with challenging tasks.
D. Difficult tasks bore students, don’t give them any.
5. Teacher B is researching on family income distribution which is quite symmetrical. Which measure/s
of central tendency will be most informative and appropriate?
6. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of the teaching profession?
A. Satisfaction of all our needs C. Spontaneity and simplicity in our way of life
B. Fulfillment of our obligations and duties D. Realizing of our potentials to the fullest
8. I like to develop the synthesizing skills of my students. Which one should I do?
A. Ask my students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in the graphs.
B. Direct my students to point out which part of the graph is right and which part is wrong.
C. Ask my students to answer the questions beginning with “What if…”
D. Tell my students to state data presented in the graph.
12. In which way does heredity affect the development of the learner?
13. A teacher should not be a slave of his lesson plan. This means that __________.
A. the teacher must be ready to depart from her lesson plan if she remembers something more
interesting than what she planned
B. a lesson plan must be followed by a teacher no matter what
C. the teacher is the best lesson plan designer
D. the teacher must be willing to depart from her lesson plan if students are more interested in
something than in what she planned
17. An athlete student is bored and restless. Teacher Justin incorporates athletics into the discussion to
get his attention. Which disciplinary technique does Teacher Justin use?
18. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. What does it imply? The test item must be
A. moderate in difficulty
B. very difficult because only 1 got the item correctly
C. very easy because everybody got the test item correctly
D. neither difficult nor easy
19. For global competitiveness, a school must embark on proactive change. Which one is a
characteristic of a proactive change?
A. There are more from the upper group that got the item right.
B. The test item is quite difficult.
C. The test item is quite essay.
D. There are more from the lower group who got the item right.
22. Teacher E’s sideline is selling “Encyclopedias for Children” on weekends. Her usual clientele are the
parents of pupils who are on the verge of failing or those vying for the Top Ten in fact, she always
succeeded in selling encyclopedias to these parents. Is there anything unethical with the way Teacher
E does her sideline?
A. Yes, there is. She may become less objective in her evaluation of the work of these pupils
B. No, there isn’t. Books and teachers mix. Teachers are supposed to promote reading.
C. No, there isn’t. A teacher’s salary is meager and selling books is respectable way of augmenting
Teacher E’s income.
D. Yes, there is. She is not supposed to engage in any form of sideline.
23. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth, which should be done?
24. Teacher Rodel discovered that his students are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have
helped him discover his pupil’s strength?
25. Here is a performance objective: WITH THE AID OF A PERIODIC CHART, the students will list the
atomic weights of the first ten elements.” The words in capital letters are referred to as the __________.
26. Here is a lesson objective: “Given a microscope and a slide, the students must be able to focus the
prepared slide.” Applying Robert F Manager’s principle, which does this lesson objective lack?
Robert Manager’s Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) framework is based upon using objectives
(instructional objectives) to drive instruction. Effective Instructional objectives should have three
1. Performance - Identifies specifically what the learner should be able to do after the instruction
2. Condition - Identifies the conditions under which the learning is to occur
3. Criterion - Describes how well the learner must perform in order to be acceptable
A. What are some of the ways in which you used the word ancient?
B. What are the effects of the invention of electricity on the life people?
C. What is the function of a CPU in a microcomputer?
D. What would be one of the first things we have to do to clean the air we breathe?
30. I like to teach subtraction by engaging my pupils in a “sari-sari store business”. Which technique is
31. According to Bandura’s learning theory, the four factors that are necessary for a person to learn
through observation are attention, retention, reproduction, and _____________.
A. metacognition B. reflection C. discrimination D. motivation
32. In one of the pages of her printed reference material, Teacher Irene finds an illustrative life cycle of
a frog. Assuming that the following are available to her, which is the quickest way for her to effectively
present the life cycle of a frog to her class? By _________.
33. Teacher C uses direct instruction strategy. Which will she first do?
34. I like my students to master the skill of multiplying 2-digit numbers. Which method is most
35. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow’s Needs Theory?
A. The effects of different classroom structures C. The effect of poverty on academic achievement
B. Delinquency in the public schools D. Sex education issues in school
36. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the class the rules in playing basketball. Which method is most
37. On which philosophy is the inclusion of the study of Rizal and the other national heroes in the
school curriculum based?
40. Which basic guidance service is concerned with the gathering and dissemination of information
about students to appropriate professional staff to aid them in their job to help students?
41. Which of the following best illustrates the balance of responsibility and accountability?
A. A teacher allows a below average child to find out for himself how to manipulate a simple
B. A teacher advises the parents of a below average child to get their child a tutor to teach him how
to manipulate a simple machine.
C. A teacher asks a brighter child to teach a below average pupil how to manipulate a simple
D. A teacher diligently explains to a below average child how to manipulate a simple machine.
42. What is most likely to happen in our economy when export continuously surpasses import? “is a
thought question on ____________.
43. Teacher X says “Perfection must be real. While we cannot attain it here on earth, we aspire for it. It
must be real. “Teacher X leans towards which philosophy?
45. Your Grade 1 pupil has difficulty writing letter A. Which prompt/s is/are most appropriate?
46. Both Muslim and Christian value marriage but the Muslim practices polygamous marriage while the
Christian practices monogamous marriage. What is this called?
48. Lilian was first asked to compare identical amounts of liquids in two short glasses. The liquid from
one of the wo short glasses was poured into a taller, skinner glass of the same capacity. Lilian indicated
that the amounts of liquid in the two different glasses are still the same. What is Lilian that capable of?
52. The developmental task of learning to get along with age mates belong to which developmental
stage, according to Havighurst?
53. “All men are pretty much like. It is only by custom that they are set apart.” said an Oriental
philosopher: Where is this thought most inspiring
54. Principal A tells his teachers to employ more cooperative learning to help students develop social
virtues like cooperation. Which philosophy governs Principal A’s thinking?
55. What is the median of the following score distribution: 96, 97, 98, 97, 94, 90, 89, 97, 81, and 80?
A. 95 B. 96 C. 98 D. 83
56. What an individual has learned in the formative years tends to persist, but they are not
unchangeable according to Hurlock. Change is most likely to occur under the following conditions
EXCEPT when ______.
57. You have presented a lesson on animal protective coloration. At the end, you ask if there are any
questions. There are none. You can take this to mean that ____________.
58. English and Filipino are the official languages of the Philippines according to the Philippine
Constitution. This means that they are the prescribed media of ______________.
I. communication in government
II. instruction in educational institution
III. communication in public fora
IV. lectures in teacher’s seminars
A. Mode only B. Median only C. Mode & median D. Mean & mode
60. Teacher A is convinced that she should teach her students to appreciate themselves for who they
are and to accept the responsibility for their thoughts, feeling and actions. Which philosophy governs
Teacher A’s thought?
62. Which group of philosophers has opposite views from the rationalists?
63. What does the principle of individual differences require teachers to do?
A. Give less attention to gifted learners. C. Treat all learners alike while teaching.
B. Provide for a variety of learning activities. D. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
64. Which one does NOT illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative?
A. The right of an unmarried pregnant teacher to abort her baby is in relation to her duty to protect
her name.
B. The right to a living wage involves the duty of the employer to give the salary agreed upon and
the duty of the employee to give a fair amount of amount.
C. The right to life on the part of one person corresponds to the obligation on the part of
persons to respect such as a right.
D. The right of the state to compel citizens to military service is reciprocated by the duty of the state
to protect citizens.
65. For maximum interaction, which type of questions must a teacher avoid?
67. What is/are important to state when explaining percentile-ranked tests to parents?
69. I started my lesson with a graphic presentation of data then asked my students to analyze and
interpret them and draw implications from them. How did my lesson development proceed?
70. I want to have small group discussions in my class. Which topics will be best for group of
discussion? Those topics ___________.
A. that are formally structured by texts
B. that are factual
C. where a high degree of consensus among students does not yet exists
D. where a high degree of consensus among students already exists
71. Which questioning behavior is appropriate?
73. If you help your children choose their way of life. To which educational philosophy do you adhere?
75. In Krathwohl’s taxonomy of objectives in the affective domain, which is the highest level of affective
A. Responding B. Valuing C. Organization D. Characterization
77. A teacher should take the obligation upon himself the customs and traditions of the community
where she works in order to _________.
78. Which of the following group activities provides an open environment in which group members can
their opinions without being judged as wrong?
A. Buzz session B. Forum C. Philips 66 D. Panel
Forum - A free and open discussion of the issue by the entire group.
Philips 66 - A spontaneous group activity where six people express their opinions for six minutes.
79. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, School A decided to pattern the election of class and
school officers after the local election process. There were qualifications set for candidates, limited
period of campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school
80. If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the child may fear not only that black dog but also other
large dogs. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
81. “If all the passers of 2008 Licensure Examinations for Teachers will turn out to be the most effective
in the Philippines school system, it can be said that this LET possesses ______ validity
82. Here is a question on the knowledge level: WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF CAPITALISM” Which
one is a corresponding question in the application level?
83. Paul, a Grade 1 pupil, is happy when he wins in a game but sulks when he doesn’t. Which does
Paul’s behavior indicate?
84. The Second World War has caused too much destruction to life and property and the Allied Forces
consisting of the United States, Great Britain, and France wanted to end it, but Japan adamantly
refused. To force Japan’s surrender, the Allied Forces dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki on August 9. 1945. Which basic principle of morality applies to this case?
A. Always do what is right. C. The end does not justify the means.
B. Principle of double effect. D. Between the two evils, do the lesser evil.
85. To arouse in them the spirit of nationalism, Teacher F plays Philippine folk music as pupils enter the
classrooms after flag ceremony. To what theory does Teacher F adhere?
86. Research found out that children learn visual discrimination tasks more rapidly if they talk to
themselves. This shows that ________________.
87. For which lesson may you use the indirect instruction method?
88. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who _____.
89. Nicolle enjoys games like scrabble, anagrams, and password. Which type of intelligence is strong in
90. To test if values have really been imbibed which measurement instruments should a teacher use?
92. Here is a lesson objective in a Language lesson” “From memory, the pupils must be able to recite
the poem”. Applying Robert Mager’s principle which does this objective lack?
93. Teacher Ophel subscribes to the mental discipline approach. Which is she convinced of?
A. The more difficult the subject, the more the student exercises his mind, the greater the value of the
B. The more bodily exercises, the better for the student.
C. The less the student engages himself in mental exercise, the better for the student.
D. The easier the subject, the greater the value of the subject.
95. A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution would be most likely to be
96. A good classroom manager has “eyes on the back of her head.” This means that the effective
teacher _______.
97. In Krathwohl’s affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the LEAST authentic?
100. Which characteristics of a good test are threatened when a significantly greater number from the
lower group gets a test item correctly?
102. To develop higher-level thinking skill among students, which type of questions, should be
103. You want to generate as many ideas as you can as your class is about to embark on a class
project for senior citizens. Which of the following will you employ?
104. Regular medical checkup required of teachers is done in the interest of ____________.
105. In which competency did my students find the greatest difficulty? In the item with a difficulty index
of _______.
A. 0.1 B. 1.0 C. 0.9 D. 0.5
106. You made use of an “I message” to communicate your anger to Ruth. Which is a characteristic of
that “I message”.? Focus on ______________.
A. what in Ruth’s behavior made your angry C. why you cannot control Ruth’s misbehavior
B. your feelings about Ruth’s misbehavior D. your thinking about Ruth’s misbehavior
107. What kind of social environment prevails in your class if you, as the teacher, are the primary
provider of information, opinions, and instructions?
108. “Knowledge is innate in the soul. Provoke people into thinking for themselves rather than teach
them they did not yet know”, said one Greek philosopher. What is the application of this in the
classroom today? Use of _________.
109. Because the pupils are hungry, they ignore the instruction to line up for their snacks and are
therefore unruly. On what level(s) are the students acting?
111. A student complains to you about his failing grade in the first grading period. You do recomputed
alone and indeed you found out that you committed a significant error in his grade computation. Your
decision is not to accept your erroneous computation before the student and so leave the failing grade
as is for fear that you may lose credibility. Is this morally right?
112. Teacher C administered only true-false and multiple choice tests during the midterm. The students
did well on these tests. He decides to make the final exams consist of five essay questions. Which of
the following is the most likely effect of this decision?
A. The students will do better than they had in the previous test.
B. The students will not do as well as in the previous test.
C. There will be no correlation between the final and the midterm tests.
D. The students will do as well as in the previous test.
113. Which is the best thing to do when you have reached the plateau of learning?
117. There are many instances in the classroom that point to cultural alienation. In what way does
cultural alienation fail to contribute to nation-building?
120. Under what value measurement instrument does sentence/story completion fall?
121. Beth is one-half standard deviation above the mean of her group in arithmetic and one standard
deviation above the mean in spelling. What does this imply?
122. Trader C does not personally agree with one school policy. What is the professional thing for him
to do?
123. Which one is an examination of a group’s work by another group where the latter offers
suggestions on how to improve the work?
124. “My right ends where the right of the others begins.” This implies that ____________.
125. Which must a teacher primarily consider in the choice of an instructional aid? It must _______.
126. “State a set of principles that can explain to following events “is a test item on __________.
127. The following are other names of lesson objectives EXCEPT __________.
128. Erikson claims that the general attitudes an individual learns during babyhood persist throughout
life and color his perceptions of people and situation. Which fact about human development does this
point to?
129. In taking the test not one examinee approached the proctor for clarification on what to do. This
implies which characteristic of a good test?
130. Teacher C observes cleanliness and order in her classroom to create a conducive atmosphere for
learning. On which theory is her practice based?
131. To make up for the poor quality of the content of his research report, Kendric passes a report that
is ornately presented in an expensive folder. Which Filipino trait is illustrated?
135. Read this test item then answer question: PHYSICIAN IS TO HUMAN BEINGS AS
137. For effective class management, which of the following non-verbal praises does NOT accentuate
the positive in class?
A. Knitting of eyebrows C. Winking
B. Thumbs up signal D. Raising of eyebrows
138. Which of the following is NOT a factor in errors in measurements?
140. With SMART lesson objectives in the synthesis level in mind, which one does NOT belong to the
141. For which reason does a teacher do daily review of past lessons?
142. As a teacher, you must help children confront their freedom. You assist them in their personal life
journey. From whom does this advice come?
143. Who asserted that children must be given the opportunity to explore and work on different
materials so that they will develop the sense initiative instead of guilt?
144. Which is an important fact for a teacher to know about learning method? That _____.
145. On which philosophy is the practice of engaging students in the process of introspection
A. The P.E and Health teacher and the Music teacher prepare separate course syllabi but agree what
each one should teach.
B. The P.E. and Health teacher and the Music teacher work on an integrated course syllabus and take
turn when they teach.
C. The P.E. and Health teacher and the Music teacher are both in the classroom when they PHEM and
follow an integrated syllabus.
D. The P.E. and Health teacher and the Music teacher divide the school calendar into two and teach
their subject separately.
148. John Dewey has been associated with all the following philosophies/theories EXCEPT _____.
150. Tyler developed the ideal behavioral objectives to help teachers shift from concerns of ____ to
concerns for _________.