Teacher Professional Growth Plan

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Ana Ureña set goals related to incorporating project-based learning and the IB learner profile into her teaching. She assessed her progress using rubrics and student feedback and reflected on accomplishments and areas for improvement.

Ana's goals were: 1) Incorporate project-based learning into a water quality unit, 2) Incorporate the IB learner profile using a theory of knowledge model, 3) Encourage interest-based student activities, and 4) Co-teach with lower grade teachers.

Ana assessed goal 1 using rubric scores and statistics on student work. For goal 2, she tracked student choices in challenge activities. Goal 3 involved student surveys and feedback. Goal 4 was assessed through lesson plans and teacher feedback.


Elementary School
NAME: Ana Urea

Teaching Assignment: Math Enrichment and Philosophy for Kids

Please review last years goals as well as our LS Professional Standards to set four Professional goals for yourself for this
year. Three of your goals must link directly to a LS strategic initiative (IE: Inquiry based teaching/project based learning
and the IB learner profile/Balanced Literacy) and the fourth is a personal goal linked to a component of one of the LS
Professional Standards. All three goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, results oriented and timebound). In the spirit of backward design, please reflect on and answer the questions below for each goal. At the end of
this document are some examples. Submit an electronic copy to your Principal /Assistant Principal by Tuesday,
September 29 through Google Drive (instructions to follow). You will be prompted to reflect on your progress both mid
and end of year. We look forward to supporting your professional growth and reflective practice.



State your goal(s) (specific outcome/objective):

1) Goal 1: WWMC as Project Based Learning
2) Goal 2: Reflect about how challenging activities support the IB Learner Profile
3) Goal 3: Provide students with interest-based activities to enhance their individual abilities
4) Goal 4: Co-teach with first and second grade teachers

ii) Evaluation Criteria:

How will you assess your growth/achievement/success on your goals? What are your criteria?

Goal 1: Quality of students projects and performance on fieldwork.

Goal 2: Student reflection on activities
Goal 3: Students feedback and performance on the activities
Goal 4: Lesson plans, teachers feedback

iii) Plan:
What specific steps/activities will you undertake to work systematically on your goal? Please identify the timelines as
well as people who may be able to be of support to you in reaching your goals.
Goal 1: 1. Research projects on Quality Water Indicators and Management of Pollution in Rivers around the world.
August-December 2015.
2. Training on water monitoring. January-February 2016 (Cynthia)
3. Water Monitoring field trips. February-May 2016. (Cynthia, Anabelle, Mrs. Prada, Administration, counselors)
4. Analysis of data obtained.
Goal 2: 1. Challenge your Mind activities from August to May.
2. Reflection at the end of each Challenge your Mind activity, every 6 to 8 weeks.

Goal 3: 1. Surveys to determine students areas of interest, August- September 2015

2. Contact support people based on students interests (photography, cartooning, technology) OctoberDecember 2015.
3. Interest-based projects: learn how-to and develop final product from February to June 2016
Goal 4: 1. Meeting with first and second grade teachers in August to explain program.
2. Class visits every other week to work on activities agreed on with the teachers.
3. Reflection at the end of every trimester to make modifications to program if needed.


Please take a look at your three professional goals -- what you set out to work on diligently this school year --and reflect
carefully on your action steps and successes to date, and what you still need to do to reach your goals by June.



Do either of your goals need to be changed or modified? If so, please restate your goal(s) (specific outcomes/objectives):

ii) Evaluation Criteria:

How have you assessed your growth/achievement/success on your goal? What criteria have you used? What progress
have you made relative to your criteria?
Goal 1: Students have completed both research projects on WWMC. Water quality projects were detailed and attractive.
Students have just turned in their river project. Presentations will be in February. I have used rubrics to assess student
work. The quality of their projects is reflected on that rubric. I have used central tendencies to statistically record the
results. This is the summary of that information for the Water Project:
Total points: 60*
Mean: 51.25
Median: 53
Mode: 54
Range: 12
*Indicators are reported using a 1-60 scale, the total number of possible points for the assignment.
When analyzing the areas of the rubric where students frequently lost points, the ones that stand out are the following:
the results show that 11 out of the 14 projects presented problems in mechanics and spelling and 10 out of the 14 projects
in using own words and/or quoting correctly. Those 2 areas should be paid closer attention to in future projects.
Goal 2: Students have completed one session of challenge their minds activities. They reflected upon the activity and here
are the results.
Students considered that the activities were challenging for them.
They were asked to reflect upon the activities on the light of IB traits. The traits mentioned were the following in order
from most mentioned to least: Knowledgeable, Open-minded, Thinkers, and Inquirers.
A second session is being planned and students will be asked to venture into other challenge your mind activities.
Goal 3: Students took a survey to try to discover what their areas of interest are. I took notes on the results for each
student and began a set of individual conferences with the students. Most of them are clear as to what project they want to
do. Those that are undecided will be assigned a project to complete in the area of Mathematics, which is a common
interest to them all.
How to sessions will be scheduled for the students next semester.
Goal 4: I have visited first and second grade classes through the semester. It has been a very rewarding experience.

In first grade the activities performed have been mainly be support to teachers in their stations. I have worked with both
high and low achievers.
In second grade the variety of the activities has been greater. I have introduced concepts using manipulatives upon
request from different teachers. I have also supported them practicing skills taught.
I will put together a collection of word problems that I would like to solve with students as a contribution for second

iii) Plan:
What specific steps/activities have you undertaken to work systematically on your goal? Hows it going? What do you
still need to do?
Goal 1: I have provided students with clear project instructions and rubrics. Presentations are pending for one research
project in our objective of getting trained to perform as young scientists collecting and analyzing water samples.
Goal 2: There are 8 Challenge-Your-Mind activities for students to choose from. Based on students suggestions the
length of the activities will be taken into consideration more carefully when deciding on the amount of time to complete
the task.
Goal 3: I still have to contact people who work on the different areas my students have to do research on. I have to
continue having individual conferences with the students.
Goal 4: I will present the collection of word problems and strategies to teachers and get feedback on them.


For the end of the year, teachers are asked to reflect on PGP accomplishments, learning, and next steps. It is important for
the principal/evaluator to have a clear understanding of what you were unable to complete and why as well as whether
you should continue with one or more goals for the coming year. You may write your paragraph here.

PGP Accomplishments, Learning, and Next Steps

Goal # 1: Incorporate PBL components into World Water Monitoring Challenge Unit.
Accomplishments and Learning:
The Unit was enriched by the participation of sixth grade students (former Math Enrichment students) on the
project. Students in the three grade levels performed as water experts who monitor rivers do. Sixth graders
helped enhance the unit by sharing their knowledge with students from La Lidia School in San Gerardo de
Dota, one of the WWMC stations. The objective of this work was to gradually incorporate the San Gerardo
community in the WWMC project.
Next Steps:
Middle School students (6th and 7th grade) will be encouraged to continue with the community project in San
Gerardo. Students in grades 4th and 5th will continue monitoring the Virilla and Savegre Rivers as they have
done for the last 6 years.
Goal # 2: Incorporate the attributes of the IB Learner Profile using the Theory of Knowledge model. (Changed
from student reflections on profile attributes)
Accomplishments and Learning:
In January, I attended a 3 day workshop on Theory of Knowledge for Subject Area Teachers. Through it I
learned how combining IB learner profile traits, concepts, and learning areas under guiding questions builds a
stronger IB foundation on students following one common philosophy centered around concepts instead of
content. From that moment on, I planned my PBL Unit on WWMC and most of my philosophy classes
following the model.
Next Steps:
Continue developing more and more units following the model. Try to apply it in some other enrichment units
developed with fourth and fifth grade students.
Goal # 3: Encourage students to develop interest-based activities.

Accomplishments and Learning:

Fifth grade students picked projects from various learning areas. They developed essential questions and did
research based on it. At this time they are using that acquired information to develop an activity in the higher
levels of thinking. Their final products are not ready as of today. They should be ready by the week of June 6th.
Next Steps:
For next year I will develop these projects following the Theory of Knowledge Model.
Goal # 4: Co-teach with first and second grade teachers.
Accomplishments and Learning:
During this second semester I worked with teachers not only helping them in activities they developed for their
students, but I also took word problems following these strategies: Make a Model, Make an Organized List,
and Use Logic. The main goal was to challenge some students in need of such a challenge.
Next Steps:
I will ask for feedback from the teachers to decide how to continue with this goal.
PGP sample goals

Effectively incorporate PBL components into the curriculum.

Effectively incorporate the attributes of the IB Learner Profile in teaching and learning.
Establish a culture for learning that develops the attributes of the IB learner profile.
Develop the use of instructional technology to transform student learning.

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