Job Skills Checklist

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Job Skills Checklist

administering programs

planning agendas/meetings

updating files

analyzing data

predicting futures

sketching charts or diagrams

organizing tasks

writing for publication

advising people

assembling apparatus

auditing financial reports

budgeting expenses

calculating numerical data

finding information

handling complaints

handling detail work

imagining new solutions

interpreting languages

dispensing information

adapting new procedures

negotiating/arbitrating conflicts
speaking to the public

writing letters/papers/proposals
reading volumes of material
remembering information

interviewing prospective employees

listening to others

relating to the public

entertaining people

deciding uses of money

measuring boundaries

counseling/consulting people
operating equipment
supporting others

determining a problem

screening telephone calls

collaborating ideas

overseeing operations

teaching/instructing/training individuals
becoming actively involved

planning organizational needs setting up demonstrations

rehabilitating people
prioritizing work

creating new ideas

meeting people

evaluating programs
editing work

tolerating interruptions

confronting other people

constructing buildings
coping with deadlines
promoting events
raising funds

questioning others
being thorough

coordinating schedules/times
running meetings

supervising employees
enduring long hours

displaying artistic ideas

managing an organization
serving individuals
motivating others

reporting information
encouraging others
defining a problem

maintaining accurate records

administering medication
motivating others

thinking in a logical manner

defining performance

writing reports

expressing feelings

checking for accuracy

classifying records

coaching individuals
collecting money

compiling statistics

inventing new ideas

proposing ideas

investigating problems

locating missing information

dramatizing ideas

estimating physical space

organizing files

managing people
selling products

inspecting physical objects
distributing products

delegating responsibility

mediating between people

persuading others

summarizing information

delegating responsibilities
comparing results
drafting reports

comprehending ideas
generating accounts
making decisions

resolving conflicts

analyzing problems
preparing written communications
performing numeric analysis

setting work/committee goals

taking personal responsibility

maintaining a high level of activity

developing a climate of enthusiasm,

teamwork, and cooperation

creating meaningful and challenging work

maintaining emotional control under stress
knowledge of community/government

recommending courses of

selling ideas

conducting meetings

setting priorities

expressing ideas orally to

individuals or groups

developing plans for projects

thinking of creative ideas
enforcing rules and

interacting with people at

different levels

taking independent action

knowledge of concepts and


conducting interviews
gathering information

providing discipline when

meeting new people

picking out important information

skillfully applying professional

providing customers with service

Advising People: I currently provide advice to Tier I Information Technology technicians on a daily basis to
ensure they provide quality service to others.
Handling Complaints: I am responsible for handling customer complaints and call escalations in an IT call
Coaching Individuals: I am responsible for coaching a team of up to eleven individuals to ensure they are
handling calls in the most efficient manner while providing excellent customer service. Additionally, I highlight
areas for improvement and assist with professional development goals such as IT certification.
Dispensing Information: I serve as a communication focal point where I must dispense vital information to the
technicians below me, and relay information to other departments and offices.
Investigating Problems: I perform identification of new IT issues and am responsible for investigating the
causes and then designing and implementing solutions.
Negotiating Conflicts: I am often faced with conflicts between customers and IT technicians. I am responsible
for working with each party to find an acceptable resolution.

Reading volumes of material: I performed many duties that require me to read detailed and long
documentation such as Air Force Instructions and Air Force Manuals. These are long and tedious documents
that must be read and understood.
Being thorough: I provide documentation of new and ongoing IT issues that require that I thoroughly include
as much detail as could possibly be relevant. This thoroughness ensures that issues are resolved in a timely
Running meetings: I am responsible for planning and holding biweekly training meetings.
Supervising employees: I currently supervise eight Tier I technicians performing call center duties. I have also
performed supervision of new security troops and supervised security shifts for my previous position in the
Teaching/instructing others: My current position requires that I monitor and teach Tier I technicians as they
perform their duties. I handle biweekly training meetings and perform initial training during the onboarding
Mediating between other people: When my subordinates have conflict I have served to mediate their
discussion of issues.
Reporting/Summarizing information: I am responsible for identifying new and potential IT issue trends and
to summarize and report them. I also must take the vast amount of government information in my complex
contract environment and summarize this information to present to new employees.
Supporting others: I am responsible for assisting others when needed. I serve as the help desk manager while
he is away or on vacation. I also step in and assist other technicians when they need assistance or support.
Encouraging others: I am responsible for monitoring the mental health of the help desk, identifying potential
issues, and working to resolve this issues. This has often included encouraging and motivating burnt out phone

Maintaining accurate records: I am responsible for maintaining records for all programs under me.
Additionally, I have served as a Function Area Records Manager for a military unit. This involved ensuring that
others maintained all records in accordance with local and federal regulations.
Collaborating ideas: I frequently collaborate with other individuals to identify broken processes and work
towards improving these processes.
Making decisions: I constantly make decisions on how to handle potentially volatile or sensitive situations.
Preparing written communications: I am responsible for keeping the help desk manager, team leads, and site
manager update of all situations. This means I must prepare written communications to these individuals as well
as those outside our contract.
Developing a climate of enthusiasm, teamwork, and cooperation: I perform duties as a help desk supervisor
and have developed a climate of teamwork, cooperation, and enthusiasm to help our customers. Since obtaining
this position, our team has beat our target first call resolution rate by nearly fifteen percent while maintaining
average wait times over fifty percent below our service level agreement.
Maintaining emotional control under stress: A help desk environment is very stressful, however I must
maintain emotional control during very stressful situations as I make decisions that affect customer wait times
and mission delivery.
Providing customers with service: I have been providing excellent IT customer service for over five years. I
have received overwhelmingly positive feedback for this customer service.

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