Critiques Tas

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Timothy Schoech


This was my very first real project in Graphic design. I will say
that this image was pretty crude at the time as all that I did
was throw a bunch of fruit on a pomegranate. Now, Id
probably be able to do way better.
(Note: The image was downsized so that I could upload it.
The original file was also changed.)

In this project, we had to draw images and then paste them
onto our arm with a slight difference in opacity and so on.
Honestly, I really dont like how it turned out. The images
looked a little unnatural as tattoos no matter what changes
I applied. I think Id make this better by changing the original
drawings themselves.

This project, once again, was an orgy of copy and paste.
There were some slight changes (I.E. removing the
background from my face), but not too much. I had a lot
of fun with this project despite being pretty simple. I got
to use the brush and erase and stamp tools on the cat to
make it fit better with my face. Overall, I wouldnt change
too much besides the use of the memes.

Color Project:
In this project, we were
tasked to create two
different colored works
using the heads of you
and one other person. I
feel like I did pretty well. The color of the picture to the right
is a little odd, and the one to the left has a little bit of green
going a little too far off the neck, but otherwise, I have no
complaints. While making these, I zoomed as close as it
would let me to make sure that every part of my hair was
colored which, in return, worked well for the piece.

Monopoly Project:
By far, this is my favorite project Ive done over this year. I
spent way too long gathering all the pieces and connecting
them all together. The ending project was so big that I had to
downsize it for uploading purposes (sorry). I feel like this
came out wonderfully with the worst part being the game
pieces. I was rushed for time by the time I got around to
making them so they ended up becoming recolored versions
of random 3D models. The cards are a little bad too as they
had to be downsized in the original picture to fit the size
requirements (in inches) of the project. Overall, this is the
piece I like to brag about most to people.

Text on a Path Project:

Some may consider this a
project. Others may not.
Either way, this is a simple
project about making text
revolve around a character
(we had to make two).
Honestly, the meep (left)
one is pretty bad while the one on the right is much better in my opinion.

Color Wheel Project:

Everyone has that one project theyd like to throw away
and forget and this is mine. Its absolutely horrendous
and is something Im not proud of. This is the product of
attempting for a whole class to make a nicely blended
color wheel that blended all the colors around the wheel
only to fail terrible. After the one class of failure, I used
my remaining time the next class to produce this
monstrosity. Its a way too simple color wheel with two
hideous green colors in the background which we had to
name. I want to burn this and forget about it. Theres
nothing to redeem.

World Project:
These are super cheesy and super simple. Basically, we took a landscape photo of our choice and
used Photoshop to make these worlds. We were supposed to cover up the seam as much as
possible with little success in my opinion. The pictures didnt have constant lighting (which should
be expected from a landscape) which really screwed up the images. The left most one is probably
the best and would be even better if I mixed the clouds a bit better. Id probably fix these up
better if I had the chance to do it over.

Visual Pun Project:

Im actually pretty proud of this project. This was also our last project
before the first semester final. This was also the first time I used the
blur tool and the color blend tool (besides the first failed color wheel)
which made this project even more memorable. I think I could have
made the perception work better than just blurring the entire
background. Im pretty happy with the way the carton came out with
my only true complaint about it being the angle of the letters which,
at the time, I didnt know how to fix.

Time Person of the Year Final Project:

Yes, this was our final for the first semester of Graphic Design. We were
tasked to create a Time: Person of the Year cover along with taking a test. Im
pretty proud of it, in the end. The barcode and dates where a little squished
in, but theyre not the worst. I think I could have made the text look much
better than what it does in the image. Overall, I think I did pretty well. (This
image was also compressed during uploading due to file size.)

Vormator Project:
Once upon a time, a contest was held for people to make the
best piece of art possible using only a simple selection of shapes.
Our teacher decided that recreating this contest would be cool
so heres this project. A picture using a variety of shapes. Ill be
honest. Like the color wheel, this wasnt my first attempt. My
first attempt was to recreate a large scale, very detailed picture
of a certain character. Unlike the color wheel project, it was
actually turning out pretty nicely. I enjoyed how it was going until
I realized I ran out of time! I had only one class left to finish this
complex project which I was only about 5% finished after a full 2 classes of working. Needless to
say, I created this in its place. Honestly, its not that bad. The idea is a monotone bird in a colorful
tree. While the use of colors is lackluster and the use of gradients is non-existent, it still came out
pretty well. If I had more time, I could have patched up these faults or even finished my original

Warning Poster Project:

This project is okay. I could have used some sort of gradient or even
transparency to the stick figure tunnel along with adding a little more
creativity other than stick figures coming out of a portal. The background
around me is still present and kind of hinders the piece. This is not something
Im super proud of but not something that I hate either. The file size was also
too large and had to be compressed when uploaded.

Art Style Project:

Oh, boy! What a specific name! Fundamentally, we had to create a
piece of art using an art style. I.E. I used Bauhaus, a type of style that
uses basic shapes to create interesting designs. Ill tell the truth. I did
not work very hard to create this. I made a black square with a border
and then threw in a bunch of shapes with different colors at 80%
transparency. I could have made this much less simplistic.

Milton Glaser Project:

Based off of one of Milton Glasers pieces, we created a silhouette of
ourselves with only the hair in color. For the hair, we could do whatever
we wanted. First we drew the picture (using a silhouette of ourselves
as a base), and then we scanned it, and then we colored it, and here we
are. I feel like I could have made the hair a little more creative and
bursting along with making the lines a little smoother. Other than that,
I feel like I did well on this.

Ad Poster Project:
Do you know what the world needs? More furry convention
posters! I thought to myself before creating this work. If you
couldnt tell, I had furriers on the mind due to the new movie,
Zootopia, which was coming out soon. I just had to create a furry
poster showing off the movie, and thats what I made. The text is
pretty bad with a very dull color of black that mixes into the
background surprisingly well. The art work was quickly ripped off of
the internet making this even worse. The movie poster feels out of
place in the piece and could easily be taken out or replaces. In other
words, this isnt my best work and theres a lot I could fix.

Above the Influence Poster:

WHY?! This is the project that was hit worst by the file
changes I had to make. Its so small and so pixelated
just so that it could make it to the small file
requirement of Weebly. Edited appearance aside, this
work still isnt too great. The idea was pretty nice but
the execution was poor. We had to create a poster
about what makes us plug our ears and turn away
from those who bully us. In the background I wrote a
bunch of terrible phrases and words used to demine
others scrawled in wingdings. That is probably the best part. The background images are kind of
just thrown in to meet the requirements along with the drawn bits (the pieces within the blue
symbol). The text on a path is a little awkward and could have been better if they were cropped
within the symbol. I had a lot of fun making this but I feel bad about how it turned out.

Have a Nice Day Project:

Yes, thats Sans. Yes, there is another Undertale item on my personal page. Yes, I make a lot of
projects with videogames as my inspiration. No, no one has ever asked any question in which I
would answer with any of the answers written in this critique. Moving on. For this project we has
to make a smiley face with some sort of tag like the Have a Nice Day smiley. Ill get this out of
the way. The smiley on the left is terrible. It was made using the idea of another videogame called
Papers Please and a YouTube named Jacksepticeye who I watched play it. I made it hoping that
I could make some descent fan art only to have it crash and burn into that. The face isnt too bad
and neither is the hair. Whats really bad is the hat which uses the same repeated couple of
shapes under a gradient to attempt to look furry. It didnt work very well. On the other hand, we
have my Sans smiley (to the right) which is amazing. I feel like it was the paragon way to make a
smiley. Originally, I wasnt going to include the skulls in the background until my teacher told me
it needed something else so I created these skulls. Im super happy with the way it came out an
am only made about the fact that the color scheme is in CYMK making it not look as great when
shared over the internet.

Juxtaposition Project:
For this, we had to juxtapose two
pieces of literary work. My image
used the poems printed on it. The
basis was using one character is two
different situations appearing to feel
almost opposite emotions. I think I
did pretty well here except with the
whole CYMK color scheme once
again. A good nitpick besides that
would be the art style. It may be a
little too simplistic for some pallets.

Original Character Project:

This was our absolute last
project in Graphic Designs and
one of my favorite ones. I had a
lot of fun making this and am
really proud of the product. The
project consisted of using
another animators art style (in
this case, I used the art style of
the Powerpuff Girls) and create
an original character in said art
style. I greatly enjoyed making
every detail and trying to
recreate some of the smallest
things like shading and eye size.
I even made sure the color was in RGB making it sharable to all of the internet! I could have made
the eyes on her outfit to have a little more detail (like stiches), but other than that, I feel like this
came out stupendously!

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