Critiques Tas
Critiques Tas
Critiques Tas
Timothy Schoech
In this project, we had to draw images and then paste them
onto our arm with a slight difference in opacity and so on.
Honestly, I really dont like how it turned out. The images
looked a little unnatural as tattoos no matter what changes
I applied. I think Id make this better by changing the original
drawings themselves.
This project, once again, was an orgy of copy and paste.
There were some slight changes (I.E. removing the
background from my face), but not too much. I had a lot
of fun with this project despite being pretty simple. I got
to use the brush and erase and stamp tools on the cat to
make it fit better with my face. Overall, I wouldnt change
too much besides the use of the memes.
Color Project:
In this project, we were
tasked to create two
different colored works
using the heads of you
and one other person. I
feel like I did pretty well. The color of the picture to the right
is a little odd, and the one to the left has a little bit of green
going a little too far off the neck, but otherwise, I have no
complaints. While making these, I zoomed as close as it
would let me to make sure that every part of my hair was
colored which, in return, worked well for the piece.
Monopoly Project:
By far, this is my favorite project Ive done over this year. I
spent way too long gathering all the pieces and connecting
them all together. The ending project was so big that I had to
downsize it for uploading purposes (sorry). I feel like this
came out wonderfully with the worst part being the game
pieces. I was rushed for time by the time I got around to
making them so they ended up becoming recolored versions
of random 3D models. The cards are a little bad too as they
had to be downsized in the original picture to fit the size
requirements (in inches) of the project. Overall, this is the
piece I like to brag about most to people.
World Project:
These are super cheesy and super simple. Basically, we took a landscape photo of our choice and
used Photoshop to make these worlds. We were supposed to cover up the seam as much as
possible with little success in my opinion. The pictures didnt have constant lighting (which should
be expected from a landscape) which really screwed up the images. The left most one is probably
the best and would be even better if I mixed the clouds a bit better. Id probably fix these up
better if I had the chance to do it over.
Vormator Project:
Once upon a time, a contest was held for people to make the
best piece of art possible using only a simple selection of shapes.
Our teacher decided that recreating this contest would be cool
so heres this project. A picture using a variety of shapes. Ill be
honest. Like the color wheel, this wasnt my first attempt. My
first attempt was to recreate a large scale, very detailed picture
of a certain character. Unlike the color wheel project, it was
actually turning out pretty nicely. I enjoyed how it was going until
I realized I ran out of time! I had only one class left to finish this
complex project which I was only about 5% finished after a full 2 classes of working. Needless to
say, I created this in its place. Honestly, its not that bad. The idea is a monotone bird in a colorful
tree. While the use of colors is lackluster and the use of gradients is non-existent, it still came out
pretty well. If I had more time, I could have patched up these faults or even finished my original
Ad Poster Project:
Do you know what the world needs? More furry convention
posters! I thought to myself before creating this work. If you
couldnt tell, I had furriers on the mind due to the new movie,
Zootopia, which was coming out soon. I just had to create a furry
poster showing off the movie, and thats what I made. The text is
pretty bad with a very dull color of black that mixes into the
background surprisingly well. The art work was quickly ripped off of
the internet making this even worse. The movie poster feels out of
place in the piece and could easily be taken out or replaces. In other
words, this isnt my best work and theres a lot I could fix.
Juxtaposition Project:
For this, we had to juxtapose two
pieces of literary work. My image
used the poems printed on it. The
basis was using one character is two
different situations appearing to feel
almost opposite emotions. I think I
did pretty well here except with the
whole CYMK color scheme once
again. A good nitpick besides that
would be the art style. It may be a
little too simplistic for some pallets.