Thin Cylinder Test PDF

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ME 457

Experimental Solid Mechanics (Lab)

Computerized Thin Cylinder Experiment

This experiment gives students an opportunity to experiment with a cylinder that has a
diameter/thickness ratio of more than 10, making it thin-walled. The cylinder will
undergo pressure loading that will introduce hoop and longitudinal stresses on the surface
of the material. The fact that the cylinder is thin-walled allows for the assumption that the
hoop and longitudinal stresses are constant throughout the wall thickness or area. Two
different conditions of pressure loading will be tested : open end and close end. The
open end condition can be seen as studying a portion of a long pipeline, while closed end
conditions can be imagined as looking at an enclosed gas tank that holds a certain amount
of pressure. Using this computerized thin cylinder experiment we will introduce varying
amounts of pressure into the cylinder and utilizing strain gage readings on the surface of
the cylinder to determine Youngs modulus (E), Poissons ratio, , and to study the strain
Mohrs circles of the two different end conditions.
1) TQ SM1007 Computerized Thin Cylinder. The cylinder is made of aluminum (E = 69
GPa) and has strain gages attached as shown below :

2) Dell Computer with the SM1007 program installed

3) Printer (as a backup device)

1) Ensure that the cylinder is at zero pressure by checking that the pressure relief valve
on the hand pump is open.
2) Adjust the screw on the right hand side of the cylinder so that it simulates an open
end condition.
3) Close the pressure relief valve by screwing it fully in.
4) Press F4 to zero the pressure and strain signals.
5) Press F2 to take one reading at zero pressure.
6) Then increase the pressure in 0.5 MPa increments. At each step allow a couple of
seconds for the pressure and strain readings to stabilize and then press F2 to copy the
current readings to the data table. If a mistake is made, use F3 to go back.
7) Students should take these readings down as the experiment proceeds along because
the data table keeps scrolling.
8) Repeat steps 6 and 7 until 7 readings at have been reached at the pressure of 3 MPa.
1) Ensure that the cylinder is at zero pressure by checking that the pressure relief valve
on the hand pump is open.
2) Adjust the screw on the right hand side of the cylinder so that it simulates an open
end condition.
3) Close the pressure relief valve by screwing it fully in.
4) Press F4 to zero the pressure and strain signals.
5) Increase the pressure until it reaches 3 MPa and then allow a couple of seconds for
the pressure and strain readings to stabilize. Then press F2 to copy the current
readings to the data table. If a mistake is made, press F2 again. Copy down this data
table for the lab report.
1) Ensure that the cylinder is at zero pressure by checking that the pressure relief valve
on the hand pump is open.
2) Adjust the screw on the right hand side of the cylinder so that it simulates a closed
end condition.
3) Close the pressure relief valve by screwing it fully in.
4) Press F4 to zero the pressure and strain signals.
5) Increase the pressure until it reaches 3 MPa and then allow a couple of seconds for
the pressure and strain readings to stabilize. Then press F2 to copy the current
readings to the data table. If a mistake is made, press F2 again. Copy down this data
table for the lab report.
1) Once the open end condition experiment is completed simply run the Poissons ratio
experiment off the pull down menu.
2) Copy down the results from the screen.

1) Once all of the above experiments are completed, run the Principle Strains
experiment from the pull-down menu.
2) Note down all the results on the screen.
1) What is the difference between the Open End and Closed End conditions? Which
case experiences uniaxial state of stress and which case experiences biaxial state
of stress? Explain each case in detail including equations if necessary.
2) Using the strains, Poissons ratio and Youngs modulus obtained from the experiment
read the Dowling textbook and come up with the hoop stress, H, and the longitudinal
stress, L, for both cases (open and closed ends). There should be four results
reported. (Hint : Look around section 5.3.2 in the Dowling textbook or section 7.5 in
the Gere & Timoshenko textbook, and since this is a plane stress condition, neglect
z. Assume x is in the longitudinal direction and y is in the hoop direction.)
3) With the data obtained in the Young's Modulus experiment, plot on ONE GRAPH the
hoop stress (in MPa) versus hoop strain (in ) for gauges 1 and 6. With these two
straight line fits, find the Young's Modulus E for both gauges (which are the slopes
for the curves). Use these E values to determine an average E.
4) For the Open End condition experiment, use the theoretical gauge readings given by
the program to draw a strain Mohr's circle like the one below. Then apply the
experimental data points within the circle of the theoretical data and compare the
results (use dotted and solid lines to distinguish between the two). For both the
theoretical and experimental data, find their respective values at points N and M.
Comment on any differences that may be present.

5) With the results obtained for the Closed End condition experiment, draw another
Mohr's circle as described in step 2 above. Again, compare the experimental data
against the theoretical data and comment on differences.
6) From the two Mohrs circles identify the following values and report them :
Principal strains, (L and H)
Maximum in-plane shear strains (LH)
Do this for both cases, open and closed ends. (There should be 6 values reported.)
7) In the Poisson's Ratio Experiment, how does the experimental result compare with the
real Poisson's ratio of 0.33 for aluminum? Comment.

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