Fpga Control Motor Asincron

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Eng. Silviu Drghici 1, Professor Eugen Rduca Ph.d 2, Lecturer Mihaela Rduca 2.

Engineer, Special Telecomunications Service (S.T.S.), Reschitza, Romania;

Professor., University Eftimie Murguof Reschitza, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Str.
Traian Vuia, No. 1-4, Reschitza, 320085, Romania;

REZUMAT: n ultimul timp controlul digital al turaiei electromotoarelor asincrone

asincrone prezint o tot mai mare importan;
pentru aceasta se utilizeaz procesoare de prelucrare de semnale de ultim generaie; n aceast lucrare autorii propun
utilizarea FPGAFPGA-urilor S
Spartan 3AN
AN din familia xilinx.
Cuvinte cheie: F.P.G.A., algoritm, simulare, control, motor.
ABSTRACT: In the last time digital revolution control of electric motors asynchronous presents an increasing
importance; to do this use the processors of processing of signals generation; in this paper the authors propose the
useuse-FIELDS PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY "Spartan 3AN" Xilinx family.
Key words: F.P.G.A., algorithm, simulation, control, motor (engine).


Vonderschmitt invented the first commercial FPGA,

XC2064 in 1985. This circuit XC2064 contained
interconnections between gates, the beginning of a new
technology. XC2064 contained only 64 configurable
logical blocks(CLB), with 3 input look-up tables
1.2. Some notions on the asynchronous motor.

1.1. What is an FPGA?

An FPGA circuit (field-programmable gate array
logical gate networks) represents a semiconducting
copmponent that can be configured by the purchaser or
the designer after its manufacture, hence the name
programmable. FPGAs are programmed using a
logical diagramm or a source code written in
HDL(hardware description language) in order to
specify how the chip will operate. They can be used to
implement any logical function that an integrated circuit
specific to any application can perform, (ASIC), but
with the possibility of improving its functionality after
forwarding. FPGA contains logical programmable
components called logical blocks and a hierarchy of
reconfigurable interconnections that perform the
connectivity between blocks, like a temporary
programmable chip. The logical blocks can be
configured to perform complex combinational functions
as well as simple logical gates such as AND or XOR. In
most circuits, the logical blocks may include memory
elements, that can be simple flip-flops or more
complete memory blocks.

In order to control the speed at the induction motors,

we used a static frequency converter (C.S.F.) controlled
by an F.P.G.A.-XC 3S700AN specific to the data
aquisition and transmission platforms.
For C.S.F., the chosen model is an indirect C.S.F.,
with intermediate circuit, used to control a three phase
asynchronous motor with a short-circuit rotor ( the most
common model ). For a simple mathematical
simulation, as well as a constructive one, C.S.F. is a
voltage inverter (here the coil from the intermediate
circuit may lack, requiring only one condenser with a
higher value, of the order of F.
1.3. Some notions on the FPGA programming
For this we use the CORDIC algorithms (Coordinate
Rotation Digital Computer) with the help of
reconfigurable structures type FPGA.
Dealing with three-phase asynchronous motors and a
stator rotating magnetic field, we considered the
trigonometric functions: sin, cos, and change of polar
coordinates into Cartesian coordinates and vice versa.
The implementation in FPGA is based on the CORDIC

The FPGA industry emerged once with the PROM

memories and with the programmable logical devices
(PLD). They both contain the option
of being
programmed in the factory or at the user, although the
logical gates are interconnected via hard wire. The
Xilinx, Ross Freeman and Bernard

Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 octombrie-decembrie


processor concept, seen as a black box, which will get
an input argument in order to receive an output desired
function. The CORDIC processsors are placed in two
categories: iterative and non interative.
For the simulation and implementation the iterative
CORDIC algorithm was described in Verilog language,
in order to calculate the sin and cos functions. The
algorithm ensures for each iteration an auxiliary
increase of precision of one bit. The implementation of
trigonometric functions is based on vector rotation,
while other functions, such as the square root, is
implemented based on incremental expression of the
desired function.
The trigonometric functions sin, cos, etc. are not
found only in the mathematic modellation of the stator
rotating magnetic field, but also in numerous problems
that appear in technical fields such as: robotics
(movement prediction, calculation on the environment
geometry), Linear systems (control), Signal processors
(transformations, filters, final applications: Radar). The
calculation techniques of the trigonometric functions
can be based on the development in Taylor series,
CORDIC algorithms, etc.
Compared to other methods, CORDIC presents a
series of advantages such as: the presence of only the
addition and shift operations, the absence of the
multiplication operation, the easy implementation in a
reconfigurable hardware (FPGA), the complexity
comparable with that of the multiplication and square
root extraction operations.

2.1. A brief presentation of the F.P.G.A.
The FPGA architecture contains a vector of
configurable logical blocks, extensions I/O and routing
channel. Generally, all routing channels have the same
width (number of wires). The multiple I/O extensions
can be mounted in the height of a line or on the width of
a column in the array. FPGAs are matrix designed.
A circuit must be mapped on a FPGA circuit using
appropriate resources. While the number of necessary
logical blocks and I/O are easy to be determined from
the project, the number of necessary routing roads can
vary considerably even among projects that use the
same logic. Since the unused routes increase the cost
and decrease the performance of a component without
providing any other benefit, the FPGA manufacturers
try to offer necessary routes so that most schematic
projects can be routed depending on the LUT and the
I/O ports. A classic logical block FPGA contains a look
up table with 4 inputs and a flip-flop. It presents only an

output, that can be a registered or unregistered look up

table. The logical block contains four inputs for the
table and an output for the clock.
To define the behaviour of the FPGA circuit, the
user provides a schematic design or in a hardware
description language. This programming language is
used for larger structures because only their numerical
specification can be used. On the other hand, the
schematic part helps visualising the project. The use of
an electronic design instrument generates a technology
based on the circuit connectivity. Connectivity could
match on the FPGA architecture using a process called
place-and-route, usually performed by companies
owning the soft. The user will validate the plan, will
place and assign the results through a temporary
analysis, a simulation and other control methods. After
the design and validation process have been completed,
the generated binary file is used to reconfigure FPGA.
The source files are introduced in a software
program, provided by the FPGA manufacturer, who
through different steps will produce a file that is later
on transferred to a FPGA through a serial interface or to
an external memory EEPROM. The most used
hardware description languages are VHDL i Verilog.
In order to simplify the FPGA design of complex
systems, there are libraries of complex functions
(including sin and cos calculation blocks) and
predefined circuits provided by the company Xilinx,
which were tested and optimized to improve the design
process. These predefined circuits are called IP cores
and can be purchased from the FPGA suppliers. Other
predefined circuits are available in the programmers
community, such as OpenCores.
For a common projection, the programmer of an
FPGA application will simulate the project in different
stages of the design process. Initially the description
VHDL or Verilog is simulated by creating test samples
for the simulation of the system and the result
observation. Then, after the mechanism has mapped the
project on a netlist, it can be translated to a description
level, where the simulation will be repeated in order to
confirm a flawless synthesis. In the end, the project is
put on FPGA, at which point propagation delays are
added and simulation runs again with these values.
Figure 1 shows a brief presentation of the Spartan
3AN board of Xilinx created with FPGAs ( Spartan
3AN kit uses 512 Mbytes flash memory RAM for
programming). This board contains two types of data
lines (STMicroelectronics M25P16U 16 Mbit SPI
Serial Flash PROM i Atmel AT45DB161D 16 Mbit
SPI Serial DataFlash PROM), suitable for two types
of FPGA programming: direct and indirect; their
programming uses the soft iMPACT from Xilinx, or a
high definition language type VHDL.

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8. rotating push button which controls and sets
certain functions during the FPGA programming;
rotating it we surf within the main menu, and by
pressing the other switches we get into the submenus.
9. PS/2 port which allows the optional connection
of a keyboard and a mouse to Spartan 3AN ; using
a Y splitted cable both the mouse and the keyboard can
be connected to the Spartan 3AN board; this fact
allows the introduction of a set of commands from the
keyboard to the PC, as well as an easy course of a
programming soft through the connection Spartan
3AN to a PC.
10. optional connection port of a PC to the data
acquisition board through a serial cable; this is a serial
port RS-232, on the board being the female connector;
this board contains a similar port with cu male
connector (the blue one in Fig. 3).
11. USB connection port to a PC for the software
12. connection to the internet or any other data
network through a cable of 8 pines with RJ -45 nut.
Fig.1 General view of the Spartan 3AN board
Below we present the Legend of notations from 2
12 from Fig. 4, with a brief description of their
1. Before starting the board, for a proper software
demonstration with Spartan 3AN it is absolutely
necessary to set all the jumpers (noted with J on the
board wiring).
2. Optional connection port with a VGA monitor;
the monitor can be either CRT or Display Flat LCD or
any other Display, provided it allows the VGA
3. Optionally we can connect on this port at Spartan
3AN various speakers or amplifiers speaker via an
audio-jack; when turning onSpartan 3AN a welcome
message appears in several international languages
(English, French, German).
4. Switch with two positions: RUN and SUSPEND;
has the role to put in Stand-by the FPGA
configuration program, keeping the setting and supply,
until the program (the soft, etc) restarts.
5. Switching on the board AC/DC supply; it requires
a 5 V DC supply, with a maximum consumption of 2,5
6. Power Switch (On/Off).
7. Display LCD containing different messages,
instructions, characters, etc while programming FPGA.
If there is also a monitor connected on the VGA port,
then more information will be presented; if the audiojack is connected, then welcome messages in different
international languages will appear on the screen.

2.2. About Netlist, mapping and routing.

A Netlist represents a logical structure (logical
gates) extracted from the VHDL description. FPGA is
programmed based on Netlist (logical connections and
routes are mapped and established) generating a
bitstream. Consider the following figure:

Figure 2. Netlist, mapping and routing

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2.3. the rotative algorithm
F.P.G.A. programming

y =K
+ x (d
K = cos(arctg (2 )) =
i +1

The evaluation of the trigonometrical functions sin

and cos are based on the generalized rotating operation
of a vector. The rotating operation is implemented
through a series of rotations of the vector, with given
angles, whose direction is chosen, thus, after a number
of iterations, the algebraic sum of the angles with which
the rotaions have benn performed coincides exactly
with the desired angle. The tangents of the given angles
are powers of 2, which reduces the multiplication
operation to a movement operation. The algorithm
CORDIC is also the basis of the conversions from the
polar coordinates to the Carthesisn ones and vice versa,
of the Fourier Discrete Transformations (TDF) and
Cosinus (TDC), the calculation of the vector module,
The algorithm for the vector rotation with an
arbitrary angle , has an iterative character and uses
only movement and addition operations directly
implementing it in the hardware.
We have a unitary vector with the coordinates (x0,y0)
and the same unitary vector, rotated with an angle ,
with the coordinates (x1,y1) as in figure 3:


2 i

)] ,
)] ,



1 + 2 2i

d i = + / 1 is the coefficient of the rotation direction.

Apart from the scaling constant Ki, the algorithm is
reduced to a series of mobement and addition
operations. The result of the constants Ki, that is
calculated at each iteration, can be examined as being
part of the system amplification. As the number of
iterations tends to infinity, the result has the value
0,607252935. Thus, the rotation algorithm has an
amplification Gn, that depends on the number of
The rotator CORDIC may operate in the modes:
rotation and vector.
In the rotation mode, a given vector rotateswith the
desired angle, which acts as an argument, the
accumulator being initialized with the desired rotation
angle. At each iteration, the decision on the rotation
direction is based on the sign of the residual angle, as
shown above.
In the vector mode, the given vector rotates with the
angle which aligns the vector with the axis x, obtaining
a rotation angle, as well as the scale size of the initial
vector, the component x of the result, respectively. The
process is based on minimizing the component y, that
results at each rotation, its sign being used to determine
the direction of the following rotation. If the
accumulator was initialized with zero, at the end of the
process it will contain the desired angle.

Figure3. rotation of a vector with angle

The new coordinates (x1,y1) will be calculated
according to the old coordinates (x0,y0) and the angle ,
with the help of the following expressions:
x1 = x 0 cos y 0 sin ,

y1 = x0 sin + y 0 cos


xi +1 = K i xi y i d i 2 i

CORDIC used in the

2.3.1. Implementation of the CORDIC algorithm in

The iterative architecture results directly from the
CORDIC ecuations, implemented with the hekp of the
main block presented in figure 4:


The ecuations (1) can be written as follows:

x1 = cos( ) [x0 y 0 tg ( )] ,

y1 = cos( ) [ y 0 + x0 tg ( )]


If the rotation angles meet the relation:

tg = (+ / )2 i

then the multiplication with the term tg is reduced to a
movement operation. Thus, the rotation with an
arbitrary angle is reduced to a series of elementary
rotations, with angles i, whose direction must be set at
each iteartion i.
Cos being an even function, from the relations (2) and
Figure 4. The main CORDIC block


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This main block, completed with the necessary
hardware resources (registers, multiplexers), appears in
the execution section of an iterative CORDIC
processor. The decision function di is obtained with the
help of the register signs y or z, corresponding to the
opeartion mode: rotation or vector. The initial values x0,
y0, i=0, z0 sare initially loadedin the corresponding
registers. Next, at each clock cycle i the register
contents are transferred through the mobement circuits
and through the adding/deducting circuits in order to be
returned to the corresponding source registers. The
movement circuits get at each iteration i, the necessary
movement constant. It also provides the address
corresponding to the Table/memory in which the values
for arctg are stored. The last iteration n directly
generate sthe results from the adding/deducting circuits
The examined architecture represents the
execution unit of the CORDIC processor. The
completion of the processor architecure requires a
simple command unit, that will manage the number of
current iterations, the movement constant and the
address of the current date to be read from a Table. The
architecture is parallel at the level of a bit.
By the cascade movement of some basic CORDIC
blocks (see. Fig. 4) we obtain noniterative CORDIC
processors. In this case, the basic CORDIC blocks can
interconnect directly, without being separated through
buffer registers, which leads to the reduction of the
processing time, as opposed to the iterative version.
The diagram of a CORDIC processor block is
presented in the following figure:

Figure 5. Diagram of a CORDIC processor block

2.3.2. Simulation using the Verilog language

The module CORDIC was described in Verilog,
where the modules corresponding to the hardware
resources necessary for the algorithm mechanization
were instantiated: movement circuits, multiplexers,
memory. For the project to to be extended to different
requirements, regarding the accuracy, the size of the
registers was parametrized. A fragment from the
Verilog description of the iterative CORDIC algorithm
is presented below:

module cordic_control(CosX,SinX,theta,sign,clock,reset);
output [16:0] CosX,SinX;
input [15:0] theta;
input sign,clock,reset;
reg [16:0] CosX,SinX;
wire [16:0] cos,sin;
reg [4:0] cnt;
reg rst;
cordic mycordic(cos,sin,theta,Sign,clock,rst);
always@(posedge clock)
if (reset) begin
cnt <= 0;
CosX <= 0;
SinX <= 0;
rst <= 1;
end else if (cnt<=16)
cnt <= cnt + 1;
CosX <= cos;
SinX <= sin;
rst <= 0;
end else rst <= 1;
`define REG_SIZE 15
//Dimensiunea real a registrului este: REG_SIZE+1.
module cordic(CosX,SinX,theta,sign,clock,reset);
output [`REG_SIZE+1:0] CosX,SinX;
input [`REG_SIZE:0] theta;
input sign,clock,reset;
reg AngleCin,Xsign,Ysign;
reg [`REG_SIZE:0] X,Y,Angle;
reg [3:0] iteration;
wire [`REG_SIZE:0] tanangle;
wire [`REG_SIZE:0] BS1,BS2;
wire [`REG_SIZE:0] SumX,SumY,SumAngle;
wire CarryX,CarryY,AngleCout;
shifter SH1(BS1,Y,iteration);
Adder AddX(SumX,CarryX,Xsign,X,BS1,~AngleCin);
shifter SH2(BS2,X,iteration);
Adder AddY(SumY,CarryY,Ysign,Y,BS2,AngleCin);
assign CosX={CarryX,SumX};
assign SinX={CarryY,SumY};


The interconnection modules for the keyboard PS/2
and monitor VGA were designed , described in Verilog
and implemented to a generic processor whose structure
and functions may differ from case to case. For the
CORDIC processor, at the keyboard we introduce the
angle theta (in hexa) and on the monitor display we
obtain the results CosX and SinX (in hexa). The
calculation time for the functions CosX/SinX is given
by the number of iterations multiplied by the clock
period, the platforms Xilinx from the Spartan 3 AN

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series have a clock frequency of 50 MHz. Thus, even if
the number of iterations is high, the time period in
which the calculation is performed is very short, i.e.
nanoseconds, a few microseconds at the most.
There is also the possibility of the direct calculation
of the Sin and Cos functions using the Xilinx soft as
block instructions (similar to an assembly language),
but these are less precise and rarely used.
These functions are stored in a ROM memory. They
are defined through one functional block. The setting of
the parameters and the introduction of the sin and cos
function values is performed through a window as

Figure 7. Block diagram of a speed controller with U/f =


This obviously lends to the PWM inverter

modullation technique where we have sinusoids that
modulate impulses (the most used PWM technique is
actually the sinusoidal one).
In the process of the three-phase asynchronous
motor control one of the most important functional
blocks of the block diagram is the analyzer-phase
shifter (also performing the field orientation):

Figure 8. Block diagram of an analyzer-phase shifter

, where , d i q are the magnetic flows in the

description of the two-phase asynchronous motor,
given by the relations: = d2 + q2 ,

= cos ,

= sin , (5). Thus, we can easily see the angle

using the CORDIC algorithm, and hence the orientation

of the rotating magnetic field, because: =

Figure 6. Introduction of the Sin/Cos functions parameters

Besides the CORDIC algorithm (easy to implement

using MATLAB), there are other softs created by
Xilinx: iMPACT, OpenCore that can be used, but are
less known.
After the computation, the sin and cos functions that
describe sinusoids are applied to the speed controller of
CSF from the diagram of the asynchronous motor speed

, (6).


Octavian Hrubaru & Dimitrie Alexa: Aplicaii ale

convertoarelor statice de putere, Editura Tehnic,
Bucureti 1989;
2. tefan Grlau & Eugen Rduca: Convertoare Statice
electronica de putere, Editura Universitii Eftimie
Murgu, Reia 1994;
3. http://www.xilinx.com/publications/xcellonline/xcell_5
1/xc_pdf/xc_dsp-video51.pdf, la data de 23.05.2012;
4. Texas Instruments: F.P.G.A. Aplications Handbook,
5. S. Hauck, "The Roles of FPGAs in Reprogrammable
Systems", Proc. of IEEE, vol. 86, nr. 4, aprilie 1998;
6. C . Maxfield, "Field-programmable devices", EDN
Magazine, mai 1996;
7. R. C. Seals, G. F. Whapshott, "Programmable Logic:
PLDs and FPGAs", Mc-Graw Hill, 1997;
8. E. Tau, D. Chen, I. Eslick, J. Brown, A. DeHon, "A
First generation DPGA Implementation", Proc. of the 3rd
Canadian Workshop on Field-Programmable Devices,
mai 1995;
9. http://www.asic-world.com/vhdl/tutorial.html, la data de
10. http://www.digilentinc.com/Data/Documents/Tutorials/Xil
inx%20ISE%20WebPACK%20VHDL%20Tutorial.pdf, la
data de 23.05.2012;

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About the authors
Ph.d. student eng. Silviu Drghici:
University Eftimie Murgu Reia;
Email: silviudraghici75@yahoo.com
Military Technical Academy Graduate (Faculty of electronics and computer science), 1999 promotion;
2000, Special Telecommunications Service Engineer, Reia, Graduate Student Assistant, The University Eftimie Murgu,
Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, The "Traian Vuia" numbers 1-4, code: 320085; Member of
Professor doctor Eng. Eugen Rduca:
University Eftimie Murgu Reia;
Email: eraduca@yahoo.com;
He graduated from the Department of Automatics and computers at the University Politehnica Timisoara, in 1984;
1984-1989 engineer UCM Resita, Laboratory of Machine Tools with Numerical Command;
1989-1991 Senior researcher at the Center for Research Development of Resita Equipment;
1991 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of engineering, Resita; 1995 obtains the title of Ph.d. in UP Timisoara; 2001, get
the title of University Professor; published as author or coauthor of seven books in the country and about 100 papers in
Romania and abroad stintifice in magazines and volumes of scientific manifestations; Member of A.G.I.R.
Lecturer professor Eng. Mihaela Rduca:
University Eftimie Murgu Reia;
In 1996 he graduated from Electromechanics of Eftimie Murgu University Resita specialization, as head of Promotion;
1996-2005 Hiderom engineer Reia, Research Department-design electric-motor;
2005-Chief of works at EMU Resita;
2008-Ph.d. in automatic systems in U.P. Timioara;
2011-get the title of Lecturer Professor; published as author or coauthor of three books in the country and about 50
stintifice works in the country and abroad in magazines and volumes of scientific manifestations; Member of A.G.I.R.

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