CMDA Norms
CMDA Norms
CMDA Norms
Based on the Completion Certificate norms and procedure evolved as per the guidance of the Monitoring Committee as
stipulated in the office order 2nd cited, CMDA issues Completion Certificate to the buildings for Special and Multi Storied Buildings.
Considering the fact that many CC norms having been incorporated in the Development Regulations of the Second Master Plan and
obtaining Completion Certificate for Special and Multi Storeyed Buiding having been made mandatory as stipulated in the Second
Master Plan, a comprehensive review of the existing CC norms and procedure was taken up. The revised norms and procedure, after
detailed discussion in the Sub-Committee of the Monitoring Committee and its recommendations thereon, were placed before the
Monitoring Committee in its meeting held on 30.12.2009. After considering the recommendations of the Sub Committee, the
Monitoring Committee approved the revised CC norms and procedures.
2. Based on the minutes of the Monitoring Committee 1st cited, which were placed before the Authority on 19.01.2010 and
recorded, it is hereby ordered that
i) The revised CC norms for adoption by CMDA enclosed as Annexure-I to this order, along with guidelines, with reference to
treating the building as completed, shall replace the existing CC norms in force till now.
ii) The procedure of insistence on Compliance Report from other agencies, viz concerned Local Body, Construction Wing
(CMDA), TNPCB, Revenue Department, ELCOT and Police (Traffic) is dispensed with henceforth.
iii) However, Compliance Report from DF&RS, in the case of MSB, for issuing Completion Certificate shall be insisted upon
before issuing Completion Certificate by CMDA. The applicant shall submit the original copy of such Compliance Report,
along with the application for Completion Certificate for Multi Storeyed Buiding.
iv ) The NOC with reference to the height of the completed building shall be insisted upon from AAI/IAF wherever required,
when the height of the completed building/structure is in variance with the approved plan and exceeding the height for
which NOC was submitted at the time of issue of Planning Permission.
The above order takes immediate effect. The above mentioned revised CC norms and procedure shall be applicable to all the
cases of CC applications pending in CMDA irrespective of the status of such applications with other agencies.
This Order supersedes all the orders relating to CC norms and procedure, issued earlier.
// true copy //
The following guidelines are issued for the purpose of treating the building as completed for issue of completion certificate
In respect of commercial buildings, the following items should have been completed in all respects. However, interior completion works,
fixtures, flooring and partition need not be insisted.
1. Terrace Floor with weathering course including parapet wall
2. Lift Machine Room, OHT and Stair-case Head room
3. Electrical installations (switch boxes and fixtures not to be insisted)
4. Sanitary and water supply installations (fixtures not to be insisted)
5. Sump for water storage
6. Outer plastering of the building
7. Frames for joinery
8. No dowel rods left out in the building for vertical or horizontal expansion
9. Completion of Internal Plastering and Flooring need not be insisted
In case of residential buildings, the following items shall have been completed in the said project to consider it for issue of Completion
1. Terrace Floor with weathering course including parapet wall
2. Lift Machine Room, OHT and Stair-case Head room
3. Electrical installations (switch boxes and fixture not to be insisted)
4. Sanitary and Water Supply installations (fixtures not to be insisted)
5. Sump for Water storage
6. Outer plastering of the building
7. Frames for Joinery
8. Kitchen (Provision on Modular Kitchen is permitted provided provision for water supply / drainage is made)
9. Internal partition walls
10. No dowel rods left out in the building for vertical or horizontal expansion
11. Completion of Internal Plastering and Flooring need not be insisted.
If the building is not completed, the applicant will be advised to comply with the above items and to inform CMDA.
The applicant shall furnish the following along with the Completion Certificate Application:1) Completion Certificate Application in the prescribed format
2) Declaration by the applicant and Licensed Surveyor / Architect in the prescribed format. If the construction is Multi Storeyed
Building,declaration has to be obtained from Class-I Licensed Surveyer/Architect.
3) Copy of CMDA approved plan and letter attested by Notary Public
4) Copy of Planning Permit issued by CMDA attested by Notary Public
5) Copy of Building Permit issued by the Corporation of Chennai / Local Body attested by Notary Public
6) Copy of receipt of remittance towards Infrastructure and Amenities Charge and security deposit remittance receipt attested by Notary
Public. In case of Bank Guarantee, the copy of Bank Guarantee and the High Court order copy duly attested by Notary Public to be
7) As on site plan giving all the details of the dimensions and the set back spaces available in the building and other service utilities
attested by Licensed Surveyor / Architect and the applicant
8) In case of Town Panchayat areas and Panchayat Union areas, the following additional particulars to be provided
i) Copy of the Building permit Plan approved by the Local Body.
ii) Structural Stability certificate for the building under reference issued by the Certified Structural Engineer along with details of Design
Calculations and drawings for all the structural members
iii) Certificate from the Civil Engineer who has been associated with the construction to the effect that he was associated with the entire
constructin. The certificte shall also state that all the building materials including reinforcement, cement aggregate, mix ratio, the size of
all structural members, foundations have been used / made in accordance with the design specifications furnished by the Authorised
Structural Engineer.
iv) Undertaking to provide solar water heating system in the building to be furnished
v) Undertaking should be given to the effect that road widening portion has already been handed over to the Local Body or the land left
for road widening portions would be handed over by the flat owners, Residents Association, Shop Owners etc., on whom this undertaking
would devolve.
Spl.Buildings & Public Buildings
Multi Storeyed Buildings.
Dimension of the
The increase in the dimension of the The increase in the dimension of the building shall not
building shall not exceed 0.30 mts. in exceed 0.30 mts. in length and 0.30 mts. in width.
length and 0.30 mts. in width.
0.30 mts. reduction in set backs is The reduction of 0.30 mts. in the set back space is
allowed on all sides, subject to permissible on all sides, subject to availability of
availability of minimum set back of 1.35 minimum 6.70 mts., for the buildings of within 30
mts. height. With increase in height above 30 mts.
corresponding increase in set back to be insisted.
Increase in height of the building is Increase in height of the building is permitted not
permitted not exceeding 3% of the exceeding 5% of the building height approved as long
building height approved as long as as such increase does not constitute an additional
such increase does not exceed 15.25 floor. In such cases, additional set back for the
mts. and does not constitute an additional height increase shall be insisted on proadditional floor. In such cases, rata basis. (For instance, for a 30 mts. height building
additional set back for the additional with 5% increase in height the additional set back
height increase shall not be insisted.
insisted will be 0.25 mts.)
However, the height should be within the height
permitted by AAI / IAF.
FSI Tolerance limit will be 0.03 of FSI FSI Tolerance limit will be 0.03 of FSI or 50,
or 50 floor area whichever is floor area whichever is higher over and above the
higher over and above the permissible permissible FSI.
Architectural projection a) Upto 1.0 mt. service ducts are Service ducts upto 1.0 mt. here and there and not to
& service ducts
permissible here and there and not to the entire width and length of the building and
the entire width and length of the Architectural projection upto 0.60m. in width where it
is continuous and upto 1.0 mt. where it is disb) Architectural projection at terrace continuous are permissible, subject to availability of
floor can be permitted continuously upto minimum clear set back of 6.70 mts. where required
1.2 mts. in width subject to availability set back is 7.0 mts. and minimum clear set back of
of minimum clear set back space of 2.0 7.70 mts. where required set back is 8.0 mts. and
mts. from the property boundary / street minimum set back of 8.70m. where required set back
is 9.0 mts.and so on
c) In case of buildings wherein approval
has been given with 1.50 mts. RSB,
only upto 0.60 mts. architectural
projection can be permitted subject to
availability of clear 0.90mts. RSB as
presently allowed.
d) Architectural projection at other floors
can be permitted only upto 0.60mts. in
width where it is a continuous
projection and upto 1.0 mt. in width
where it is discontinuous.
Inter connection
between two flats
Change in the position Permissible as long as it does not affect Permissible as long as it does not affect driveway of
of the columns and minimum 3.00 mts. driveway for minimum 3.00 mts. for vehicular movement and the
new vehicular movement and the no. of no. of minimum parking lots required as per approved
columns in the stilt floor. minimum parking lots required as per plan and left as car parking space . Movement and
approved plan is left as car parking parking of required number of cars on ground can be
space. Movement and parking of taken irrespective of certain deviations from the
required number of cars on ground can approved plan, subject to conformity to DR provision
be taken irrespective of certain relating to Parking and Driveway.
deviations from the approved plan,
subject to conformity to DR provision
relating to Parking and Driveway.
between If on site measurements are less than If on site measurements are less than originally
dimension originally approved from PLR line, but approved from PLR line, but even this lesser set
and site dimension
even this lesser set backs on the site backs on the site confom to DCR - Permissible.
confom to DCR - Permissible.
As per the provision of the Development As per the provision of the Development Regulation in
Regulation in force.
Unsupported Entrance
Portico / Canopy
As per the provision of the Development As per the provision of the Development Regulation in
Regulation in force.
Permissible for elevation purpose in the Permissible for elevation purpose in the terrace not
terrace not exceeding 10% area of the exceeding 10% area of the respective floor. Pergola
respective floor. Pergola projections in projections in other places will be treated as
other places will be treated as architectural features, as per the provisions of the DR
architectural features, as per the in force.
provisions of the DR in force.
Change in location of incidental use Change in location of incidental use within non-FSI
within non-FSI area permissible limit.
area permissible limit.
Permissible in the set back space Permissible after leaving 6.70 mts., set back and
without affecting parking and driveway without affecting parking and driveway and not
and not exceeding 1.5 mts. above the exceeding 1.5 mts. above the ground level.
ground level.
Should be provided.
Compound Wall
constructed including
the land left for road
Fire license
Compliance Certificate from DF&RS not Compliance Certificate from DF&RS is required.
required, provided the building height
does not exceed 15.25 mts.
OSR land
As the OSR space is vested with CMDA As the OSR space is vested with CMDA / Local Body,
/ Local Body, no structure shall be no structure shall be constructed / erected on OSR
constructed / erected on OSR land.
Should be provided.
Structures permitted in
the set back area
Access steps to Ground floor and Access steps to Ground floor and ramps, (without
ramps, (without affecting ventilation of affecting ventilation of Basement Floor) closed Well,
Basement Floor) closed Well, Water and Water and Sewage Treatment Plant, Generator, Box
Sewage Treatment Plant, Generator, type transformers are permitted in the set back area
Box type transformers are permitted in subject to availability of minimum set back of 6.7 mts.
the set back area subject to availability and satisfying the parking requirements.
of minimum driveway of 3.00 mts. and
parking requirements as per the
approved plan.
Structures permitted in
the Terrace Floor
AC Plant and Two toilets in every block AC Plant and Two toilets in every block are permitted
are permitted in the Terrace Floor. in the Terrace Floor. Architectural feature in the
Architectural feature in the periphery on periphery on the top most floor (Terrace Floor) up to
the top most floor (Terrace Floor) up to 3.00 mts. height is permissible subject to the
3.00 mts. height is permissible subject condition that the portion constructed over allowable
to the condition that the portion 1.5 mts. height parapet wall shall be non continuous
constructed over allowable 1.5 mts. with solid portion not exceeding 50% of the surface
height parapet wall shall be non area.
continuous with solid portion not
exceeding 50% of the surface area.
Association Room
20 area of Association room is 20 area of Association room is permitted for
permitted for each Block in Stilt Floor each Block in Stilt Floor without affecting Parking
without affecting Parking requirement. requirement.