Planning Permission and Building License: Preamble
Planning Permission and Building License: Preamble
Planning Permission and Building License: Preamble
For any type of developments two type of approvals has to be obtained. First, is the
planning permission which is governed by the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971
and with the rules in Development regulations of second master plan in Chennai Metropolitan
Development Authority/Development control rules of DT&CP area. Second, is the building license
which is governed by the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 in Municipal limits and
respective city Municipal Corporation Act of concerned corporation area rules and by laws made
there under.
CMDA is the appropriate authority for issuing planning permission for special buildings,
multi storeyed buildings and group development within CMDA jurisdiction
Buildings exceeding 4 floors including Ground Floor and more than 15.25 meters
in height. (However in cases of hospitals, buildings not exceeding 4 floors and or 17 meters height
will be construed as non multi-storeyed buildings)
For commercial buildings having G.F+ one floors of single building not exceeding total
floor area 2000 sq.ft., and (as per the delegation given by the DTCP Roc.No.9862/2010 P.A.1,
Dt: 14/06/2010) cottage industries
1) Building Plan with details of group plan, elevations and sections and sections of the
building and a specification of the work. Demolition deed, 2 Nos of statistics form, 13
years of encumbrance certificate, copy of layout if necessary, also an undertaking to
the Executive Authority if site is located within 15 meters from water body not to
discharge any effluent into the water body
2) The details of the building what to be used as Residential, Commercial, Industrial,
Educational and Institutional buildings, etc., or combination of one or more usages to
be mentioned in the plan.
3) Application should be signed by the owner/power agent and approved licensed
surveyor of local body with required documents and necessary No objection certificate
required at preconstruction stage prescribed and should be submitted through
online/in office.
4) After receiving the application and plan site inspection will be done by the local body
staff/officers normally in 7 days of time. If plan and applications are according to rules
and regulations, the fees remittance details shall be communicated to the applicant
and approval given if not satisfied the rules application will be rejected within 30
days(section 200 & 201 of the TNDM act 1920)
5) After remittance of all fees and charges the building license will be issued to the
applicant in the public domain (for fees/charges applicant may access the website of
concerned ULB).
6) The building license issued is valid for three years from the date of issue. The owner
should construct and complete the building as per the plan within the period prescribed
and intimate the completion of building to the authorities after completion of building
in all aspects and fit for occupation partly/fully with necessary post construction No
objection certificate
(b) The Government may, either suo motto or on appeal against any order of the
authority empowered by them, pass such orders, as deemed fit, provided, such an
appeal is made within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order of the authority
empowered by the Government:
10) After grant of Building license, the applicant has to inform for inspection by
the ULB official, as and when the building reached the plinth level of Ground Floor.
On receipt of information the Town Planning Inspector Shall inspect within 7 days.
The Applicant shall intimate for inspection by ULB officials when the construction of
the buildings is completed and fit for occupation. On receipt of intimation officials
from Town Planning section & Health section shall jointly inspect and recommend to
Revenue Section for the assessment of property tax, if all the provisions are complied
as per approval.
Application procedure and documents required
Scenario I: Applicant applies for both Planning Permission (PP) and Building License
(BL) with ULB:
Documents to be enclosed: (Note: All the documents submitted by the applicant needs to be
duly signed by the licensed surveyor/ engineers (from the jurisdiction of municipality), (or)
Architect (from anywhere is India))
I-The procedure for application and approval of the file for Planning Permission and
Building License:
6. Junior Assistant Gets an intimation about the payment done by the applicant
(Town Planning) Verifies the payment done by the applicant
Forwards the application to commissioner for generating the final
approval certificate in 2 days
7. Commissioner Provides the final approval in 2 days and the system generates the
final certificate document. Simultaneously applicant is informed of
the approval through SMS and e-Mail. Applicant can download the
certificate online.
Note: The scanned signature of the commissioner is super imposed
automatically by the system on the certificate.
8. Junior Assistant Takes the print out and files it for record as well as send the hard
(Town Planning) copy to the petitioner.
9. Applicant Applicant update the plinth level completion status of building
through portal for second level inspection.
If any deviation in construction applicant apply for revised plan by the
request for approval.
Is there any violation should be rectified by the applicant.
10. Planning Section Based on the request TPI/TPO will visit and update the inspection
reports within 7 days.
11. Applicant Applicant update the final completion status through portal
12. Health & Based on the request final inspection has to be done by the TP &
Planning wing health section officials and report in 7 days.
After completion of inspection intimation will be given to Revenue
Section for initiating process of fixation of property tax.
II-Procedure for application for Building License with ULB after getting Planning
Permission from CMDA/DTCP.
4. Commission Scrutinizes the file and the inspection reports, remarks given by TPI, TPO
er and take the decision for approval of the application in 3 days.
Once the approval is given by the commissioner the system will automatically
generate the “Demand” and a sms and email is sent to the applicant asking
him to make the payment in 5 days.
Note: If required the commissioner may also do inspection (ex: MSB, special
5. Applicant Makes the payment in the “MyDues” tab in the portal
6. Junior Gets an intimation about the payment done by the applicant
Assistant Verifies the payment done by the applicant
(Town Forwards the application to commissioner for generating the final approval
Planning) certificate in 2 days
7. Commission Provides the final approval in 2 days and the system generates the final
er certificate document. Simultaneously applicant is informed of the approval
through SMS and e-Mail. Applicant can download the certificate online.
Note: The scanned signature of the commissioner is super imposed
automatically by the system on the certificate.
8. Junior Takes the print out and files it for record as well as send the hard copy to the
Assistant petitioner.
9. Applicant Applicant update the plinth level completion status of building through portal
for second level inspection.
If any deviation in construction applicant apply for revised plan by the request
for approval.
Is there any violation should be rectified by the applicant.
10. Planning Based on the request TPI/TPO will visit and update the inspection reports
Section within 7 days.
11. Applicant Applicant update the final completion status through portal
12. Health & Based on the request final inspection has to be done by the TP & health
Planning section officials and report in 7 days.
wing After completion of inspection intimation will be given to Revenue Section for
initiating process of fixation of property tax.
Documents to be enclosed:
Application under Section 49 of the Tami Nadu Town and Country Planning Act 1971 for obtaining
Permission for development of lands/building
: Address
The Commissioner
--------------------------------------------- Municipality/Corporation
a) A layout plan or site plan of the land proposed to be developed and /or on which the
building is to be constructed/reconstructed/ altered or added showing the following
i) The correct boundaries of the lands for which the layout is prepared
ii) The Positions and dimensions of the individual building sites with their
iii) The extent, Survey numbers and the position of the lands in relation to
neighboring streets and lands with information as to their respective names of numbers
and widths and whether they are Public or Private
iv) The Principle and Secondary means of access from the existing Streets to the
site or sites for building construction which I/We intend to provide
v) The direction, intended level and width of such street access and lane with
vi) The proposed street alignment and building lines for the existing and new streets
to be formed
vii) The width of carriage way and street margin intended to be left and the
arrangements to be made for leveling, paving metalling, flagging, channeling, Serving,
draining, lighting the street and lanes and the period within which the works will be executed
viii) The Purpose for which each site is to be used and
ix) The reservations proposed for common amenities and facilities
b) The reservations proposed for common amenities and facilities
A Plan or Plans of the building showing a ground plan, Plan of each floor and
elevations and drawn to a scale of 1 centimeter to one meter (or any other scale
of permitted by appropriate planning authority) and the character of utilization of
the building whether pucca buildings or huts, residential buildings or shops,
business premises, warehouses, religious buildings, factories, public buildings or
any other buildings meant for particular uses.
I/ We request that the development proposed may be approved and that permission may
be accorded.
2. I/We agree not to do any work otherwise than in accordance with the plan which have
been approved by the appropriate planning authority
3. I/We agree to furnish any further information which has not already been given
whenever the appropriate planning authority requires and provide such particulars to
satisfy it that there are no objections they may lawfully be taken for the grant of
4. I/We agree to keep one of the approved plan at the site of the development at all times
such plans are available at all times for the inspection of the appropriate planning
authority or any officer authorized by him in that behalf.
5. I/We agree not to start execution of work unless/ I/ We obtained permit for laying out
roads/ or building permit under the Corporation Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act
1920/Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act 1958 or any other act regulating such developments
or construction, as the case may be from the concerned local authority
…………………… Municipality
Application under Section (197, 204, 208, 213 or 215 as the case may be),
of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920).
Rule 3(1) of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules, 1966.
Address …………………………..
(a) A site plan of the land on which the building is to be constructed / reconstructed /
altered or added (complying with the requirements of Appendix C of the rules); and
(b) A plan or plans of the building showing a ground plan of each floor, elevations and
section (complying with the requirements of Appendix C of the rules); and
(c) A specification of work (complying with the requirements of Appendix D of the rules).
I intend to use the building only as a house/not as dwelling house but for the purpose
I request that the site may be approved and that permission may be accorded to execute the said
(i) I agree not to proceed with the execution of the work until approval is signified by the
Executive Authority under section 200 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil
Nadu Act V of 1920) or permissions is granted by the said authority under section 201 or section
210, as the case may be, or by the Municipal Council under section 202 or section 211 of the said
(ii) I agree not to do any work otherwise than in accordance with the site and building plans
and specifications which have been approved or in contravention of any of the provisions of the
Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920(Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) or any rule, byelaw, order
or other declaration made thereunder or of any direction or requisition lawfully given or made
under the said Act, rules or byelaws.
(iii) I agree to make any alterations which may be required by any notice issued or by any
order confirmed by the Executive Authority under section 205 or section 216 of the Tamil Nadu
District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920), as the case may be.
(iv) I agree to keep one of the approved site plan and one set of copies of the sanctioned
plans of the buildings at the site of the building at all times when the work is in progress and also
agree to see that such plans are available and the building is open at all time for the inspection of
the Executive Authority or any officer authorized by him in that behalf.
(v) I agree to give notice to the Executive Authority in accordance with section 89 of the
Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920(Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) and furnish a set of
completion plans within fifteen days from the date of completion or occupation of the building.,
whichever is earlier”.
(vi) I also agree not to occupy the building that will be constructed or reconstructed by me,
or cause or permit it to be occupied until I have obtained a certificate from an officer of the Public
Health Department of the Municipality as required by sections 26 and 33 of the Tamil Nadu Public
Health Act, 1939(Tamil Nadu Act III of 1939).
___________________ khefuh£Á
___________________ CORPORATION
------------------------ khefuh£Á r£l« 1981 ÃçÎfŸ 272, 273, 287, 288 k‰W« 1972
« tUl¤Âš jäœehL kht£l efuh£ÁfŸ f£ol éÂfŸ (é¡F 3(1) ‹ goÍ« cçk« nfhU«
Application under Section (Section 272, 273, 287, 288 as the case may be) of the
…………………………. Municipal Corporation 1981 ( TamilNadu Act 2581) (See Rule 3(1) of
Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules,1972)
mD¥òe® ehŸ
From Date
cçikahs® bga®
Name of the Owner
ãuªju éyhr«
Permanent Address
Mizahs® mt®fŸ
The Commissioner
………………………….. khefuh£Á
…………………………..City Municipal Corporation
(M) Ñœjs«, nkšjs« k‰W« Kf¥ò njh‰w« M»at‰iw¡ fh£L« tiugl« (m)
A Plan or plans of the building showing a ground plan, plan of each floors, elevation and
section (complying with the requirements of Appendix C of the Rules)
I intend to use the building only as dwelling house/not as dwelling house but for the
purpose of
kidæš f£ol« f£l m§Ñfhukë¤J f£ol ntiy Mu«Ã¡f mDk më¡f nf£L¡
I request that the site may be approved and that permission may be accorded to execute
I agree not to proceed with the execution of the work until approval is signified by
he Executive authority under section 274 of the City Municipal Corporation Act 1981
or permission is granted by the said authority under section 287 or 288 as the case
may be, by the Municipal Council under section 274, 287 or 288 of the said Act.
I agree not to do any work otherwise than in accordance with the site and
building plans and specifications which have been approved or in contravention of any
of the provisions of the …………………….. City Municipal Corporation Act 1981 of any
rule by law order or other declaration made thereunder or of any direction of requisition
lawfully given or made under the said Act, rules or by-laws
I agree to make any alterations which may be required by any notice issued or by any
or deconfirmed by the Executive authority under section 282 of section 296 of
the……………………………. City Municipal Corporation Act 1981.
I agree to keep one copy of the approved site plan and one set of copies of the
sanctioned plan of the building at the site of the building all times when the work is in
progress and also agree to see that such plans are available and the building is
opened all time for the inspection of the Executive authority of any officer authorized
by him in that behalf
5. khefuh£Á r£l« 1981 ÃçÎ 129 ‹ go f£ol« f£o Ko¡f¥g£L 15 eh£fŸ mšyJ
f£ol¤Âš Fona¿a ehŸ Ïš vJ K‹dnjh mj‰FŸ ÅL Kotilªj‰fhd KoÎ
m¿¡if khefuh£Á MizaU¡F rk®¥Ã¡f nt©L« v‹w ãgªjid¡F r«k¡»nw‹.
I agree to give notice to the Executive authority in accordance with section 129 of
the City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981 and furnish a set of completion plans within
fifteen days from the date of completion of occupation of the building whichever is earlier
6. jäœehL bghJ Rfhjhu r£l« 1939 éÂfŸ 26 k‰W« 33 š f©LŸsthW khefuh£Á
ey¤Jiw mYty®fëläUªJ cça rh‹WfŸ mšyJ Fonaw c¤ÂuÎ bgW«
tifæš òÂjhf kh‰w« brŒJ f£l¥g£l f£ol¤Âš FoæU¤jš TlhJ v‹w
ãgªjid¡F r«k¡»nw‹.
I also agree not to occupy the building that will be constructed or re-constructed by me
or cause of permit is to be occupied. Until I have obtained a certification from an officer
of the Public Health Department of the Corporation as required by section 26 and 33
of the Madras Public Health Act 1939.
Form of undertaking to be executed by (1) Land Owner or (2) Registered Power of Attorney
Holder as applicant and Licensed Building surveyor.
1) I have applied for the Planning and building permission for construction of ..................
building in survey ward no..................... block no. .......................... T.S. No. or
S.F.No........................................ Street / Road in ...............................................
Locality by submitting an application to the Corporation / Municipality ...........................
street, ..................... in accordance with the Planning & building norms prescribed
under prevailing Development & Building Rules. I am associated with project as Land
Owner / Power or Attorney Holder / Builder / promoter. I assure that I will put up the
construction only in accordance with the approved plan without any deviation and if
any construction is later on found not in accordance with the approved plan and any
unauthorized addition is made. I agree for the forfeiture of the fees collected which
issuing Planning Permission, and also agree to demolish such a deviation marked by
the Corporation / Municipality failing which apart from forfeiture of fees. Corporation /
Municipality failing which apart from forfeiture of fees, Corporation / Municipality may
demolish or cause to demolish such unauthorized or deviated constructions at the site
under reference and recover the cost of demolition from me.
3) I further assure that I will not convert any place of the construction in contravention to
approved plan, especially in respect of car parking as specified in the sanctioned plan.
At any time in future, I will not convert the car parking on stilts by covering them fully,
and use the car parking space for any other purposes. If any construction work in car
parking place, converting it either as a flat or for any other purposes, is done either by
me or by successor or by any other person to whom the said construction is transferred
in future, without getting appropriate permission for doing so from the competent
Authority, the Corporation / Municipality is at liberty at any time to take action to remove
any structural modification or usage and the expenses incurred by the corporation is
recoverable from me / my successor or from any other person to whom the said
construction is transferred in future.
4) I hereby undertake that I am jointly responsible with the land Owner / Power of Attorney
Holder / Builder / Promoter to carry out the development in accordance with the
permission granted and also for payment or development charges, security deposit,
scrutiny fee and for all other charges levied from time to time by the Corporation and
also liable for penal provisions for developments made in contravention of the
Development Control Rules and any other in force. I assure that I will not deviate /
violate the space / setback / open space around the building.
5) I assure that I will put up the construction only in accordance with the approved plan
without any deviation and violation and if it is found later on, that the construction is
not is accordance with the plan and any unauthorized addition is made or any violation
is noticed, I agree to cancel the permission so granted, forfeiture of the fees, charges,
whatever it may be remitted by me, and also agree to demolish the deviation portion
at my cost by the City Municipal Corporation.
6) I never discharge any drainage water or effluent into nearby tank, reservoir, water –
course, river, fresh water channel or well and also not contaminate any water bodies
(as per Building rule-7).
7) I am fully aware that if any information submitted by me is found incorrect and if any
fraudulent activity is noticed by the Corporation / Municipality subsequently. I agree
to cancel the permissions so granted apart from taking action against me and the
Licensed Building Surveyor.
Affix two rupees
court fee stamp
Signed before me
On Deponent
Before me
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation
Schedule I/II – Return for the year ending 31 March……………………………. (Schedule I is to
filled by all field units of Central / State Construction Agencies and Central / State PSUs if the
total cost of the projects undertaken, new or Continuing, costing Rs. 25,00,000 or more. Schedule
II is to filled by all builders in the Class, I, II and selected Class III to VI towns)
14. Remarks
Codes for:
Item 4 : CPWD -1, MES – 2, Railways-3, P & T-4, Central PSU-5, State PSU-6,
Individual – 9
Item 11 : Started and Completed current year-1, Started in earlier year and Completed in
current year-2, Ongoing from previous years-3, Started in Current year and
continuing -4.