335457.matijevic Sokol - Thomas Archdeacon 1200 - 1268
335457.matijevic Sokol - Thomas Archdeacon 1200 - 1268
335457.matijevic Sokol - Thomas Archdeacon 1200 - 1268
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
Thomas for hating both the Croats and Hungarians because he was a diehard Latin, which he proudly emphasized, and that his writing bears the
stamp of his political convictions. Even today, Lujo Margeti, based on
interpretations of the portrayal of the earliest eras of Croatian history in the
Historia Salonitana, considers Thomas explicitly hostile to the Croats, while
Nada Klai recognized that age-old and still present rural-urban antagonism in Thomass political opinions, speculating that he may have even been
a Croat.
Thomas was born in 1200 or 1201, and withdrew from public life in
1266, and based on his tombstone it is known for certain that he died on
May 8, 126810 and that he was interred in the Franciscan church on the Riva
in Split. The entirely undecorated tombstone bears an inscription in Latin in
verse which indicates the affinity of Archdeacon Thomas for the Franciscan
worldview. The composer of the verses believed that the epitaph should
reflect the views of Thomas:
Doctrinam, Christe, docet archidiaconus iste
Thomas, hanc tenuit moribus et docuit:
Mundum sperne, fuge vicium, carnem preme, luge
pro vite fruge, lubrica lucra fuge.
Spalatumque dedit ortum, quo vita recedit.
Dum mors succedit vite, mea gloria cedit.
Hic me vermis edit, sic iuri mortis obedit
corpus quod ledit, animamve qui sibi credit.
A. D. MCCLXVIII, mense Madii, octavo die intrante.
Izidor Krnjavi, Prilozi historiji salonitani Tome arcidjakona Spljetskoga, Vjestnik kr.
hrvatsko-slavonsko-dalmatinskog Zemaljskog arkiva II (1900): 129-169.
Lujo Margeti, Historia Salonitana i Historia Salonitana Maior neka pitanja, Historijski
zbornik XLVII (1994), 1:1-36.
Nada Klai, Povijest Hrvata u ranom srednjem vijeku (Zagreb, 1971), p. 23; Ibid., Povijest Hrvata
u razvijenom srednjem vijeku (Zagreb, 1976), p. 208.
Thomas cites 1230 as the year of his appointment as archdeacon and that he was thirty years of age, so it follows that he was born in 1200 or 1201. See: Thomas Archidiaconus,
Historia Salonitana (hereinafter: Thomas), Scriptores, vol. III, digessit Fr. Raki (Zagrabiae 1894
Zagreb, 1984), p. 107; Historia Salonitana: Thomae Archidiaconi, Historia Salonitanorum atque
Spalatinorum pontificum Toma Arhiakon, Povijest salonitanskih i splitskih prvosveenika, (hereinafter: Historia Salonitana, 2003) (bilingual Latin-Croatian edition). Foreword, Latin text, critical
analysis and Croatian translation by Olga Peri. Historical commentary by Mirjana Matijevi
Sokol. The study Toma Arhiakon i njegovo djelo by Radoslav Katii (Split: Knjievni krug,
2003), p. 172; Thomae Archidiaconi Spalatensis Historia Salonitanorum atque Spalatinorum pontificum Archdeacon Thomas of Split: History of the Bishops of Salona and Split (hereinafter: Historia
Salonitana, 2006), Damir Karbi, Mirjana Matijevi Sokol, Olga Peri and James Ross Sweeney,
eds. (Budapest: CEU Press, 2006); p. 198.
The Historia Salonitana ends with the events of 1266, so it is assumed that the last two
years of his life were dedicated to writing this text.
Kerubin egvi published the text of Thomass tombstone. Op. cit., p. 120.
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
was the case with Grgur (Gregory) of Bribir, whom he described with great
appreciation. He wrote that Grgur was very rich and powerful, thoughtful
and adept in governance, and that there was not a more powerful man in
Croatia than he who had vanquished all of his enemies (uir potens et diues,
et in administrandis rebus satis circumspectus et strenuus ... nec erat in tota prouintia
Chroatie, qui tanta potentie prerogatiua polleret; omnes enim inimicos suos superauerat), but when he was elected prince of Split, he did not solely deal with the
city due to his many duties and appointed a regent, and Split, Thomas said,
was like a widow (quia civitas quasi uidua sine rectoris gubernatione).27 Obviously
this was a very understandable assessment of the situation by a Split native
and a sound reason for the application of his own ideas.
To resolve the situation in the city, Thomas believed that it was necessary to bring a foreigner into the city based on the model of the communes
in Italy and Provence a paid chief official and impartial city administrator. To be sure, this new idea would hardly have been feasible without the
support of the moral authorities. At that time, the followers of St. Francis
were already present in Split, and they enjoyed a high reputation due to
their modesty. Apparently sharing Thomass views, they came to his aid at
that time and extolled the populace, torn between the two opposing sides
in the city, to unity and accord, and to have an administrator brought in
from the Apennine Peninsula. Thomas and Miha Madijev received authorization from their fellow citizens and set off for Ancona to find a person
to serve as administrator. In Ancona they sought the advice of the Ancona
podesteria, which directed them to a respected Franciscan. They placed full
confidence in his recommendation and selected Gargano de Arscindis, who
arrived in Split on 15 May 1239. Gargano served three one-year terms as
podest. According to Thomass description, this was an era of order in the
city,28 particularly important to the codification of city ordinances and customs, which were registered in a capitulary. It is not difficult to assume that
all of this was done precisely under the influence of Thomas and probably
his direct participation as an individual well-versed in law, and also in the
citys rules and customs. Legal historians assert that Thomas, in his selection of rules and customs to codify, was a proponent of the noble caste,
and not an interpreter of the popular will, although the claim that he preferred the so-called Latin character of Split does not stand.29 This successful move for Split had far-reaching consequences, as subsequent city statutes
in Dalmatia, including that of Split, contained provisions that the podests
of cities cannot be from the city itself nor its near hinterland.30 In general,
Thomas, p. 113; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 182-183; Historia Salonitana, 2006, pp. 210-213.
Thomas, pp. 117-125; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 194-215; Historia Salonitana, 2006, pp.
Statut grada Splita, edited and translated by Antun Cvitani (Split: Knjievni krug, 1985),
p. XVI.
Op. cit., pp. 37-38: Book One, Chapt. XVIII, notes that the podest or administrator of
the city of Split and his officials and entourage shall not be from the Slavic (i.e. Croatian
translators note) lands nor from the province of Dalmatia.
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
from Italy, Gerard of Modena, Paul and Andrew, he served as witness to the
peace agreement between Split and Trogir, and he also performed delicate
missions for Pope Alexander IV (1254-1261).36 This speaks sufficiently of
the reputation of this trustworthy and scholarly individual. After the death
of Archbishop Rogerius (1250-1266), whom he esteemed more than others,
he retired from public life, and, it would appear, dedicated himself to writing his lifes work.
If not for Thomass chronicle, all that would be known of him based on
other historical sources was that he was an educated medieval priest and
nothing more. However, the need of Archdeacon Thomas to write, regardless of whether this partially entailed his need to for self-justification or
apology, enriched medieval Croatia with a work that far exceeded the confines of its time and place. The Historia Salonitana is a monument more
durable than brass.
Kerubin egvi characterized Thomass work as literary in external form,
historical in content, and didactic in purpose and intention.37 Namely,
Thomas intended to write a history of the Church in Split as the successor
to the metropolitan rights of Salona, and thus the title Historia Salonitana.
But he also wanted to justify his own successes and failures. Just as other
historical events intertwined around the main theme, Church history since
Apostolic times, so too is it a significant work for Croatian history as it
encompasses some matters from its earliest periods. Here it has historiographic importance, while for the period of Thomass active involvement
in public affairs it bears the features of a memoir. Thomas himself wrote
that it was written on the basis of original sources, traditions and differing views (partim scripta, partim relata, partim opinionem sequentes)38 and this is
precisely why it is classified as unique not only in Croatia but in the broader European context. On this occasion, attention shall be accorded to three
historiographic themes that Thomas covered. These are the overview of the
history of the Split, and also Salona, Archdiocese, those sections which deal
with individual episodes in Croatian history and some aspects and reflections on European history.
Overview of Church history: The basic theme of the Historia Salonitana is
to present the history of the Church in Split which, as the successor to the
Church in Salona, inherited the archdiocesan and metropolitan authority
over most of the Croatian state territory in the Middle Ages. Because of this,
Nenad Ivi placed it in the genre of so-called gesta episcoporum, meaning a
chronicle which tells of events from the past of individual Church organizations as a specific literary medieval form.39 The recounting of events associCD IV, Zagreb 1906, p. 197; CD V, Zagreb 1907, p. 162.
K. egvi, op. cit., p. 143.
Thomas, p. 34; Historia Salonitana, 2003 , p. 30; Historia Salonitana, 2006, 34.
Ivi states that the so-called gesta episcoporum is a type of history popular from the ninth
to the end of the eighteenth centuries, which in their lists and catalogues in uninterrupted
sequences emphasize the inheritance of a certain service, creating something of a diocesan
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
Croatian historiography has been the subject of the most debate, for it is
closely tied to the fundamental questions of coexistence between several
Dalmatian cities and the Croatian state in the territory up to the Drava River
in Pannonia. Historiographic views vary. Thomas here certainly demonstrated all of the weaknesses of a biased individual who did not wish to clarify the most important moment in the succession of the privileges of one
church organization by another, for this right was exercised under ambiguous circumstances. Thomas studied at the most prestigious law school of his
time and was familiar with canon law, which was obvious based on many
examples. He knew that Zadar, as the metropolis of the Byzantine province,
should have assumed metropolitan authority. The struggle of the Church in
Split to ensure its legitimacy, which rested on the relics of St. Domnio, influenced Thomas, so the chapter on John of Ravenna, like the one on St.
Domnio, was among the least founded and most biased with the objective of
obfuscation and maintaining the unquestioned privileges of the Split
Archdiocese.47 For that period of Church history in Split after the appearance of John of Ravenna to the his own time, Thomas provided data on
those archbishops of whom there are memories (de quibus extat memoria).48
He then dedicated one chapter to the exemption of the bishop of Upper
Dalmatia and a particularly long chapter to the reformist Split Archbishop
Lawrence, whose service was marked by three Croatian kings. Furthermore,
he wrote about the establishment of the Hvar Diocese, Archbishop Manas,
the exemption of the Zadar Diocese and the famed Split Archbishop
Raynerius, who is honoured as a martyr in the legends of the Church in
Split. The conclusion of this sequence is a chapter on two archbishops named
Peter. Thomas wrote about the archbishops who succeeded John of Ravenna
by transcribing the catalogue notations which are held by the Split
Archdiocese. These notations are particularly important to Croatian history,
because the archbishops are dated according to Croatian, Frankish and
Byzantine rulers, so this chapter was especially used in the establishment of
a chronology for the earliest Croatian history.49 Thomas covered the archbishops of his time based on the principles of memoirist literature, and since
there are other preserved historical sources, it is not difficult to ascertain
which are historical facts and which are Thomass subjective viewpoints. To
be sure, Thomass political convictions and views come to the fore precisely
in the descriptions of those persons he knew and events in which he participated. It has already been noted that he wrote positively of Archbishop
Bernardo, while he conflicted with both Guncellus and Hugrin. He also
touched upon the attempt to unify the Split Archdiocese with the Zagreb
N. Klai, Ivan Ravenjanin i osnutak splitske metropolije, Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju
dalmatinsku LXVLXVII (19631965 published in 1971): 209-249; L. Margeti, op. cit., pp.
20-23; Neven Budak, Prva stoljea Hrvatske (Zagreb, 1994), pp. 83-86; Ivo Goldstein, Hrvatski
rani srednji vijek (Zagreb, 1995), pp. 135-138. All views and my elaborated position: Mirjana
Matijevi Sokol, Toma Arhiakon i njegovo djelo. Rano doba hrvatske povijesti, pp. 75-114.
Thomas, p. 35; Historia Salonitana, 2003, p. 52; Historia Salonitana, 2006, p. 58.
L. Margeti, op. cit., 13-20.
Diocese under Zagreb Bishop Stjepan, which did not succeed. Nada Klai
judged that Archdeacon Thomas was not a good historian in his presentation of the Salona and Split Churches. 50 It is true that his bias actually
obscured some key events even more, although on the other hand one cannot overlook the fact that Thomass historiographic approach surpassed that
of many contemporaries. Even though the text was composed in the thirteenth-century literary tradition as a gesta episcoporum, it touched upon
many events important to Croatian and European history and when he
digressed from these main themes he returned to them with the words sed
iam ad propositum redeamus (but let us return to the main subject)51, his ergo
breuiter prelibatis, nunc ad materiam redeamus (since we have briefly presented
this, let us return to the subject)52 and he wrote about many events precisely on the basis of written testimony. The method whereby he employed
them and the fact that he used them placed Thomas above his contemporaries and many writers of later centuries as well.53
Episodes in Croatian history: All historians who dealt with the earliest periods of Croatian history could not bypass the Historia Salonitana. It was not
always simple to resolve the problems raised by Thomas due to a shortage of
reliable written sources, but everything he recorded helped despite the shortcomings entailed by their use. The description of the arrival of the Croats
merits attention. The so-called Goth theory, i.e. Thomass identification of
the Croats as Goths, served many as the principal argument that Thomas
hated the Croats.54 Since the Priest of Dioclea resolved this matter similarly, it is believed that both had used the same source.55 The most important
information which Thomas provides in the catalogue of the Split bishops
(archbishops) is the dating by Frankish and Byzantine, but also Croatian
rulers. He mentioned Branimir, Trpimir, Muncimir, Tomislav, Drislav and
Kreimir. The note accompanying Drislav, that since his rule Byzantium
accorded the royal designation to Croatian rulers, has been the subject of
much debate.56 Lujo Margeti believes that Thomas did not obtain the data
on the titles of Croatian rulers, beginning with Drislav, from a catalogue, but
rather that it was the result of his own assessment and conclusions based on
some other historical sources.57 Based on historical sources, Thomas wrote
N. Klai, Povijest Hrvata u ranom srednjem vijeku, p. 23.
Propositum is a term for a rhetorical thesis or main theme.
Thomas, p. 92, 99, 171, 185; Historia Salonitana, 2003, p. 142, 145, 242, 268; Historia Salonitana,
2006, p. 164, 178, 286, 318.
See: Mirjana Matijevi Sokol, Toma Arhiakon i njegovo djelo. Rano doba hrvatske povijesti, pp.
L. Margeti, op. cit., pp. 11-13, 33.
Ferdo ii, Letopis Popa Dukljanina (BelgradeZagreb, 1928); Radoslav Katii, Vetustiores
ecclesiae spalatensis memoriae, Starohrvatska prosvjeta, ser. III. (1988), no. 17: 17-51; Eduard
Perii, Sclavorum regnum Grgura Barskog. Ljetopis popa Dukljanina (Zagreb, 1991).
F. ii, Povijest Hrvata u vrijeme narodnih vladara (Zagreb, 1925); N. Klai, Povijest Hrvata u
ranom srednjem vijeku.
L. Margeti, op. cit., p. 18.
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
about Archbishop Lawrence, the great reformer who stood in line with Pope
Gregory VII (1073-1085). About him, he writes that the Croatian rulers (and
Thomas dates him to the time of Stjepan, Kreimir and Zvonimir) issued
many deeds on old and new donations of property to the Split Church.58
Thomas also mentions a council held in Nin at which Zvonimir, the Croatian
king, confirmed the donation of the Church of St. Stephen and St. Mary at
Otok in Solin to the Church in Split and that the tombs of the Croatian King
Kreimir and many other Croatian kings and queens are in this church.
Archaeological research has confirmed Thomass assertion and uncovered
an epitaph to Queen Jelena, which Thomas probably could have seen during
his lifetime.59 The weak points of the Historia Salonitana include the interpretation of the arrival of the Croats and the establishment of the cities of
Split, Dubrovnik, and Zadar, while the Aryanism of the Goths, i.e. according
to him, the Croats, proved opportune for Thomas to attack the heresy of his
time, and also the use of the Slavic language and script. In Chapter XVII he
writes about the end of the Croatian national dynasty and the assumption
of authority by the Arpads, and their entry into the Dalmatian cities of Split,
Trogir and Zadar. Of his own time, Thomas wrote very evocatively about
events such as Splits conflicts with Trogir, with the natives of the Cetina
region, and with the Croatian magnates who threatened the city, and about
the siege and destruction of Zadar in the Fourth Crusade in 1202. Thomass
descriptions are also very lively when he revels in the misfortune of this rival
city. Thomas, as a Church official in Split, never forgot that Zadar aspired to
the metropolitanate and archdiocesan privileges, which it in fact managed
to do. This event surpasses the framework of Croatian history60 and enters
the sphere of the next section.
Episodes in European history: It is precisely based on individual episodes that do not pertain specifically to Croatian history or the history of
the Church in Split, about which Thomas wrote by interpolating them into
the main theme, that this work surpassed similar chronicles or histories.
Thomas describes the arrival of the Hungarians on the European historical scene, portraying them as pagans who later converted to Christianity. He
dedicated an entire chapter to a description of the occupation of Zadar in
the Fourth Crusade.61 This event was shocking to the world of the time, for
the crusaders, led by the Venetians, destroyed a lovely and wealthy Christian
city. This event was described by some other European chroniclers besides
Thomas, including some of the participants themselves.62 Thomas sought
the reasons for the downfall of Zadar in its alleged heresy, and describes
Thomas, p. 47-56; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 68-83; Historia Salonitana, 2006, pp. 72-91.
M. Matijevi Sokol, Starohrvatski Solin...
Mirjana Matijevi Sokol, Toma Arhiakon i njegovo djelo. Rano doba hrvatske povijesti, pp. 233327.
Mirjana Matijevi Sokol, Toma Arhiakon i njegovo djelo. Rano doba hrvatske povijesti, pp. 286290.
Stjepan Antoljak, Pad i razaranje Zadra u IV. kriarskom ratu, Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta
u Zadru, Razdio drutvenih znanosti 5 (1973/1974 published in 1974): 57-88.
it as Gods punishment which struck the city on the feast day of its patron
saint, Chrysogonus. Thomass description is, it would appear, rather accurate, and it generally corresponds with that of other chroniclers and the
memoirs of participants. He states that after sacking Zadar, the crusaders set
off for Constantinople and seized it with the force of their navy.63 Thomas
also describes the departure of the Hungarian King Andrew for the Crusade
in 1217, as he led the navy from Venice, Ancona and Zadar through Split,
fought against the Saracens, stayed in Antioch, Greece and Bulgaria, and
then returned to Hungary.64 The description of the Tartar invasion belongs
in any anthology of medieval European literature. Thomas dedicated several
chapters to this event, which alarmed all of Europe, and which directly influenced events in Split as well.65 Thomas demonstrated his loyalty to the pope
and the papacy, which entirely marked his political stance and public actions,
upon the arrival in Split of King Conrad, who had been excommunicated by
the pope, by leaving the city with Archbishop Rogerius so that they would
not have to demonstrate fealty to the king, whose Italian subject Rogerius
was, and ordering all churches closed.66 He also very precisely described two
solar eclipses that occurred on 3 June 1239 and 6 October.67 When he was in
Bologna, Northern Italy, or as he called it, Liguria, Emilia and the province
of Venice were hit by an earthquake. Thomas interpreted this and previous
phenomena as punishments for heresy. At this time he also met St. Francis
of Assisi and described him in the warmest terms, as a person whom he
respected and admired.68 In that same year (i.e. 1222.), on the Feast of the
Assumption of the Madonna, when I was attending my studies in Bologna,
I saw St. Francis, who was preaching on the square in front of the city palace where almost the entire city had gathered. And the basis of his sermons
were: angels, people demons. Namely, he explained these three orders of reason-endowed spirits so well and so rationally that many well-schooled people who heard the speech of this unlearned man were awestruck: he nonetheless did not hold an assembly, instead he preached. Truly the entire content of his words pertained to overcoming hostility and renewing the alliance of peace. His garments were simple, his personage aroused loathing, his
face nondescript. But God imparted so much effect to his words that many
of nobles among whom the fierce rage of old hostilities had led to much
bloodshed, were thinking of peace. There was so much reverence and love
Thomas, pp. 82-88; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 128-137; Historia Salonitana, 2006, pp. 144Thomas, pp. 88-92; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 138-143 ; Historia Salonitana, 2006, pp. 158-
Thomas, chapt. XXXVI. De peste Tartarorum, pp. 132-168; XXXVII. De natura Tartarorum,
pp. 168-172; XXXIX. De sevitia Tartarorum, pp. 174-178; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 216-243,
248-255; Historia Salonitana, 2006, pp. 252-288, 294-304.
Thomas, pp. 205-206; Historia Salonitana, 2003, 306-307; Historia Salonitana, 2006, 362-364.
Thomas, pp. 121, 139; Historia Salonitana, 2003, pp. 196-197, 216-217; Historia Salonitana,
2006, pp. 230-231.
Thomas, p. 98; Historia Salonitana, 2003, 152-153; Historia Salonitana, 2006, p. 178-179.
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History
for this man, that the men and women crowded around him in a throng,
attempting to touch the hem of his garment or to tear a piece off.
The fact that Thomas was able to examine the Archdiocesan and Cathedral
Chapter Archives in Split and use them, i.e. what he himself referred to as
scripts, gives the Historia Salonitana incontestable authenticity. In more
recent years, historians and linguists have concentrated greater efforts in
attempts to identify these written sources which had the value of historical sources for Thomas. Lovre Kati had already ascertained Thomass
credibility and discovered some of his sources.69 Radoslav Katii studied
Splits historical tradition and indisputably confirmed that Thomas made
use of these oldest notations.70 Mirjana Matijevi Sokol studied the diplomatic sources in the Historia Salonitana and noted a new dimension and
depth to Thomass knowledge of diplomatics and treatment of diplomatic documents, and she also found a trace of a deed issued by King Zvonimir
unknown in its original form.71 Additionally, after an analysis of the entire
Historia Salonitana, Matijevi Sokol identified a series of diplomatic historical sources and works by writers used by Thomas to compile his text.72 Nada
Klai, while stressing the weakness of Thomass historiographic approach
and assessing him as very biased in his descriptions of Splits clerical history, nonetheless held that Thomass Historia Salonitana is the best historical
source produced on the eastern Adriatic coast in the High Middle Ages.73
The Historia Salonitana also stands out in terms of the beauty of its literary
expression. The description of the Tartar invasion is unparalleled. As to the
form of Latin in which it was written, this was a cultivated, lovely medieval Latin based on Antiquity, clerical and medieval writers and on the Bible.
It is far above the quality of medieval Latin in use in the coastal communes
of the time. Olga Peri also dealt with Thomass language, emphasizing its
high quality.74 Nenad Ivi approached the Historia Salonitana as a literary
work, and based on a modern literary analysis, he ascertained that Thomas
composed his text based on the principles of European medieval writers,
observing the rules of rhetoric.75
Lovre Kati, Vjerodostojnost Tome Arcidjakona i posljednji dani Solina, Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku LIII (19501951 published in 1952): 99-120.
Radoslav Katii, Vetustiores ecclesiae spalatensis memoriae, pp. 17-51.
Mirjana Matijevi Sokol, Starohrvatski Solin.
Mirjana Matijevi Sokol, Toma Arhiakon i njegovo djelo. Rano doba hrvatske povijesti, str. passim, a osobito poglavlje V. V Povijesni izvori kao temelj Salonitanske povijesti, pp. 335-339.
Nada Klai, Povijest Hrvata u razvijenom srednjem vijeku, p. 212.
Olga Peri, Sloeni pasivni oblici u djelu Historia Salonitana, iva antika XXX (1980):
113-118; Ibid., O morfosintaksi srednjovjekovnog latinskog u djelu Tome Arhiakona splitskog, Suvremena lingvistika (19801981), no. 21-22: 3-18; Ibid., Neke jezine osobitosti djela
Historia Salonitana, iva antika 32 (1982): 93-103.
The author stresses that his objective is, based on his (Thomass) explanations, to reconstruct the personality of the Split archdeacon and historian Thomas as a more or less typical
thirteenth-century Western clerical mental landscape. N. Ivi, op. cit., p. 15.
M. Matijevi Sokol, Archdeacon Thomas of Split (12001268) - A source of early Croatian History