Guia de Moda
Guia de Moda
Guia de Moda
Author(s): JrgenRenn
Source: Isis, Vol. 95, No. 4 (December 2004), pp. 640-648
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society
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Accessed: 14/05/2013 17:47
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he relativity revolution was far from complete in 1905, when Einstein published his
pathbreaking paper on the electrodynamics of moving bodies. It started with his reinterpretation of H. A. Lorentzs theory of electromagnetism in what may be called a
Copernican process, in analogy to the transition from the Ptolemaic to the Copernican
world system or that from preclassical to classical mechanics.1 In such a transition the
deductive framework of an old theory is largely preserved while its physical semantics
changes, as may be illustrated with the example of Lorentzs auxiliary variable for the
local time in a moving reference frame. Originally merely a peripheral aspect of his
theory, this auxiliary variable was reinterpreted by Einstein as the time actually measured
* Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Wilhelmstr. 44, 10117 Berlin, Germany.
For their helpful advice I would like to thank Peter Damerow, Lindy Divarci, and Matthias Schemmel. For
his cooperation on many of the issues discussed in this essay, as well as for his challenging critique of the
interpretation presented here, I am particularly indebted to Michel Janssen. For his own view see Michel Janssen,
COI Stories: Explanation and Evidence in the History of Science, Perspectives on Science, 2002, 10:457522.
See Peter Damerow, Gideon Freudenthal, Peter McLaughlin, and Jurgen Renn, Exploring the Limits of
Preclassical Mechanics, 2nd ed. (New York: Springer, 2003).
ISIS, 2004, 95:640648
2004 by The History of Science Society. All rights reserved.
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
by clocks in a moving reference system, thus assuming a central role in the new kinematic
framework established by special relativity. Since, according to this framework, physical
interactions cannot propagate faster than light, Newtons well-established theory of gravitation, assuming an instantaneous action at a distance, was no longer acceptable after
1905. The relativity revolution was accomplished only when this conflict was resolved
ten years later, in November 1915, by Einsteins formulation of the general theory of
Recent research on the relativity revolution and, in particular, on its second phase, which
led to the genesis of general relativity, has profoundly changed not only our image of
Einstein but also our understanding of the structure of a scientific revolution.2 Einstein no
longer appears as the isolated pioneer of twentieth-century physics but, rather, as one who
completed classical physics in a way that uprooted its foundations. A scientific revolution
now resembles a slow geological process more than a dramatic surge of novelty, since
what appeared suddenly to break new ground can instead be seen as having in fact matured
over time. Einstein just happened to scale the volcano when it finally erupted.
Yet there seems to be a striking contrast between the first and the last phases of the
relativity revolution. The emergence of the special theory of relativity was evidently not
an isolated achievement. The virtual simultaneity of the beginning of the relativity revolution with Einsteins other breakthrough discoveries of 1905 indicates that his nonspecialist outlook and, in particular, his youthful pursuit of atomistic ideas enabled him to
activate the hidden potentials of highly specialized nineteenth-century physics that others,
such as Henri Poincare, had also exposed.
General relativity, in contrast, might seem to be an example of science without context,
created against the common sense of the contemporary scientific establishment. In 1907,
rather than giving up Galileos insight that in a vacuum all bodies fall with the same
acceleration, Einstein questioned the barely established kinematic framework of special
relativity. In 1912, to the amazement of his colleagues, he abandoned the scalar gravitational potential of Newtonian physics in favor of a sixteen-component objectthe metric
tensorwith whose mathematics he was barely acquainted. Still, he was able to formulate
clear-cut criteria that a gravitational field equation for this monstrous object would have
to satisfy. In 1913, however, he discarded generally covariant field equations based on the
Riemann tensor, an expression that included second-order derivatives of the metric tensor.
He even believed that he had a proof that such field equations had to be ruled out, although
in hindsight these were the only acceptable mathematical solution. But in spite of his
colleagues growing skepticism, Einstein maintained his original agenda and returned in
late 1915 to field equations based on the Riemann tensor, finally formulating the general
theory of relativity with its nonclassical consequences, a theory that essentially has withstood all the later developments of physics and astronomy.
In recent years, all the traditional arguments explaining this dramatic course of events
have crumbled under closer scrutiny. Was Einsteins digression caused by his mathematical
incompetence? The alleged priority of the mathematician David Hilbert in having formulated the gravitational field equation before Einsteinalbeit without giving it a detailed
physical interpretationseemed a strong argument for this interpretation. However, this
For extensive documentation of this collaborative research, undertaken jointly with Michel Janssen, John
Norton, Tilman Sauer, John Stachel, and others, see Jurgen Renn, ed., The Genesis of General Relativity, 4 vols.
(Dordrecht: Springer, forthcoming).
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
supposed triumph of mathematics over physics moldered under the evidence of the proofs
of Hilberts first paper, which showed that his key insight came only after he had seen
Einsteins publication. The deathblow for this line of argument comes from the fact that,
in the winter of 19121913, Einstein was even able to write down the correct Ansatz for
the field equation of general relativity in his Zurich Notebook, a key document for
reconstructing the genesis of general relativity. He later discarded this Ansatz, evidently
because he found it unacceptable on physical grounds.3
Was Einsteins rambling hence a consequence of physical prejudices that prevented him
from recognizing the correct solution even when it was under his nose? The natural candidates for such prejudicessuch as the famous hole argumentfail on closer inspection to play the evil role ascribed to them.4
Among the novelties recently brought to light is the insight that Einsteins investigative
pathway was not exactly the solitary enterprise it was traditionally assumed to be. Recent
findings have helped to clarify the dependence of Einsteins work on contemporary
achievements such as those related to relativistic continuum mechanics and to alternative
approaches to the problem of gravitation.5 But how do these novel insights actually help
us to understand the peculiar character of the second stage of the relativity revolution?
The true challenges of the relativity revolution come to light only after the traditional
legends have been dispelled. These challenges may be formulated in terms of three paradoxes:
The paradox of missing knowledge. How was it possible to create a theory, such as that
of general relativity, that was capable of accounting for a wide range of phenomena that
were discovered only later, in the context of several revolutions in observational astronomy? And whence came the knowledge that granted such stability to a theory that
initially did not seem superior to its competitors, since no phenomena were known at
the time that could not also be explained by traditional physics?
The paradox of deceitful heuristics. How could Einstein have formulated the criteria for
a gravitational field equation years before he established the solution? How could he
establish a heuristic framework that would quickly lead him to a correct mathematical
expression and then to the conclusion that it was actually unacceptableonly to bring
him back to essentially the same expression three years later?
The paradox of discontinuous progress. How could general relativity, with its nonclassical consequences such as the dependence of space and time on physical interactions,
be the outcome of classical and special relativistic physicseven though such features
are incompatible with their conceptual frameworks?
Leo Corry, Jurgen Renn, and John Stachel, Belated Decision in the HilbertEinstein Priority Dispute,
Science, 1997, 278:12701273; and Renn and Tilman Sauer, Heuristics and Mathematical Representation in
Einsteins Search for a Gravitational Field Equation, in The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity, ed. Hubert
Goenner, Renn, Jim Ritter, and Sauer (Einstein Studies, 7) (Boston: Birkhauser, 1999), pp. 87125.
For an earlier attempt to identify such a prejudice see John Nortons pathbreaking essay How Einstein
Found His Field Equations: 19121915, Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, 1984, 14:253316.
See, e.g., John Norton, Einstein, Nordstrom, and the Early Demise of Scalar, LorentzCovariant Theories
of Gravitation, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 1992, 45:1794; and Michel Janssen, Rotation as the
Nemesis of Einsteins Entwurf Theory, in Expanding Worlds of General Relativity, ed. Goenner et al. (cit. n.
3), pp. 127157.
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
These paradoxes can hardly be resolved within a traditional history of ideas. Addressing
the challenges they formulate instead requires taking into account dimensions that are
usually neglected but are crucial to a historical epistemology of scientific knowledge: the
long-term character of knowledge development, the complex architecture of knowledge,
and the intricate mechanisms of knowledge dynamics.
An adequate response to the paradox of missing knowledge can be found only when the
long-term development of scientific knowledge is taken into account. This development,
after all, led to the emergence of a theory whose understanding of how gravity affects
motion in terms of space-time structure is closer to Aristotles concept of natural motion
than to Newtons explanation in terms of an anthropomorphic force. The knowledge on
which the astonishing stability of general relativity is founded was accumulated long before
its creation by centuries of physics, astronomy, and mathematics.
The laws of planetary motion, for instance, including the curious perihelion advance of
Mercury that provided the first astronomical touchstone for the new theory, had long been
established by extensive observations. Non-Euclidean geometry and the absolute differential calculusthe mathematical language of general relativityhad been developed in
the course of the nineteenth century and had even been related to astronomical observations
well before the advent of relativity.6
The principle that all bodies, independently of their nature, fall with the same acceleration, which was crucial to Einsteins investigative pathway, has been an asset of classical
mechanics since Galileo. This principle was the key to Einsteins 1907 insight into the
need to go beyond special relativity, since a straightforward generalization of Newtons
law to the kinematic framework of special relativity leads to a violation of this principle.
The knowledge on which Einstein based his first steps toward a generalization of this
framework was also taken from classical physics, as well as from its critical revision by
Ernst Mach. In Einsteins famous elevator thought experiment, at the heart of his principle
of equivalence, he established an equivalence relation between physical processes occurring in a system that moves with uniform acceleration and those in a system at rest with
a static gravitational field. In this way, he was able to exploit knowledge about accelerated
systems when studying gravitational phenomena and, ultimately, to integrate gravitation
and inertia in a way similar to the integration of electrical and magnetic fields within
special relativity.
Mach had earlier conceived of a structurally similar thought experiment, using a bucket
instead of an elevator. He wondered whether the centrifugal forces in a rotating bucket
could be ascribed to an interaction between the mass of the water in the bucket and the
masses of the distant stars. He also compared an accelerated systemthe rotating
bucketwith a system at rest in which an interaction between masses, due to the stars
revolving around the bucket, accounts for the same physical phenomena as are produced
by the inertial forces in the case of the accelerated system. Mach thus effectively provided
the blueprint for Einsteins thought experiment.
These knowledge resources may all be considered as part of the shared knowledge
See Matthias Schemmel, An Astronomical Road to General Relativity: The Continuity between Classical
and Relativistic Cosmology in the Work of Karl Schwarzschild, in The Genesis of General Relativity, Vol. 3,
eds. J. Renn and M. Schemmel. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005).
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
available in the early twentieth century to scientists addressing the problem of gravitation.
Their attempts to tackle this problem distinguished themselves mainly by the perspective
from which these knowledge resources were considered or disregarded. But even the spectrum of individual perspectives may be understood as an aspect of the knowledge system
of classical science. This becomes particularly evident when one realizes that the prevailing
perspective was that of a specialist working within a subdomain of classical science, while
nonspecialist perspectives, being relegated to philosophy or popular science, had come to
play a marginal role.
The internal structure of classical physics was largely determined by the emergence of
three subdomains with relatively autonomous conceptual foundations: mechanics, thermodynamics, and electrodynamics. At the frontiers of these domains, a class of problems
emerged that involved the conceptual foundations of more than one subdomain: the borderline problems of classical physics, which generated contradictions between these different frameworks. The electrodynamics of moving bodies stands for the class of borderline
problems in which issues of electrodynamic field theory, such as light propagation, were
combined with the mechanical question of the role of moving reference systems. This
combination gave rise to a clash between the ether model underlying classical electrodynamics and the relativity principle of classical mechanics.
Borderline problems such as these were at the center of Einsteins 1905 papers and
catalyzed the transition from classical to modern physics. They gave rise to special relativity, the light quantum hypothesis, and modern statistical physics, respectively. Evidently,
their existence was not a matter of Einsteins genius or of favorable local circumstances
but the consequence of the long-term development of physics, which also created the
conditions for the successful accomplishment of the second phase of the relativity revolution.
After special relativity had elevated the causality requirements implicit in field theory
to a universal statusincluding the requirement that no physical interaction can propagate
faster than lightgravitation, traditionally a subject at the core of mechanics, had effectively turned into a borderline problem between mechanics and field theory. As was the
case for other borderline problems, its successful solution depended on the shared knowledge resources taken into account. In the case of the creation of special relativity, Einsteins
success depended on his combining the heritage of mechanics, embodied in the relativity
principle, with the heritage of electrodynamics, embodied in the principle of the constancy
of the speed of light. In the case of a relativistic theory of the gravitational field, the
combination of the heritage of mechanics represented by the Newtonian theory of the static
gravitational field with what was known about dynamic fields from electrodynamics was,
however, insufficient to create a new and satisfactory theoryas Einsteins competitors
found to their chagrin. There was, in particular, no clue to the properties of dynamic
gravitational fields, so that the challenge of building a relativistic field theory of gravitation
was comparable to that of developing the entire theory of electromagnetism knowing only
Coulombs law.
It was at this point that Einsteins broad perspective, including his awareness of the
philosophical critique of classical mechanics by Mach, allowed him to muster additional
resources from classical physics. Einstein exploited the Machian interpretation of the inertial forces in an accelerated reference frame as being due to the interaction of moving
masses in order to fill the gap in a field theory of gravitation. By conceiving the inertial
forces in accelerated reference frames, such as Newtons rotating bucket, as embodying
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
The answer to the second paradoxhow Einstein could have formulated the criteria for
a gravitational field equation years before finding the solutioncomes from considering
the architecture of the shared knowledge resources available to him. These resources were
in fact part of a system of knowledge with active components capable of providing heuristic
guidance to his research.
The characteristics of Einsteins search suddenly become comprehensible if one realizes
that it was guided by a qualitative knowledge representation structure inherited from classical physics: the mental model of a field theory as embodied in an exemplary way by
Lorentzs electron theory. A mental model in the sense elaborated by cognitive science
allows the simulation or anticipation of the behavior of real models despite the lack of full
and unequivocal information. Real models serve in turn as external representations of
mental models, ensuring their transmission as a part of shared knowledge. According to
the Lorentz model, a source affects its environment in a way that is described by a field
equation, while the environment affects the behavior of a probe in a way that is described
by an equation of motion. The basic features of the Lorentz model as a model of distant
causation may be illustrated by a magnet setting a piece of iron into motion by affecting
the state of its environment. The Lorentz model represents a mental model similar to the
bucket and the elevator models at the heart of Machs and Einsteins famous thought
The internal architecture of a mental model is characterized by terminals open for supplementary knowledge specifying the model. Such additional knowledge is itself structured
in a way that may be generically described as a frame (mental models are just a specific
kind of frame).7 A frame, in turn, is an internal knowledge representation structure for
objects, operations, or situations that may be externally represented by natural or formal
language. Frames have terminals with default settings that represent earlier experiences,
thus making it possible to employ frames for interpreting situations even when only incomplete information about these situations is available. Their default settings can be
flexibly adjusted if fresh information becomes available, thus making it possible to correct
errors without abandoning the interpretation of a situation with the help of a given frame.
The Lorentz model of a field equation has terminals for the source of the field, the field
itself, and the differential operator describing how the source generates the field. Einsteins
preliminary research on a relativistic theory of gravitation in the years between 1907 and
1912 had established default settings for two of the terminals: the field slot (filled by
assuming that the gravitational potential is represented by the metric tensor) and the source
slot (filled by the stress-energy tensor of matter, as suggested by relativistic continuum
mechanics). For the differential operator describing how the source generates the field,
however, Einstein was unable to identify a satisfactory default setting.
For the frame concept see Marvin Minsky, The Society of Mind (London: Heinemann, 1987). On the potential
of cognitive science and cognitive psychology for the history of science see, e.g., Dedre Gentner and Albert L.
Stevens, Mental Models (Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1983); and Peter Damerow, Abstraction and Representation:
Essays on the Cultural Revolution of Thinking (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996).
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
Einsteins difficulty did not result from the fact that too little was known but, rather,
from the fact that too much knowledge had to be taken into account to formulate a field
equation that responded to the understanding of gravitation as a borderline problem of
mechanics and field theory. On the one hand, a physically plausible default setting for the
differential operator was suggested by knowledge of the Newtonian static gravitational
field as well as of the relation between static and dynamic fields in electrodynamic field
theory. Constructed in this way, the new theory would automatically be compatible with
Newtons theory, thus fulfilling a correspondence principle. On the other hand, a mathematically plausible way to obtain a default setting for the differential operator was offered
by the knowledge about dynamic fields incorporated in Einsteins equivalence principle,
which suggested taking generally covariant objects such as the Riemann tensor as the
starting point. Constructed in this way, the new theory would automatically fulfill a generalized relativity principle. Within the knowledge system of classical physics, the Lorentz
model was, furthermore, embedded in a network of relations to other frames and mental
models; this network served as a control structure for any acceptable implementation of
the Lorentz model. In particular, the new theory had to satisfy a conservation principle,
generalizing similar principles from classical and special relativistic physics.
In short, Einsteins heuristics was overdetermined by the knowledge of classical physics,
which explains why it was so powerful and yet at the same time so fortuitous. The compatibility of the various requirements it imposed could not be established a priori but had
to be checked by elaborating a mathematical representation of the Lorentz model, starting
from one or the other default setting and shaping it according to the remaining heuristic
criteria. Einsteins oscillation between a physical strategy starting from an implementation
of the correspondence principle and a mathematical strategy starting from an implementation of the generalized relativity principle can thus be interpreted as realizing alternative
and ultimately converging pathways with which to integrate the knowledge of classical
The third paradox, of discontinuous progress, can be resolved only if one takes into account
that the development of knowledge does not only consist of enriching a given architecture
but also comprises processes of reflection by which this architecture is being transformed.
In the case of Einsteins search for the gravitational field equation, the enrichment of the
Lorentz model was guided by the relatively stable higher-order structures at the core of
his heuristic principlesthat is, the principles of correspondence, conservation, equivalence, and generalized relativity.
In addition to the topdown process of assimilation guided by these higher-order structures, Einsteins learning experience was characterized by a process of reflection in the
sense of a bottomup process accommodating these higher-order structures to the outcome
of his experiences in implementing his heuristic principles. The interplay between assimilation and accommodation mediated by the mathematical formalism is the crucial process
determining the knowledge dynamics leading to the creation of general relativity as a
nonclassical theory. Four stages of Einsteins search for the gravitational field equation
can be distinguished.
The tinkering phase of fall 1912 is documented in the early pages of Einsteins Zurich
Notebook. It is characterized by his almost complete ignorance of the mathematical opera-
FOCUSISIS, 95 : 4 (2004)
tions suitable for constructing a field equation for the metric tensor. Nevertheless, reflecting
on his first attempts to formulate a field equation that satisfied his heuristic principles,
Einstein built up higher-order structures operating on a strategic level that would later
guide his systematic implementation of these principles, in particular the physical and the
mathematical strategy.
The systematic searching phase from late 1912 to early 1913 is also extensively documented in the Zurich Notebook. In this phase Einstein, with the help of his mathematician friend Marcel Grossmann, systematically examined candidates according to his heuristic principles, alternating between physical and mathematical strategies. Meanwhile, the
relative weight of the heuristic principles kept changing, with the conservation principle
emerging as the principal challenge. Paradoxically, the main result of the pursuit of the
mathematical strategy was the derivation of an erroneous theorythe so-called Entwurf
theoryfollowing the physical strategy. This theory was published in the spring of 1913.
The consolidation phase is documented by Einsteins publications and correspondence
between 1913 and mid 1915. During this phase he elaborated the Entwurf theory, essentially following his earlier heuristics but now working from the perspective of consolidation
rather than that of exploration. Paradoxically, however, the main result of the consolidation
period was the creation of the presuppositions for a renewed exploration of candidate field
equations. Adapting the mathematical strategy to legitimize the Entwurf theory, Einstein
found that the resulting mathematical formalism did not single out this theory but reopened
the need to examine other candidates, removing, in particular, the difficulty of implementing the conservation principle. Precisely because of the extended network of results
meanwhile assembled, this reexamination could now take the form of a reflective reorganization of Einsteins earlier achievements.
The reflection phase, decisive in resolving the paradox of discontinuous progress, is
documented by the series of dramatic communications Einstein submitted to the Prussian
Academy of Sciences in November 1915. The essence of Einsteins return in the first of
these communications to a field equation related to the Riemann tensor consists in reinterpreting results achieved under the spell of the Entwurf theory. As a consequence of this
reinterpretation, not only Einsteins original heuristic principles received a new physical
interpretation. The Lorentz model itself was transformed, since source, field, and probe
its main ingredientscease to play independent roles, not only because the gravitational
field may act as its own source but also because, in general relativity, the equation of
motion loses its independent status with respect to the field equation.
The crucial step of the transition from the Entwurf theory, still rooted in classical physics,
to the nonclassical theory of general relativity was the shift in the physical interpretation
of some aspects of the formalism.8 This transition was a Copernican process resembling
Einsteins reinterpretation of Lorentzs auxiliary variable for local time as the time measured in a moving reference frame. In passing from the Entwurf theory to general relativity,
however, Einstein was his own Lorentzhence the greater isolation in which the second
phase of the relativity revolution took place. In the case of the transition to general relativity, it was the Christoffel symbol, initially only an auxiliary quantity, that assumed a
new physical meaning, now representing the gravitational field.
See Michel Janssen and Jurgen Renn, Untying the Knot: How Einstein Found His Way Back to Field
Equations Discarded in the Zurich Notebook, in The Genesis of General Relativity, Vol. 2: General Relativity
in the Making: Einsteins Zurich Notebook, Pt. 2, ed. Michael Janssen, John Norton, Jurgen Renn, Tilman Sauer,
and John Stachel (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005).
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