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Welding International
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Magnetic pulse weldingforming of lightweight

casings for connecting the cable to plug connectors

E.L. Strizhakov , S.V. Neskoromny & S.O. Ageev


Donsk State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Ukraine

Published online: 09 Apr 2015.

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To cite this article: E.L. Strizhakov, S.V. Neskoromny & S.O. Ageev (2015) Magnetic pulse weldingforming of
lightweight casings for connecting the cable to plug connectors, Welding International, 29:12, 988-990, DOI:
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Welding International, 2015

Vol. 29, No. 12, 988990,
Selected from Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo 2014 67 (12) 48 50

Magnetic pulse welding forming of lightweight casings for connecting the cable to
plug connectors
E.L. Strizhakov, S.V. Neskoromny and S.O. Ageev
Donsk State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Ukraine

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 21:44 29 August 2015

It is proposed to produce lightweight screening casings from aluminium foil with a thickness of 0.15 0.2 mm using the
combined technological process of magnetic pulse welding forming (MPWF) and thermal and force effects. The physical
principle of the currently available process is described and the welding conditions are presented. The zone of the lapwelded joint is studied by metallographic techniques. The application of a rig (dialectic matrix) is described and the general
shape of the tool with the rig for MPWF is shown. The standard connection of the casing in the connector and a new
stamped-welded structure are compared. The new structure has better parameters and explosion safety, 100% protection
against interference and static electricity.
Keywords: magnetic pulse welding; forming; magnetic pressure; lightened housing

The development of advanced electronic technology, used

in space systems, has resulted in a reduction of current
consumption. The current has become comparable with
electrical interference and this has been accompanied by a
large increase in the requirements of the developers of
systems on the accuracy of transfer of signals and the
minimum losses and distortions. To protect against highfrequency radiation, it is necessary to screen all elements
of the cables from interference.
The developers of the board systems have created new,
considerably lighter compound parts of the cables. Practical
steps have been made to introduce the new technology for
connection sections of the cables. In particular, the new
connection section of the cable with the lightweight allmetal shell casing has been designed. The lightweight
screening casing of the connection of the cable in the plug is
the typical tubular component with a complicated shape.
To produce lightweight structures of tubular components, experiments were carried out to develop and apply
the technology of producing stamped-welded casings from
aluminium foil with a thickness of 0.150.2 mm by the
method of magnetic pulsed treatment of the materials [1].
The sketch of the screening casing-connector is shown
in Figure 1.
The structure of the housing contains a cylindrical
threaded part, a conical section with stiffeners and a
cylindrical section with a smaller diameter for connecting
with the screening braid of the cable. The lap joint is
produced along the generating line by magnetic pulsed
welding (MPW).
In the process of magnetic pulse treatment, as in any
method of electric resistance welding, the component is
subjected to the thermal and force effects resulting from the
passage of electric current pulses through the working tool
induction coil. However, in this case, the thin wall tubular
components cannot be produced by traditional MPW by the
method with subsequent collision under an angle [1].
The authors of [2] proposed a combined technological
process of magnetic pulsed weldingforming (MPWF).
Welding is carried out with induced current passing through
the overlapping area of the edges of the component. The
q 2015 Taylor & Francis

magnetic pressure is used as the welding and forming

pressure. The principal diagram of MPWF is shown in
Figure 2.
The combined process may be described as follows:
after cutting the thin sheet component 1 is rolled up with a
overlap D and placed in the die having the shape of the
future component. The working tool induction coil 3
is positioned in the treatment zone.
The discharge of the generator of pulse current
produces a high frequency (5 100 kHz) electromagnetic
field in the induction coil 3 and under the effect of the
field the self-induction EMF is generated in the
component 1 rolled up with the overlap D. The induced
current pulse Ip passes through the component 1 and Joule
heat is generated in the overlap zone. The force, formed
under the effect of the induced current Ip with the
magnetic field of the induction coil 3, shapes the
component in the direction of the die [2]. A layer of
molten metal is ejected from the weld zone (overlap)
together with the adsorbed and oxide films and other
contaminants. The heated clean surfaces are compressed
together, the edges are pressed to the die and electric
resistance welding takes place [2].
Magnetic pressure Pm acts on the entire surface of the
component and carries out shaping of the component in
accordance with the configuration of the die. Consequently,
the process of electric resistance welding and forming of the
closed structures of complicated shape produced from the
sheet material takes place in a single discharge of the generator
of pulsed currents with a duration of 50200 ms. The
component is produced in a single system with a single pulse.
The technology of production of the stamped-welded
casing of the collector is reduced to the following
operations: elastic magnetic pulsed stamping components 2, placing the component and the induction coil
to the shaped die, MPWF (the main process), inspection of
the quality of the stamped-welded component.
The quality of welding tubular components is
evaluated visually by mechanical tests and thermal
cycling. The weight of the connector section is 10 times
lower in comparison with the standard structure.

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Welding International

Figure 1.


Sketch of the screening stamped-welded casing of the connector.

Figure 2. Principal diagram of the combined process of MPWF: (1) the component; (2) the die; (3) the induction coil; D overlapping,
PCG pulsed current generator; Tr step-up transformer; R rectifier; C condensers; D discharger; Ip discharge current; H
magnetic flux; Ii induced current; Pm magnetic pressure; Pf forming pressure; Pw welding pressure.

The parameters of the welding conditions for different

structures of the casing with the diameter d 10 50 mm
change in the following ranges: stored energy W
100 500 J; the working discharge frequency of current
fd 20 50 kHz; working voltage U 1 3 kV.
Metallographic studies of the weld zone did not show
the formation of common grains. Analysis of the
microstructure shows that the weld zone is typical of
solid-phase welding using the standard pulsed methods.
There is a sharp interface the bonding zone, similar to
explosive and classic MPW.1 Figure 3 shows the weld
zone in the aluminium foil.
Calculations of the required working frequency of
treatment show that to carry out MPWF without the
magnetic cushion [2,3], it is necessary to use a pulse current
generator producing the working frequency of the discharge
current of the order of 200300 kHz. It is not possible to
construct industrial equipment with these parameters on the
basis of standard components (condensers) and, therefore,
welding is carried out using dielectric dies.

The equipment is produced from glass textolite

ensuring the required durability (more than 1000 cycles)
at the given welding (magnetic) pressure.
The working frequency in welding multi-turn induction coils does not exceed 50 kHz [4], resulting in the
penetration of part of the magnetic flux into the gap
between the component and the die and also into the
equipment. However, the component is not subjected to
any counter pressure because of the formation of the
magnetic cushion. Part of the discharge energy is
unavoidably lost and the efficiency of the process is
reduced but the quality of treatment is not affected.
The experimental specimen of the new structure of the
cable connector is shown in Figure 4.
The new cable connector for the plug has better
properties as regards fire and explosion safety, 100%
protection against interference and static electricity. These
properties are essential for producing the reliable cable
network, especially in the case of components with
cryogenic parts.


E.L. Strizhakov et al.

HV 47.1

Figure 3.










0.01 mm

The zone of the welded joint Al Al, 100.

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 21:44 29 August 2015

transport and space technology (agreement No.

14.574.21.0049, 19.6.2014).


Figure 4. Design of the connector of the cable with the

lightweight screening casing.

These studies were carried out at the Donsk State

Technical University in accordance with the Programme
of Applied Scientific Studies (project) of the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
Investigation of the process and development of the
technology of magnetic-pulsed welding-forming of lightweight casings of the board cables of components for

1. Glushchenkov VA, et al., Technology of magnetic-pulsed

treatment of materials. Samara: Fedorov Publishing House;
2. Strizhakov EL, et al. Classification of methods and
examination of resistance magnetic-pulse welding. Svar.
Proiz. 2003;8:11 14.
3. Strizhakov EL, et al. Hypothesis for the formation of the joint
and methods of selection and calculation of the welding
conditions and equipment for magnetic pulsed welding of lap
joints. Izv. VUZ, Sev.-Kavk. Region, Tekh. Nauki, Special
issue; 2005:72 74.
4. Plotnikov VV, et al. Experimental studies of the process of
resistance magnetic-pulsed welding. Izv. VUZ, Sev.-Kavk.
Region, Tekh. Nauki. 2001;3:38 41.

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