Numerical Study of Joining Process in Magnetic Pressure Seam Welding

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Transactions of JWRI, Vol.38 (2009), No.

Numerical Study of Joining Process in Magnetic Pressure Seam




The magnetic pressure seam welding is one of the candidate methods to join thin sheet
multifunctional materials. In this research, to examine the mechanism of magnetic pressure welding
from a dynamic viewpoint, numerical simulation of the impact was carried out by using a
commercial Euler-Lagrange coupling software MSC.Dytran (MSC.Software) as a first step of the
computational studies, where the joint between Fe and Al was employed according to the previous
experimental researches. From the serial numerical results, it was found that the increase of
temperature at the joint interface was not enough to melt Al or Fe in the range of collision velocity
and angle studied in this report. Also, it was revealed that the very large mean stress occurring at
the interface which could be considered as the pressure at joint interface and Al moved with high
velocity along the interface. Moreover, it was found that there were two patterns of plastic strain
distribution near the joint interface depending on the collision velocity and collision angle. Finally,
it can be concluded that the plastic strain pattern might be related to the success of magnetic
pressure seam welding.
KEY WORDS: (Magnetic Pressure Seam Welding) (Collision Velocity) (Collision Angle) (Euler-Lagrange
Coupling Analysis) (Finite Element Method)

between the two plates due to this impact. Although the

large impact is applied at the interface between
dissimilar materials, the temperature of the joint is close
to room temperature and any superior material properties
of these dissimilar materials seem to be preserved. So,
the magnetic pressure seam welding is considered as one
of the best candidate methods to join dissimilar thin
sheet materials of multifunctional materials and other
Experimental investigations of the conditions
necessary for successful joining, microstructural
observations of the joint interface and mechanical
evaluation of the joints were reported in the previous
studies7-10). However, the mechanism of this joining
process is still not well understood and appropriate
joining conditions have been decided from experimental
considerations. The final target of this research is to
examine the mechanism of the magnetic pressure seam
welding from a dynamic viewpoint and to reveal the
appropriate joining conditions theoretically. So, in this
report, numerical simulation of the impact was carried

1. Introduction
There have been strong demands to join
multifunctional materials to other materials without any
functional defects in the multifunctional materials for
propagating their use. The ordinary physical joining
methods using heat sources such as arc welding, laser
welding and electron beam welding cause
microstructural changes at the joint interface1,2) and
largely affect the original feature of the multifunctional
materials. In order to overcome this problem, several
joining methods have been proposed, which are, for
examples, diffusion bonding3), explosive bonding4),
friction welding5), magnetic pulse welding and so on.
Recently, Aizawa et al. developed a seam welding
technique called magnetic pressure seam welding as
one of the species of magnetic pulse welding6). In this
joining method, a thin plate of a material with a high
electric conductivity is suddenly subjected to a high
density magnetic field and magnetic forces cause the
plate to impact a parent plate. Then, a seam is created

**** Professor

Received on July 10, 2009

* Associate Professor
** Graduate Student
*** Specially Appointed Professor

Transactions of JWRI is published by Joining and Welding Research

Institute of Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan.


Numerical Study of Joining Process in Magnetic Pressure Seam Welding


a = 5mm




100~500 m/s






Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of whole model

for magnetic pressure seam welding.





Time : 3.72s

Time : 4.92s


Maximum Mean Stress : 3.12GPa



Impulsive Current

Time : 5.40s

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of magnetic pressure

seam welding.
Fig. 3 Deformations and mean stress distributions
of magnetic pressure seam welding
(collision velocity : 200 m/s).

out by using commercial Euler-Lagrange coupling

software MSC.Dytran (MSC.Software)11) as a first step
of the computational examination of the magnetic
pressure seam welding.

Table 1 Material properties used for numerical analyses.

2. Modeling for Analysis

2.1 Magnetic pressure seam welding
Figure 1 shows the principle of the magnetic
pressure seam welding. An electrical discharge circuit is
applied in the present welding. The circuit consists of a
power supply, a capacitor, a discharge gap switch and a
one-turn flat coil. A plate called flyer plate is set over
the coil. A thin film is inserted between them as an
insulator. Another plate called parent plate is placed so
that it overlaps the flyer plate with a little gap. The
parent plate is fixed firmly using a fixture. When an
impulse current from the bank passes through the coil, a
high density magnetic flux is suddenly generated around
the coil. The generated high density magnetic flux lines
intersect the overlapped area of the plates. Eddy currents
are induced in this area, in particular, in a very surface
layer of the flyer plate. Eddy currents flow in an opposite
direction to the impulse current in the coil. The high
density magnetic flux and the generated eddy currents
induce an electro-magnetic force upward. This force
drives a part of the flyer plate to the parent plate with an
extremely high speed (150 - 500 m/s)12).

Youngs Modulus (GPa)





Yield Stress (MPa)



Density (kg/m3)

7.87 x 103

2.70 x 103

Poissons Ratio



Linear Expansion Coefficient (1/K)

1.18 x 10-5

2.39 x 10-5

Shear Modulus (GPa)



Specific Heat (J/kgK)



Melting Point (K)



composition was mainly Al, was observed12). So, Fe and

Al were modeled by a Lagrange and an Euler model,
respectively. In order to examine collision behavior in
this process roughly, the whole plates of Fe and Al (200L
x 1T mm) were simulated as two dimensional plain strain
problem as shown in Fig. 2, where the minimum element
size was 100 x 100 Pm2 and total number of elements
and nodes was 13240 and 29172, respectively. An initial
gap between the plates was set to 1 mm and an initial
velocity was applied to the center part of the flyer plate
(Al), whose length was assumed to be 10 mm. Table 1
shows mechanical and thermal properties used in this
research. According to the experimental results12), initial
velocity in this computation was varied in the range from
100 to 500 m/s. Figure 3 shows typical computational
results of the collision behavior of the whole plates of Fe

2.2 Whole model for magnetic pressure seam welding

In the previous studies of the joint between Fe and
Al using this joining process, the metal jet, whose


Transactions of JWRI, Vol.38 (2009), No. 1

Initial Collision
(0 Ps)

After 1 Ps from
Initial Collision

After 2 Ps from
Initial Collision

Fig. 4 High-speed photographs during collision process in magnetic pressure seam welding10).

(a) Optical micrograph

(b) SEM-BEI micrograph

Fig. 5 High-speed photographs during collision process in magnetic pressure seam welding10).

and Al, where the initial velocity was 200 m/s and the
distributions of mean stress are represented. As shown in
Fig. 3(b), the Al plate collided with the Fe at the center
of the plate and a very large mean stress occurred. Also,
after further 0.5 Ps, the collision point moved along the
surface of Fe plate. These behaviors have good
agreements with the experimental results shown in Fig. 4
which was recorded by a high speed camera10,12).
Moreover, from these computational results for the
whole plates, it was found that the collision angle at the
contact point between Al and Fe plate was monotonically
increased after the first collision.


100~500 m/s

0.5~10 deg




2.3 Partial model for magnetic pressure seam welding

Since a wavy morphology was observed at the joint
interface of the magnetic pressure seam welding and the
cycle of wave is near 100 Pm7-10) as shown in Fig. 5,
more fine meshes have to be used for examining the joint
mechanism precisely. So, a part of two plates was
modeled for the precise analysis as shown in Fig. 6,
where not only the collision speed but also the collision
angle was varied in the range from 100 to 500 m/s and
0.5 to 10 degree, respectively according to the
experimental and the previous numerical results. A
minimum element size was 1.5 x 1.5 Pm2, and the total

Fig. 6 Schematic illustration of partial model
for magnetic pressure seam welding.

number of elements and nodes was 281445 and 566956,

respectively. The properties used for the partial model
were the same as those in the previous computations for
the whole components.


Numerical Study of Joining Process in Magnetic Pressure Seam Welding


Collision Velocity

Maximum Al Velocity (m/s)

Maximum Pressure (GPa)




Collision Velocity





Collision Angle (Degree)

Collision Angle (Degree)

Fig. 7 Effect of collision velocity and collision angle

on maximum pressure.

Fig. 8 Effect of collision velocity and collision angle

on maximum Al velocity.

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Temperature rise
One possible mechanism of the magnetic pressure
seam welding seems to be an occurrence of local melting
at the joint interface caused by large collision velocity.
Since, in these numerical analyses, only the plastic strain
would generate the temperature increment, the plastic
strain occurring near the joint interface was examined.
The maximum amount of plastic strain computed was in
the range from 0.27 and 1.65. A total energy per unit
volume caused by the plastic strain can be written by the
product of yield stress VY and plastic strain H p in the
case without work hardening. So, the temperature rise
can be written by the following equation,
VY H p
Where c and U are the specific heat and the density.
From the above equation, it is found that 1.0 plastic
strain can generate a temperature rise of only 80.5 K for
Al according to Table 1. So, a possible maximum
temperature increment would be in the range from 22 to
132 K and any occurrence of local melting could not be
considered because the melting temperature of Al is 933

figure, it was found that the maximum pressure was 5

and 100 times larger than the yield stress of Al and the
higher collision velocity could mostly generate the
higher maximum pressure at the same collision angle.
Also, it was revealed that the maximum pressure of each
collision velocity would have a maximum value at a
different collision angle.
3.3 Al velocity parallel to interface
Since the metal jet whose composition was mainly
Al was observed experimentally, the Al velocity parallel
to the joint interface was examined. The influences of
collision velocity and collision angle on maximum Al
velocity at joint interface were summarized into Fig. 8.
The maximum Al velocity sometimes exceeded the
collision velocity and such high Al velocities might be
caused by the local high pressure at the joint interface.
So, it can be considered that the differences between
collision velocity and maximum Al velocity might
generate the metal jet of Al. From Fig. 8, it was also
found that the maximum Al velocity increased with
increasing the collision angle, and reached at a
maximum value. Moreover, it was revealed that the
maximum or saturated value of the maximum Al velocity
at higher collision velocity occurred at a large collision

3.2 Pressure (mean stress)

From the previous analyses using the whole model,
it was found that a very large mean stress occurred at the
collision point. This mean stress at the joint interface
could be considered as a pressure at the joint surface. So,
the influences of collision velocity and collision angle on
the pressure were studied using the partial model. The
same as the cases for the whole model, the pressure was
locally applied at the joint interface and the point having
the maximum pressure moved along the joint interface.
Figure 7 shows the effects of collision velocity and
collision angle on the maximum pressure. From this

3.4 Plastic strain distribution

Although the plastic strain occurring near the joint
interface would be much smaller for generating the local
melting, two types of plastic strain distribution were
obtained in these serial computations by varying the
collision velocity and collision angle. Figs. 9(a) and (b)
were typical examples of the plastic strain distributions
generated near the joint interface and the influences of
collision velocity and collision angle on the plastic strain
distributions were summarized into Table 2. As shown in


Transactions of JWRI, Vol.38 (2009), No. 1

Maximum Pressure (GPa)


(a) Pattern A

Collision Velocity




(b) Pattern B


Collision Angle (Degree)

Fig. 9 Plastic strain distributions near joint interface.

Fig. 10 Effect of maximum pressure on pattern

of plastic strain distribution.

Table 2 Effect of collision velocity and collision angle

on pattern of plastic strain distribution.


Collision Velocity
100 m/s

200 m/s

300 m/s

500 m/s

0.5 degree

1 degree

2 degree

3 degree

5 degree

7 degree

10 degree

Maximum Al Velocity (m/s)

Collision Angle

Fig. 9(a) which is denoted as pattern A, when the

collision angle is smaller and the collision velocity is
larger, the plastic strain near the joint interface decreased
toward the end. On the other hand, in the other cases,
large plastic strain continued over the whole joint
interface as shown in Fig. 9(b) which is denoted as
pattern B.
This difference in plastic strain distribution seems to
be related to the effects of collision velocity and collision
angle on the pressure and the Al velocity as shown in
Figs. 10 and 11. From these figures, it was found that,
before the maximum pressure and the maximum Al
velocity achieved the maximum, or almost saturated
value, the plastic strain distribution became to be the
pattern A. So, it can be considered that, in these cases,
the movement of Al along the interface might be
prevented by the continuous contact between Al and Fe
although a relatively large pressure was occurred. While,
in the other cases (pattern B), Al could move along the
joint interface before the growth of new contact and then
the maximum Al velocity achieved the maximum, or
saturated value. Since it was reported that the
appropriate collision velocity and collision angle should
be needed to create the joint interface in the magnetic
pressure seam welding from the previous experimental
studies10,12,13), the plastic strain distribution near the joint
interface might be related to the success of magnetic
pressure seam welding. Also, from Figs. 10 and 11, it

Collision Velocity






Collision Angle (Degree)

Fig. 11 Effect of maximum Al velocity on pattern

of plastic strain distribution.

may be seen that the higher collision velocity would

need the higher collision angle in order to develop the
plastic strain distribution like pattern B.
4. Conclusions
The magnetic pressure seam welding is one of the
candidate methods to join thin sheet multifunctional
materials. In this research, to examine the mechanism of
magnetic pressure welding from a dynamic viewpoint,
numerical simulation of the impact was carried out by
using a commercial Euler-Lagrange coupling software
MSC.Dytran (MSC.Software) as a first step of the
computational studies, where the joint between Fe and
Al was employed according to the previous experimental
researches. The conclusions can be summarized as
(1) The increase of temperature at the joint interface
was not enough to melt Al or Fe in the range of
collision velocity and angle studied in this report.
(2) The very large mean stress occurring at the interface
could be considered as the pressure at the joint
(3) Al moved with high velocity along the interface.


Numerical Study of Joining Process in Magnetic Pressure Seam Welding


(4) There were two patterns of plastic strain distribution

near the joint interface depending on the collision
velocity and collision angle.
(5) The plastic strain pattern might be related to the
success of magnetic pressure seam welding.


The authors would like to express their sincere
appreciation to Prof. Shinji Kumai and Dr. Mitsuhiro
Watanabe, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology for fruitful







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