June 14, 2016 The Fellowship News

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Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

JUNE 14, 2016

Dear Church,
Sunday morning I woke up to the news that 50 people had been killed and many
more injured in the worst mass-shooting in U.S. history, at a gay nightclub in Orlando. The news reports I heard said that the shooter used a legally-acquired
semi-automatic assault weapon, the same weapon used at other mass shootings in Newton, Aurora, and San
Bernardino. Reports also said the shooter was homophobic and abusive, and claimed to be a follower of Islam.
As the day progressed, and even as we worshiped together at Bixby Knolls Christian Church, I wept for
the victims. I also wept because I knew that people who claim to be Christian were at least as responsible for
what happened as any who might claim to be Muslim.
Those who spew hate-fueled rhetoric against the LGBT community often claim to be Christian. Politicians
who allow anyone to legally acquire semi-automatic assault weapons without having to pass any sort of
background check also claim to be Christian. None of them are true to their faith or true to the teachings of
Jesus, just as the shooter was not true to the Islamic faith or to the teachings of Muhammed.
I weep, because these leaders have destroyed lives in the name of Jesus.
I weep, because a close friend of mine who has listened to their words now has only one thing to say
about religion, something too crude for me to share here and I dont blame him.
I weep, because this is not the only time Christian leaders have destroyed lives. A few months ago I saw
the movie Spotlight, which won the Oscar for best picture. As the closing credits rolled, I wept because of all
those Christian leaders who used the power and trust placed in them to abuse innocent people.
I weep, because Jesus taught a message of love, peace, and acceptance, but that message is lost on the
world today. His teachings have become so distorted that many associate the Christian faith with judgment
and hypocrisy. What so many Christians stand for is the exact opposite of what Jesus himself stood for, lived
for, and died for.
I weep. I pray that God weeps with me. I pray that God weeps with the loved ones of those who died. I
pray that God weeps for our nation and for our world, and that Gods compassion shines down on us. Never
have I prayed more fervently, Lord, have mercy.
Pastor Danny

Stewardship Article #3:

What Does My Church Mean To Me? by Scheri Dubon
From the first time I came to worship Sunday morning at Bixby Knolls Christian Church nearly 28 years
ago, Ive felt a closeness of family. I didnt know anyone we were strangers to one another, but there was
(and always has been) a heartfelt spiritual connection. My husband, two year old daughter and I, were welcomed with a warm friendliness that made us feel at ease. We were new residents to Long Beach, former
members of a Disciples of Christ community in El Segundo, and I grew up and was baptized in a small Disciples of Christ Church in Arizona. BKCC made me feel like I was coming home. And although it would be another two years and twins later, I knew this was where I belonged.
BKCC is the SPIRITUAL FAMILY God blessed me with; its my chosen family who has been present to me
through the joys and sorrows in my life, showing me Gods presence. Its a family of treasured friendships,
and of friends who share laughter and tears together on lifes journey. We are a family of prayer, which
strengthens us individually and personally, as well as a whole body. We feed each other by providing support for one another. I know this changes our day - it calms us and we share what fills our hearts. Id say
being a part of BKCC is great for your health! If Im proactive about taking care of my health, then its just as
important to take care of my church, spiritually and financially.
My church is a place where I can share my beliefs and know Im not being judged. I gain insight and spiritual growth from listening to other members. I love that we come together to look outside of ourselves, to
be of service to others. Im thankful we can take the Lords Supper every Sunday, and for the music at BKCC.
The joining of our hearts and voices in hymns, spiritual songs, our beloved praise band and choir, is a treasured part of our worship. Whether our mood is happy or sad... prayer or praise... we unite our voices with
thankful hearts. The elements at the Communion Table, as well as the bells & instruments of praise need
financial support to continue. These dont just magically appear Sunday after Sunday.
At BKCC, the Lord has provided tremendous opportunity AND responsibility for me to become a
leader and role model. Im so thankful and proud to be a member at BKCC; its always been a place of unconditional love, acceptance and support. Its where my children learned about Jesus and made Him their
Savior, went to Loch Leven Camp every summer from 2nd -12 grade, and even became camp counselors
All through college, the BKCC Scholarship Committee helped provide financial support for my daughters, and for this our family is forever thankful. My church has been and continues to be there for me, and I
want to be there for my church. I have a desire and responsibility to give back financially, since 100% of what
I have belongs to the Lord already! The Lord has given me a cheerful heart, and I will serve him with a
cheerful spirit. J My church means the world to me!


Centro Shalom is located at 2131 Long Beach

BKCC has donated groceries, household

items and clothing for many years. We also give

them monetary donations. Centro Shalom also
offers paralegal assistance, domestic abuse counseling, literary and computer classes. Their clients
are equally divided between Asians, European,
Anglos and Afro-Americans. Centro Shalom, its
volunteers and everyone that walks through its
doors will thank you for making the impossible
POSSIBLE. Thank you for your help.
Pat Cohen
Community Action

Welcome to our wonderful Youth Choir! They

are hard at work learning and memorizing a
great song to sing with the Adult choir. All children and youth are welcome . we sing right after church in the sanctuary! Thanks to Tristan
who is helping us with microphnes and to T.J.
and Marlene Martinez who assist with the singing! T-shirts are also here for our Kids Choir.

Birthday Blessings!
Lydia Sykes
July 2
Tristan Bradfield
July 11
Betty Rollo
July 14
Lillian Neal

July 15
Lillian Hester July 18
Ethan Bradfield
July 26
Alice Hoffman
July 26

Blessings & Congratulations

Ken & Marlene Kobel
celebrating their 19th Anniversary
on July 26!
The winner
A father of five won a toy in a raffle. He
gathered his young children to ask who should get
the present.
Whos the most obedient? Dad asked.
Who never talks back to Mom? Who does everything she says?
Five small voices answered in unison,
Okay, Dad, you get the toy.
Taken from the Newsletter Newsletter

The Bixby Knolls Christian Church would like to

welcome Jessica Bedford as the newest member of our church family. Jessica expressed her
confession of faith at the June 5 service.

Companion Hospice Care is now recruiting volun-

Alice Hoffman

teers for our upcoming training program. Volun-

Sumbal Sardar

teers can become a needed friend to someone

Keri Clark (daughter of M. Lanz)

during the last part of their journey. Volunteers

can also relieve tired caregivers for short periods
of time, or help with errands and shopping. Become a member of our team, whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Each

Grace Kobel
Porter Family, Ruthie Atkin (friends of B. Smith)
Nargis & family in Pakistan (family of Sumbal Sardar)
Keri France (family of A. Hillig)
Venus (friend of A. Hillig)
Chrystal Gay (A. Hilligs sister)

applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and

training from our professional team. We are conveniently located off the 605 Freeway or Lakewood
Blvd., at 8130 Florence Ave., Suite 200, Downey,
and CA 90240. Call today and make a real DIFFERENCE in someones life! We also need help in the
office, which does not require attending the Patient Care training Class. To assure class enrollment, please call. To learn more call Yovana Lo-

Fortunate typo
A pastor had his sermon titles published
weekly in the city newspaper. One Monday, he
phoned to thank the paper for making an error.
The topic I sent you was What Jesus Saw
in a Publican, he said. You printed it as What
Jesus Saw in a Republi-can. I had the biggest
crowd of the year.

pez, Volunteer Coordinator (562) 944-2711 or email me at yovanal@companionhospice.com

As most of you know, my work hours have been

in a state of fluctuation since mid-May due to
some personal matters. This is just about to
come to an end. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation and thank
the church board and each member of our
church family for allowing me this flexibility.

Loving Father in Heaven, I pray that each member of Bixby Knolls Christian Church be blessed
by you and touched by the Holy Spirit. Through
Jesus Christ our Lord I pray. Amen
June 19 - Psalm 139:1-18

Bixby Knolls Vision Statement

To know what the Lord requires of us;
to do justice, and love kindness,
and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)

Check us out on Facebook


The Fellowship News

A publication of
Bixby Knolls Christian Church of
Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ
1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807
Monica Lanz
fax 562-426-0429
Daniel Bradfield
The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly.


(Disciples of Christ)

9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday closed


Leo Dittemore
Pastor Daniel Bradfield
-Board President
Scheri Dubon
Monica Lanz
-Vice President
-Church Secretary
Pat Cohen
Barbara Neal-Peebles
-Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig
Suzie Romero
- Treasurer
- Custodian
Sandy Jeglum
- Financial Secretary
-Church Clerk

Every 2nd Sunday is FOOD

your nonperishable food
items and place them in the
box in the narthex.

Help cook food for Christian

Outreach in Action (COA).
Every 2nd Thursday at 8:00
a.m. in our church kitchen.

Our prayer circle meets every

2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00
a.m. in room 115. Join this
dedicated group in praying
for our church, community, &

Monthly 30-minute litter

pickup: every 4th Sunday at
11:45 a.m. The next litter
pickup is June 26.

Wednesday Night Dinner: Join

us each week at 6pm for a simple yet hearty pay-what-youcan meal. June 15 will be our
last Dinner before we break for

Submit your articles for the next

newsletter by June 26

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