Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

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Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

MAY 12, 2015

The real work of prayer is to become silent and listen Henri J.M. Nouwen
Dear Church,

I wanted to see if they could last ten minutes. I had my doubts, but I encouraged them to try.
The challenge I presented to them was this: using crayons or colored pencils, color a mandala while sitting
in silence.
Since they were all teenagers, I didnt expect them to keep silent the entire ten minutes. I didnt even
bother checking the time at the start of the activity. I was convinced that the silence would end long before the
ten minutes were up.
But it didnt.
I estimate that twenty minutes went by before the silence was broken and I was the one who broke it. I
hesitated to do so, because the silence had taken on a sacred quality. It was holy.
(Silence can also be powerful. I recently heard about an 11 year-old in Colorado
who wanted to draw attention to climate change, so he stopped talking for 45 days. It
was the hardest thing Ive ever done, he later said, and one of the most inspirational.)
We need silence.
Often, if were alone, well have the TV or radio on, just to have some noise. If we
have even a moment of idle time, well check for the latest social media updates. Thus,
even in a quiet room, our minds are filled with noise.
My experience with the youth made me realize how much we all need moments of silence, no matter how
old or young we are. Silence can be the deepest, most profound sort of prayer. When asked what she said during her prayers, Mother Teresa replied, I listen. When asked what God says when she prays, she said, God
So turn off the TV. Set the phone down. Put away the reading material.
Find the silence. You can find it by sitting still or by going for a walk. You can color a mandala or do a craft
(one that is repetitive and doesnt require much thinking). Try it for ten minutes or twenty.
Pastor Danny

Sarah Stolze
Phil OLaughlin
Sumbal Sardar
Keri Clark (daughter of M. Lanz)
Hattie Johnson
Grace Kobel

Pentecost at BKCC

Porter Family, Ruthie Atkin (friends of B. Smith)

Sunday, May 24

Nargis & family in Pakistan (family of Sumbal


The day of Pentecost is a special day in the

Keri France (family of A. Hillig)

life of the church. It takes place fifty days after

Venus (friend of A. Hillig)

Easter, and is the day when the Holy Spirit came

to the disciples, giving them power and the
ability to reach all people with the good news.
At 10:15, we will have a combined worship service in our sanctuary. This will be followed by an
all-church picnic lunch in our fellowship hall.
This is a potluck meal, so please bring some
food to share!

Youth Events

July 13-17

The early-bird deadline for summer camp registrations has arrived! Get those camp forms filled out and
turned in.
Mulligans in Torrance is having another Fellowship
Night on Friday, June 12! If you pre-pay by Sunday,
June 7, the cost is only $10, thanks to donations received at our Cinco de Mayo lunch earlier this month!

BKCC will have a softball team this summer! Our first

game will be Saturday afternoon May 30 3:30 at San
Martin park in Lakewood. We still have room for
more players. The cost is $40 each. Please send your
name, phone number, and email address to

This includes: unlimited go kart rides, mini golf, lazer to be on the

tag, climbing wall & batting cages, PLUS two slices of

team. You can find more info about the league at

pizza and a soda! I hope to see you

there as part of the team or to cheer them on to victory.
May 17 - John 17: 6-19
Only One Was Lost"


Starting a church in St. Joseph, Missouri is quite a distance from

IS Philliks home town of Chuuk State, one of four states located
in the Federated States of Micronesia. As a matter of fact, Chuuk
Christian Church is located approximately 7,103 miles from this
western Pacific nation.
Phillik, who lived in Hawaii, visited a few Chuukese friends living
in St. Joseph, Missouri. According to Phillik, approximately 300
Chuukese people live in St. Joseph and many of them work at a
local food company in the city.
While visiting St. Joseph, Phillik saw the need for the Chuukese people to have a place to worship and be in fellowship together. They were a people seeking spiritual help, says Phillik. I realized that there was a call for me in St. Joseph. I heard the call and felt in my heart that this is what God wants me to do.
With urgency and sheer determination, in 2012 Phillik packed up his family in Hawaii and moved to St. Joseph to
plant a new church. Phillik met with members of First Christian Church in St. Joseph about using their facility and was introduced to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The way they do church really touched my heart, he says.
Disciples are an open people.
Currently, Chuuk Christian Church has 60 members and meets weekly at First Christian Church in St. Joseph.
In February of 2015, Phillik attended Leadership Academy, hosted by Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation, where he and other leaders of new and transforming congregations participated in a week-long learning experience
designed to inspire, teach and encourage people as they lead courageously in their local setting. The Leadership Academy is a great thing, he says. It was an opportunity for me to learn about Disciples mission, values and vision.
Each year funds collected from the Pentecost Offering support the ministries and leadership training of new church
pastors like IS Phillik of Chuuk Christian Church in St. Joseph, Missouri. This year, Bixby Knolls Christian Church will
collect the Pentecost offering on May 24.
One half of the Pentecost Offering collected stays here in the Pacific Southwest Region, and the other half goes to
Hope Partnership to support its new church ministry.
Since the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) launched the 2020 vision to start 1,000 new churches by the year
2020, Disciples have started 850 new faith communities throughout the United States and Canada. Disciples new
churches worship in at least 28 different languages and have reached more than 60,000 individuals who may not have
had a relationship with God.

Blessing of the Bikes

This Sunday, May 17, Pastor Danny will again lead

the Long Beach Blessing of the Bikes. This community event will take place at 1:00 in the parking
lot of Georgies Place (Roosevelt & Atlantic), and
kicks off the May Kidical Mass Bike Ride. So ride
your bike to church, then attend the Bike Blessing
at Kidical Mass!

In observance of Memorial Day, the church office

will be closed on Monday, May 25, 2015

Just a Summertime note!

School is wrapping up and music at BKCC is swinging into summer. Praise and Pentecost will start us off. A
wonderful combined service is planned so don't miss it!
Praise team will start rehearsing weekly on Tuesday evenings this summer. If you ever wanted to be involved
musically here's a good time to join. We will be working on old and new music and special service music
starting on June 16th. Find us in the sanctuary rocking away! Chancel choir still has a 10 weeks of singing
for us to enjoy. We meet Wednesday's after dinner @ 7pm to 8 pm but only through June 23 then we are on
Sunday morning schedules. We will be looking for soloists to perform in August on a weekly basis. Choir is
dark in August and we would like to hear your wonderful if you sing, dance, play the saw or violin,TUBA, or the washtub bass, let us know and we will schedule you a moment in August!
Handbell cleaning PARTY and dinner is scheduled for June 1 (we know you're studying Maddy) so let me
know your dinner of choice!

Summer Intern Program

mid June - mid August
Live and work this summer at Loch Leven participating in the various camp programs as an adult leader. The Intern Program is an 8 week life-changing experience where interns will grow spiritually, personally and professionally.
Through your participation in the Intern Program, you will learn a variety of practical skills such as: 1st Aid/CPR,
safe food handling, activity facilitation and other industry best practices. Additionally, you will learn a variety of
"soft skills" such as the 4 c's - critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity.
Business leaders, educators, and sociologists all recognize the profound value of possessing a broad combination of practical and soft skills.
After completion of the Intern Program, you will be better prepared to succeed wherever your path may lead!
Download program description and application here:

Application deadline has been extended until all intern positions have been filled.

Help cook food for Christian

Outreach in Action (COA).
Every 2nd Thursday at 8:00 a.m.
in our church kitchen.

Check us out on Facebook

Our prayer circle meets every

2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00
a.m. in room 115. Join this
dedicated group in praying
for our church, community, &

The Fellowship News

A publication of
Bixby Knolls Christian Church of
Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ
1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807
Monica Lanz
fax 562-426-0429
Daniel Bradfield
The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly.

Submit your articles

for the

next newsletter

Litter pickup: DATE CHANGE:

Our May pickup will be the
fifth Sunday (May 31) at 11:45,
to pick up litter in Somerset
Park and along our neighborhood sidewalks & gutters.

Wednesday Night Dinners: join

us every Wednesday at 6:00 for
this pay-what-you-can meal.

by Thursday,

May 21, 2015

Bixby Knolls Vision Statement

To know what the Lord requires of us;
to do justice, and love kindness,
and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)

(Disciples of Christ)

9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday closed


Leo Dittemore
Pastor Daniel Bradfield
-Board President
Scheri Dubon
Monica Lanz
-Vice President
-Church Secretary
Pat Cohen
Barbara Neal-Peebles
-Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig
Suzie Romero
- Treasurer
- Custodian
Chrysan Naw
- Financial Secretary
-Church Clerk

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