4604 ProblemSet2 Fa07

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PHY4604 Fall 2007 Problem Set 2

PHY 4604 Problem Set #2

Due Wednesday September 19, 2007 (in class)
(Total Points = 110, Late homework = 50%)
Reading: Griffiths Chapter 2 (sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3).

Useful Math:
1 1 1 sin 2 x
ξ ( p) = 1 + p + p + p + L
2 3 4
∫ sin x cos xdx = 2

ξ ( 2) =
π 2
∫ x sin xdx = sin x − x cos x
6 x sin 2 x
∫ sin xdx = −

1 1 1 π2 2 4
1+ 2 + 2 + 2 +L = 2
3 5 7 8 x x sin 2 x cos 2 x
∫ x sin xdx = 4 − 4 − 8
∫0 sin mx sin nxdx = 2 δ mn x3 ⎛ x 2 1 ⎞ x cos 2 x
∫ = − ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ sin 2 x −
2 2
x sin xdx
π 6 ⎝ 4 8⎠ 4
∫ cos mx cos nxdx = 2 δ
∫ x cos xdx = cos x + x sin x
x sin 2 x
∫ cos xdx = +

2 4
x x sin 2 x cos 2 x
∫ x cos xdx = 4 + 4 + 8

x3 ⎛ x 2 1 ⎞ x cos 2 x
∫ = + ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ sin 2 x +
2 2
x cos xdx
6 ⎝ 4 8⎠ 4

Problem 1 (10 points): The time-dependent Schrödinger’s equation is

∂Ψ ( x, t ) h 2 ∂ 2 Ψ ( x, t )
ih =− + V ( x ) Ψ ( x, t ) ,
∂t 2m ∂ 2 x
where we take the potential energy, V, to be only a function of x (not of time). We look for
solutions of the form
Ψ ( x, t ) = ψ ( x)Φ (t ) .
The time-dependent equation separates into two equations (separation constant E).
h 2 d 2ψ ( x) dΦ(t )
− 2
+ V ( x)ψ ( x) = Eψ ( x) and ih = EΦ (t ) .
2m d x dt
Thus, Φ(t ) = e −iEt / h .
(a) (3 points) For normalizable solutions, show that the separation constant E must be real.
(Hint: see Griffiths problem 2.1)
(b) (3 points) Show that E corresponds to the total energy and that Ψ ( x, t ) = ψ ( x)Φ(t )
corresponds to a state with definite energy (i.e. ΔE = 0).
(c) (4 points) Show that the time-independent wave function, ψ (x) , can always be taken to be a
real function. (Hint: take V to be real and see Griffith’s problem 2.1)

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PHY4604 Fall 2007 Problem Set 2

Problem 2 (50 points): Consider an infinite square well defined by V(x) = 0 for 0 < x < a, and
V(x) = ∞ otherwise.
(a) (4 points) Show that the stationary states of Schrödinger’s equation are given by
Ψn ( x, t ) = ψ n ( x)e − iE n t / h with ψ n ( x) = sin( nπx / a )
n 2π 2h 2
and En = , and n is a positive integer.
2ma 2
(Hint: see Griffiths section 2.2)
(b) (2 points) Show that the states, ψ n (x) , form an orthonormal set. Namely, show that

∫ψ ( x)ψ n ( x)dx = δ mn .

(Hint: see Griffiths section 2.2)
(c) (8 points) Calculate <x>, <x2>, <px>, and <px2> for the nth stationary state.
(d) (6 points) Compute Δx = σx and Δpx = σ p x for the nth stationary state. Is the product ΔxΔpx
consistent with the uncertainty principle? Which state comes closest to the uncertainty limit?
(e) (8 points) Suppose that particle in this infinite square well has an initial wave function which
is an even mixture of the first two stationary states:
Ψ ( x,0) = A[ψ 1 ( x) + ψ 2 ( x)] .
What is the normalization A? If you measure the energy of this particle, what are the possible
values you might get, and what is the probability of getting each of them? What is the
expectation value of the energy for this state?
(Hint: see Griffiths problem 2.5)
(f) (10 points) Suppose that particle in this infinite square well has the initial wave function
⎧ Ax 0 ≤ x ≤ a/2
Ψ ( x,0) = ⎨
⎩ A(a − x) a / 2 ≤ x ≤ a
Sketch Ψ (x,0) and determine the normalization A. Find Ψ ( x, t ) . What is the probability that a
measurement of the energy of this state will yield the ground state energy E1? What is the
expectation value of the energy for this state Ψ ( x, t ) ?
(g) (12 points) Suppose a particle of mass m in this infinite square is in the ground state (i.e. n =
1). Now suppose that the well suddenly expands to twice its original size (the right wall moves
from a to 2a) leaving the wave function (momentarily) undisturbed. If the energy of the particle
is now measured, what is the most probable value and what is the probability of getting this

Problem 3 (50 points): Consider the one dimensional harmonic oscillator with potential energy
V ( x) = kx 2 . The Hamiltonian is given by
H = x +V =
p x2 + (mωx) 2 )
where ω = k / m . We express the Hamiltonian in terms of the operators (px)op and (x)op, where
∂ ∂2
( px )op = −ih and ( x) op = x and ( p x2 ) op = ( p x ) op ( p x ) op = −h 2 2 .
∂x ∂x

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PHY4604 Fall 2007 Problem Set 2

H op =
( )
( px2 )op + m 2ω 2 ( x 2 )op ,
and we define the two operators (a± )op as follows

(a± ) op ≡
(mωxop m i( px )op ).
(a) (2 points) Prove that the commutator of (px)op and (x)op is given by [( px )op , ( x)op ] = −ih ,
where [Aop,Bop] = AopBop – BopAop. (Hint: see Griffith’s Section 2.3.1).
(b) (2 points) Prove that [(a-)op,(a+)op] = 1.
(c) (2 points) Prove that H op = hω ((a+ )op (a− ) op + 12 ) = hω ((a− )op (a+ ) op − 12 ) .
(d) (4 points) Show that [ H op , (a± )op ] = ±hω (a± )op .
(e) (4 points) Show that if the state ψ E satisfies Schrödinger’s equation with energy E (i.e.
H opψ E = Eψ E ), then the state ψ + = (a+ )opψ E satisfies Schrödinger’s equation with energy
( E + hω ) and the state ψ − = (a− )opψ E satisfies Schrödinger’s equation with energy ( E − hω ) .
(f) (4 points) Show that if the state ψ E satisfies Schrödinger’s equation with energy E (i.e.
H opψ E = Eψ E ), then E ≥ 12 hω . (Hint: use the fact that the norm of all allowed states is positive
(g) (4 points) The ground state, ψ 0 , is defined to be the stationary state with the lowest energy
(i.e. H opψ 0 = E0ψ 0 ). Show that E0 = 12 hω and

⎛ mω ⎞ − 2h x 2
1/ 4

ψ 0 ( x) = ⎜ ⎟ e
⎝ πh ⎠
(Hint: use operator methods as in Griffiths Section 2.3.1)
(h) (4 points) Prove that (a+ )opψ n = n + 1ψ n +1 and (a− )opψ n = nψ n −1 , were ψ n is the nth
excited state and show that ψ n = n
(a+ )opψ0.
(i) (8 points) Find <x>, <x2>, <px>, and <px2> for the nth stationary state. (Hint: use operator
methods as in Griffiths Example 2.5)
(j) (4 points) Find Δx = σx and Δpx = σ p x for the nth stationary state and check that the
uncertainty principle is satisfied.
(k) (4 point) Compute <T> and <V> for the nth stationary state, where T is the kinetic energy
and V is the potential energy. What is sum <T> + <V>?
(l) (8 points) Suppose that a particle in the harmonic oscillator potential starts out in the state
Ψ ( x,0) = A[3ψ 0 ( x) + 4ψ 1 ( x)] .
What is <x> and <px> for this state? If you measure the energy of this particle, what are the
possible values you might get, and what is the probability of getting each of them? What is the
expectation value of the energy for this state? (Hint: see Griffiths Problem 2.13)

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