sin(ϑ ) = NA = n 20 − n R2 = n 0 1 − sech2 ( gd / 2 ) .
f nR is the refractive index at the margin of the
profile, and d is the lens diameter or the lens
Fig. 3. GRIN rod lens thickness, respectively.
The geometrical gradient constant g and the GRIN lenses with a high numerical aperture (NA
lens length zl determines the focal length f and ≈ 0.5) are produced by silver ion exchange in a
the working distance s of the lens, special glass which avoids any coloration in the
visible spectral range. The absorption edge of
1 1 the silver containing glass occurs at a
f = , s= wavelength of λ0.5 = 370 nm. GRIN lenses with
n0 g sin( gz l ) n0 g tan( gz l )
low numerical aperture (NA ≤ 0.2) are fabricated
via lithium ion exchange. The absorption edge of
Various imaging problems can be solved by the glass being used is at a wavelength of λ0.5 =
choosing different lens lengths z l (see Fig.4). 235 nm.