SC Tax Return

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£1040 U's individual income Tax Return 2009] on nsvicos Do not wee stale ints space posta oc ie ose rates i ag er Label | Vrewrtsinaneaceas— [lastrare Yours secory number (See 8 | JOHN P. COFFEY Scere, | © bipmeuncenstancanias care ee, Use the IRS ANNE C. COFFEY ody ase ere eer an me ee Shewise |e r your $SNis) above. Coie, ee ee ee gia Presidential BRONXVILLE NY_10708 ‘change your tax or refund, Election Campaign Check here if you, or your spouse I fllng jomtly, want $3 to go to this fund (see page 14) > il You Bx Spouse 1] Srae 4 LJ Guamiroperson 9.6 chil Buel four cpencerk ner his” Filing Status 2 |X! marries ting jointy (even t only one had income) ‘chid's name neve D> 3] Married ting separately. Enter spouse's SSN above 5 [] Quaitying widow(er) with dependent chid (eee page 16) check only one box end ful ame ner @ Pl Yousel sone canyon tae ee 3 Exemptions [K! spouse tegiguren cae cece || ig een Pe cee 8 anna aed veatmermromn| nen Eon seat \ioore han four“: KATHARINE C COFFEY. DAUGHTER "3 Gependerts,see CAMERON T_ COFFEY ‘SON x ae poli CONOR S_COFFEY ey a ee Total number of exemptions claimed trae" 5) 7 Voge, sos ts Ate Foi ez z Income ta Tavabie crest Atach Schedule Bead ta 35,120 Atach Forms} Tax-exempt ners, Do notncloe on ine 88 » 171, 620] ‘W-2here. Also g_ Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule B if required ga 134,875 auch Foams “Sater ce oe 23 oe 25,202] W2G end 40. Taxable ehnds, es or fe at id ibcaincs tn fame page 23) 10 wacwnnel. 11 Almny receved 1 vain 12 Business income or oss), Atach Schedule C or EZ A Fawn 13 congo fs, Mich See tt eco och D Gs =3,000 Seepege22. 14 Otvergans or(onees) tach Form 4797 “8 15a IRA distributions [15 'b Taxable amount (see page 24) [156] 162. Penclon and anes “(ea 1 Taxable amount (Sepa 25) [46D Enclose, butdo 17 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 47 4,939,447 aot attach, ary 43 Farm income or (loss) Altach Schedule F 18 Bayment. AO 49 rrpqmetconpeaten ees 1820p i at 82 19 Porm 1000-V. 20a Sol soiy brs 2a Taxable amount (ve page 7) [20] 21 Obernime Lt ype ada (e507) 2 26 22__ Add the amount inh far ight column for ins 7 through 34 Ths i your total income | 22 8,110,568 28 Educalr expenses (see page 29) 2 Adjusted 24 Ceran business expenses of esenvsts, performing aris, and Gross fee-basis government oficial tach Frm 2108 of 21062 | 24 Income 25 _Healn-savngs account ceducton. tach Form 6860 Fa 26 Mowing exponsos. tac Form 2003 3 27 One-half set-employment tax atch Scheie SE 2 72,187 26 Seftemployed SEP, SIMPLE, and quad plans 28 294,274 29 Seltemployed health Insurance deduction (see page 30) Fy 16,589| 30 Ponaly on ear wthraval of savings 20 31a Almony gad Recipients SSN b 3a 22" TRAdeducion (se page 31) 2 33. Studer an ierestdacuton (see page 38) 33 34 Tallon and feos deduction tach Form 8817 3 38. Domesteproducton actiaies deduction, Atach Fom 6608 [35 26. lines 23 Bough a0 32 rah 95 x 383,050 37 _Subiract ne 38 tom ine 2, Tis is ou aus gross income » [a 4,727; 518 Fy Disclonre, Privacy Ret and Paporwrk Reduction AGEN, S60 PODS. im 1040 cn Fm 1040 000, JOHN BP. & ANNE C. COFFEY 998, [Samsara __b tryna im ori s iesbatn pae So stn De 3B Deduction oq. itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see leh margin) 4a] 1,222,226 'Difyou are increasing your standard deduction by certain ea estate txes, new motor sess ‘vehicle taxes, 2 net aster los, attach Schedule Land check hee (seepage 3% 400 [] Borentne | 41 Subtract ine 40a from line 38 at 3,505,292 32.82, | 42. Exemptions ne 38's $125,100 o ass and you dt not provide housing to 2 Migwestem can be displaced individual, multiply $3,650 by the number on line 6d, Otherwise, see page 37 42 12,165 CTA ey serra eeepc ep iinet 3yaes 497 febhace 95 | 44 Taxper ne 9 iether L] Fea BL ] ror? [17187916 sAtobers | 45 Alternative minimum tx (see pape 40), Atach Form 6251 45 [oko M8 Adin ana as > [ae| 1, 187, 916 BRS) ay Foreign tax cro. tach Form 1176 requires a 6a4 Tenosting| 42 Stor hid and dependent cae expenses. tach Fom 2441 [a8 menestina| 49 Education ced fom Form 8863, kne 29 42 Sebvee | 50 Retirement savings contibutons ced. Atach Form 6890 50 HERGS" | 51 chia ax creat (see page «2) 1 vac | 52 Croats tromFom: aL] e505. b [7] 9830 © [1] sets 2 fests. | 53 Ober cess tom Fema [] 3e00 b [] aeot « s 54 Akd nes 47 trough 53. These re your total reds s 684 55 _ Subtract line 54 from line 46. If line 54 is more than line 46, enter -0- > | 55 1,187,232 86 Self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 56 144,373 Other 57 Umepened socal saunly and Medcaretaxtom Fora] 4137» [] 8519 al 158 Adatona tax on IRA, other qualifledretrement plans, ee Atach Form SS28itrequred (56 59 rattnstmes « [] a8 nro» DR House enpyrentines Mich St [301 6523 {60 _ Aad ines 55 trough $8. Ths is your total tax > [ool 1,338,128 (1 Federal nome tax wield rom Forme W2 and 1000 a Payments 62 2009 estimated tax payments and amount appid from 2008 retum 62 1,279,253) 63 -Malrg nak py and goverment eles cedisAtac SoheddeM [63 Tyosrawa'—Bla Earned income credit 1c) os austvng |b Nontaxable combat pay election [64D SBiedlele] 6s —Adconal cic tax crt tach Fam 882_ es ————* 66 Refundable education credit from Form 8863, ine 16 66 67 _Fsttme homebuyer cred tach Form 5405, 68 Amount paid with request for extension to fle (see page 72) 68 60 , 000) 68 Excots soil socumty and ter 1 RRTA tx witha (eae pga 72| 68 ole clot tea Focea [-] sole] aaa 2 [1] oon] anon 74s 263485917 Tne 0 pymats e1n| 1,339,253 Refund 72 WWline 77 is more than line 60, subtract line 60 from line 71. This is the amount you overpaid 72 1,125 Srectdepet? 738. Amount line 72 you want refunded to you. Form 8880 is aached checkhere Pe [] [73a Seesa9e73 pw Routing number be type [] checking [] savngs Beets Pd Account rumber orForm 58874 _ Amount of line 72 you want applied to your 2010 estimated tax 74 | ‘Amount 75 Amount you owe. Subiract ine 7 or ne 60. For deals on how io pay, seepage 7@ P| 75 o You Owe _76 Estate ax penal (see pape 74) [76 | o Thi Partjo0}O0 tN oto prone cs sem win Ree ope TOR] Toe, Coputo"Gws [] We Designee (une b_LAWRENCE_TORELLA tone oo & 212-686-5900 5 ie paraee Toa TOSS aL ae ey RS TS SS ST TS gg aT Mg aT Rig ey ee Save b ene: Boot cpr ct no eeu eaten at tarotn oA pope Tiny louie ane Sep .TTORNEY ferzacoos ¥Speoses soars Wa anion Both avn ate | Seuss ceasten eee le R Praswery| ate Tepe paid SoaceD Bow O Preparer's remsnaneio TORELLA & ASSOCIATES LLC rm . = Use Only jorsitsrercioyos)p 303 FIFTH AVE SUITE 1605 Phone no Sees occ” NEW YORK Ny 10016 212-686-5900 aa Form 1040 200%) SCHEDULE A Itemized Deductions coo i. 5454 {Form 1040) 2009 Pigacramtelnecesin(..,| De Attach to Form 1040. See Instructions for Schedule A (Form 1040), ABET o. OF Raets) shown cn Fa 1000 T Your sort sory nomber JOHN P. & ANNE C. COFFEY Medical ‘Caution. Dont nude expanses rambureed or pal by oer and 1 Mesical and deta expenses (seepage A-1) 1 Dental 2. Enerancut tom Fem 108, e382 Expenses 3 wtpy ine 2 by 7.5% (075) 3 4 Subic ine 3 om ine ne Sis mare than ine 1 entero ‘ Taxes You 5 Sisto and ocl check only one box: Paid a X Income taxes, or > 5 634,833) (See b | Genera sales taxes page A-2.) 6 Real estate taxes (see page A-5) 6 77,694! 1 New rato’ ven gcc tom ne 1 of he workshest on Dace Sap ine Py Cheetos co a8 7 8 Ofertas. List ype and amount 8 9 Add lines § through & 2 712,527 Interest 10 Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Form 1094 _10 62 , 292! You Paid 11 Hone motyape interes ot epare oyouon Fon 1088. pita the (see pon em Duh ane, se ape 7 nd sho ta poge M6) pes’ name, iri no, an ares. Note. “ Perscal 12 ais no eporedio you on xm 108. See page A for serest Special ies 2 BR scible 13 Cuaiied mongage insurance pramiums (se page A7) 1 14 investment intrest tach Form 4952 required. (See page AS) “ 415 Add lines 10 through 14 45 62,292 Gifts to ‘16 Gifts by cash or check. If you made any gift of $250 or ‘Charity more, see page A-8 16 483,414! ityou made a 17 Othe then by cash or check i ny if of $260 or moe, sew Qikand gate page A-8 You must tach Form 8283 if over $500, ” 9,600) enefitfor i, 48 Carryover from prior year 18 SeRSeDO BR yg els nes 16 MMOH 1 says uia Casualty and Theft Losses 20 Casvaty o htt ss(es). Atach Form 4684. (S00 page A-10.) 2 job Expenses 21 Unreinbursed enployeeexpenses—job reel. ion dues job soe earn’ seston sc Atak Fes S15 or F0SE? fees ee age £10) > Miscellaneous Hf Deductions 22 tax preparation fees 22 6,700) See 23 Other expenses—investmen, safe depos box. List ype page A-10.) ‘and amount P PORTFOLIO INC DED (K-18) 23 8,397 24 ines 21 trough 23 28 15,097 25 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 [25 4,727,518) 26 Mulply ine 25 by 2% (02) 2 94,550 277 Subtract ine 26 rom in 24 ine 2's moc than ine 24, eter 2 o Ber 2B Other—fom ist on page A-H. List ype and amount B Migceaneous Deductions 2 Total 28 1s Form 1040, ne 38, ovr $165 80 (over 885400 merried fing separate? ¥ Itemized No. Your deduction not mtg, Ac the amount in he fa ight column Deductions lines trough 28 Ais, ere this amount on Form 1040, Ine dda >|20| : 1,222,296 X Yes. Your dosucton may be ites. See 9999-11 forthe anounto ent 30 you elec to temize deductions eventhough they ar ess than your standards deduction, check here * LIMITED BY AGD ade R Farm TOADY BOS Fox Papanwark Reduction Act Note, see Form TOAD instructions New York Sate Department of Taxation and Finance Resident Income Tax Return (iong form) 209 + «IT-201 New York State @ New York City @ Yonkers For the full ear January 1, 2009, through December 21,2009, or fiscal year beginning rn cron yn, se hes ein ons tenting Years ie nal Yann rata aon no) W You Sa oan p CorrEY Spins tntraeané niente ne Seuss a set te 5 Rane c CorrEy Frases ecco ngs) (rr sntreniy) mtn Ne acre i oes BRONXVILLE NY 10708 manent home address (see instructions, page 61) unter and shee ot rao.) Aparmen umbe $) BRONXVILLE soa senetcsemimber 069 Cy. wiloe, orpst oe swe tone Teopaers te ofaeon Sets chen Ny Piel © 3 () Filing) Shoe (D) Choose direct deposit o avo paper check eins delays status — (©) 01401 07 you spouse maintain ving mark an (2) X Mate ing jit rtm Guavters nV Gung 2000 we renneaves No. X Xin (ocr apices unbraboe) (Ey enue ena NYC purtyen fone box: (2) Maced fing separate tun Tesidonts only xe. (tar seus’ sal sec rumbe bv (0) Manterot ments you he NY Cyn 2008 (4) Head ofneusehol th autivng person (2 urea ot nets your spouse ben (8) Quativing widower with dependent cid vin (8) Did you itemize your deductons on (G) Enteryour2-gt special condition code You2008ederalincome trav"? Yas Xo (8) ippteati et are (©) can you be claimed a8 a dopandont Wappicable, sso ener your second 2a Snanohertapayersfederlreimm™ Yes No X {peal condition code /income and adjustments ‘iy uk year New Vek State resides may fle th farm. For ines 1 cugh 1 below evar your income tems atl astnent a ty appear on your fea en eee pas 83). [No see naga 4 insets fr enowing aoa s, salaries, tins, ate 1 Se intrest income 2 39,120. ay dividends, 3 134,875. le refunds, credits, o offsets of state and local income taxes ao mente 4 ny received 5. 288 income o loss (aac copy of federal Schedule Cx C-EZ, Ferm 1040), 6 | gan oF loss (requea,atach a cap tte Schedule O, Form 1040) 2 -3,000. gains or losses (atch a copy of federal Fe 4797) 8 le amount of RA distibutons. If received as a beneficiary, mark an X in the box 8 le amount of pensions and annuities, W received as a beneficiary, mark an X inthe box 10. real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc (tn sryfeaeal Senta fom so) 11 4,939,447, income oF 18s tach a copy of ederal Saneule F, Form 1040) 12. ployment compensation in excess of $2,400 per recipient 13. le amount of socal securty benefits (ls anion ine 27) 14 income seepage Identity, MISCELLANEOUS 1. 126. pes 1 through 15 16. 5,110,568. federal adjustments to income mepaets Mdentify: SEE STATEMENT 1 17 383,050. adjusted gross income (subtract ine £7 from line 16) 18 4,727,518. zor1091022 {our pages of this original scannable return with the Tax Department. nn Federa 1 Wag 2 Teal 3 Ordin 4 Taxal 5 Almo 6 Busin 7 Capt 8 othe 9 Taxa 10 Taxa 11 Rent 12 Farm 13 Unen 14 Taxa 18 Other 16 Ada i 17 Total 18 Fede You m Page 2 of 417-201 (2009) 1 or your socal sceuty number 18 Federal adjusted gross income trom ine 18 onthe front page) 19. 4,727,518. New York additions (sce page 63) 20 Interest income on state and local bonds and obligations (bt ot hose of NY Slate ris oc govermens) 20. 22,680. 21 Pubic employee 414(h) retirement contributions tom your wage and tax statements (ene pape ea) 2 22 New York's 529 colege savings program distributions (see nage 64) 2 23 Other seesouess|Mentfy. PARTNERSHIP ADDITIONS THRU BERNSTEIN 23, 208,304. 24 Add ines 19 though 23, 2, 4,958,502. New York subtractions (see page 6=) 25 arable tnd, ces, of ft of alan lcalincame axes fronton) 25, 26 Pensions of NYS ad loca govermens andthe federal government ee Dag8 6828, 27 Taxable amount of socal security benefits (rom ne 4) 27 28 Interest income on US. government bonds 28. 28 Pension and annuity income excision (ee page 68) 29. 30 New York's 528 college savings program deducton/eamings 90. 10,000. 31 Othercesexem Klentiy, SEE STATEMENT 2 a 47,694. 132 Ad tines 25 through 31 22, 57,694. ‘89. New York adjusted gross income (subtract line 32 rom tne 24) 33, 4,900,808. Standard deduction or itemized deduction (see page 73) ‘4 Enter your standard deduction (tom abe below or your itemized deduction rom wartenest Yow, Mark an Xin the appropriate box ® ‘Standard. or «BOX ‘Remized ag, 246,507. ‘35 Subtract line 34 from tne 33 (tine 94s more than ne 33, leave bln) 35, 4,654,301. 36 Dependent exemptions (rot he sea tl deta exerts, ee rope 7) 3. 3,000. 37 Taxable income (subirac line 36 om line 35) ar. 4,651,301. < or New York State New York State itemized deductinn.waskehan. Servtarel deouction table: ‘4 Mecical and dental expenses tedeaiSen Ames) a, Fring status Standard deduction Taxes you pak geal Sch. tre), ». 712,527. (fommetomsaas) (enerenlne ate) yy Stat, local and foreign income taxes inchuded imine b above bt 634,833. (1) Single and you marked © Interest you paid sed ne 9 ‘. 62,292. tome Yes $3,000 Gist charity eas. 510 18 4 493,014. © Casuaty and thet losses season 20) . (1) Single and you marked {Job expensesimise. deductions uwaseh.Almea7)—t, item C No 7.600 g Other mise. deductions reso. A tet o hy Enter amount from federal Schedule Aine 29. 1,222,226. (2) Married fing jin return 15,000. State focal, and foreign income taxes and ther subtraction adjustments 66 page 73 i 611,979. (3) Martie fing separate J Subiract ine ftom tine ® i 610,247. retum 7.500 Addition adjustments ae) kK 1 Ada ines jand k \ 610,247. (6) Head of household (with im temized deduction adjustment sepae75 m. 363,740. s0 Joo 59 Enter cect name code no ang amount bso 100 {60 To claim more than two credits (ee page 19) ooo 100, 61 Nonrefundabe renters cred (262 page 57) eet {oo {62 Add line 55 and line 67 through line 61. These are your total credits 62 Too. {63 Subtract ine 62 rom ne. tes than zero, enter 0. 6 TIT, 845 [00 4g 71 Aternative minimum tax, Attach Schedule P (S40NR) on Joo, E72 Mental Heath Services Tax (see nage 20) on 1, 835_[00 55 79 Other taxes andere recapture (see page 20) on Too © 74 Add ine 63, ne 71, ine 72, ad ine 73. This your total tx ov 113,680 00 81 Calfomia income tax withheld (see page 20) oan, I. {82 Realestate or other wthhokiing (see page 20) oe [oo 83 2008 CA estimated tax and other payments (see page 20) 983 109,263 [00 {84 Excess SDI (or POI) withheld. To ee If you quality 88 page 21) oo Too. Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit (see page 21). Atach form FT 3506, Payments 85 Qualifying person's socal securty number on, 186 Qualifying person's socal securty numer o0s, {87 Enter the amount from form FTB 3506, Pat il ine @ oor ‘88 Crild and Dependent Care Expenses Crecit from form FTB 3505, Par 89 Aid line 8, ine 6 ie 63, ne 64, ard ine 88. These are you tal payments 2 109,263 |00 +g 3 101 Overpaid tax. ie 8 is more than ne 74 subtract ne 74am ne 68 sot 5 102 Amountofine 101 you wat appt o your 2010 estimated tax e102 5 108 Overpaid tox aval this year, Subsract ine 102 rom ne 101 e103. 104 Tax due. Iline 89 is less than ine 74, subiract ine 89 from line 74 ror 4, 417 Too ‘Side 2 Long Form S40NR C7 2008 034 3132094 Yoursane JOHN P. COFFEY Your s¥ ot TIN Calforia Seniors Special Fund, See instructions (see page 21) ‘Avheimer’s Dsease/Related Disorders Fund California Fun for Senior Citizens Rare and Endangered Species Preservation Program ‘State Chilaren's Trust Fund forthe Prevention of Child Abuse Cafornia Breast Cancer Research Fund Calfornia Firefighters! Memorial Fund Emergency Food for Families Fund Calfomia Peace Officer Memorial Foundation Fung Catfornia Miltary Famly Reliet Fund Callrna Sea Otter Fund California Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Municipal Shelter Spay-Neuter Fund California Cancer Research Fund ALSiLou Gehrig Disease Research Fund Contributions 105 Add code 400 through code 414. This is your total contribution 5 sarawounrYou owe. As ine 04 ar 105 (ee page 2) 0 nat ond cash £3 Mall FRANCHISE TAX BOARD, PO BOX 942867, SACRANENTO CA 942670001 ES saz interest, late return penalties, and late payment penalties 122 90) TE 129 Underpayment of estimated tar Check thobox. [X] FTB S805 attached {) FTB S8OSF atached @ 123 | EE 126 Total amount cue (see page 23). Enclose, but do not staple, any payment 24 4,507 ¥25 REFUND OR NO AMOUNT DUE. Subtraci line 105 rom ine 102 ‘Mail to: FRANCHISE TAX BOARD, PO BOX 942840, SACRAMENTO CA 94240-0002 ons 00 % inte eromatonte authorize direct depos of your eur it oe or wo accounts. Dano tah vole nec ra poet ip 20009073) Hove you varied te rutin and account numbers? Use vole dlrs oy De é Checking : Sovge 22 2 eRoamgnmiw Tye @Accontnmber 126 Drea depost avout 3 Thereraning aroun’ of ywtnd ne 125) 8 auored fe ret depos ino te scout shown blow z Crecang H sos 7 Reaigninber”_e Type @ Accominanber 227 Disc pont omen Important: Atach a copy a your complete federal income tox run Uncerpenaties of peay, | deca that have examined th etm, inciding accompanying schedules and statements andi the best of fronledgo anc ble ue creck and conplee You eortve Spouse sROPaaoraoe Cyne pan br eh Sign (tape ena 9) Here x x oe is nawsl_Paawoprers sare (rcs of pep sed onal afomaioncl whch papa hv eyed) [@ Pal papow™s SONPTIN bioges space Ror Frame eryons Tearanptyed Ti aoe @ Fen ee, TORELLA & ASSOCIATES LLC Gash) 303 FIFTH AVE SUITE 1605 NEW YORK, NY 10016 Do you want alow anche person odesas Ts Tetum wu oe pape ZV? LAWRENCE TORELLA rt Td Paty Designee’ Nore Talephone Naber TO7I5 INT 30 034 3133094 Tang Form S40NR C7 2009 Side 3 “wasicree California Adjustments — SoHo 2009 _ Nonresidents or Part-Year Residents CA (540NR) important: tach is schedule behind Long Form S4ONR, Side 3 asa supporing Names 8 shown ann SaaTW JOHN P. COFFEY ANNE_C. COFFEY Part | Residency Information, Complete all lines that apply to you and your spouse RDP. During 2000: 1. Iwas domiciled in (enter state or country) 1b Iwas inthe itary and stoned in (enter state county) 2 mean Carat (na Ba tf rere a i 8. scae anova ter aw tester an dono), Yourself SHHSEREEEY Sou aie HEPES 4s arenes Caton er yer tater cunts) '5 The number of day | spent in Calfomia or any purposes 6 owned a homeproperty in Calf (enter "¥es*cr"No") Before 2008: 7 | was aCaltoia resent forte period of ent cats) z 8 entered Calforna on enter date) 9 Le Catfornia on (enter date NEW_YORK NO NEW YORK NO Part ll_income Adjustment Schedule A @ c D E apes SectonA Income Sees, "ene iccera our cas RE erate ee ee Ani Vouwer a | (ccencser sex’ elever* | cree, 7 ape, ats. eS tnt betvemaingznertyncairm orc 7 8 Taxable interest s___39,120 171,620 210,740 #043 Oran Suede. Sette 25,202 9@)__134,875 134,875 10 Toe ids cs cis ie Endbzl name ie br Festne Raninsouentsnoarma 10 11 aieyreaied See enters 11 12 Business income or (loss) 12 13 capltgancr (es) Sasanutons 19___(3, 000) (000) 14 hereon) 4 15 IRAdisveutens, See nsiuctons ® 1500. 16 Fensrs atoms Soins ©, 16(0) 17 ad RTaaRR pen rete Ve a9 35 AAT 164, 395} 5,103,846 |1, 272,432 48 Farm income oF (oss) 18 18 Yeriprmtargesain ness: 9 20 Social securty benefits. © 20) 2 ‘otnar income: California lotery winnings Disaster loss carryover from FTB 3805V Federal NOL (Form 1040, ine 21) NOL canyover tom FTB 3805 21 126 4 NOL ftom FTB 38050, FTB 38082, FT 2806, FTE 3807, or FTE 3809 Other (describe) > a 8 126 22 a Total Conbire ine’ trough line 21 in each cot, Continue te Sie 2 220|_5,110,568 o| 336,019) 5,446,587 1,276,475 For Privacy Notice, get form FTB 1104 034 71741094 ‘Schedule GA (40NR) 2008 Side 1 FEY FEY, - a 2 c_ D. E dara Amunia| — Subtraction tions plat Arpounis mounts ile arourts fem] Searncnssons seainsrues Using Gataw | income estate urfederalretuny | (aera between | (frence between | AsHYouWore a | ‘aoeved anaca CAB teserliow | “Ch tederalan) ‘Aaa ® | Sderot scare ‘fomeotmnA” | “tom Ca seurces" ‘Seale | seanoweaden eres) 110,568 336,019 |5, 446,587 |1,276,475 72,187 72,187 294,274 294,274 16,589 16,589 383,050 383,050 127,518 Q 336,019 5,063,537 11,276,475) zed Deductions: @ amounts on federal Schedule A (Form 1040) ines 4, 15 m 1040NR), lines 3, 7,8, 15, and 16), me __L,2A7. AV m 1040), line 5 (State Disabily Insurance, snd state an local income y motor vehicle tax), and line 8 (foreign taxes only). See instuctions 99 634,833 2 ‘000 lottery losses, See instructions a 2 633,000 NR, ine 18) more than the amount shown below for your filing status? ‘separately $160,759 s2ei.119 qualifying widew‘er) $321,483 line 43, ns Worksheet inthe instructions for Schedule CA (540NR), line 43, ne 43 or your standard deduction listed below separately $3,697 a0 of household, or quaiying widower) $7274 4 368,638 AGI fom ine 37, cum E as 1,276,475 46, 368,638 521 a 368,638 mn by tne 3. clu D. Cary the deci 000, ete 10000 Iss than ao, ete 0 a o tions. Multiply ine 46 by the percentage on ine 47 line 48 from line 45. Transfer this amount to Long Form S40NR, ine 35, 92,934 49__1, 183,541 means 7742094 JOHN P.. cor ANNE C. COF Section B — Adjustments to income — 22 birt om Sresie ca (et Se on a SumAtghesume... 2265 23 Educator expenses 2a. 24 Caran wats pone ‘esr pany ass feebaegowrmertateds 24 25 Heathers mroridotuten 25 26 Moving expenses. 26 27 Oretattsdtensoymet ian 27 28 Selremployed SEP, SIMPLE, ans quali plans 20 29 Selt-employed neath insurance deduction 29, 90 Peray oeaty wtcnalatsebes 30 31 8 Alimony paid. Enter recipients: ae sa 32 IRA deduction 2 3 Suerte iaretaiston 98 34 Tuilonandtees deacon 34 ‘38 donate poduson shite deen 35 236 Ad ine 23 trough ine 35 ineach column, AtoughE 36 37 Toa Seren en 70 0h coun Ata Sentra 97/4 Part ll_Aaustmonts to Federal em 58 Federal Remized Deductions. Ad t 18,20, 27. and 28 (or Schedule A (Fo 38 Enter otal of federal Schedule A (Fo tax, General Sales Ta), ine 7 (ne 40 Subtract ine 28 fom tne 38 4 Oter ajustmentsineuding Calf specty 42 Combine ine #Dand Ine #1 43 Is your federal AGI (Long Farm S40 Single of maried ROP tin Head of nousenod Maries/ROP fg joint ox No. Transfer the amount one 42 Yes. Complete the Hemized Deduct 44 Enter the larger of the amount on i ‘Single or martediROP fling Part IV _ California Taxable income. 45 California AGI. Ener yout Calfomia 46 Emer your deacon rom tne 44 47 Deduction Perconage. Orde ine 7, ‘efor ples th sat sgt California hemized/Standard Deduc California Taxable Income. Subtract Ifless than 2er0, enter -0- 8 0 Side 2 Schedule CA (G40NR) 2008

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