Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Zoloft (sertraline) -Anti depressant - Acts as an - Treatment of -Headache -Hypersensitivity to -give this drug
antidepressant by depression -Drowsiness Zoloft once a day at the
DOSAGE: inhibiting CNS - Treatment of -Dizziness -Use cautiously with same time
50 mg qAM, neuronal reuptake of panic -Diarrhea impaired hepatic or morning or
then increase by serotonin. Blocks -Treatment of -Rhinitis renal function evening; do not
50 mg/day per uptake of serotonin social anxiety -Sweating exceed in
month in with little effect on disorder prescribed dose
patients with the norepinephrine, -Report rash,
partial response histaminergic and mania, seizures
(maximum dose dopamonergic and edema
of 200 mg/day receptor.
Lithium BiCarbonate Anti-manic -alters sodium -Manic -Coma -Contraindicated -Tell the patient
transport in nerve and -Improvement - Epileptiform with to take drug with
muscle cells; inhibits of neutrophil seizure hypersensitivity to plenty of water
the release of counts in -Arrhythmia tartrazine and after meals
norepinephrine and patients with -Bradycardia - use cautiously with to minimized GI
dopamine, but not cancer -diarrhea protracted sweating upset
serotonin from chemotherapy - muscle and diarrhea - Discontinue
stimulated neurons; induced weakness drug and notify
slightly increases neutropenia the prescriber if
intraneuronal stores toxicity occurs.
of cathecholamines; -Report diarrhea
decreases or fever.
intraneuronal content
of second messengers
and may thereby
selectively modulate
the responsiveness of
hyperactive neurons
that might contribute
to manic state
Akineton Anti-parkinson’s -Anticholinergic - Parkinson’s -Drowsiness - Contraindicated - give this drug
activity in the CNS that disease -vertigo with allergy to exactly as
is believed to help -Relief -headache benztropine prescribed
normalize the symptoms of -dizziness - Use cautiously in - advice patient
hypothesized extra pyramidal tachycardia patients to Avoid use of
imbalance cholinergic disorders alcohol
and dopaminergic -Report painful
neurotransmission in urination
the basal ganglia in
the brain of
parkinsonian client.
Leponex (clozapine) Anti-psychotic - Anti psychotics -Severely ill - potentially - Contraindicated -Weekly drug
blocks postsynaptic schizophrenia fatal with allergy to test will be taken
dopamine receptors in - Reduction of myocarditis clozapine to determine
the brain, depress the risk of recurrent - Drowsiness -Use cautiously in safe dosage
RAS, anticholinergic suicidal -Seizure with cardiovascular - Tell pt that they
antihistaminic and behavior - Tachycardia disease may experience
alpha adrenergic -Hypotension Drowsiness,
blocking. Clozapine -Fever dizziness, Seizure
produces fewer - Instruct patient
extrapyramidal effects to report if fever
that other occurs.
Serenace Anti-psychotic -Anti psychotics blocks -Psychotic -Neuroleptic -Hypersensitivity to - give this drug
(haloperidol) postsynaptic disorders malignant typical anti exactly as
DOSAGE: dopamine receptors in -Short term syndrome psychotics prescribed
5-10 mg/day the brain, depress the treatment for -Cardiac arrest - use cautiously with -advice patient to
RAS, including those hyperactive -Drowsiness pregnancy Avoid prolonged
parts of the brain children. - Drymouth exposure to sun
involved with - encourage
wakefulness and patient to
emesis. Maintain fluid
Seroquel -Anti-psychotic - Blocks dopamine and - Schizophrenia -Drymouth -Contraindicated - give this drug
(Quetiapine) serotonin receptor in in patients older - Drowsiness with coma or severe exactly as
DOSAGE: the brain also acts as than 18 years -Neuroleptic CNS depression prescribed
25-50 mg bid, receptor antagonist at old malignant - Maintain fluid
increased by 25- histamine and - Mania syndrome intake and use
50 mg every 1 to adrenergic receptor -Hypotension precautions
3 days to a total sites against heat
daily dose of stroke
400-600 mg - Take ER tablet
once daily in the
Solian Anti-psychotic -affecting the chemical -sleepiness Elderly people and - give this drug
(amisulpride) dopamine, a -a decrease in patients with exactly as
neurotransmitter, blood pressure histories of diabetes,
inside the brain. Solian -dizziness epilepsy, brain
blocks the nerves that -weight gain damage,
are oversensitive to - twitching or Parkinson's disease,
dopamine, thus tremor of the cardiovascular
controlling psychotic hands, face, disease,
behavior and resulting legs or tongue bradycardia,
in the alleviation of the - increased hypkalaemia,
symptoms of salivation dementia, smoking
schizophrenia. - anxiety or high blood
-agitation pressure should
take Solian only
under the direct and
careful supervision
of their physicians.
Prozac (fluoxetine) Anti-depressant -oral antidepressant -Effective for a -headache -hypersensitivity to - give this drug
chemically unrelated variety of -nervousness flouxetine or other exactly as
DOSAGE: to tricyclic, tetracyclic, depressive and -anxiety SSRI drugs. prescribed
20 mg qAM MAOI, or other anxiety -insomnia -monitor for S&S
available disorders -nausea of improved
antidepressants. -diarrhea affect. Requires
Antidepressant effect approximately 2-
is presumed to be 3weeks for
linked to its inhibition therapeutic
of CNS neuronal effects to be felt
uptake of serotonin, a -monitor for and
neurotransmitter . report increased
known as SSRI anxiety,
nervousness or
-monitor for
seizure in
patients with a
history of seizure
Thorazine Anti psychotic -actions on -control manic -sedation -hypersensitivity to - give this drug
(chlorpromazine) hypothalamus and phase of manic- -drowsiness phenothiazine exactly as
DOSAGE: reticular formation depressive -Extra derivatives prescribed
10-50 mg PO produce strong illness pyramidal -withdrawal states -give with food
bid-qid, titrate sedation, hypotension -symptomatic symptoms from alcohol or a full glass of
to 200-800 and depressed management of -comatose states fluid to minimize
mg/day in temperature psychotic -brain damage GI distress
divided doses regulation. Inhibitory disorders -be alert for
(max 2000 effect on dopamine -schizophrenia signs of
mg/day) reuptake maybe the neuroleptic
basis for moderate malignant
extra pyramidal syndrome.report
symptoms. immediately
-notify patient
for may cause
pink to red-
discoloration of
Benadryl Anti histamine Histamine receptor -Mild insomnia -Dry mouth -hypersensitivity to - give this drug
(diphenhydramine) antagonist (sedation), - neuroleptic- - dizziness antihistamines of exactly as
DOSAGE: acetylcholine receptor induced - drowsiness similar structure prescribed
50 mg PO qhs antagonist extrapyramidal - tremor -lower respiratory -give with food
(extrapyramidal symptoms - thickening of tract symptoms or milk to lessen
symptom control) - antihistamine bronchial GI adverse
secretions effects
- hypotension -advice patient to
- decreased increased fluid
motor intake
- GI distress
Cogentin Antiparkinsonian Parkinsonian side -Neuroleptic -Drowsiness Benztropine is -give
(benztropine) anticholinergic effects are thought to induced - dry mouth contraindicated in immediately
be mediated by extrapyramidal - blurred glaucoma, prostatic after meals or
DOSAGE: blockade of symptoms vision - nausea hypertrophy, with food to
1-2 mg PO bid- nigrostriatal dopamine - weakness myasthenia gravis, prevent gastric
tid D2 receptors. They - confusion duodenal or pyloric irritation
typically occur early - constipation obstruction -give this drug
after initiation of - urinary exactly as
treatment with retention prescribed
dopamine antagonists - sedation -assess
- drowsiness therapeutic
- depression effectiveness
- psychosis
Artane Antiparkinsonian Parkinsonian side -symptomatic -Drowsiness Trihexyphenidyl is - give this drug
(trihexyphenidyl) Anticholinergic effects are thought to treatment of all - dry mouth contraindicated in exactly as
be mediated by forms of - blurred glaucoma, prostatic prescribed
DOSAGE: blockade of parkinsonism vision -nausea hypertrophy, -avoid excessive
Initially 1 mg nigrostriatal dopamine -to prevent or - weakness myasthenia gravis, heat because
Qod, then D2 receptors. They control drug - confusion and duodenal or drug suppresses
increase to 2 mg typically occur early induced - constipation pyloric obstruction perspiration and
bid-qid (max 15 after initiation of extrapyramidal - urinary therefore, heat
mg/day). treatment with disorders. retention loss.
dopamine antagonists - sedation -monitor I&O if
- drowsiness patient develops
- depression urinary hesitancy
- psychosis or retention.
-May cause Voiding before
restlessness taking drug may
and euphoric relieve problem
Modecate Antipsychotic -potent phenothiazine -management -extra -known -give this drug
(fluphenazine antipsychotic agent of pyramidal hypersensitivity to exactly as
decanoate) DOSAGE: blocks post synaptic manifestations symptoms phenothiazines prescribed
12.5-25mg q1- dopamine receptors in of psychotic (resembling -subcortical brain -advice patient
4weeks the brain. similar to disorders parkinson’s damage not to alter
other nothiazines with disease) -comatose or dosage regimen
following exceptions: -photo severely depressed or stop taking
more potent per Sensitivity states abruptly
weight and lower -dry mouth -instruct patient
frequency of -constipation to eat and drink
sedatives. adequately in
order to prevent
constipation and
dry mouth
Zyprexa Anti psychotic -may inhibit the CNS -management -weight gain -hypersensitivity to -give this drug
(Olanzapine) presynaptic neuronal of psychotic -somnolence olanzapine exactly as
DOSAGE: reuptake of serotonin disorders -dizziness -lactation prescribed
5-10mg 0nce a and dopamine. -short term -headache -monitor for
day Antagonism of alfa- treatment of -agitation seizure,
adrenergic receptors acute manic -insomnia especially in
results in the adverse episodes in -nervousness older adults and
effect of orthostatic bipolar disorder -hostility cognitively
hypotension impaired persons
-instruct patient
not to breast
feed while taking
this drug
Quilonium (lithium Antimanic -lithium ion behaves in -control and -headache -significant -give this drug
carbonate) the body much like prophylaxis of -lethargy cardiovascular exactly as
DOSAGE: the sodium ion;but its acute mania and -fatigue disease prescribed
600mg t.i.d exact mechanism of the acute manic -recent -patients on low salt -give with meals
action unclear phase of mixed memory loss low fat diet -ensure that
bipolar disorder -nausea -alcohol sustained release
-vomiting dependence tablets are not
-anorexia chewed or
-fine hand crushed
tremor -monitor
-diarrhea response to drug
-dry mouth -monitor lithium
Nozinan Nonnarcotic -Tranquilizes and -relieves -excessive -hypersensitivity to -give IM injection
(methotrimeprazine) analgesic produces sedative moderate to sedation phenothiazines and deep into large
effects; also has severe pain in -drowsiness ingredients in the muscle mass
DOSAGE: prominent analgesic non ambulatory -amnesia formulation -carefully
IM 10-20mg q4- properties patients and for -orthostatic -severe cardiac supervise
6h analgesia and hypotension -kidney or liver ambulation for at
sedation when with faintness disease least 6h but
respiratory - -concomitant use preferably 12h
depression is to with hypertensive -assess BP and
be avoided, as agents including pulse frequently
an obstetrics MAO inhibitors until dosage
and pre- and requirements
post operatively and response are
Largactil Antipsychotic Phenothiazine -to control -sedation -hypersensitive to -give this drug
(chlorpromazine derivative with actions manic phase of -drowsiness phenothiazine exactly as
hydrochloride) DOSAGE: at all levels of CNS manic- -extra derivatives prescribed
25-100mg t.i.d with a mechanism depressive Pyramidal -withdrawal states -give with food
or q.i.d that produces strong illness symptoms from alcohol or a full glass of
antipsychotic effects -for -comatose state fluid to minimize
symptomatic -brain damage GI distress
management of -monitor BP
psychotic frequently