Roger Andrews Pat 3783550

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United States Patent 1191 Andrews ay (45) 3,783,550 Jan. 8, 1974 [54] NOVELTY ELECTRIC MOTOR [76} Inventor: Roger Wayne Andrews, 4190 akman St., South, Salem, Oreg. 97302 2 ‘Apr. 21, 1972 (21) Appl No. 246,484 [52] Us. cL. 46/48, 46/234 (S1] Ine. Cl . A63h 33/26 [58] Feld of Search. 46/45, 234, 235 156] References Cited UNITED STATES PATENTS 31278 2/1885 Bacon. 1.226838 5/1917 Wilders 196.686 7/1934 Russ, 2S83,741 1/1952 Kiler secon 2774185 12/1986 Kosch 21974263 3/1961 Thoma. N Livy ZY we == WUT UTN KUTT HON Primary Examiner— Antonio F. Guida Assistant Examiner—Robert F. Cutting ‘Attorney—Oliver D. Olson (571 ABSTRACT ‘A permanent magnet armature is arranged to. be ‘moved initially in spaced proximity to an induction Coll connected in an electric circuit including a source of electric potential and an electronic switch such that ‘when the moving magnetic field of the magnet cuts the coll tums the resulting induced current operates the switch momentarily to connect the source of elee- tic potential across the coil. The resulting current flow through the coil produces a magnetic field which ‘imposed upon the moving magnet such as to accel erate its movement. The magnet may take many forms, such as a spinning top, a motor rotor, a pendu- lum of other reciprocating member, and others. 14 Claims, 11 Drawing Figures 3,783,550 PATENTEDJN e1874 FIG. 2 FIG 3 FIG.7 FIG. 4 3,783,550 1 NOVELTY ELECTRIC MOTOR BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to electric motors and more particularly to a novelty electric motor which appears to have no source of power. Electric motors are generally characterized by a con- centric arrangement of a rotor and a stator which are relatively fixed against axial and radial displacement while accommodating relative rotation. They are rec ‘ognized for their effective utilitarian purposes, but are not looked upon as attractive and interesting devices. Novelty electric motors have been provided hereto- fore in the form of the spinning tops which derive their power from and are controlled by a source of altemat- ing current. The tops thus spin at a predetermined speed and on a fixed axis or other fixed path, in a rather uninteresting manner. ‘SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Inits basic concept, the novelty eleetric motor of invention involves a concealed stator ciruit which is controlled by @ magnet armature which is movable freely and independently of the stator in diverse direc- tions. It is by virtue of the foregoing basic concept that the principal objective of this invention is achieved; ‘namely, to provide a novelty electric motor having no ‘apparent source of power and constructed in the form of an attractive and amusing toy, conversation piece, advertising display, object for scientific study and the like ‘Another object of this invention is the provision of a novelty electric motor having a freely movable arma- ture which performs amusing and interesting motions, The foregoing and other objects and advantages of this invention will appear from the following detailed description taken in connection with the accompanying. drawing of preferred embodiments BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING FIG. 1 is a view in cross section of a novelty electric motor embodying the features of this invention, the ssame being in the form of a spinning top. FIGS. 2, 3, 4 and 5 are perspective views of alterna tive forms of spinning objects which may be utilized the novelty electric motor of FIG. 1 FIG. 6 is a view in cross section with a second form of novelty electric motor embodying the features ofthis invention. FIG. 7 is a sectional view taken on the line 7— FIG. 6. FIG, 8 isa front elevation of a third form of novelty clectric motor embodying the features of this inven- tion, parts thereof being broken away to disclose details. ‘of construction, FIG. 9 is a plan view of the novelty electric motor shown in FIG. 8. FIG. 10 is-a front elevation of a fourth form of nov- elty electric motor embodying the features of this in- vention, FIG. 11 is a view in elevation of a fifth form of nov- clty electric motor embodying the features of this in- vention, parts being broken away to disclose details of construction. s 20 as 30 40 4s cy 65 2) DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS In general, the novelty electric motor of this inven- tion includes an inductance col stator and a magnet ar ‘mature spaced from and movable independently of and in diverse directions relative to the stator. The stator coil is connected to a source of electric potential by ‘which to produce a magnetic field for inducing rotation ‘of the magnet armature. The electric circuit of the coil t includes means controlled by movement of the mag armature for alternately opening and closing the ci cuit Referring first to the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, the novelty electric motor isin the form of an amus- ing and interesting spinning top toy or conversation, piece, Thus, it includes a housing of non-magnetic mz terial, such as wood or synthetic thermoplastic or ther- ‘mosetting resin, The housing is hollow and includes a peripheral wall 10 and a dished top base 12 the outer surface of which preferably s concave inwardly toward a slightly convex central portion 12'. The bottom, open side of the housing is removably closed by a bottom wall 14, ‘Within the hollow housing there is mounted an in- duction coil 16, preferably of the iron core, electro- ‘magnet type. The opposite ends of the coil are con- nected across a source of direct current electric poten- tial, for example one or more conventional dry cells 18, through a control switch. In the embodiment illustrated the control switch comprises a transistor 20 of the NPN type. The base ofthe transistor is connected to one end of the coil, the collector is connected to the positive battery is connected to the opposite end of the coi ‘The emitter is connected to an intermediate winding of the coil. ‘The armature of the motor illustrated in FIG. 1 is in the form of a spinning top. As illustrated, the top has ‘a hemispherical body 22 and a pivot shaft 24 projecting through the rotational axis thereof. The body contains ‘one oF more magnets with the poles thereof disposed in a plane extending perpendicular to the rotational axis. ‘The operation of the novelty electric motor illus: trated in FIG. 1is as follows: The portion ofthe pivot shaft 24 extending upwardly from the body 22 of the spinning top is grasped between the thumb and index finger and, while being held over the dished top base 112,48 spun from the fingers onto said base. By virtue of the concave contour of the base, the spinning top gravi- tates toward the central convex portion 12'. The mov- ing magnetic lines of force provided by the spinning ‘magnet top cuts the turns of the coil and thus induces a current in the coil. Asis well known, the flow of cur- rent through the col is reversed when the tums are cut by the lines of force associated with the opposite poles of the magnet. Thus, in one direction of current flow through the base-emitter of the transistor switch, the transistor is turned on momentarily to connect the b tery 18 across the coil 16. A pulse of battery current thus is applied momentarily through the coil, where- ‘upon the latter produces a magnetic field which is im- ‘posed upon the spinning magnet top in such manner as to accelerate the spin of the top. ‘The magnetic field produced by the coil also influ- ‘ences other random motions of the spinning top, de- ‘pending upon the location of the spinning top relative 3,783,550 3 to the coil and to the positions of the magnet poles. ‘Thus, the top may be flung outward of the central por- tion of the dished base to varying distances and at vary- ing speeds and angles, or it may be pulled toward the center ofthe dished base. The spinning top also may be tilted slightly from vertical to varying degrees. The re- sult of these variables is an amusing and interesting ran- dom skittering of the spinning top over the area of the base 12. The dished contour of the base functions to limit the extent of outward thrusting of the spinning top and thus effectively confines the spinning top within the confines of the base. ‘Accordingly, once the spinning top is put in motion upon the base, it continues to rotate and move about the base in random fashion for as long as the battery supply lasts. In this regard it has been found that with two pen light batteries connected in series, the magnet top will continue spinning for several days. Twill be understood that acceleration ofthe spinning top continues until a state of equilibrium is reached at Which frictional losses equal the energy input. Such losses are due in part air friction, in part to the area of ‘contact between the top and base, and in part to the ex- tent to which the top is flung outward of the central portion of the base to areas of diminished influence. Each time the rotating magnetic eld of the appropri- ate pole of the magnet cuts the coll ts, the spinning. ‘magnet top is accelerated. At all other times, as when the magnetic field of the opposite pole cuts the coil ‘tums, the transistor remains cut off and no current flows in the electric circuit. When the spinning top removed from the base, the battery supply is effectively ‘open circuited and therefore is not wasted. ‘The novelty electric motor described hereinbefore in connection with FIG. 1., thus may be utilized as an ‘amusing and interesting toy or conversation piece since it gives the appearance of a continuously spinning top with no apparent source of power. ‘Additional amusement may be achieved by putting two or more tops in spinning motion on the dished ‘base, as illustrated in FIG. 1, As the tops skitter about randomly over the base, they bump into each other on sndom occasions and under conditions such that one ff the tops may be toppled over, or may even be ‘jected from the base. Thus, this mode of operation Provides the basis for an amusing game of chance. ‘The spinning magnet top may take various forms other than the form illustrated in FIG. 1. Thus, it may take the form of a magnet ball 30 (FIG. 2); a flat dise 32,(FIG. 3); an annular disc 34 (FIG. 4). An interesting arrangement is illustrated in FIG. 8, wherein the mag- ‘et ball 30 of FIG. 2is confined within a hollow ball 36 ff non-magnetic material. As the magnet ball 30 is ‘caused to rotate on the base 12, under the influence of the coil 16, its frictional engagement with the confining ball 36 causes the latter to rotate also, but at a slower speed. Occasionally, the magnet ball 30 is thrust about within the confining ball 36, thereby adding to the Referring now to the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7, the novelty electric motor includes a hollow housing 40 which, as in FIG. 1, contains an induction coil 16 and a control circuit therefor. In this embodi- ‘ment, however, the transistor 20 is of the PNP type and the polarity of the battery is appropriately reversed. Mounted upon the housing and extending upwardly therefrom are a pair of laterally spaced cradle members 20 “0 4s so o 4 which provide a pair of laterally spaced, outwardly con- ccave support surfaces. In the embodiment illustrated, these cradle members are formed of a pair of non’ ‘magnetic wires having upstanding end portions 42' an- cchored in the housing and interconnected by an inter- ‘mediate arcuate portion 42. A dise-shaped magnet mature 44, arranged to be interposed between the pair of cradle members, is provided with oppositely extend- ing axles 46 arranged for rolling support on the cradle members, The magnet dise may include one or more ‘magnets arranged to provide alternate magnetic poles about the periphery of the dise. In the embodiment il- lustrated there are four such alternate poles. In operation, the dise 44 is placed between the arcu- ate cradle members 42 to one side of the lowest portion thereof under which the induction coil 16 is located, ‘and then released, The dise thereupon rolls along the ‘cradle members on its axles 46 and in doing 90 tra- ‘verses the coil. The moving magentic field thus pro- vvided by the rolling magnet armature induces current inthe coil and consequent production of an accelerat- ing magnetic field by the coll which functions to accel- erate the movement of the disc. ‘The disc ultimately comes to rest at some point along the inclines ofthe cradle members and then begins roll- ing movement in the opposite direction, As it traverses the induction coll, it once again initiates operation of the switch 20 and the consequent pulsing of the coil and production of a magnetic field therefrom to accel- erate the movement of the disc in said opposite direc- tion, ‘The foregoing oscillatory motion of the disc may con- tinue, if desired, until the battery supply is exhausted. In the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 9, the housing 50 contains the induction coil stator 16 and as- sociated circuitry as previously described. The movable ‘magnet armature 52 is illustrated in the form of a cross member providing a plurality of alternate magnetic poles, in the manner of the disc 44 previoualy de- scribed. The armature is disposed horizontally a spaced distance above the housing, and is supported by atleast ‘one, but preferably by a pair of elongated strings $4 or other flexible members which depend downwardly in laterally spaced relation from an arm 56 mounted at the top end of a post $8 secured to and extending up- ‘wardly from a housing. The magnet armature may serve as a support for advertising material and the like. For example, it may support an upstanding hollow cyl- inder 60 upon which advertising material may be printed or otherwise supported. For example, the cylin- der may be painted or otherwise provided with spiral alternate colorings of a barber pole. In the embodiment illustrated, the lower ends of the strings are secured to a cross piece 60" at the top end of the cylinder 60, in order to keep the center of mass below the strings. If the armature $2 is much heavier than the cylinder 60, or does not support a cylinder oF other object, the strings may be attached directly tothe armature. In any event the armature is supported by the depending string or strings. In operation, with the magnet armature $2 initially in the position illustrated in FIG. 8, rotation of the arma- ture is started by hand. Continued and accelerated ro- tation in the initiated direction is effected by operation ‘of the induction coil circuit, as previously explained. As the armature continues its rotation, the spaced strings $4 are caused to wind about each other and thus be- 3,783,550 5 come shortened. As a consequence, the rotating arma- ture is elevated progressively from the housing, until it reaches an elevation at which the influence of the mag- netic field of the induction coil is insufficient to further rotate the armature. Thereupon, the force of gravity acting upon the armature initiates unwinding of the twisted strings, with simultaneous rotation of the arma- ture in the opposite direction from which it was initially rotated, As the strings unwind, the armature lowers progressively toward the housing and once again initi- fates the intermittent operation of the coil circuit to ef- fect acceleration of rotation of the armature. When the rotating armature reaches the lowermost position illus- trated in FIG. 8, it continues further rotation to once ‘again cause twisting of the strings, but in the opposite direction. ‘The foregoing operation may be continued as long 2s the battery supply lasts, producing simultaneous axial rotation and vertical reciprocation of the armature. In FIG. 10 the novelty electric motor is in the form of a pendulum. The hollow 62 housing contains the in- duction coil 16 and associated elecric circuit, as in the previous embodinients, and an upstanding post 64 on ‘the housing mounts @ pendulum arm 66 at its upper ‘end, as by means of a pivot shaft 68. The arm may be a rigid rod, as illustrated, or it may be a flexible string ‘or other form of line. The lower end of the arm sup- ports a magnet armature 70, as indicated. Oscillating of the pendulum is initiated by moving the ‘arm 66 and supported armature 70 to a position offset, angulacly from vertical, as illustrated, and then releas- ing the arm for swinging motion. Oscillation of the pen- dulum is maintained in the manner described in con- nection with the previous embodiments, and may con- tinue until the battery supply is exhausted. When the arm 66 is rigid, the oscillation ofthe shaft (68 may function to drive an external device, as by con- nection through a ratchet mechanism. FIG. 11 illustrates stil another form of novelty elec- trie motor. In this embodiment the hollow housing 72 contains within it an induction coil in the form of an electromagnet of the horseshoe type. One end of the coil winding 74 is connected to the positive terminal of a battery source 76 of direct current potential. The negative terminal ofthe battery supply is connected to the emitter of an NPN transistor 78, the collector of ‘which is connected to the opposite end terminal of the coil winding. The base ofthe transistor 78 is connected to the collector of a PNP transistor 80 the base of ‘which also is connected to said other end terminal of the coll winding. The emitter ofthe transistor 8 is con- rected through resistors 82 and 84 to the end of the ‘coil winding connected to the positive terminal of the battery supply. A diode 86 is connected between the resistors and the base of the transistor for selectively shorting the base-emitter circuit thereof. ‘Supported freely upon the stator housing 72 isa hol low armature housing 88. A rotary magent armature 90 within the housing is secured to a rotary shaft 92 which extends upwardly through the housing and mounts a pulley 94, A belt 96 connects the pulley to a pulley 98 ‘input shaft of a device 100 to be driven, Said de- is mounted on the armature housing as by means of the bracket 102. 2s as 0 0 Ttis to be noted that the armature housing 88 is com- © pletely separate from the stator housing 72 and thus ‘may be removed therefrom as a completely indepen- ‘dent component. However, the armature housing may bbe secured to the stator housing, in which case the de- vice 100 to be driven may be mounted in a fixed po tion independently of either or both housings. In the operation of the motor of FIG. 11, rotation of the armature-90 is initaited by hand. As the rotating magnetic field of the armature cuts the turns of the coil 74, the resulting induced current activates the PNP transistor 80 which, in turn, activates the NPN transis- tor 78, whereby momentarily to connect the battery supply 76 across the coil. The pulse of eurrent through the coll thus produces a magnetic field which is im- posed upon the rotating magnet armature 90 in such manner as to accelerate the latter. ‘Although the motor illustrated in FIG. 11 may have ‘more general utility than those of the previously de~ scribed embodiments, which are primarily interesting ‘and amusing toys and conversation pieces, it neverthe- Tess i more interesting than a conventional electric ‘motor by virtue of the romovability of the armature ‘component and the appearance that the output shaft 92 rotates without a source of power. It isto be noted in the electric circuits illustrated that not only do the transistors function as switches by which to connect the battery supply across the coil, ut in addition the circuits in which they are associated form oscillators which provide amplification and regen- ‘erative feedback during the portion of each cycle of ‘movement of a magnet armature that causes activation of the transistor. Thus, the number of oscillations that ‘occur during said portion of each cycle depends upon the specd of rotation (FIGS. 1, 8 and 11) or reciproca- tion (FIGS. 6 and 10) of the magnet armature. Interest- ing and amusing effects of this are obtained, for exam- ple, by connecting the audio amplifier of a speaker across the coil, “The single transistor circuits illustrated in FIGS. 1-10 are preferred for their simplicity and economy. How- fever, the two transistor circuit illustrated in FIG. 11 of- fers the advantage, for certain applications, of enabling the driving of power transistors. Tt will be apparent to those skilled in the art that vari- ‘ous changes may be made in the size, shape, number, type and arrangement of parts described hereinbefore ‘without departing from the spirit of this invention. Having now described my invention and the manner in which it may be used, I claim: 1. A novelty electric motor comprising a. a stator coil having a stationary magnetic metal core and an electric circuit, a magnet armature, ‘, means supporting the magnet armature in spaced proximity to and externally of the coil for move- ‘ment relative to and externally of the coil, 4. a source of electric potential inthe electric cireuit of the coil, and ‘, means in said electric circuit operable by coil cur- ‘ent induced by movement of the magnet armature {or releasably connecting the source of electric po- tential across the coil momentarily to impose a magnetic field on the magnet armature to acceler- ate the movement thereof. 2. The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the connecting means comprises an electric switch in the electric cireuit ofthe coil and responsive to current in- duced in the coil by movement of the magnet armature 3,783,550 7 to connect the source of electric potential across the col 3. The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the connecting means comprises a transistor the base- emitter circuit of which is connected across a portion fof the coil and the emitter-collector cireuit of which is connected across the remaining portion of the coil ‘through the source of electric potential. 4. The novelty electric motor of claim 3 wherein the bbase-collector circuit includes a second transistor the base of which is connected to the collector of the first transistor and the emitter-collector circuit of which is, ‘connected across the coil through the source of electric potent 5. The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the magnet armature is a magnet member capable of being rotated about an axis, and the supporting means there- for comprises a non-magnetic base above the coil ar- ranged to support the magnet member freely thereon for rotation in spaced proximity to the coil ‘6. The novelty electric motor of claim § wherein the ‘magnet member is a spinning top. 7. The novelty electric motor of claim $ wherein the magnet member is a bal 8. The novelty electric motor of claim $ wherein the ‘magnet member is a ball confined within a hollow non- ‘magnetic ball, 9. The novelty electric motor of claim § wherein the ‘magnet member is a disc 10, The novelty electric motor of claim § wherein the 20 2 30 3 “0 4s so 5s 65 8 ‘magnet member is an annular disc. IL The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the ‘magnet armature is a magnet member capable of being, rotated about its axis, and the supporting member therefor comprises at least one flexible line mounted above and depending downward toward the coil and. supporting the magnet member at the lower end thereof. 12. The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the ‘magnet armature isa magnet member capable of being rotated about an axis, and the supporting means there- for comprises a base mounted removably adjacent the coil, a shaft mounting the magnet member and sup- ported by the base for rotation with the magnet mem- ber on a fixed axis, and means interconnecting the shaft land a device to be rotated thereby. 13. The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the ‘magnet armature is a magnet member capable of being rotated about an axis, and the supporting means there- {for comprises a pair of spaced cradle members support- ing the magnet member between them for rolling movement on said axis above and reciprocatively rela- tive to the coil 14. The novelty electric motor of claim 1 wherein the ‘magnet armature is a magnet member, and the support ing means therefor comprises a pendulum arm sup- ported at its upper end for swinging movement and sup- porting the magnet member at its lower end for recip- rocative movement relative to the coil

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