Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
Social Dimensions of Education
Sociologists see education as one of the major institutions that
constitutes society. While theories guide research and policy formulation
in the sociology of education, they also provide logical explanations tor
why things happen the way they do. These theories help sociologists
understand educational systems.
This chapter presents an introduction to the social science theories
of education-consensus and conflict, structural functionalist and
interaction theories as related to education.
1. Social system must be structured so that they operate compatibly with other systems.
2. To survive, the social system must have the requisite from other systems.
3. The system mus* meet a sighiricant proportion of the needs of its actors.
4. The system must elicit adequate participation from its members.
5. It must have at least a minimum of coiitrol over potentially disruptive behavior.
6. If conflict becomes sufficiently disruptive, it must be controlled.
J. Finally, a social system requires a language in order to survVe.
- Talcott Parsons
The functionalist perspective is primarily concerned with why a
society assumes a particular form. This perspective assumes that any
society takes its particular form because that form works well for the
society given its particular situation. Societies exist under a wide range of
environmental situations. Some societies have highly advanced tech-
nologies and they also differ in terms of their interactions with other
societies. Thus, what works for one society cannot be expected to work
for another.
Key In any society, however, the functionalist perspective makes one
principles of basic argument. Whatever are the characteristics of a society, those
the function- characteristics developed because they met the needs of that society in its
alist theory particular situation. The key principles of the functionalist perspective
• interdepe (Farley, 1990) include the following:
ndency 1. Interdependency. One of the most important principles of
• functions functionalist theory is that society is made up of interdependent
of social parts. This means that every part of society is dependent to some
structure extent on other parts of society, so that what happens at one place
and culture in society has important effects elsewhere. For example, the class
• consensus requires a faculty member to teach a subject and the students to
and learn it. Someone has to provide electricity to light the room, and
cooperation in order for that electricity to be provided, someone had to build a
• equilibrium dam or provide fuel to the power plant.
Social structures
provide preset
patterns which evolve
to meet human
^iPj needs
Stability, .Maintenance of
order, and society
Figure 3. The Structural-Functional Model (Source: Sociological Theory, George Ritzer,
The works of Marx in his early years was interpreted by some social
theorists as emphasizing the role of human beings in social conflict. They
explained change as emerging from the crisis between human beings and
their society. They argued that Marx's theory was a theory characterized
by class conflicts or the conflict between the bourgeoisie (rich owners)
and the proletariat (poor workers).
Status Max Weber argues that schools teach and maintain particular "status
cultures cultures," that is, groups in society with similar interests and positions in
refer to the status hierarchy. Located in neighborhoods, schools are often rather
groups in homogeneous in their student bodies and teach to that constituency, thus
society with perpetuating that status culture. Weber outlines types of education found
similar in societies at different time periods, dist'nguishing between inborn
interests and "charisma" and training in school, and the modern, rational method of
positions in education. Education systems may train individuals in specialties to fill
the status needed positions or prepare "cultivated individuals," those who stand
hierarchy. above others because of their superior knowledge and reasoning abilities.
Individuals who had access to this type of education in eariv China were
from the educated elite, thus perpetuating their family status culture
(Sadovnik et al, 1994).
Structural Functionalism
Structural functionalism, especially in the work of Talcott Parsons,
Robert Merton, and their students and followers, was for many years the
Structural dominant sociological theory. However, in the last three decades it has
functionalism declined dramatically in importance (Chriss, 1995) and, in at least some
states that senses, has receded into the recent history of sociological theory.
society is made
Parsons' structural functionalism has four functional imperatives for
up of various
all "action" systems, embodied in his famous AGIL scheme. These
institutions that
functional imperatives that are necessary for all systems are:
work together
in cooperation. 1. Adaptation: A system must cope with external situational
exigencies. It must adapt to its environment and adapt environment to its
2. Goal attainment: A system must define and achieve its primary
3. Integration-. A system must regulate the interrelationship of its
component parts. It must also manage the relationship among the other
three functional imperatives (A,G,L).
4. Latency (pattern maintenance): A system must furnish, maintain,
and renew both the motivation of individuals and the cultural patterns that
create and sustain the motivation.
Parsons designed the AGIL scheme to be used at all levels in this
theoretical system. The behavioral organism is the action system that
handles the adaptation function by adjusting to and transforming the
external world. The personality system performs the goal-attainment
function by defining system goals and mobilizing resources to attain
them. The social system copes with the integration function by controlling
its component parts. Finally, the cultural system performs the latency
function by providing actors with the norms and values that motivate
them for action (Ritzer, 2000). Parson's four action systems are shown in
Figure 2.
Cultural System Social System
The heart of Parsons' work is found in his four action systems. In the
assumptions that Parson made regarding his action systems we encounter
the problem of order which was his overwhelming concern and that has
become a major source of criticism of his work. Parsons found his answer
to the problem of order in structural functionalism, which operates in his
view with the following sets of assumptions:
1. Systems have the property of order and interdependence of parts.
2. Systems tend toward self-maintaining order, or equilibrium.
3. The system may be static or involved in an ordered process of
4. The nature of one part of the system has an impact on the form
that the other parts can take. Social system
5. Systems maintain boundaries with their environments. begins at the
6. Allocation and integration are two fundamental processes micro level
necessary for a given state of equilibrium of a system. with
7. Systems tend toward self-maintenance involving the mainte- interaction
nance of the relationships of parts to the whole, control of environmental between the
variations, and control of tendencies to change the system from within. ego and alter
These assumptions led Parsons to make the analysis of the ordered ego, defined as
structure of society his first priority. the most
Parsons' conception of the social system begins at the micro level elementary
with interaction between ego and alter ego, defined as the most elementary form of the
form of the social system. He described a social system as something social system.
which consists of a plurality of individual actors interacting with each
other in a situation which has at least a physical or environmental aspect,
actors who are motivated in terms of a
Interactionist Theories
In general, interactionist theories about the relation of school and
society are critiques and extensions of the functionalist and conflict
perspectives. The critique arises from the observation that functionalist
and conflict theories are very abstract and emphasize structure and
process at a societal (macro-sociological) level of analysis. While this
level of analysis helps us to understand education in the "big picture",
macro-sociological theories hardly provide us with an ir.terpretable snap-
shot of what schools are like on an everyday level. What do students and
teachers actually do in school?
Interactionist theories attempt to make the "commonplace strange"
by turning on their heads everyday taken-for-granted behaviors and
interactions between students and students and between students and
teachers. It is exactly what most people do not question that is most
problematic to the inieractionist. For example, the processes by which
students arc labeled "gifted" or "learning disabled" are, from an
interactionist point of view, important to analyze because such processes
carry with them many implicit assumptions about learning and children
(Ballantine and Spade, 2004).
• Symbolic Interactionism
Interactionist theory has its origin in the social psychology of
early twentieth century sociologists George Herbert Mead and Symbolic
Charles Horton Cooiey. Mead and Cooley examined the ways in interactionism
which the individual is related to society through ongoing social views the self as
interactions. This school of thought, known as symbolic socially
interactionism, views the self as socially constructed in relation to constructed in
social forces and structures and the product of ongoing negotiations relation to
of meanings. Thus, the social self is an active product of human social forces
agency rather than a deterministic product of social structure. and social
The basic idea is a result of interaction between individuals structures.
mediated by symbols" in particular, language. The distinctive
attributes of human behavior grow from people's participation in
varying types of social structure which depend in turn, on the
existence of language behavior (http://itsa.ucsf. edu/~eliotf?W.iy I
am alsoaSymbolic.html).
Symbolic interactionists are, of course, interested not simply in
socialization but also in interaction in general, which is of "vital
importance in its own right." Interaction is the process in