Newsletter 09 28 2010

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Weekly E-Newsletter

Vol. 6, No. 5 - Sept. 28, 2010

UK AMSTEMM Program Office
113 Bowman Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0059
Phone: 859-257-2613, E-mail:
If there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the AMSTEMM E-Newsletter,
please e-mail:

In this Issue
Note from the AMSTEMM Advisor/Coordinator Academic Resources Career Center Events
Important Events & Opportunities Scholarship Opportunities 2010-2011 Peer Mentors
Research Opportunities & Fellowships

Note from Sue Scheff, AMSTEMM Advisor/Coordinator

Dear AMSTEMM Students, Now that the first round of tests are behind you, take a minute or two to evaluate your progress in your classes. Are you
happy with your progress? Do you think you can improve your grades but need some help? You might consider visiting The Academic Enhancement
Center, The Study, 306B Complex Commons. One program, totally free for UK students: Individual Academic Consultations: Consultations generally
last one-hour, and you may return as often as you need. Topics include any or all of the following: Study skills, time management, critical reading strate-
gies, exam preparation, academic stress management, and more. The Study Smarter Seminar, a more in depth four-hour, non-credit seminar is of-
fered evenings throughout the semester. Course topics include time management, note taking, study skills, critical reading, memory enhancement,
exam preparation, and much more. The cost: $20.00 (AMSTEMM will pay the remainder of the $40 fee.) Participation is limited to 30, and Academic
Enhancement will accept registrations on a first-come, first-serve basis until all seats are filled. Students may register on the website at

Important Events & Opportunities

▪ AMSTEMM will be sponsoring (for the first time), a review session for Organic Chemistry. Don’t miss this opportunity to review before your next
organic test scheduled for 10/19 (Grossman) or 10/22 (Harris). CHE 230 Review Session: Wednesday, October 13th 7:00 PM CP-103.
▪ If you did not do as well as you expected on your first CHE 105 exam, we are also offering a review session for you!!! - Monday, OCTOBER
11, 7:00p.m. C/P 103. No excuses – show up with your questions and be ready for the next chemistry test on Oct. 14 th.
▪ First Generation Student Organization Meeting, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 6-7 p.m. Join us for the first meeting of the year as we hear about the
new stories project, learn about resources, meet fellow students, and plan our fall festival in October! 231 Student Center. Contact person: 859-257
▪ The University of Kentucky's Honors College & CARES present: UK's TEACH FOR AMERICA Info Session. Thursday, September 30th,
at 6:30PM, Student Center, room 230. Learn more about Teach For America & hear the perspectives and stories from UK and TFA alum. Colleen
Crawford, UK's Teach For America Recruitment Director, will be on campus meeting with selected top UK student leaders from Tuesday, September
28th through Thursday, September 30th (9AM to 6PM). If you are a senior and would like to meet with her to learn more about Teach For America's
mission and their graduate school and corporate partnerships, and to just talk about your post-grad options, e-mail her at col-

▪ Pre-Professional advisors in Undergraduate Studies are hosting two fall meetings for students planning to apply in 2011 to: Medical School, Podi-
atric Medical School, Dental School or Optometry School. Thursday, September 30, 5-6 p.m., White Hall Classroom Building, Room 110 and
Tuesday, October 19, 5-6 p.m., White Hall Classroom Building, Room 238.

▪ Pre-Professional advisors in Undergraduate Studies are hosting two fall meetings for students interested in: Pre-Medicine, Pre-Podiatry, Pre-
Dentistry and Pre-Optometry. Thursday, September 30, 5-6 p.m., White Hall Classroom Building, Room 106 and Tuesday, October 19, 5-6 p.m.,
White Hall Classroom Building, Room 234.

▪ Pre-Med AMSA will hold the first meeting of the semester on the 5th of October in Chem-Phys 153 from 6:30-7:30 p.m.. This meeting will entail how
to get involved with the organization, membership dues, volunteer opportunities and contacts to remember for years leading up to medical school.
We are dedicated to the growth and success of future medical students on UK's campus. Please join us!

▪ The School of Engineering Education (ENE) in the College of Engineering at Purdue University is honored to invite you to our Graduate Stu-
dent Open House October 6-7, 2010. This open house is for prospective PhD students who are interested in getting a doctorate in engineering edu-
cation. The open house will be a chance for you to meet current students and faculty, hear about our exciting curriculum and supportive school cul-
ture, learn about what the school is looking for in applications, and experience the diversity of research opportunities available to you as a PhD stu-
dent in our school. Travel grants of up to $250 towards travel expenses are available. The number of grants is limited; grants will be awarded
through a competitive application process. Registration is open: Travel grants: Apply
online at More information will be online soon at More
information about the school is at Please direct questions to Ms. Loretta McKinniss at

▪ The UK Society of Women Engineers hosts Evening With Industry (EWI), an informal dinner for seniors and a few employers at Spindletop Hall
October 12th from 7-9 pm. For information, contact
▪ Students, you may be eligible for an amazing opportunity called the National Student Exchange (NSE). Through NSE students can attend one of
nearly 200 colleges and universities within the U.S., Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and CANADA (this is new to the program this year) and
PAY YOUR UK TUITION. Students can exchange for a semester or a year at one of the program’s great locations. For more information, attend
information sessions this month: Wednesday, Sept. 29 @ 3:00 p.m. in 102 Miller Hall.

▪ Friday, October 15 through Sunday, October 17, 2010, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, is holding a conference A
Country in Crisis: Childhood Obesity in America. Plenary sessions will all feature distinguished speakers who are leading the fight against child-
hood obesity in various of ways. The conference will also feature exciting sessions on Global Health, Health Policy, Pharmaceutical Policy, Gender
& Sexuality, and many other sessions. Refer to the registration website for information on special hotel discounts within walking distance of Vander-
bilt! Please contact Scott Hagan ( or Mary Ellen Koran ( with any questions.

▪ The College of Communications and Information Studies presents Technology Week, Oct. 18-22. The event speakers will explore how the avail-
ability of open, shared, free informational resources is changing various industries and occupations. All talks are free and open to the public. For
more information, visit

Monday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m.

Student Center Small Ballroom - Drew Curtis, Founder,

Tuesday, Oct. 19
All presentations in Niles Gallery, 1st floor, Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center
9 a.m. Open Geographies: Google Maps and GIS research - Matthew Zook, UK /
10 a.m. Open Government: Open Local Government, Chase Southard,
11 a.m. Open Media: Living in Public: Transparency, Social Media and the MSM - Kakie Urch
12 p.m. Open Libraries: Institutional repositories - Mary Molinaro, UK Libraries

Wednesday, Oct. 20
All presentations in Niles Gallery, 1st floor, Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center
9 a.m. Sean Gorman, President / Founder, FortiusOne Inc. (keynote)
10 a.m. Open Entrepreneurship: Bambi Francisco, CEO,
11 a.m. Open Financing: Ezra Roizen, Ackrell Capital
12 a.m. Open Source: Todd Willey,
▪ Posters-at-the-Capitol - Submission Deadline: October 20, 2010; Date of Event: February 10, 2011 at the Capitol in Frankfort, KY (10th yr)
▪ The University of Michigan will host their annual Engineering Graduate Symposium on Friday, Nov. 12, 2010,
gradsymposium. Travel grants are available for prospective Ph.D. students (flights/mileage, hotels, local transportation, meals). Junior level stu-
dents will have the highest level of priority. Applicants must reside within the United States. Students should be within 1-2 years of attending gradu-
ate school and have a strong interest in research. Those who are invited to attend this fall program will have all their expenses paid. Full details can
be found on the website. Students should submit their completed applications by late September: Travel grant application: http://
▪ Men & Women of Color Leadership Conference, Nov. 12-13, 2010. Networking, speakers, workshops, student panel discussions all promoting
academic excellence, building coalitions, career awareness, diversity education, empowerment, leadership development. For more information, visit

Academic Resources
▪ Visit Academic Enhancement's "The Study"! Offering a variety of tutoring for different subjects, academic consultations from AE's staff, exam
reviews and more. All for FREE. The schedule as well as a full list of services offered can be found at:
▪ FREE Tutoring in Ingles Hall 6:00 - 8:00p.m. every Monday. Advanced math courses, physics, and engineering courses included.
▪ UK Writing Center: Located on the 5th floor, west stacks of Young Library. Open M-Th 10-2; F 12-2, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
from 6-9pm. Offers individual consultations on any writing project at any stage in the process and are happy to meet regularly, even every day, if
needed! It is a free service offered to all students, faculty and staff.
▪ Mathskeller: The center is a computing and mathematics learning center of the Mathematics Department and the Mathematical Sciences Comput-
ing Facility at the University of Kentucky. The center is located in CB 63, which is close to the loading dock in the basement of White Hall Classroom
Building. The Math Resource Center is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate
Assistants for 100 level courses hold office hours in the Mathskeller.
▪ Campus Libraries: The library system maintains a humanities, social sciences and life sciences collection in William T. Young Library as well as
subject libraries in several colleges and departments around campus, each library holding materials related to the particular discipline it serves.
There are 16 libraries, find them at:
▪ Math Club Welcome Back Meeting: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm. The Math Club officers and a number of Math fac-
ulty members will give brief presentations on the following agenda items: Math high school day, Math movie of the month, Noetherian!), Upcoming Math competitions/contests, Pi Mu Epsilon, Math Club T-shirt contest, Various and miscellaneous

▪ The Medical Center undergraduate mentoring program seeks to connect undergraduate students to current students, faculty and alumni in each
of the graduate and professional programs in the Medical Center colleges by holding regularly scheduled sessions where undergraduate students
can hear from and connect to current students. These sessions are meant to allow students time to interact, ask questions, seek answers and build
relationships that can be beneficial for both the undergraduate or prospective Medical college student, and the current student with whom they con-
nect. All are scheduled to meet from 6:30-8pm: October 14th (Student Center 251), November 18th (Student Center 251). For more information, con-
tact: Christopher L. Johnson,

▪ CHE 105 Review Sessions: (sponsored by Chemistry Department)

Tuesday, October 12th 5:00-5:50 PM CP-139
Tuesday, November 9th 5:00-5:50 PM CP-139
Tuesday, December 7th 5:00-5:50 PM CP-139
▪ CHE 230 Review Session: Wednesday, October 13th 7:00 PM CP-103.
▪ CHE 105 Review Session: Monday, October 11, 7:00p.m. CP-103.
▪ The General Chemistry Learning Center is staffed by Chemistry graduate student teaching assistants. The Learning Center is located in CP-25 in
the basement of Chem-Phys. The schedule for the learning center will be posted on the door to CP-25 and in Blackboard under “Course Help” on
the left-hand menu. If any teaching assistants are particularly unhelpful, please report their names to your instructor.
▪ Chemistry Help Sessions: An instructor will offer help sessions on Tuesdays from 5:00 - 5:50 PM in CP-139 the week of each examination. Atten-
dance at these help sessions is voluntary but highly recommended.
▪ Chemistry Private Tutors: A list of names of Department of Chemistry staff (usually graduate students) willing to be paid tutors for general chemis-
try can be obtained from the General Chemistry Office (CP-120) soon after the beginning of the semester. Tutoring slots fill up fast, so you should
pick up a list as soon as possible if you want a tutor.
▪ SAACS (Chemistry Student Organization) Officers and Members can tutor or mentor students free of charge. Simply stop by CP-144 if interested.
▪ Student Support Services 2010 Fall Workshops: Please RSVP: email
Graduate School Applications - Wednesday September 29, 5-7pm in the SSS Conference Room
Free GRE Exam - Saturday October 2, 9am at the Stuckert Career Center
Do’s & Don’ts of Graduate School Applications/Kaplan Sample Class - Saturday October 16, 9am at Location TBA
Graduate/Professional School Showcase - Wednesday October 20, 3-5pm in the Student Center Small Ballroom
GRE Exam, Free - Saturday November 20, 9am in the Student Center Room 203

Research Opportunities & Fellowships

▪ National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): A Panel Discussion. Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 4:00--5:30
p.m. in the William T. Young Library Auditorium. Click here for a flyer with more information.The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research
Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its
diversity. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported disciplines who are pursuing research-based
master's and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. Fellowships provide a cost-of-education allowance of $10,500, a $30,000 living stipend,
and outstanding research opportunities for three years. Deadlines for the current application cycle are in early November.

Scholarship Opportunities
▪ Watch this space for upcoming announcements!

Career Center Events

Fall 2010 Employer Showcases (University Career Fairs) - Dress professionally, bring 15+ copies of your resume, research compa-
nies of interest prior to event, visit for the list of attending companies!
▪ Technical - October 13 - Engineering, Agriculture, Sciences - 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. @ Student Center, Grand Ballroom
▪ Non-Technical - October 14 - Business, Non-profit, Communications - 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. @ Student Center, Grand Ballroom


*Located in Student Center near Starbucks
MBTI Personality Assessment Effective Networking Skills
▪ October 6 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
*RSVP required via Wildcat CareerLink September 29 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
▪ November 10 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
▪ November 15 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. *Stuckert Career Center
ENTREPRENEUR DAY Career Fair Preparation
Strong Interest Inventory Assessment
November 12, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. October 6 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
*RSVP required via Wildcat CareerLink
Do Something Awesome: Turn Your Idea Into *Stuckert Career Center
Business! ▪ November 30 | 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Social Media Networking + Career Search
Alumni House, Lower Level
October 27 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
RESUMANIA *Stuckert Career Center
Oct. 6, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Buell Armory Careers in Non-profit
EMPLOYER SHOWCASE ORIENTATION November 3 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Oct. 7, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m., 230 Student Center *Stuckert Career Center
Oct. 20, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Student Center Grand Ballroom November 10 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
JOB SEARCH CRASH COURSE *Stuckert Career Center
*RSVP required via Wildcat CareerLink, Oct. 28, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Stuckert Career Center
Nov. 17, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., Stuckert Career Center

DROP-IN HOURS James W. Stuckert Career Center

Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose Street | Lexington, KY 40506- 0494
First come, First served P: (859) 257-2746 | F: (859) 323-1085
Tuesday - Thursday 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.;

AMSTEMM 2010-2011 Peer Mentors

Allie Parker - “I'm a junior Biosystems Daniel Nall - “Originally from Louisville, KY, I attended Saint Xavier High School
and Agricultural Engineering major where I graduated with Honors as well as a var-
with a minor in Spanish Language. In sity letter in both Football and Track and Field. I
addition to AMSTEMM, I'm involved in am currently a Mechanical Engineering major on
several activities including Tau Beta pace to graduate in May, 2012. I am a founder
Sigma, the UK Honors Program, Chris- of the Wildcat Investors, a small business and
tian Student Fellowship, and the Soci- Investors Club at the University of Kentucky. I
ety of Women Engineers. I also play enjoy playing and watching sports, reading
bass drum in the WIldcat Marching books, cooking, investing, listening to music,
Band. I love UK and I'm very excited to watching movies, and participating in just about
be an AMSTEMM Peer Mentor!” anything that presents a challenge.”

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