Newsletter 04 20 2010
Newsletter 04 20 2010
Newsletter 04 20 2010
If there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the AMSTEMM E-Newsletter ,
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Note from the Coordinator/Advisor In this Issue
Academic Resources
UK Career Center Spring 2010 Programs
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Research Opportunities & Fellowships Important Events & Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities Thinking about Medical School?
Test Anxiety Workshop
Message from Sue Scheff, Academic Advisor for AMSTEMM: Priority Registration for Fall Semester classes opened on March 29 – April
20th. Make an appointment with your College Advisor to get your advisor hold lifted as soon as possible. If you want to talk about classes, stop
in the AMSTEMM Office, 113 Bowman Hall at the corner of Washington Ave. and Rose St. anytime or schedule an appointment on MyUK – Ap-
pointment Scheduler. If you are interested in getting involved in a research lab this summer, the deadline for turning in an application for the
AMSTEMM fellowship is May 12, 2010. If you need help finding a research placement, please schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
AMSTEMM, 113 Bowman Hall, Phone: 859-257-2613, Fax: 859-257-8734, E-mail:
Research Opportunities & Fellowships - new opportunities in red
Mississippi State University will be hosting a REU site in computational biology this summer. Ten undergraduate students will be invited to Mississippi State
for ten weeks during the summer to work in the labs of our faculty mentors on computational biology projects. Research areas include data mining, scien-
tific visualization, functional genomics, genome analysis, bio-ontologies, and others. This program includes a $460 per week stipend, on-campus housing, a
partial meal allowance, and a partial travel reimbursement. Please see the following website for more information and application information. http://
The MoSAIc REU at Iowa State University will provide participants with a ten-week research experience in the area of Microscale Sensing Actuation and
Imaging. The research experiences will be complemented by cohort experiences including a suite of short courses, professional development and extracur-
ricular activities. A unique component of the REU site will be a workshop on ethical issues pertaining to engineering research. Applications are due by
April 23, 2010. More information can be found at
AMSTEMM Summer Research Fellowship application deadline is May 12, 2010:
Minority Access to Research Careers and Summer Research Opportunities Program at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology is
able to offer funding for universities that are hosting minority students who will be participating in summer research projects in the field of experimental
biology. The application process is relatively simple but must be completed by the host faculty member or program coordinator. The funds distributed can
be used for student travel costs, lodging, meals, activity fees and lab fees. Institutions generally receive $1500 to $6000 per student spon-
sored. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply for this funding, contact the AMSTEMM office at 257-2613 or 113 Bowman Hall.
National Science Foundation (NSF) funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. For more
Check out this great website for Co-op/Internship Opportunities for 2010 in Biomedical Research and for Pre-Medical Studies Students -
For summer laboratory opportunities, check out:
Summer Research Opportunities at Virginia Tech:
REU Site: Modeling and Simulation in Systems Biology (MSSB); Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institute
(BBSI); REU Site: Microbiology in the Post Genome Era; Multicultural Aca
demic Opportunities Program (MAOP)
Opportunities at Virginia Tech For Prospective Graduate Students: For the graduate program, degrees are granted through Virginia Tech. For a specific
specialization please see the Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology graduate program
( or the Virginia Tech Departments of Mathematics, Computer Science,
Physics or Biological Sciences.
Assistantship opportunity:"Transdisciplinary Team Science in the Life Sciences"
Fellowship opportunity: VT-Initiative to Maximize Student Diversity (VT-IMSD)
If you're thinking about going to medical school, you know that it's a competitive process. With competition to medical school increasing each year, you need to
get an edge on the competition. Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions and UK’s Pre-Med AMSA Club is co-hosting a FREE Medical School Insider Seminar.