Newsletter 04 20 2010

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AMSTEMM Weekly E-Newsletter Volume 5, No.

15 - April 20, 2010

If there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the AMSTEMM E-Newsletter ,
please e-mail:
Page 1
Note from the Coordinator/Advisor In this Issue
Academic Resources
UK Career Center Spring 2010 Programs

Page 2 Page 3
Research Opportunities & Fellowships Important Events & Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities Thinking about Medical School?
Test Anxiety Workshop

Message from Sue Scheff, Academic Advisor for AMSTEMM: Priority Registration for Fall Semester classes opened on March 29 – April
20th. Make an appointment with your College Advisor to get your advisor hold lifted as soon as possible. If you want to talk about classes, stop
in the AMSTEMM Office, 113 Bowman Hall at the corner of Washington Ave. and Rose St. anytime or schedule an appointment on MyUK – Ap-
pointment Scheduler. If you are interested in getting involved in a research lab this summer, the deadline for turning in an application for the
AMSTEMM fellowship is May 12, 2010. If you need help finding a research placement, please schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Academic Resources - new events in red

FREE Tutoring in Ingles Hall 6:00 - 8:00p.m. every Monday. Advanced math courses, physics, and engineering courses included.
Visit Academic Enhancement's "The Study"! Offering a variety of tutoring for different subjects, academic consultations from AE's staff, exam reviews and
more. All for FREE. The schedule as well as a full list of services offered can be found at:
SAACS (Chemistry Student Organization) Officers and Members can tutor or mentor students free of charge. Simply stop by CP-144 if interested.
Find the Physics Resource/Tutoring Room Hours at:
The General Chemistry Learning Center is open Monday-Thursday, 9-5 and Friday 9-12 and is located in CP-25. Help is available from gen chem TAs for all
100-level chemistry classes. Students can see who is there when the schedule is posted on Blackboard. The Department of Chemistry also maintains a
tutor for hire list which is available in CP-120.
SSS Provided workshops: RSVP by email or call 257-9797 - 3/24, Career Workshop, 11am-2pm, Starbucks Student Center; 3/24,
Money & Stress, 5pm-7pm, SSS Conference Room; 3/31, Graduate School Information, 12pm-1pm, SSS Conference Room
SSS Study Skills Classes (Provided every week in the SSS conference room): TAC - Tuesdays at 1:30-2:30 & Thursdays at 12:00-1:00; SOS - Mondays at 3:00-
4:00; ME INC - Fridays at 12:00-1:00. RSVP by email or call 257-9797
UK Writing Center: Located on the 5th floor, west stacks of Young Library. Open M-Th 10-2; F 12-2, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6-
9pm. Offers individual consultations on any writing project at any stage in the process and are happy to meet regularly, even every day, if needed! It is a
free service offered to all students, faculty and staff.
Mathskeller: The center is a computing and mathematics learning center of the Mathematics Department and the Mathematical Sciences Computing
Facility at the University of Kentucky. The center is located in CB 63, which is close to the loading dock in the basement of White Hall Classroom Building.
The Math Resource Center is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Assistants for 100
level courses hold office hours in the Mathskeller.
Campus Libraries: The library system maintains a humanities, social sciences and life sciences collection in William T. Young Library as well as subject librar-
ies in several colleges and departments around campus, each library holding materials related to the particular discipline it serves. There are 16 libraries,
find them at:

UK Career Center Spring 2010 Programs

Career Exploration Sessions - Held at the Career Center, RSVP Required: 257-2746 - Apr. 20 - 3:30pm-4:30pm, Apr. 22 - 9:00am-10:30am, Apr. 29 -
Quick Questions - Stop by the Career Center table in the Student Center near Starbucks anytime 11am-1pm to get information on these topics:
Apr. 21 - Last Minute Job & Internship Search
Thursday Practice Interviews: Schedule a 1 hour practice interview with an employer through Wildcat CareerLink. Most Thursdays, 9am-12pm.
Watch for future events to be announced here or check out the calendar for the full semester at

AMSTEMM, 113 Bowman Hall, Phone: 859-257-2613, Fax: 859-257-8734, E-mail:
Research Opportunities & Fellowships - new opportunities in red
Mississippi State University will be hosting a REU site in computational biology this summer. Ten undergraduate students will be invited to Mississippi State
for ten weeks during the summer to work in the labs of our faculty mentors on computational biology projects. Research areas include data mining, scien-
tific visualization, functional genomics, genome analysis, bio-ontologies, and others. This program includes a $460 per week stipend, on-campus housing, a
partial meal allowance, and a partial travel reimbursement. Please see the following website for more information and application information. http://
The MoSAIc REU at Iowa State University will provide participants with a ten-week research experience in the area of Microscale Sensing Actuation and
Imaging. The research experiences will be complemented by cohort experiences including a suite of short courses, professional development and extracur-
ricular activities. A unique component of the REU site will be a workshop on ethical issues pertaining to engineering research. Applications are due by
April 23, 2010. More information can be found at
AMSTEMM Summer Research Fellowship application deadline is May 12, 2010:
Minority Access to Research Careers and Summer Research Opportunities Program at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology is
able to offer funding for universities that are hosting minority students who will be participating in summer research projects in the field of experimental
biology. The application process is relatively simple but must be completed by the host faculty member or program coordinator. The funds distributed can
be used for student travel costs, lodging, meals, activity fees and lab fees. Institutions generally receive $1500 to $6000 per student spon-
sored. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply for this funding, contact the AMSTEMM office at 257-2613 or 113 Bowman Hall.
National Science Foundation (NSF) funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. For more
Check out this great website for Co-op/Internship Opportunities for 2010 in Biomedical Research and for Pre-Medical Studies Students -
For summer laboratory opportunities, check out:
Summer Research Opportunities at Virginia Tech:
REU Site: Modeling and Simulation in Systems Biology (MSSB); Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institute
(BBSI); REU Site: Microbiology in the Post Genome Era; Multicultural Aca
demic Opportunities Program (MAOP)
Opportunities at Virginia Tech For Prospective Graduate Students: For the graduate program, degrees are granted through Virginia Tech. For a specific
specialization please see the Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology graduate program
( or the Virginia Tech Departments of Mathematics, Computer Science,
Physics or Biological Sciences.
Assistantship opportunity:"Transdisciplinary Team Science in the Life Sciences"
Fellowship opportunity: VT-Initiative to Maximize Student Diversity (VT-IMSD)

Scholarship Opportunities - new opportunities in red

UK Noyce Fellows (for seniors in science education and math education majors. May 1 deadline
The Fulbright Scholarship can be used to do independent research or a 1-year graduate program, or to teach English in one of many countries around the
world. Students may apply as early as the fall of their senior year (with the scholarship period beginning the following fall). Students and recent alumni are
eligible to apply for a Fulbright Scholarship until they receive a PhD. The Fulbright Scholarship is the nation's largest internatinal exchange program; it facili-
tates cultural exchange and promotes mutual understanding among Americans and citizens of grantees' host coun-
tries. See for more information about the many exciting opportunities Fulbright offers! The campus deadline for
Fulbright Scholarship applications is 9/15/10. For more information contact Dr. Lisa E. Broome-Price, Associate Director
Gaines Center for the Humanities,

Exam Scores Not Reflecting hours of Preparation?

Join the UK Counseling and Testing Center for a workshop. This workshop is for students who prepare well for class exams but consistently receive low test
scores. Low test scores may be due to many factors such as test anxiety or concentration/focus problems. The workshop facilitator will help students define the
problem and develop useful solutions.
All Workshops will be held at 2:00 PM in room203 Frazee Hall
Wednesday April 21
Important Events & Opportunities - new events in red
Want to be a volunteer for UK Agriculture at the World Equestrian Games? Come to an information session to learn how student and others can get in-
volved! When: Tuesday, April 20 at 5 p.m. Where: Seay Auditorium
On Wednesday, April 21, Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Angie Martin and I will host a forum to discuss tuition and fee rates for the 2010-11 aca-
demic year. This forum will be held at noon in the Worsham Theatre in the Student Center, and all members of the campus community are invited to at-
The Foresight Pre-Optometry Club will be having our last meeting of the semester on Thursday, April 22nd at 3:30 PM. The meeting will take place in Rm.
119 in the Student Center and we will be electing our officers for next year. Please attend if you are interested.
Summer of Science! Want to learn more about your own body? Why not try “Bio 110, Human Biology and Health” this summer? Fulfilling a
USP, this Blackboard offering will have multiple choice exams online for summer 2010. Earn three semester credits while working full time and studying
at your leisure during off hours. Textbook and Study Guide are the required books. Contact John P. Seabolt, course instructor, at
for additional information
The Office of Undergraduate Studies in Miller Hall will conduct Applicant Information Sessions for Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Podiatry, and Pre-
Optometry students who plan on starting a professional program in 2011 In addition to receiving general applicant information, students can open a file
Undergraduate Studies’ Letter of Recommendation Service. Students wishing to utilize this service are required to attend one of the information ses-
sions. Information sessions will be offered in March, April, May, September, and October. If you opened a file for a previous application cycle you will
need to (re)open your file and attend another information session. Upcoming Information Sessions will be held in the conference room in Miller Hall, and
all students who attend must swipe in at the Kiosks in Miller. Currently scheduled Info sessions will be held on the following dates and times: April 21st
@ 12:00 noon, April 28th @ 12:00 noon
Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars - As a culminating event each academic year, the Office of eUreKa! (Experiences in Undergraduate Research and
Kreative Activities) and SPUR (the Society for the Promotion of Undergraduate Research) co-present The UK Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars each
spring. The date for this year’s event is Wednesday, April 28, 2010, from 4-7 pm in the Student Center Ballrooms.
The Call for Letters of Intent to Submit for publication in Volume XI of Kaleidoscope, the University of Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship is
now open. Deadline for submissions is April 22, 2010. Complete information and submission guidelines are included on the journal Web site at
Math Movie of the Month: Friday, April 23, 2010 at 7:30pm CB 118 "Between the Folds", organized by Richard Ehrenborg and Margaret Readdy in the UK
math department, please write or if you have any questions.
EXAMKRACKERS is excited to announce….Starting May 29th – We are now offering our live MCAT 9 Week Course in Lexington! Enroll before May 5th
save $150 !! Classes start May 29th (Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 6-10) complete schedule
available at To prepare you for the Aug/Sept/Oct MCAT : This course is our Comprehensive MCAT Review, runs for 9 weeks, and
covers absolutely everything on the MCAT. Contact Janis Stott for more information – – 1-386-585-7280
The Georgetown Summer Medical Institute (GSMI), a program of the Georgetown School of Medicine, will be offering medical school courses, seminars
and workshops for premedical (rising juniors and seniors), post-bacc, graduate and medical students this summer. For undergraduate and post-bacc pre-
medical students, this is a unique opportunity to experience the medical school environment, get to know medical school faculty, and get an in depth edu-
cation in an actual medical school course. Register by June 4, 2010.

Thinking about Medical School?

If you're thinking about going to medical school, you know that it's a competitive process. With competition to medical school increasing each year, you need to
get an edge on the competition. Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions and UK’s Pre-Med AMSA Club is co-hosting a FREE Medical School Insider Seminar.

Date: Thursday, April 22

Time: 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Location: University of Kentucky, Whitehall Classroom Building Room 204
To register for this event, please go to:
At the seminar, you'll learn:
• What really matters when schools are evaluating applicants
or contact Samantha Essid at
• How to craft an outstanding application
• Career options a medical degree can provide
• Valuable MCAT test-taking strategies

Featured panelists include:

Dr. Carol Elam
-Dean of Admissions
University of Kentucky

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