Oracle Mobile Applications Users Guide
Oracle Mobile Applications Users Guide
Oracle Mobile Applications Users Guide
User's Guide
Release 12
Part No. B31548-02
April 2007
Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications User's Guide, Release 12
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2 Navigation
Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations.......................................................2-1
Navigating in Mobile Supply Chain Applications.................................................................. 2-4
Window List of Values Windows........................................................................................ 2-5
Function Key and Action Button Mappings............................................................................. 2-5
3 Setting Up
Overview of Setting Up ............................................................................................................ 3-1
Related Product Setup Steps..................................................................................................... 3-2
Setup Flowchart......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Setup Checklist.......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Setup Steps................................................................................................................................ 3-4
Defining Parameters.................................................................................................................. 3-7
4 Mobile Manufacturing
Overview of Mobile Manufacturing.........................................................................................4-2
Assembly Transactions............................................................................................................. 4-3
Moving Assemblies................................................................................................................... 4-4
Completing Jobs........................................................................................................................ 4-6
Return Transactions.................................................................................................................. 4-9
Scrapping Assemblies............................................................................................................. 4-13
Return Assemblies from Scrap............................................................................................... 4-16
Rejecting Assemblies.............................................................................................................. 4-17
Return from Reject.................................................................................................................. 4-19
Material Transactions.............................................................................................................. 4-21
Picking for Manufacturing...................................................................................................... 4-24
Serial Assembly Transactions................................................................................................. 4-25
Moving Serial Assemblies...................................................................................................... 4-26
Completing Serialized Assemblies......................................................................................... 4-28
Serialized Move Completions................................................................................................. 4-30
Serialized Return Transactions............................................................................................... 4-31
Serial Material Transactions................................................................................................... 4-38
Serial Status............................................................................................................................. 4-40
Label Printing.......................................................................................................................... 4-42
Viewing Job and Flow Schedule Information........................................................................ 4-42
Work Order-Less Transactions............................................................................................... 4-45
Flow Manufacturing Transactions.......................................................................................... 4-49
Resource Transactions............................................................................................................. 4-52
5 Mobile Quality
Overview of Mobile Quality..................................................................................................... 5-1
Entering Results for Mobile Quality........................................................................................ 5-2
Viewing Specifications............................................................................................................. 5-4
Mobile Skip Lot......................................................................................................................... 5-7
Viewing Skip Lot Results....................................................................................................... 5-12
Mobile Sampling..................................................................................................................... 5-12
Skip Lot and Sampling Inspections........................................................................................ 5-15
Receiving Standard Purchase Orders....................................................................................... 6-3
Receiving Standard Internal Shipments...................................................................................6-7
Receiving Standard Return Material Authorizations.............................................................6-11
Receiving Standard Internal Requisitions............................................................................. 6-15
Receiving Standard Items Against an Unknown Document Type........................................ 6-18
Item Receipts........................................................................................................................... 6-20
Material Receipt Inspections.................................................................................................. 6-22
Delivering Material................................................................................................................. 6-25
Inventory Transactions............................................................................................................ 6-28
Inventory Receipts................................................................................................................... 6-29
Inventory Issues...................................................................................................................... 6-33
Inventory Transfers................................................................................................................. 6-37
Transacting Move Orders........................................................................................................ 6-44
Inventory Move Orders........................................................................................................... 6-48
Consigned and Vendor Managed Inventory.......................................................................... 6-49
Inventory Replenishment....................................................................................................... 6-52
Counting.................................................................................................................................. 6-58
Cycle Counting........................................................................................................................ 6-58
Physical Inventory................................................................................................................... 6-63
Replenishment Counting........................................................................................................ 6-66
Picking and Shipping Items....................................................................................................6-68
Pick Confirm............................................................................................................................ 6-69
Mobile Shipping..................................................................................................................... 6-75
Labels....................................................................................................................................... 6-78
Setting Up Label Formats........................................................................................................ 6-83
Inventory Inquiries................................................................................................................. 6-87
C Windows and Navigator Paths
Mobile Materials Management Menu..................................................................................... C-1
Mobile Manufacturing Menu................................................................................................... C-4
Mobile Quality Menu............................................................................................................... C-7
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12 of the Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications User's Guide.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle Applications product
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1 Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview
2 Navigation
3 Setting Up
4 Mobile Manufacturing
5 Mobile Quality
6 Mobile Materials Management
7 Enterprise Asset Management
A Using Barcode Identifiers
B Using Configurable Barcode Delimiter
C Windows and Navigator Paths
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle Applications data unless
otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, you risk destroying the integrity of your
data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables
get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information
and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track
of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.
Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview
Through the use of standard Internet technologies in concert with Oracle Internet
platform products, Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications has the following
• The Mobile Server enables you to perform Oracle Application transactions using
the Telnet Protocol Server. Information is sent from mobile industrial devices to the
Telnet Listener. The information is processed and updated in the application
• You can create Work in Process shop floor transactions such as moves, issues, and
returns using mobile devices. You can also view job, line and material status.
• Mobile devices enable you to enter inventory transactions at the point of use.
Recording transactions in this way avoids duplicate data entry, and mobile device
scanning can improve data entry accuracy.
• You can perform quality collection plan queries, enter data, and record the results
of tests in a single business process. You are able to query up any specification
created in Oracle Quality whether it is an item specification, supplier specification,
or a customer specification.
The Oracle Mobile Applications Server can be configured to fit the needs of your
organization including starting the server on multiple nodes, specifying the ports used,
and specifying the database.
• Completing assemblies
• Charging resources
You can also view transaction information including job and line status, material and
move transactions, component requirements, job instructions, and resource and
component shortages.
• View specifications
• Pick Confirm
• Ship Confirm
• Intra-organization replenishment
• Component Return
• Material Return
Navigation 2-1
Mobile Applications Login Window
2. Choose Enter
The Responsibility window appears displaying the Oracle Mobile Supply Chain
Responsibility Window
3. Navigate to the responsibility using the down arrow key on the mobile device, and
choose Enter, or choose the number next to the responsibility and then choose
2. Navigate to the menu option using the down arrow key on the mobile device, and
then choose Enter, or choose the number next to the menu option.
After you select a transaction, you are prompted for the Organization, the Select
Organization window displays.
3. Select an organization, either by entering the value in the Org Code field, selecting
from the list of values, or scanning it with your mobile device.
Organization Page
4. Proceed through the prompts for the transaction you selected. When you have
completed the transaction, save your work.
Navigation 2-3
2. Select an organization, either by entering the value in the Org Code field, selecting
from the list of values, or scanning it with your mobile device
• Fields that allow data entry have an inverse background, display fields have no
• The colon symbol (:) at the end of a field name indicates that data entry is used in
this field and is not validated by a list of values.
• Using the key combination Control > L. Optional fields are accessed only by this
• Entering part of the value in the field, the List of Values window displays values
limited to this criteria.
Navigation 2-5
want to change a key mapping if your barcode scanner does not have one of the
function keys listed here.
Navigation 2-7
Setting Up
Overview of Setting Up
This section contains an overview of the steps you need to complete to set up Oracle
Mobile Supply Chain Applications. For instructions on how to complete each task, see
the setup sections indicated in each step.
Setup involves several phases, including setting up other applications. You may not
need to perform some of the steps below if you've already performed a
common-application setup.
The setup steps in this chapter tell you how to implement the parts of Oracle
Applications specific to Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications.
The Oracle Mobile Application Server enables you to perform Oracle Application
transactions through the use of mobile industrial devices using the Telnet Protocol
Related Topics
Oracle System Administration, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide
Setting Up Oracle Workflow, Oracle Workflow User's Guide
Setup Flowchart
Some of the steps outlined in this flowchart and setup checklist are:
• Required
• Optional
Required Step With Defaults refers to setup functionality that comes with pre-seeded,
default values in the database; however, you should review those defaults and decide
whether to change them to suit your business needs. If you need to change them, you
should perform that setup step. You need to perform Optional steps only if you plan to
use the related feature or complete certain business functions.
Setup Checklist
Setup Steps
1. This step is performed while setting up different Oracle Applications products and
involves the following tasks:
• Define responsibilities. See: Oracle System Administration, Oracle Applications
System Administrator's Guide.
2. You need to coordinate the flexfields of other applications you have set up before
defining key flexfields here. See: Oracle Applications Flexfield Guide
3. This step is performed while setting up different Oracle Applications products. This
step involves the following tasks:
• Set up calendars by defining period types, accounting calendar, transaction
calendar, and workday calendar
• Define organizations
• Define Suppliers
See Overview of Setting Up, and Defining ParametersOracle Work in Process User's
• Set Up Specifications
10. In this step, you define Oracle Flow Manufacturing components including:
• Scheduling Rules
• Kanban Planning
11. In this step, you define Oracle Shipping Execution components including:
• Define Delivery
Defining Parameters
Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications parameters define operation movement and
3. Select an account to use for scrap transactions in Oracle Mobile Supply Chain
Related Topics
WIP Parameters, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide
, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide
, Oracle Quality User's Guide
, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
• Completing jobs and assemblies with License Plate Number (LPN) data
• Resource transactions
Assembly Transactions
Oracle Mobile Manufacturing provides all the assembly transactions available in Oracle
Work in Process including:
• Moving from one operation or intraoperation step to another
These transactions are available on the menu in the Assembly Transaction window.
Moving Assemblies
You can move Assemblies from one operation or intraoperation step to another. You
can move assemblies forward and backward within and between operations, and on to
2. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the number. The
assembly displays, and when applicable the values for from operation sequence
number and from operation step are defaulted.
5. In the Overcompl field, you can indicate if this transaction is an over completion.
You can over-complete and over–move assembly quantities that are greater than
the job quantity.
The unit of measure for this assembly displays in the UOM field.
7. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, you will be
prompted to enter the component backflush information
8. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
9. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
11. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
12. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
13. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another Move transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory Quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window, see.
Related Topics
Move Assemblies, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Move Transactions, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Over-Completions and Over-Moves, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Completing Jobs
You can complete assemblies from discrete jobs into inventory, and also complete a
greater quantity than the job amount as long as it is within the set tolerance level.
2. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job.
The default values display for job assembly number, unit of measure, job quantity,
quantity previously completed, quantity available to complete, and overcompletion
3. Enter the subinventory and, if applicable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc
7. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information
8. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
9. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
10. If the assembly is under serial control, enter the assembly serial number in the
Parent SN field to create genealogy between the component and the assembly.
11. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
12. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
13. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
2. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job. The
Assembly, Overcompl, Sub, and UOM fields populate automatically. The From Seq
and From Step fields populate automatically only when all assemblies are in the
same operation and step. Otherwise, you can enter any From Seq and From Step to
indicate where you are completing assemblies from the shop floor.
7. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information
8. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
9. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
10. If the assembly is under serial control, enter the assembly serial number in the
Parent SN field to create genealogy between the component and the assembly.
11. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
12. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
13. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another completion transaction or access another transaction
If a mandatory Quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
Assembly Completion and Returns, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Move Completion/Return Transactions, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Move Transactions Options, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Move Transaction Types, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Performing Move Completion / Return Transactions, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Return Transactions
You can reverse an assembly completion and return it from a subinventory back to
work in process.
2. Choose Return.
3. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job.
The job assembly number displays—and default values for unit of measure, job
quantity, and completed quantity.
4. Enter the subinventory and, if applicable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc
5. In the Qty field, enter the quantity of this assembly that you are returning.
9. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
10. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
11. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
12. Enter the sales order number in the SO Num field. The SO Number field is
displayed only if the Discrete Job's Assembly has inventory that is reserved against
any Sales Order.
13. Enter the sales line in the SO Line field. The SO Line field is displayed if user enters
a valid Sales Order Number.
14. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
15. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another return transaction or access another transaction
If a mandatory Quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
3. Enter the job number in the Job field. The Assembly and Compl Qty fields populate
4. Enter the to sequence in the To Seq field to indicate where you are returning
assemblies back into the shop floor.
6. Enter the subinventory in the Sub field to indicate where you are returning the
assemblies from inventory.
10. If the assembly is under serial control, enter the serial information.
11. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information
12. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
13. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
14. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
15. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
16. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another return transaction or access another transaction
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
Completing and Returning Assemblies, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Move Completion/Return Rules, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Performing Move Completion/Return Transactions, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Scrapping Assemblies
You can only scrap assemblies at the current operation.
2. Choose Scrap.
3. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job. The
assembly number for the job you select defaults in the Assembly field.
4. In the Op Seq field, select the Operation Sequence number where the quantity is
5. In the From Step field, select the From Operation Step where the quantity is
The Overcompletion and unit of measure fields display; you can change these
10. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
11. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
12. If the assembly is under serial control, enter the assembly serial number in the
Parent SN field to create genealogy between the component and the assembly.
13. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
14. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
15. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
Scrapping Assemblies, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
3. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job. The
assembly number for the job you select defaults in the Assembly field.
4. Enter, the operation sequence in the Op Seq field to which to return from scrap.
9. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, you will be
promptedto enter the component backflush information
10. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
11. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
12. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
13. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
14. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
Scrapping Assemblies, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Rework Production, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Defining Transaction Reasons, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Rejecting Assemblies
You can only reject assemblies at the current operation.
To reject an assembly:
1. Navigate to the Reject Assy page.
2. Choose Reject.
3. Enter, select or scan the job number in the Job field. The Assembly, Overcompl, and
UOM fields populate automatically.
8. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, you will be
promptedto enter the component backflush information
9. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
10. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
11. If the assembly is under serial control, enter the assembly serial number in the
Parent SN field to create genealogy between the component and the assembly.
12. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
14. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
Intraoperation Steps, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
3. Enter, select or scan the job number in the Job field. The Assembly, Overcompl, and
UOM fields populate automatically.
8. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, you will be
promptedto enter the component backflush information
9. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
10. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
11. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
12. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
13. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
Related Topics
Intraoperation Steps, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Material Transactions
Oracle Mobile Manufacturing enables you to perform all work in process material
transactions. This includes issuing material from inventory to charge against a job,
reversing component issues, and issuing components from jobs to fill negative material
Note: You can set the Allow Negative Balances Parameter in Oracle
Inventory so that the inventory balances of items can be driven
Lot and serial number control are maintained when issuing components. You can issue
partial requirement quantities and over–issue requirements. You can issue any item
even if it is not on the BOM for the job.
Over Picking
Over picking may be desirable for a number of reasons. It may improve operational
efficiency to pick a whole container rather than to spend time unpacking a small
residual quantity. It may be necessary to compensate for handling/shrinkage losses
during shipment or in a manufacturing process. The picked item may have an intrinsic
variation in quantity, and there is an agreement with the customer to accept such
variations. Over picking support provides mobile pickers with the option to over pick
material, with ease and flexibility, when transacting sales orders, manufacturing
component move order requisitions or replenishment picks. This enables over picking
of material through the mobile interfaces and helps streamline and speed up the
execution of the entire material picking process.
2. Select a transaction type. You can deliver parts to a job using component issue and
take parts previously issued back to inventory using component return. You can
also issue components to satisfy negative job requirements. When you issue
negative requirement components, the components are returned from the job to
inventory. You can reverse negative component issues with negative component
returns. When you return components that have negative requirements, the
components are issued from inventory to the job.
Note: The prompts for all material transactions are the same. The
window name distinguishes the transaction type: Issue, Return,
Negative Issue, and Negative Return.
3. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job.
The Assembly number for the job you select displays in the Assembly field.
4. In the Item field—enter, select, or scan the item number for the part you are issuing
to the job.
6. In the Op Seq field, enter or select the operation sequence where you want to issue
or return the item.
7. In the Sub field enter the subinventory from which to issue the item, or to which to
return the item. Enter the locator in the loc field if applicable.
8. In the Qty field enter the quantity of the item you are transacting.
9. If the component is under serial or lot control, you will be promptedto enter the
component backflush information
10. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
11. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
12. If you are issuing components to the job and if the assembly is under serial control,
enter the assembly serial number in the Parent SN field to create genealogy between
the component and the assembly. If you are returning components from the job to
Inventory, any previously created genealogy will automatically be disabled.
13. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
14. Choose <Save> to save your work, choose <Quality> to record collection plan
results, or choose <Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose Quality to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
WIP Material Transaction Types, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Component Issues and Returns, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Negative Component Issues and Returns, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
• Change Management
Picking Process
In Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications, the move orders can be transacted on
either the desktop or on the mobile device. The mobile form allows the user to confirm
the item, revision, and if applicable, lot and serial numbers of the move order. The
mobile directs the operator to move the material either to the supply subinventory and
locator if the supply type is operator or assembly pull, or to the job or schedule if the
supply type is push.
Change Management
The change management supported for jobs and schedules is identical for Oracle
Mobile Supply Chain Applications as it is for Oracle Inventory, with the exception that
move orders for which the source document has been canceled will not be available for
Related Topics
Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Defining Revisions, Lot, LPN, Serial Parameters, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Defining WIP Parameters, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Setting Up Serial Number Control Tracking, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Creating Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
2. Enter, select, or scan the serial number. The job number, assembly number, from
Sequence, and From step default automatically.
5. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, enter the
component backflush information
6. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
7. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot by
performing a separate transaction for each lot.
8. Enter the component serial number in the SN field creating genealogy between the
component and the assembly. Enter the remaining components serial numbers as
The remaining fields indicate the number of components, serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
9. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
Related Topics
Interoperation Moves, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Intraoperation Moves, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
2. Choose Complete.
4. Modify, or enter the subinventory and, if applicable, the locator values in the Sub
and Loc fields.
6. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information
7. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
8. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot by
performing a separate transaction for each lot.
9. Enter the component serial number in the SN field creating genealogy between the
component and the assembly. Enter the remaining components serial numbers as
The remaining fields indicate the number of components, serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
10. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
11. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel>, to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another completion transaction or access another transaction
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
Related Topics
Move Transactions, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Interoperation Moves, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Operation and Completion Moves, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Move Transactions Options, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Move Transaction Types, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
6. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information
7. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
8. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot by
performing a separate transaction for each lot.
9. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of components, serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
10. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
11. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
12. When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another completion transaction or access another transaction
13. If a mandatory Quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
Move Transactions Options, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Move Transaction Types, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
Performing Move Completion / Return Transactions, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide
2. Choose Return.
3. Enter, select, or scan the serial number. Serialized Assemblies must be returned to
the job on which they were completed.
Note: If the components are under lot and or serial control, you are
not required to enter the lot and serial information. The system
knows automatically which components to return.
3. Enter, or Select the SN number. Serialized Assemblies must be returned to the job
on which they were completed
Note: If the components are under lot and or serial control, you are
not required to enter the lot and serial information. The system
knows automatically which components to return.
6. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
2. Enter, select, or scan the serial number. The job number, assembly number, from
Sequence, and From step default automatically.
3. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, enter the
component backflush information
4. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
5. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot by
performing a separate transaction for each lot.
6. Enter the component serial number in the SN field creating genealogy between the
component and the assembly. Enter the remaining components serial numbers as
The remaining fields indicate the number of components, serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
9. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another scrap transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
2. Enter, select, or scan the serial number. The job number, and the assembly number
populate automatically.
3. Enter the operation sequence that you want to return the scrapped assemblies to in
the Op Seq field.
Note: If the components are under lot and or serial control, you are
not required to enter the lot and serial information. The system
knows automatically which components to return.
7. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another return from scrap transaction or access another
transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
2. Enter, select, or scan the serial number. The job number, assembly number, from
Sequence, and From step default automatically.
3. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, enter the
component backflush information
5. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot by
performing a separate transaction for each lot.
6. Enter the component serial number in the SN field creating genealogy between the
component and the assembly. Enter the remaining components serial numbers as
The remaining fields indicate the number of components, serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
7. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
9. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another reject transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window, see.
2. Enter, select, or scan the serial number. The job number and assembly number
populate automatically.
3. Enter the operation sequence that you want to return the rejected assemblies to in
the Op Seq field.
6. Choose <Save> to save your work, <Quality> to record collection plan results, or
<Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another return from reject transaction or access another
transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window, see.
Related Topics
Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Assembly Completions and Returns, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Note: You can set the Allow Negative Balances Parameter in Oracle
Inventory so that the inventory balances of items can be driven
2. Select a transaction type. To deliver parts to a job, choose issue. To take back parts
previously issued, Choose Return.
Depending on your selection, the issue or return window displays.
Note: The prompts for all material transactions are the same. The
window name distinguishes the transaction type: Issue or Return.
4. Enter, select or scan the component serial and or lot number. The item field
populates automatically. If the component is not serial or lot controlled the serial
and lot number fields do not display, and you enter, select, or scan the component
item number.
5. In the Op Seq field, enter or select the operation sequence where you want to issue
or return the item.
6. Choose <Save> to save your work, or choose Quality to record collection plan
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another issue or return transaction or access another transaction
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Related Topics
WIP Material Transaction Types, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Component Issues and Returns, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Serial Status
You can use the Serial Status page to view the status of a serial number.
Serialized Assy & Material Txn page with Serial Status Selected
3. Enter, scan or select the assembly serial number. The Job, Assembly, and Status
fields populate automatically.
4. Choose <Done> to check the status of another serial number, or <Cancel> to return
to the previous menu.
• Serial
• Location
• Shipping
• Shipping Contents
• Flow Contents
2. Choose Job.
3. Enter or select the Sched Num (Schedule Number) from the list of values.
Details for this specific flow schedule display, including: The Line, Status,
Assembly, Dates, Plan Qty, Compl Qty, and Scrap Qty.
Related Topics
Discrete Job Statuses, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Job and Repetitive Schedule Status Changes, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
• When completing unscheduled assemblies, you can select sales orders that are open
for standard items or configured items in at least one of the order lines.
• If the sales order has been split into several sales order lines, the new lines do not
display on the Work Order-less Completions window.
• If the sales order has been split into new sales order lines, and only one order line is
valid, that new line displays on the Work Order-less Completions window.
• For Flow schedules with sales order reservations, you can reserve overcompletion
quantities. This is set in the item master attributes for the following values:
• Overcompletion Tolerance Type and Overcompletion Tolerance Value in the
Work In Process Attribute Group
If the overcompletion quantity is within the over shipment tolerance value, the
quantity is reserved to the sales order within that tolerance amount.
2. Select a transaction.
Your choices are Completion, Return, Scrap, and Return from Scrap.
3. In the Assembly field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the assembly
4. Enter the subinventory and if applicable locator values in the sub and loc fields. The
fields may populate automatically depending the parameters you set.
6. For return, scrap, and return from scrap transactions, optionally you can select a
reason for this transaction.
7. In the Qty field enter the quantity of the item you are transacting.
9. If the assembly is under serial number control, enter the serial numbers for the
completed assemblies.
10. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information.
11. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
12. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
13. If you are performing Work Orderless Completion or Scrap transactions and if the
assembly is under serial control, enter the assembly serial number in the Parent SN
field to create genealogy between the component and the assembly. If you are
14. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
The remaining fields indicate the number of component serial numbers, or lot
numbers that require additional input.
15. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
16. Choose <Save> to save your work, choose <Quality> to record collection plan
results, or choose <Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Note: The prompts for Flow transactions are similar. The window name
distinguishes the transaction type either Flow Completion or Flow
3. Select the mode for querying the flow schedule, either by Schedule Number or
Assembly number.
4. If you are entering information by Schedule, enter the schedule number in Sched
Num field. If you are entering information by Assembly, scan or enter that number
in the Assembly field.
6. If applicable enter the sales order number in the So Num field. If you enter a sales
order the system creates a reservation as part of the mobile flow completion
transaction, and transfer this reservation to inventory. Sales order number and sales
order line fields are available, and when these fields are populated, the completed
assemblies are reserved against the sales order and line specified.
7. Enter the subinventory in the sub field, and if applicable, enter the locator in the loc
9. The open quantity for the flow schedule is defaulted in the Qty field. you can accept
the default value or change the quantity you are completing.
10. For Flow Scrap transactions, enter the Line Op and optionally select a reason for
this transaction.
Note: The scrap account used here is the account setup in the WIP
parameter mobile tab Default Scrap account.
11. If the assembly is under lot control, enter the lot information.
12. If the assembly is under serial number control, enter the serial numbers for the
completed assemblies.
13. If the components of the assembly are under serial or lot control, choose
<Components>to enter the component backflush information.
14. If the component is lot controlled, enter the lot number in the Lot field.
15. Enter the lot quantity in the Lot Qty field. The total lot quantity must match the
required component quantity. If necessary, you can enter more than one lot.
16. If the assembly is under serial control, enter the assembly serial number in the
Parent SN field to create genealogy between the component and the assembly.
17. Enter the component serial number in the SN field. Enter the remaining
components serial numbers as necessary.
18. Choose <Next Component> to enter the component information for the remaining
components of the assembly.
19. Choose <Save> to save your work, or choose <Quality> to record collection plan
When you choose <Save>, a message displays confirming your transaction is saved.
You can then enter another transaction or access another transaction window.
If a mandatory quality collection plan has been set up for this assembly, you must
choose <Quality> to record the results. This accesses the Quality window.
Resource Transactions
Resources include people, tools, machines, outside processing services. They are used to
cost and schedule jobs. Resource transactions are only available in background mode.
You can charge resources defined in a job, as well as resources that are not defined in a
2. In the Job field—enter, select from the list of values, or scan the discrete job.
The assembly number for the job you select defaults in the Assembly field.
4. Select the Res Seq. You can enter an existing resource in the Res Seq field, or you
can enter a new resource sequence.
Resources are assigned to specific resource sequences. The resource and unit of
measure displays in the Resource and UOM fields.
5. If you entered a new resource sequence, you must enter a new resource in the
Resource field. You can pick resources available to the department attached to the
Related Topics
Charging Resources Manually, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Overview of Resource Management, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Defining a Resource, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Adding and Updating Resource Requirements, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
5. Select Enter Data to enter the data value results for the plan selected.
The specification name displays on the window. Specific fields display on this
window depending on whether this is an item, customer, or supplier specification.
6. Enter collection plan element values in the Item, Quantity, and Comments fields.
You can collect multiple types of data, depending on your specific quality
7. Choose <Next Record> to enter data on the next item in this plan, <OK> to save
this transaction, or Delete Record to cancel this transaction.
Related Topics
Defining Collection Plan Types, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Collection Plan Templates, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Entering Quality Results Directly, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Finding Specifications While Entering Results Directly, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Viewing Specifications
You can query any specification created in Oracle Quality including an item
specification, supplier specification, or a customer specification. Specifications are used
to ensure that:
Specification plans are comprised of collection element types that specify characteristics
(such as color, taste, or size), numeric measurements (such as size, viscosity, or
temperature) and common objects defined in other Oracle Applications.
To view specifications:
1. Navigate to the View Specifications window.
You can define your search criteria by specification type, item, or specification—or
all of these values.
3. In the Item field—enter, or select from the list of values, an item number.
View Specifications
If there is a specification subtype defined for this specification, the value displays in
the Sub type field. Specification subtypes are used to create more detailed
If a specification is defined for a specific supplier or customer, the name displays in
either the Supplier or Customer field.
5. Choose Spec Details to display the target, and upper and lower limits defined for
the elements of this specification.
The Spec Details window displays.
Related Topics
Overview of Specifications, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Specification Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Defining Specifications, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Users of Specifications, Oracle Quality User's Guide
• Setup a collection plan. See: Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
• Setup the Skip Lot Process. See Skip Lot Inspections, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
• Setup the Skip Lot Criteria. See Skip Lot Inspections, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
• Verify inspection is required on the item purchase order. See: Entering Purchase
Order Lines, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
2. Enter the purchase order number in the PO Num field. The supplier field populates
automatically. This field is an uneditable reference field that allows you to verify
the supplier information.
3. Enter the purchase order line number in the Line Num field. The Item field
automatically populates. This field is an uneditable reference field that allows you
to verify the item information.
4. Select Enter.
6. Select <Next Item> to enter another item, or select <Done> to enter the skip lot
data for this item. The Receipt Information page displays.
13. Enter the item to inspect in the Item field. The Desc, UOM, and QTY fields populate
automatically after you enter the item.
14. Navigate to the QTY field, and select enter. The Quality window opens.
15. Choose <Enter Data>. The appropriate quality collection plans opens.
17. Enter the defect quantity in the Qty Defect field The Defect% field calculates
automatically according to the defect quantity you entered.
18. Enter the Defect Code, or select it from the list of values.
Note: Your collection plan may differ from the plan shown above.
Related Topics
Overview of Collection Elements, Overview of Oracle Quality User's Guide
Overview of Collection Types, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Mobile Sampling
Sampling allows you to test the quality of portions of a lot or batch according to ANSCI
/ASQC Z1.4-1993 standards. The number of tested units is proportional to the size of
part of the lot or batch. You can use a mobile device to perform mobile sampling
inspections. Before you can perform mobile sampling inspections, you must complete
the following prerequisites:
• Setup a sampling plan. See: Setting Up Sampling Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
• Setup the sampling criteria. See Sampling Plan Criteria, Oracle Quality User's Guide.
• Verify inspection is required on the item purchase order. See: Entering Purchase
Order Lines, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
2. Enter the purchase order number in the PO Num field. The Supplier field
automatically populates.
3. Enter the purchase order line number in the Line Num field. The Item field
automatically populates.
4. Select Enter.
6. Choose <Done>.
13. Enter the Item number in the Item field. The Desc, UOM, and Qty fields populate
14. Choose Enter. The Quality page opens. Note the Sample Size in the Sample Size
16. Enter the Sample Size in the Qty Rcvd field. The Qty Defect and Defect% fields
populate automatically.
Note: the sample size you enter in this field must match the sample
size on the Quality Selection Plan page.
Related Topics
Inspection Sampling, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Setting Up Sampling Plan, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Selection Plan Criteria, Oracle Quality, User's Guide
3. Enter the purchase order line number in the Line Num field. The Item field
automatically populates.
4. Select Enter.
6. Choose <Done>.
15. Enter the entire the sample quantity to receive in the Qty field.
17. Enter the quantity to accept in the Qty Accept field. The Accept% field populates
Related Topics
Inspection Sampling, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Setting Up Sampling Plan, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Selection Plan Criteria, Oracle Quality, User's Guide
Overview of Collection Elements, Overview of Oracle Quality User's Guide
Overview of Collection Types, Oracle Quality User's Guide
• Create transactions for material including kanban movement, cycle counting, and
intraorganization replenishment.
• Print labels.
Receiving Transactions
You can use mobile devices to record the movement of an item through receiving,
inspection, transfers, and delivery into your organization.
Standard Receipts
When the routing on the receiving document indicates Standard Receipt, you initially
Related Topics
Overview of Receiving, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Receiving Controls, Options, and Profiles, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Defining Receiving Options, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Defining Locations, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
3. Enter, select from the list of values, or scan the purchase order number. If you can
access more than one operating unit, then the operating unit appears along with the
document type and document number. If you enter a PO, and the number exists in
only one operating unit, the PO number is supplied automatically, and you can
advance to the next field. If you enter a PO in the PO field and the PO number
exists in more than one operating unit, then the list of values (LOV) appears and
prompts you to select the PO in the correct operating unit.
Note: You can receive an item for which an Item master has not
been created through the mobile user interface.
5. Modify the project and task information if desired. The project and task information
appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization. This assigns the purchase
order to a particular project or task. If you assign the purchase order to a project or
task, you cannot use it in another project or task.
6. Select Enter or enter the item number. The item description is supplied
8. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty field. If the item is under dual unit of
measure control, the system may display the secondary unit of measure and
secondary quantity. To display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, you must set a form
function parameter. If you set the form function parameter to display the Sec Uom
and Sec Qty fields, then you can modify them based on the parameters that you set
on the Item Master. See Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide for
more information.
9. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select a lot, or
scan the first lot, and enter a quantity. If the item is under dual UOM control, then
the secondary lot quantity defaults based on how you defined the item in the Item
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
can receive any quantity in to the locator as long as no reservation
exists, and you receive the entire lot quantity in to the same locator.
You can continue to receive the lot into an existing indivisible lot
provided that it is in the same locator. If the lot exists in a locator,
then you cannot receive that lot into a different locator.
Note: If the item requires inspection, you do not have to enter the
lot information.
To enter Lot attributes press Enter in the Lot field. The lot attributes are as follows:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot
For more information about lot attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
The PO Num, Supplier, and Rcpt Num (Receipt Number) fields are populated
11. Optionally, enter the carrier. This is the freight carrier for the shipment.
12. Optionally, enter the packing slip number in the Pack Slip field. The packing slip
itemizes details the contents of the shipment.
13. Optionally, enter the bill of lading number in the BOL field. The bill of lading is the
freight carrier's contract and receipt for transported goods.
16. Select <Done> to complete the transaction, or <Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
Related Topics
Defining Control Options, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
3. Enter, select from the list of values, or scan the shipment number in the Ship Num
field. The system displays the source organization.
4. Modify the project and task information if desired. The project and task information
appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization. The ship num list of values
shows only the Shipment Numbers that you can receive in the current organization.
8. Enter the quantity that you are receiving in the Qty field. If the item is under dual
unit of measure control, then the system may display the secondary unit of measure
and secondary quantity. To display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, you must set a
form function parameter. If you set the form function parameter to display the Sec
Uom and Sec Qty fields, then you can modify them based on the parameters that
you set on the Item Master. See, Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's
Guide for more information.
9. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter a lot, select a lot, or
scan the first lot, and enter a lot quantity. If the item is under dual UOM control,
then the secondary lot quantity defaults based on how you defined the item in the
Item Master. Either the remaining quantity is displayed indicating the quantity yet
to be received or the total quantity received to date, depending on the setting of the
QTYTRG form function parameter. If the lot is under child lot control, you enter the
parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
can receive any quantity in to the locator as long as, no reservation
exists and you receive the entire lot quantity in to the same locator.
You can continue to receive the lot into an existing indivisible lot
provided that it is in the same locator. If the lot exists in a locator
then you cannot receive that lot into a different locator.
To enter lot attributes, press Enter in the Lot field. The lot attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot
For more information about Lot Attributes see, Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
11. Select <Next Item> to receive another item, <Done> to continue this receipt, or
<Cancel> to void this transaction.
12. Optionally, enter the carrier. This is the freight carrier for the shipment.
13. Optionally, enter the packing slip number in the Pack Slip field. The packing slip
itemizes the contents of the shipment.
14. Optionally, enter the bill of lading number in the BOL field. The bill of lading is the
freight carrier's contract and receipt for transported goods.
17. Select <Done> to complete the transaction or <Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
2. Select RMA.
3. Enter, select from the LOV, or scan the return material authorization number in the
RMA Num field.
When this data is scanned or entered, the customer name appears.
4. Modify the project and task information if desired. The project and task information
appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
5. Scan or enter the item received to display the other values on this RMA, including
description and default receiving location and unit of measure.
7. Enter the quantity that you are receiving in the Qty field. If the item is under dual
unit of measure control, the system may display the secondary unit of measure and
secondary quantity. To display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, you must set a form
function parameter. If you set the form function parameter to display the Sec Uom
and Sec Qty fields, then you can modify them based on the parameters that you set
on the Item Master. See Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide for
more information.
8. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter a lot , select a lot,
or scan the first lot, and enter a quantity. Either the remaining quantity is displayed
indicating the quantity yet to be received or the total quantity received to date,
depending on the setting of the QTYTRG form function parameter. If the item is
under dual UOM control, then the secondary lot quantity defaults based on how
you defined the item in the Item Master. If the lot is under child lot control, you
enter the parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
can receive any quantity in to the locator, as long as no reservation
exists, and you receive the entire lot quantity in to the same locator.
You can continue to receive the lot into an existing indivisible lot
provided that it is in the same locator. If the lot exists in a locator,
then you cannot receive that lot in to a different locator.
Note: If the item requires inspection, you do not have to enter the
To enter lot attributes press Enter in the Lot field. The lot attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot
For more information about lot attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
10. Select <Next Item> to receive another item, <Done> to continue this receipt, or
<Cancel> to void this transaction.
The RMA Num, Customer, and Rcpt Num (Receipt Number) fields are populated
11. Optionally, enter the carrier. This is the freight carrier for the shipment
12. Optionally, enter the packing slip number in the Pack Slip field. The packing slip
itemizes in details the contents of the shipment.
13. Optionally, enter the bill of lading number in the BOL field. The bill of lading is the
freight carrier's contract and receipt for transported goods.
16. Select <Done> to complete the transaction, or <Cancel> to cancel the transaction.
3. Enter, select from the lov, or scan the requisition number in the Req Num field.
4. Modify the project and task information if desired. The project and task information
appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
5. Scan or enter the item to display the other values on this requisition including
description, and default receiving location and unit of measure.
7. Enter the quantity that you are receiving in the Qty field. If the item is under dual
unit of measure control, the system may display the secondary unit of measure and
secondary quantity. To display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, you must set a form
function parameter. If you set the form function parameter to display the Sec Uom
8. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, then you can enter, select a lot,
or scan the first lot, and enter a quantity. Either the remaining quantity is displayed
indicating the quantity yet to be received or the total quantity received to date,
depending on the setting of the QTYTRG form function parameter. If the item is
under dual UOM control, then the secondary lot quantity defaults based on how
you defined the item in the Item Master. If the lot is under child lot control, you
enter the parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
can receive any quantity in to the locator, as long as no reservation
exists, and you receive the entire lot quantity in to the same locator.
You can continue to receive the lot into an existing indivisible lot
provided it is in the same locator. If the lot exists in a locator then
you cannot receive that lot into a different locator.
Note: If the item requires inspection, you do not have to enter the
lot information.
To enter lot attributes press enter in the Lot field. The lot attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot
For more information about lot attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
10. Select <Next Item> to receive another item on this Internal Requisition, <Done>
to continue this receipt, or <Cancel> to void this transaction.
2. Select All.
3. Enter, scan, or select the document number from the list of values.
Receipts Page
Item Receipts
You can initiate a receipt based on an item number instead of a document number. Item
receipts enable you to scan the item, followed by the document number. You can
perform the same receipt types as with standard receipts.
4. Enter or scan the item number. The system displays the item number and item
description information.
2. Select Inspect.
3. Enter the inspection results either by receipt number when you select the Receipt
menu option, or select the document that is appropriate to your inspection. The
Inspect window appears.
4. Enter, select from the list of values, or scan the values for this inspection
The Inspect window display prompts correspond to the receipt type. Enter the
values that are applicable to the receipt type. You can modify the UOM and
quantity information if necessary.
• Receipt Number: generated receipt number, item
• Purchase Order: purchase order number, item
5. After you enter the values for your receipt, select Enter.
The Inspection Detail window appears.
6. Enter the quantity to inspect in the Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM control,
then the secondary UOM and secondary quantity depending on how you set the
form function parameter that controls the display of secondary UOM and
secondary quantity.
7. Enter the accepted quantity in the Acc Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM
control the secondary UOM and secondary accepted quantity appear.
8. Optionally, you can enter a description code in the Quality code field, and a value
in the Reason field to describe this inspection.
9. If your accepted quantity is less than the inspected quantity, the difference appears
in the Rej Qty and SecRejQty fields if the item is under dual UOM control.
The Inspect window displays again. Choose <Next Item> to inspect another item
on this receipt, or <Done> to complete this transaction.
Delivering Material
After you receive and optionally inspect material, you put it away to the final delivery
location. You use the Delivery window to put away material.
Note: When the receipt transaction is saved, if the receipt routing type
is Direct Delivery, it is delivered in one transaction, rather than
received and delivered in two separate transactions. Also, on the initial
receipt form, you are prompted for a Subinventory and a Locator if
2. Select Deliver.
• PO
• Int Ship
• Int Req
Delivery Page
The Deliver window display prompts correspond to the receipt type. Enter the
values that are applicable to the receipt type.
• Receipt Number: receipt number, item
• Purchase Order: purchase order number, item
5. Modify the project and task information if desired. The project and task information
appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
6. Optionally, you can change the default values for subinventory and, if applicable,
the locator in the Sub and Loc fields, and the unit of measure
8. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM control,
the system may display the secondary unit of measure and secondary quantity. To
display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, you must set a form function parameter.
The Deliver Type field displays for inspection routings. You can select from the
following list of values in the field; Accepted, Rejected, Both. If you set the form
function parameter to display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, then you can modify
them based on the parameters you set on the Item Master. See Inventory Attribute
Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide for more information.
9. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select , or scan the
lot, and enter a lot quantity. The system either displays the remaining quantity and
indicates the quantity that remains to be received, or displays the total quantity
received to date. The display choice depends on how you set the QTYTRG form
function parameter. If the item is under dual UOM control, then the secondary lot
quantity defaults based on how you defined the item in the Item Master. If the lot is
under child lot control, you enter the parent lot, and the child lot appears
automatically in the Lot field.
To enter Lot attributes press enter in the Lot field. The Lot Attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot
For more information on Lot Attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
11. Select <Next> to find the another item on this receipt. Choose <Done> to save this
transaction, or <Cancel> to void this transaction.
Inventory Transactions
Mobile Materials Management enables you to perform inventory transactions.
3. Continue entering values for the prompts for the specific transaction that you are
Note: You can set up defaults for transaction type and account
using form function parameters.
Inventory Receipts
You can perform alias receipt transactions, and miscellaneous receipt transactions. An
account alias is an easily recognized name or label representing a general ledger
account number. You can use the account alias instead of an account number to refer to
the account. Miscellaneous receiving transactions enable you to receive material from
groups that are not inventory, receiving, or work in process.
3. Select either Alias Receipt to create an alias receipt, or Misc Receipt to create a
miscellaneous receipt.
Depending on your choice, either the Alias Receipt or Miscellaneous Receipt
window appears.
4. Enter or select the account number that is used for this receipt transaction in the
Acct field.
5. Enter, select from the list of values, or scan the item number in the Item field
When this data is entered, the item description and unit of measure appear.
Note: The project and task fields appear only if you are in a
project-enabled organization.
7. Enter the subinventory and, if applicable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc
fields. Enter the quantity in the Qty field.
8. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM control,
then the secondary UOM and quantity is supplied automatically depending on how
you define the item in the Item Master.
9. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select, or scan the
first lot, and enter a quantity. The system displays either the remaining quantity to
receive or the total quantity received to date. This depends on how you set the
QTYTRG form function parameter. If the lot is under child lot control, you enter the
parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
can receive any quantity in to the locator as long as no reservation
exists, and you receive the entire lot quantity in to the same locator.
You can continue to receive the lot into an existing indivisible lot
provided that it is in the same locator. If the lot exists in a locator,
To enter lot attributes press Enter in the Lot field. The lot attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot.
For more information on Lot Attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide.
10. If you set the Auto Create Lot UOM Conversions to Yes, you can create a new lot
conversion for a dual unit of measure controlled item if the units of measure in
different UOM classes. The system creates the units of measure bases the
conversion on the transaction quantity.
12. Select <Save/Next> to transact another item, <Done> to save this transaction, or
<Cancel> to void this transaction.
Related Topics
Defining Account Aliases, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Performing Miscellaneous Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Inventory Issues
You can perform alias issue transactions and miscellaneous issue transactions. An
account alias is an easily recognized name or label representing a general ledger
account number. You can use the account alias instead of an account number to refer to
the account. Miscellaneous issue transactions enable you to issue material to groups
that are not inventory, receiving, or work in process.
3. Select either Alias Issue to create an alias issue or Misc Issue to create a
miscellaneous issue.
Depending on your choice, either the Alias Issue or Miscellaneous Issue window
4. Enter or select the account number to use for this issue transaction in the Acct field.
5. Enter, select from the list of values, or scan the item number in the Item field.
When this data is entered, the item description and unit of measure appear.
6. If applicable, enter the project and task information in the Project and Task fields.
The Project and Task fields appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
7. Enter the subinventory and, if applicable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc
fields. Enter the quantity in the Qty field.
9. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select, or scan the
first lot, and enter a quantity. The system displays either the remaining quantity to
issue, or the total quantity issued to date. This depends on how you set the
QTYTRG form function parameter. If the lot is under child lot control, you enter the
parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: Even if you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, you
can issue a partial quantity of the lot as long as no reservation
exists. Miscellaneous and account alias issues are allowed for
partial quantities of individual lots.
To view the lot attributes press Enter in the Lot field. The lot attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot
For more information about Lot Attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
11. Select <Save/Next> to transact another item, <Done> to save this transaction, or
<Cancel> to void this transaction.
Related Topics
Defining Account Aliases, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Performing Miscellaneous Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Inventory Transfers
You can transfer material within your current organization between subinventories, or
between two locators within the same subinventory. If an item has a restricted list of
subinventories, you can only transfer material from and to subinventories on that list.
2. Select Transfers.
7. If applicable, enter the project and task information in the Project and Task fields.
The Project and Task fields appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
10. Enter the quantity to transfer in the Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM
control, then the secondary UOM and quantity are supplied automatically
depending on how you define the item in the Item Master and if you set the form
function parameter to display the secondary UOM.
11. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select, or scan the
first lot, and enter a quantity. The system displays either the remaining quantity to
transfer, or the total quantity transferred to date. This depends on how you set the
QTYTRG form function parameter. If the lot is under child lot control, you enter the
parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
To view attributes choose <View Lot Attributes> The lot attributes are as
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot.
For more information about Lot Attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
• Carrier
• Waybill
Subinventory Transfer
3. Enter, select from the list of values, or scan values for item number, subinventory,
and locator (if locator controlled).
4. If applicable, enter the project and task information in the Project and Task fields.
The Project and Task fields appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
5. Enter the quantity to transfer in the Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM
control, the secondary UOM and quantity are supplied automatically depending on
how you define the item in the Item Master.
6. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select, or scan the
first lot, and enter a quantity. The system displays either the remaining quantity to
transfer, or the total quantity transferred to date. This depends on how you set the
QTYTRG form function parameter. If the lot is under child lot control, you enter the
parent lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
cannot transfer a partial lot quantity.
To view lot attributes select <View Lot Attributes> The lot attributes are:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot.
For more information about lot attributes see Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide.
3. Select <Query> to search for the move order, or <Cancel> to void this transaction.
If the move order is not allocate, the Allocate Line page appears. You must allocate
the move order line before you can transact the allocations in the Move Allocations
If the move order has been allocated, the Move Order Allocation page appears.
4. Select <Allocate> to create the allocations, <Next> to find the next record that
fits this query, or <Cancel> to void this query.
When you select <Allocate>, the Move Order Allocation window appears. The
field information displays from your query, including move order number, line
number, item, subinventory (From and To), and required quantity for this move
5. Enter the item number in the first Confirm field to validate this item number for the
6. If applicable, enter the project and task information in the Project and Task fields.
The Project and Task fields appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
7. Enter the From Subinventory value in the second Confirm field to validate the
inventory location that you are transferring from.
The UOM and available quantity appear. If the item is under dual UOM control the
secondary unit of measure and secondary available quantity appear if you set the
form function parameter to yes.
8. In the third Confirm field, enter the quantity that you want to transfer. If the item is
under dual UOM control, you must also confirm the secondary quantity.
9. If the item is under lot control, you must confirm the lot quantity, and secondary lot
quantity if the item is under dual UOM control.
10. Optionally, enter a reason code for the transaction in the Reason field.
11. Select <Save/Next> to save your work. If there is another item that fits your
query, it appears. Otherwise the Transfers menu appears.
Related Topics
Overview of Move Orders, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
If this move order number is not allocated, the Allocate action displays on the
You can define the order of allocations by defining the picking order for
subinventory and locator.
The field information that you must confirm appears including item, from and to
subinventory and locator, and required quantity. You can enter the system
suggested quantity or a quantity less than the suggested quantity, but you cannot
change the suggested destination subinventory or locator.
Related Topics
Overview of Move Orders, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Setting Up Move Orders, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
3. Enter the owning party and/or planning party in the Owng Party and/or Plng Party
7. Enter the Quantity to receive in the Qty field. If the item is under dual unit of
measure control, the secondary UOM and quantity populate automatically
depending on how you define the item in the Item Master.
8. If the item is lot, serial, or lot and serial controlled, you can enter, select, or scan the
first lot, and enter a quantity. The system either displays the remaining quantity to
receive, or the total quantity received to date. This depends on how you set the
QTYTRG form function parameter. If the lot is under child lot control, you enter the
Parent Lot, and the child lot appears automatically in the Lot field.
Note: If you set Lot Divisible to no on the Item Master, then you
cannot transfer a parti
To view Lot attributes press enter in the Lot field. The Lot Attributes are as follows:
• Lot
• Status
• Expiration Date
• Grade
• Expiration Action
• Retest Date
• Hold Date
• Mature Date
• Supplier Lot.
For more information on Lot Attributes see, Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide
Inventory Replenishment
Oracle Mobile Materials Management enables you to manage your inventory levels
using any combination of the system planning and replenishment features, including
min–max planning, kanban replenishment, and generating manual move orders.
You can use min-max planning, replenishment counting, and kanban replenishment to
automatically create pre–approved move orders. These processes generate move orders
based on the replenishment source type. Four sources for replenishing inventory are
where Make/Buy flag = Buy
A Kanban system is a self-regulating pull system that is typically applied to items that
have relatively constant demand.
To replenish inventory:
1. Navigate to the Materials Management menu, and select Inventory.
2. Select Replenishment.
The Replenishment menu appears. Three types of replenishment are available using
move orders, kanban, and automatic kanban replenishment.
4. Enter values for the prompts that are specific to the transaction you are performing.
Note: The move order is automatically generated when you run the
Min/Max planning report.
3. If you selected Replenish, the Replenish Card window appears. The mode is Verify.
Enter a kanban card number in the Card Num field.
This mode lets you verify the kanban card before you replenish it.
6. If you selected Auto Replenish, the Replenish Card Query window appears. The
mode is Automatic. Enter a kanban card number in the Card Num field.
The Auto Replenish option automatically replenishes the card once you scan or
enter the kanban card number.
Note: This option does not let you verify the replenishment details
when the kanban card is replenished.
9. If you selected Move Order, the Query Kanban Cards Card window appears. Enter
a kanban card number and Select<Query>.
Related Topics
Generating Replenishment Move Orders, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Kanban Replenishment, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Oracle Mobile Materials Management provides windows to perform cycle counting and
complete physical inventory functions.
You can perform cycle counting instead of taking complete physical inventories to
verify inventory quantities and values. Accurate system on-hand quantities are essential
for managing supply and demand, maintaining high service levels, and planning
You can also perform replenishment counts that you have previously defined in the
inventory desktop.
Cycle Counting
Cycle counting is the periodic counting of individual items throughout the course of the
year to ensure the accuracy of inventory quantities and values. You can also perform a
full physical inventory to reconcile system maintained item on-hand balances with
actual counts of inventory; however, you cannot perform any transactions in or out of a
subinventory while you conduct a physical inventory. You can perform a normal cycle
count, as well as a serial-triggered cycle count. In a serial controlled environment, you
can enter or scan the serial number of the item, and derive the item, revision, and lot
Before you can use the mobile device to enter cycle count entries, you must complete set
up work in the desk top application. You must set up your ABC classes, and cycle count
header information. See Overview of ABC Analysis, and Overview of Cycle Counting
in the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.
2. Select Counting.
4. Select Normal.
5. Enter the designated name for this inventory count in the Name field.
6. Enter the subinventory, and if applicable, the locator for this inventory count in the
Sub and Loc fields.
7. Enter the project and task information if applicable in the Project and Task fields.
The Project and Task fields appear only if you are in a project enabled-organization.
8. Enter the item number and quantity in the Item and Qty fields. If the item is under
9. Enter the Lot number and Lot quantity in the Lot and Lot Qty fields if applicable.
• If the item is scheduled for multiple serials, the list of values contains the serials
that are scheduled to be counted. If the item is scheduled for a single serial, you
can select the serial from the LOV.
• From the SN list of values, you can select the specific serials that were actually
found during the cycle counting process.
• If the item is scheduled for multiple serials, you are presented with
<Save/Next> to save this serial and get the next serial, <Remove/Next> to
remove this serial and get the next serial, or <Done> to continue.
11. Select <Save/Next> to transact another item, <Done> to save this transaction, or
<Cancel> to void this transaction.
2. Select Counting
4. Select Serial from the Cycle Count or Physical Count page. The Cycle Counting
page appears.
5. Enter the designated name for this inventory count in the Name field.
6. Enter the subinventory, and if applicable, the locator for this inventory count in the
Sub and Loc fields.
9. Enter, scan, or select the remaining serial numbers for the item.
10. Select <Save / Next> to proceed to the next item, and repeat steps five through
Related Topics
See the following topics in the Oracle Inventory User's Guide:
Defining and Running an ABC Compile
Defining ABC Classes
ABC Assignment Groups
Defining ABC Item Assignments
Purging ABC information
Defining and Maintaining Cycle Counting,
Defining Cycle Count Classes
Cycle Count Items
Serialized Cycle Counting,
7. Enter the project and task information, if applicable, in the Project and Task fields.
The Project and Task fields appear only if you are in a project-enabled organization.
10. Enter the Quantity in the Qty field. If the item is under dual UOM control, the
system may display the secondary UOM and secondary quantity. To display the
Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, you must set a form function parameter. If you set the
form function parameter to display the Sec Uom and Sec Qty fields, then you can
modify them based on the parameters that you set on the Item Master. See
Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide for more information
13. Enter the remaining serial numbers for the item if applicable.
14. Select <Save/Next Item> to enter the count information for another item.
3. Select Serial
8. Scan, enter or select the SN (serial number). If you select the serial number from the
list of values, the Serial Number page appears.
The item information including the lot, and project information are populated if
9. Enter, scan, or select the remaining serial numbers for the item.
10. Select <Save/ Next> to proceed to the next item, and repeat steps five through
Related Topics
See the following topics in the Oracle Inventory User's Guide:
Overview of Physical Inventory
Taking a Snapshot of Inventory Quantities
Generating Physical Inventory Tags
Replenishment Counting
You can use a mobile device to perform a replenishment count defined on the inventory
desktop. You can enter either the on-hand quantity, or order quantity depending on the
line type.
• Enter Order Quantity: You can enter the order quantity regardless of the min-max
• Enter On-Hand Quantity: You enter the on-hand quantity at the locator, and the
system determines whether a replenishment count is necessary. The system
compares the on-hand quantity value you enter to the minimum quantity, and
creates a requisition to bring the on-hand value up to the maximum quantity if the
on hand value is lower than the minimum. This option is available only for non-qty
tracked subinventories
Note: Count types Order Max and Order PAR are not available for the
mobile device. You must use the desktop windows to perform these
count types.
3. Optionally, enter or select the subinventory. If you select the subinventory from the
list of values, all subinventories that have mobile defined replenishment counts
appear in the list of values.
4. Enter the replenishment count name in the Name field or select it from the list of
5. Select <Count> to count the items listed in the replenishment count. The Enter Repl
Count page appears.
6. Enter the item to count in the Item field. The Min Qty, Max Qty, Count Type, UOM
fields appear as read-only fields.
7. Enter the order quantity in the Quantity field. If you are using Min / Max planning,
the max quantity defaults as the on-hand quantity for the count type.
8. Select <Save/Next to enter another item, <Exit> to save the entered count and
return to the Query Count page, or <Cancel> to cancel the count.
Pick Confirm
Pick wave move orders are pre-approved requests for subinventory transfers to bring
material from the source locations in the warehouse to a staging subinventory. Oracle
Shipping Execution automatically creates pick wave move orders during pick release.
2. Enter the desired move order query criteria. You can use the following criteria to
query pick wave move orders:
• SO Num: The sales order number associated with the Pickwave move order.
3. Select Query.
If the move or order is allocated Move Order Allocation Page appears. If the move
order is not allocated, the Allocate Line Page appears.
5. Enter the subinventory to confirm. You can enter the from subinventory, or select
another subinventory that has on-hand quantities of the item.
6. Enter the quantity to confirm. You can enter the entire required quantity, or a
quantity that is less than the required quantity. If the item is under dual UOM
control, you must confirm both the primary and secondary quantities. You cannot
edit the secondary UOM field. The secondary UOM field appears if you set the
form function parameter to display secondary UOM information.
When you enter a quantity that is less than the system suggested the missing
required quantity, the missing quantity field appears. You are prompted to enter a
quantity, either the quantity difference between the suggested quantity and the
quantity that you confirmed or you can leave the missing quantity field blank. You
can also change the suggested destination subinventory or locator.
If a quantity is missing, the delivery line is split and the missing quantity is
unassigned from the current delivery.
When you leave the missing quantity field blank, a message appears during the
pick confirmation process prompting you if the lines that are not fully picked are
unassigned from the current delivery. If you select Yes, the delivery is split and the
lines are unassigned. If you select No, the Pick Confirm window appears.
8. Enter the lot quantity to confirm if the item is under lot control. If the item is under
dual UOM control, then you must confirm both the primary and secondary lot
3. Enter the desired move order query criteria. You can use the following criteria to
query pick wave move orders:
• SO Num: This is the sales order number that is associated with the Pickwave
move order.
• MO Num: The move order number.
4. If the move order is allocated, the Move Order Allocation page appears and
highlights the SN (serial number) field automatically. If the move order is not
allocated, the Allocate Line Page appears.
Mobile Shipping
Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Application has two shipping modes, Quick Ship and Ship
Confirm. Quick Ship enables you ship confirm an entire delivery at once without
having to verify item information. Ship Confirm prompts you to enter the delivery and
each item to ship within the delivery. You can adjust the shipped quantity for each item
and you can generate serial numbers
You can automate the shipping process for some sales orders that meet a specific
criterion in the Quick Ship menu option. You can ship confirm all lines on a particular
delivery number if:
• All sales order lines for that delivery are staged.
• No serialized items are on the sales order lines that require serial number
generation at the time of issue.
2. Select Picking/Shipping.
Ship Confirm
Ship confirm is the process of recording items that have shipped. The difference
between Ship Confirm and Quick ship is that you enter the information of what you
want shipped, rather than automatically shipping all items on the delivery. When you
ship confirm a delivery, Oracle Shipping Execution confirms that the delivery lines
associated with the delivery have shipped. See Overview of Ship Confirm, Oracle
Shipping Execution User's Guide.
2. Select Picking/Shipping.
4. Enter the delivery number and item to query the ship confirm record.
5. Select <Find Lines> to search for the delivery line, SN Req'd Lines to find
delivery lines that require serial numbers at the time of issue, or <Cancel> to void
this query.
The SN Req'd Lines option accesses any lines in the delivery that have items
serialized at sales order issue. The serial numbers are created for these items during
the ship confirmation process. When this option is selected, the line window is
accessed to confirm the quantities and to enter the serial numbers.
6. Select <Find Lines> to query the delivery line, or <Cancel> to void this query.
If you selected <Find Lines>, the Ship Confirm window appears.
7. Enter the item number in the Confirm field to validate that this is the item you want
to ship. The required quantity is defaulted. You can enter the quantity you want to
ship in the Ship Qty field. If the shipped quantity is less than the required quantity,
you can enter the remaining quantity as missing quantity or you can leave the
missing quantity blank. If you entered a missing quantity, the delivery line for the
original quantity is split and the missing quantity is unassigned from the current
If you leave the missing quantity field blank and the shipped quantity is less than
the required quantity, the system prompts you with a warning message. You have
two options: Return to Stock, by which the unshipped quantity is split into a new
delivery line, The reservations for the new line are removed and the material is now
available as on-hand quantity. The delivery line status is changed from Staged to
Backordered; Delay Shipment, by which the delivery for the original quantity is
split into two, one for the shipped amount and the other for the difference, and the
second line is assigned to a new delivery. The system creates a new delivery line
number and assigns it to this line. You can then ship this new line separately on this
new delivery.
If the item is under dual UOM control, you must also confirm the secondary
8. Select <Done> to save this transaction, <Find More> to search for other lines on
the ship confirm record, or <Cancel> to void this transaction.
Related Topics
Releasing Sales Orders for Picking, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide
Overview of Material Pick Waves, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Pick Release, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide
Overview of ship Confirm, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide
Labels can be printed manually or automatically at various transaction points.
The Labels menu enables you to submit requests to print labels. Five types of labels are
available in the Mobile Material Management application, including material, serial
number, location, shipping, and shipping content.
• Meet customer-specific needs for bar code labels for both products and containers.
• Produce partner-compliant shipping labels that are specific to the carrier and
• Setting Up Labels
• Label data
• Symbol content
The compliance labeling features enable all of these requirements to work together to
meet your guidelines. The system supports the following label types:
• Materials label: Provides information about an item, including the lot information,
if applicable.
• Shipping label: Provides information for an outbound shipment. It does not include
information about the contents of the shipment, but includes only addresses and
information that are pertinent to the shipment itself.
• Flow Content label: Provides information for flow components. It includes the
component number, serial, lot, job number, assembly number, and start date.
• Process Sample label: Provides sample information if the material requires a quality
test. It includes: intermediate product code, intermediate product description,
sample number, parent lot, child lot, quantity, date sampled, date of manufacture
(lot creation date, expiration date, hazardous material class, and notes
Setting Up Labels
Setting up labels involves the following tasks:
• Defining label formats
Replenish Yes No No No No No
ment drop
Cycle Yes No No No No No
Physical Yes No No No No No
Miscellane Yes No No No No No
Inter-org Yes No No No No No
Subinvento Yes No No No No No
ry transfer
Serial No Yes No No No No
Dynamic No No Yes No No No
Process No No No Yes No
Process No No No No Yes
2. In the Label Type field, use the list of values to select the label type for which you
want to define label formats.
3. In the Label Formats region, Name field, enter a name for the label.
This name should be the name that is recognized by the third-party printing
4. In the Description field, enter an optional description to describe this label format.
5. In the Disable Date field, enter an optional date on which this label format can no
longer be used.
Note: You can specify only one label format as the default label.
7. Save your work, and click the Label Fields button to open the Define Label Field
Variable window.
2. In the Field Variable Name field, enter a unique text string to use as the identifier in
the XML data that is produced by Mobile Supply Chain Applications.
3. In the Description field, enter an optional description for the field variable name.
2. In the left panel of the window, expand the Business Flows icon to display a list of
3. Select the business flow to which you want to associate a label type.
4. In the Label Type field, use the list of values to select the label type that you want to
associate to the business flow.
Note: The list of values displays only the valid label types for the
business flow.
5. In the Level field, select the level at which you want to control printing for this label
Valid values are Site, Application, Responsibility, and User.
6. In the Value field, select the value for the level that you selected in Step 5.
The Value field is disabled if you selected Site as the level in Step 5.
7. The Enabled check box is automatically selected to indicate that this label type can
be used for generating the label that is associated with the business flow. Clearing
this check box disables this association, and the label type will not be generated for
the business flow.
8. In the Comments field, enter any comments about the association that you just
To print labels:
1. Navigate to the Materials Management menu.
2. Select Labels.
The Label Printing window appears.
3. Enter or select the type of label that you want to print in the Label Type field.
Depending on your selection, prompts specific to that label type appear on the
• Material: Item number, quantity (if there is more than one item per container),
unit of measure, (if a quantity exists ), lot (if item is lot controlled)
• Shipping: Delivery
5. In the Copies field, the default value is 1. If you want more than one label, enter that
6. After you enter the label information, select <More> to print another label with this
label type, <Done> to save this transaction, or <Cancel> to void this transaction.
Related Topics
Assigning Labels to Printers, Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Manual
Choosing Printers for Shipping Documents and Labels, Oracle Order Management Suite
Implementation Manual
Item Inquiry
The Item Inquiry allows you to view detailed information about an item such as the
on-hand quantity, packed quantity, loose quantity, and unit of measure.
2. Select Inquiry.
Inquiry Page
4. In the Item field, enter the item number, or use the list of values.
The description appears for this part number.
7. Enter the subinventory and the locator values if you want to restrict the search
The Inquiry window appears with the UOM, quantity on-hand, and quantity
available. If the item is under dual UOM control, then the system displays the
secondary UOM, secondary on-hand quantity, and secondary quantity available.
Locator Inquiry
The Locator Inquiry allows you to query for a particular item within a locator based on
the subinventory, locator, and item information, and view detailed information about
the item such as the on-hand quantity, packed quantity, loose quantity, and unit of
measures in the locator you entered.
2. Select Inquiry.
4. In the Sub field, enter the Subinventory value, or use the list of values.
5. In the Loc field, enter the Locator value, or use the list of values.
6. In the Item field, enter the Item value, or use the list of values.
7. Enter the description value if you want to restrict the search criteria.
8. Select <Find> to view the material details of the items that fit your query criteria.
2. Select Inquiry.
3. Select Kanban.
4. You can define your search criteria by kanban card number, item number, supply
type, project or task.
5. Select <More Info> to view more information about the kanban source including
kanban type and activity, <Next> to find the subsequent items that fit your query
criteria, <Previous> to view the last item that you queried, or <Cancel> to end
this query.
Related Topics
Mobile Inquiries, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide
Overview of Kanban Replenishment, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
• Component return
Related Topics
Wireless Maintenance User Workbench, Enterprise Asset Management User's Guide,
Oracle Enterprise Asset Management User's Guide
Oracle DI Functionality
Oracle Mobile Applications provides DI support for recognition of barcodes containing
DIs and out-of-order scanning.
Field Recognition
Oracle Mobile Applications will recognize a DI that is included in a barcode and
validate that DI with the field that the value is being scanned into. Depending on
whether the DI is flagged to be required, a failed DI validation could result in an error
message to the user.
Hardware Setup
The first step in configuring DI support is to configure the mobile device such to
prebend the Data Stream Indicator to every scan. The Data Stream Indicator should be
an ASCII control character (non-printable character). All the devices that are certified
with Oracle Mobile Applications support this type of configuration. Most scanners can
be configured by scanning configuration barcodes, navigating to a configuration menu
through the device keypad, or by using a remote configuration tool.
The default Data Stream Indicator is ASCII 28 – File Separator. Unless there is a reason
why this ASCII control character cannot be used, it should be used as the Data Stream
Indicator. However, any ASCII control character may be used as the Data Stream
Indicator except for Backspace (8), Horizontal Tab (9), Line Feed (10), Vertical Tab (11),
Form Feed (12), Carriage Return (13), Shift Out (14), Shift In (15) or Escape (27).
Applications Setup
DI information is stored in the same place that the field labels for the mobile forms are
stored – the AK Dictionary. This is the same place that changes can be made to the field
labels that show up on the mobile forms if larger, smaller, or more descriptive field
labels are required. To access the AK Dictionary, you must log onto Oracle Applications
on the desktop and access the responsibility AK Developer. Contact your system
administrator if this responsibility is not assigned to your user.
All three profiles can be set at the site level and are applicable to both Oracle Mobile
Supply Chain Applications and Oracle Warehouse Management. The character
indicated by these profile options will be interpreted as a carriage return, allowing a
single scan to populate two different fields on the mobile device.
Cons / VMI Issue Inventory > Issues > Cons / VMI Issue
Cons / VMI Receipt Inventory > Receipts > Cons / VMI Receipt
Cycle Counting Inventory > Counting > Cycle Count > Normal
Query Kanban Cards Inventory > Replenishment > Kanban > Move
Query Move Order Xfe Inventory > Transfers > MO Sub Transfer
Serial Cycle Count Inventory > Counting > Cycle Count > Serial
Serial Physical Count Inventory > Counting > Physical Count >
Serial Sub Transfer Inventory > Transfers > Serial Sub Transfer
Note: You can only access LPN transactions if you logged on using the
Whse Mgmt responsibility.
Complete Assy Assy & Material Txn > Complete Assy >
Flow Completion by Assembly Flow Txn > Flow Completion > By Assembly
Flow Completion by Schedule Flow Txn > Flow Completion > By Schedule
Flow Scrap by Assembly Flow Txn > Flow Scrap > By Assembly
Flow Scrap by Schedule Flow Txn > Flow Scrap > By Schedule
Issue Txn Assy & Material Txn > Material Txn > Issue
LPN Assy Compl w/ Drop LPN Txn > Assy Compl w/ Drop
LPN Flow Completion LPN Txn > Flow / Work Order-Less > Flow
LPN Flow Compl w/ Drop LPN Txn > Flow / Work Order-Less / Flow
Compl w/ Drop
LPN Serialized Assy Completion LPN Txn > Serialized Assy Compl
LPN Serialized Assy Completion w/ Drop LPN Txn > Serialized Assy Completion w/
LPN WOL Completion LPN Txn > Flow / Work Order-Less > WOL
LPN WOL Compl w/ Drop LPN Txn > Flow / Work Order-Less > WOL
Compl w/ Drop
Move and Complete Assy & Material Txn > Complete Assy > Move
and Complete
Negative Issues Assy & Material Txn > Material Txn >
Negative Issue
Negative Return Assy & Material Txn > Material Txn >
Negative Return
Print Labels Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Print Labels
Reject Assy Assy & Material Txn > Reject Assy > Reject
Return Assy & Material Txn > Material Txn > Return
Return and Move Assy & Material Txn > Return Assy > Return
and Move
Return Assy Assy & Material Txn > Return Assy > Return
Return from Reject Assy Assy & Material Txn > Reject Assy > Return
from Reject
Return from Scrap Assy & Material Txn > Scrap Assy > Return
from Scrap
Scrap Assy Assy & Material Txn > Scrap Assy > Scrap
Serialized Complete Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Complete
/Return Assy> Complete Assy > Complete
Serialized Issue Txn Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Material Txn
> Issue
Serialized Move and Complete Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Complete /
Return Assy > Complete Assy > Move and
Serialized Move Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Move Assy
Serialized Reject Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Scrap /
Reject Assy > Reject Assy > Reject
Serialized Return Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Material Txn
> Return
Serialized Return and Move Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Complete
/Return Assy> Return and Move
Serialized Return from Reject Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Scrap /
Reject Assy > Reject Assy > Return from Reject
Serialized Return from Scrap Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Scrap /
Reject Assy > Scrap Assy > Return from Scrap
Serialized Scrap Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Scrap /
Reject Assy > Scrap Assy > Scrap
Serialized Return Assy Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Complete
/Return Assy> Return
Serial Status Serialized Assy & Material Txn > Serial Status
View Flow Schedule View Job / Flow Schedule > Flow Schedule
WOL Return from Scrap Work Order-Less > Return from Scrap
Move orders, 6-44, 6-48 checklist, 3-3
Move transactions, 4-4 currencies, 3-4
data identifiers, A-3
N flowchart, 3-2
flow manufacturing, 3-4
Navigating, 2-4
hardware, A-3
function key default values, 2-5
inventory, 3-4
list of values, 2-5
key flexfields, 3-4
mobile applications server, A-3
organizations, 3-4
Organizations purchasing, 3-4
setup, 3-4 quality, 3-4
Overview, 1-1 related product setup steps, 3-2
Mobile Manufacturing, 4-2 set of books, 3-4
Mobile Materials Management, 6-2 shipping execution, 3-4
Mobile Quality, 5-1 work in process, 3-4
Setup flow chart, 3-2
P shop floor management, 1-6
Parameters Skip lot, 5-7, 5-15
defining, 3-7 viewing results, 5-12
Physical inventory, 6-63 Standard receipts, 6-2
Physical inventory counts, 6-58
Pick Confirm, 6-69 T
Picking and Shipping Items, 6-68 Transactions, 4-45
assembly, 4-3
R serial, 4-25, 4-26
Receiving counting, 6-58
internal requisitions, 6-15 flow manufacturing, 4-49
internal shipments, 6-8 inventory, 6-28
purchase orders, 6-3 issue, 6-33
RMA, 6-12 material, 4-21
standard receipts, 6-3 serial, 4-38
transactions, 6-2 move, 4-4
Receiving transactions, 6-2 move completion, 4-8
Rejection transactions, 4-13 receipt, 6-29
Replenishment, 6-52 reject, 4-17
Replenishment counting, 6-66 resource, 4-52
Resource transactions, 4-52 return, 4-9, 4-16
Return assemblies, 4-16 return from rejection, 4-19
scrap, 4-13
S Transfer move orders, 6-44
Transferring material, 6-37
Sampling, 5-12, 5-15
Scanning, A-2
Bills of Material, 3-4 viewing
calendars, 3-4 kanban information, 6-91
item information, 6-87
location information, 6-89
Viewing job and assembly information, 4-42
work order-less, 4-45
Work order-less transactions, 4-45